
Review Article

Yojana Chatuska

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 9 SEPTEMBER

Efficacy of Yojana Chatuska

Deshmukh BN1*, Mishra BR2

1* Bharati N Deshmukh, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Post Graduation Ayurved Samhita and Siddhant, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

2 Brijesh R Mishra, Principal and HOD, Department of Post Graduation Ayurved Samhita and Siddhant, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

Introduction: This nectar of knowledge has been stored by Acharya Charaka in very beautiful way i.e. Chatushka methodology. The Chatushkas are not just presenting a unique scribing methodology but are the evidences of the practical approach of Charaka Samhita as a text of Kayachikitsa School of thoughts. Each Chatushka is very important in its place but the Yojana Chatushka offers uniqueness in conjoining all of them, though placed at 6th place. It presents draft of Yuktivyapasraya Chikitsa and states the Roga Bhesaja Yojana and hence acquaints the superior position as in context with Charakastu Chikitsa.

Aim: To study the Yojana Chatushka as per Ayurvedic classical texts.

Objectives: Conceptual study of Yojana Chatuska.

Material and Methods: Ayurvedic text, Ayurvedic Samhita, Published article are review for compilation and analysis of the concept.

Discussion and conclusion: The utilization and application of Bhesaja (drug) on disease with respect to Kala Prakruti etc. Thus the word Yojana has much more broader aspect as it is used as the synonym of Chikitsa. Yojana Chatushka makes the person to understand the use of Yukti in treatment point of view.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Chatushka, Yojana Chatushka

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Bharati N Deshmukh, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Post Graduation Ayurved Samhita and Siddhant, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Deshmukh BN, Mishra BR, Efficacy of Yojana Chatuska. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(9):215-218.
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© 2024by Deshmukh BN, Mishra BRand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ayurveda is a science based on ancient Indian Philosophy. It can appropriately called as “the science of living”. Ayurveda has been in existence since the beginning of time. Which is dealing with all aspects of life is said to be eternal. The ancient literature of ayurveda is in the form of Samhitas and Vedas. The term Samhita means complete collection of valuable knowledge.

Charak Samhita is an ancient Indian Ayurvedic text on internal medicine written by Acharya Charak. Charak Samhita which is a collection of various basic principles, healthy advises & directions, Teaching & Research methodology, anatomy & physiology of body, pharmacological actions of various drugs, description of Preventive, Promotive & Curative aspects of various diseases along with Panchakarma Chikitsa etc.

चतुष्काणां महार्थानां स्थानेऽस्मिन् सङ्ग्रहः कृतः|
श्लोकार्थः सङ्ग्रहार्थश्च श्लोकस्थानमतः स्मृतम्|| च सु 30/46||

The quadruplets (Chatuska) having deep significance have been compiled together, this section called as Shlokasthana. because of its praise- worthy position and compilatory character. Charak Samhita is the only one with Shloksthana instead of Sutrasthana. the verses are primarily divided into groups of 4 Adhyayas. Each set present a chain of 4 chapters with the string of same topic. technically called as Chatuska methodology.

The Chatuskas are the beautiful flowers decorated in the garland of Sutrasthana. The Slokasthana is explained as head or Uttamanga of the text. In this verse the Chatushkas are donated as Madhura = Maha + Artha. The Maha and Artha both terms elaborate the vitality of Chatushkas more than that the Artha is a synonym of heart this word appropriately narrates the exact position and importance of Chatushka in Samhita.

There are 7 Chatuska in Charak Sutrasthan which is called as Saptchatuska .and rest 2 Adhyayas are called Sangrahdvaya Adhyayas. Each Chatushka is very important in its place but the Yojana Chatushka offers uniqueness in conjoining all of them, though placed at 6th place. It presents draft of Yuktivyapasraya Chikitsa and states the Roga, Bhesaja, Yojana and hence acquaints the superior position as in context with Carakastu Chikitsa.

This aspect of revealing the significance of Dusya along with other miscellaneous factors which are necessary parts of Chikitsa are dealt in the Vidhisonitiya Adhyaya so it gain a special attention. This whole Chatushka reveals the two types of etiopathogenesis and the treatment Santarpana and Apatarpana possessing the footings in the nativity of Agnisamya Siddhanata, which is the Sarvatantra Siddhanata of Ayurveda Sastra.

The Sadupakramas are also included under the umbrella of these two Upakramas and all the Dosaja Vyadhi could be explained and treated on this basis, but still one group of diseases remain which needs special elaboration and those are Raktasrita Vikara. Yojana Chatuska fulfils this meaning as it comprehence and deals with the different aspects of Chikitsa.

Aim and Objective

Aim: To study the Yojana Chatushka as per Ayurvedic classical texts.

Objective: Conceptual study of Yojana Chatushka

Materials and Methods

Ayurvedic text, Ayurvedic Samhita, published article are review for compilation and analysis of the concept.

Yojana Chatuska

The Yojana Chatushka implying Yukti includes the four chapters.

अष्टौनिन्दितसङ्ख्यातस्तथा लङ्घनतर्पणे|
विधिशोणितिकश्चैव व्याख्यातास्तत्र योजनाः|| च सु 30/41||

1. Astauninditiya
2. Langhanabrihaniya
3. Santarpaniya
4. Vidhisonitiya

1. Astaunindatiya Adhyaya: describes eight types of people who are marginalized in the society due to their physical features which is Atidirgha (very tall), Atihrasva (very short), Atiloma (very hairy), Aloma (non hairy) Atikrisna (very black), Atigaura (very white) Atisthoola (very obese) Atikrisha (very thin). Out of these eight only two i.e., Atisthoola (very obese), Atikrisha (very thin) are described in detail because of their clinical significance along with their symptomatology and treatment.

2. Langhana brihaniya Adhyaya: describe six types of treatment that is Langhana (thinning therapy), Brihana (nourishing therapy), Snehana (lubrication), Swedana (sudation), Rukshana (drying therapy) and Stambhana (with holding therapy). out of these six mainly two therapies i.e Langhana and Brihana have been described in detail.

3. Santarpaniya Adhyaya: deals with the diseases caused due to over nourishment or under nourishment along with their treatment.

4. Vidhishonitiya Adhyaya: deals with the disease that are not cured by any of the above mentioned therapies and termed as disease due to vitiation of Rakta (blood) such disease along with their etiology, symptomatology and treatment. Description of causes, features and treatment of Mada, Murchha, and Sanyasa have been described in this chapter.

'Yojana' word is derived from the root, Yuj - meaning to unite Union, Connection. The Roga Bhesaja Yojana is stated in Yojana Chatushka. The utilization and application of Bhesaja (drug) on disease with respect to Kala Prakrti etc. factors is Yojana. Thus, the word “Yojana” has much more broader aspect as it is used as the synonym of Chikitsa. Thus, Yojana possesses Adhikara to all over the science.

Yukti which is included as a Pariksha by Charaka and it is his original contribution of inclusion of Yukti as Pramana. This Yukti lies as the Synonym of Yojana. So, one can say that Yojana Chatushka makes the person to understand the use of Yukti.

Yuktitva of Yojana Chatuska:

Yukti is that intellectual exercise which conjoins, edits, aggregates, arranges, relates, co-ordinate scattered components, concepts of an event with each other properly to reference to context for desired effect. With help of Yukti one can read between lines, penetrate through the castle of difficult words Yukti unites all known thing and apply them to know some hidden meaning. To explain and explore the power of application, the Yojana Chatushka is projected.

The Yukti itself has been applied in 3 contexts in Samhita

1. As a Pramana Pariksa
2. As a Paradi Guna
3. As Tantrayukti

The 'Yukti' used to state the broader scope of 'treatment' covering all the 3 stages of time (Past, Present, Future) can be utilized in proving the 'Trikalatva' of Yojana Chatushka. Yukti which is included as a Pariksha by Charaka and it is his original contribution of inclusion of Yukti as Pramana.

This Yukti lies as the Synonym of Yojana. So, one can say that Yojana Chatushka makes the person to understand the use of Yukti. Yukti is that intellectual exercise which conjoins, edits, aggregates, arranges, relates, co-ordinate scattered components, concepts of an event with each other properly to reference to context for desired effect.

With help of Yukti one can read between lines, penetrate through the castle of difficult words Yukti unites all known thing and apply them to know some hidden meaning.

So, to gain "Adhigata Sastrata" Yukti is necessary. The knowledge is fruitless if it is not utilized, so one should know the application of knowledge. To explain and explore the power of application, the Yojana Chatushka is projected.

In Yojana Chatushka there are examples of Bahukaranaja Yukti.

Regarding disease context One disease with many causes are quoted here For Ex.

1. Karsya Ruksana, Langhana, Kriyatiyoga
2. Sthaulya Atisampurana, Guru
3. Raktaja Roga Atilavana, Madya, Viruddhahara, Krodha, etc.
4. Regarding drug context

Many factors associate together to comprise one Yojana For Ex.

1. Langhana Samsodhana, Pipasa, Atapa, Maruta
2. Snehana Dravya Drava, Suksma, Sara, Snigdha Gunatmaka
3. Kharjuradi Mantha Kharjura, Mrddvika, Vrksamla, Dadima, etc.

Scope of Yojana Chatuska

The main objective of Yojana Chatushka is to discuss the Roga-Bhesaja Yojana. In the prior Chatushka, where the 'Roga' is discussed, it is quoted that one should examine the disease and drug prior to prescribe treatment. Thoughtful work is explained in Yojana Chatushka.

Thus, Yojana Chatushka is having a wide field covering from the diagnosis of disease up to knowing the appropriate therapy and application of it as proper management. Thus, the scope of Yojana is Roga Bhesaja, Diagnosis of Disease Therapeutic application, and Examination of Patient.


If we are able to understand the Yojana Chatushka properly. Thus, the proper knowledge of Yojana Chatushka helps in understand the process of manifestation of Concept. Also, the knowledge of Yojana Chatushka is helpful for getting the knowledge of Yukti in everything. The proper knowledge of the Yojana Chatushka helps in understanding the process of manifestation of Concept. The knowledge of Yojana Chatushka is helpful for getting the knowledge of Yukti in everything.


1. Carakasamhitaonline.com
2. Chatuska – An idiosyncratic approach of Charaka Samhita
3. Charak Samhita with Ayurved Dipika commentary of Chakrapani, Chaukambha Surbharti Prakashan. Edition 2021.