A case study of Ayurvedic treatment of Grahani Roga
Mallick P1*, Das R2, Acharya B3
1* Pragayapriyadarshini Mallick, Professor and Hod, Department of Kayachikitsa, Gopabandhu Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Puri, Odisha, India.
2 Rupanjali Das, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Gopabandhu Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Puri, Odisha, India.
3 Bharatilata Acharya, Lecturer, Department of Kayachikitsa, Gopabandhu Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Puri, Odisha, India.
Grahani is an important part of the Mahasrotas (gastrointestinal tract). Grahani and Agni (digestive fire) have an Adhara Adheya Sambandha (mutual relationship). Jathar Agni (digestive fire) governs the process of digestion, supported by the Tridoshas (three bio-humors). Due to a chronic imbalance of the Pachaka Pitta (digestive fire), Saman Vayu (the air entity that aids digestion), and Kledaka Kapha (the type of phlegm involved in digestion), a weak digestive fire (MandAgni) can lead to the release of food in its undigested form (Ama Utpatti), resulting in Grahani Roga. Any individual if suffering from symptoms like alternate passing of hard & loose bowel habits, abdominal pain, passing of foul smelling stool, mucus in faecal matter can be diagnosed as Grahani Roga. In modern science, above symptoms can be correlated with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). In IBS the wall of the intestine becomes sensitive to even mild stimulus which causes excess abdominal cramps & hence the bowel movement alters along with indigestion. In India, IBS affects about 15% of adult population. This paper discusses the pathogenesis of Grahani Roga, a condition linked to impaired digestive function, and presents various treatment modalities, including herbs, Yoga, and lifestyle modifications.
Keywords: Grahani, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS, Duodenal disorder, Case Report
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, Professor and Hod, Department of Kayachikitsa, Gopabandhu Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Puri, Odisha, India.Mallick P, Das R, Acharya B, A case study of Ayurvedic treatment of Grahani Roga. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(10):256-260. Available From https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/3899 |