The word Vyadhikshamatva is first mentioned by Charaka in the Sutrasthana 28 chapter (Chakrpani commentary) while explaining the causation of diseases. The author says that all Doshas are neither of equal strength nor that all bodies are capable of resisting diseases equally. Ayurveda emphasizes the promotion of health through the strengthening of the host’s defences, to act as a resistive force against day-to-day physiological extremes and opportunistic maladies. This force to reckon with, as regards everyday wellness is termed as "Vyadhikshamatva” in Ayurveda.[1] Ayurveda propounds that prevention is an equally important aspect of disease management as a cure. Thus, strengthening the immune system is a natural way to help the body fight against the disease-causing pathogens.[2]
Vyadhikshmatva is a concept described in the classical text of Ayurveda in detail and magnificent way which can be considered equivalent to the modern concept of immunity. Many Acharyas and their commentators had specified various factors in Ayurvedic texts like Sleshma, Bala, Ojas, Hitakar and Ahitkar Aahar, Agni, Rasayana, etc. which help to develop the Vyadhikshmatva.
Aim and Objectives
1. To describe the Vyadhikshmatvae., Ayurvedic immunity.
2. To find out the relevance of Vyadhikshmatva in health
Concept of Vyadhikshmatva[3]
The Vyadhikshmatva is a Sanskrit word Vyadhi (disease) and Kshmatva (suppress or overcome) as Ayurveda stated, Vyadhi is the situation where non-equilibrium between Doshas (physiological factors i.e., Vata, Pitta & Kapha), Dhatus (tissues systems) and Malas (excretory products of body). The normal state of Tridosh (physiological factors i.e., Vata, Pitta & Kapha), is responsible for maintaining physical and psychological health.
The other word, Kshamatva is a derivative of "Kshamussahane” which means to be patient or composed to suppress anger, to keep quiet or to resist. Hence Vyadhikshamatva means the factor that restricts the pathogenesis and suppresses the power of disease.
Acharya Chakrapani Datta, while commenting on Charaka Samhita, gave his view on the term Vyadhikshamatva and explained the term in two divisions, i.e., Vyadhikshamatvam Naam Vyadhibala Nirodhiktvam | Vyadyutpadak Pratibandhkatva Miti || (Ch.Su.28/7, Chakrapani)
1. Vyadhibalanirodhiktvam | It is the capacity to resist the strength of the disease i.e. Improving the strength against a specific disease, which can be achieved by Naimittika Rasayana. It may be correlated with Yuktikritabala or acquired immunity. |
2. Vyadyutpadakpratibandhkatvam | The resisting power of the body is competent enough to prevent the occurrence and re-occurrence of the disease, it may be correlated with Sahaj Bala and innate immunity. |
These subtypes of Vyadhikshmatva combine to form a resistance against many types of disease and help in the health promotion of individuals.
Material and Methods
The material for the review was collected from Ayurveda classical literature, different journals, research papers, health bulletin, and textbooks on Vyadhikshmatva, which have also been reviewed to throw light on the Ayurveda facts regarding health promotion and Vyadhikshmatva.
Health Promotion and Vyadhikshmatva
Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve health, health is subjected to constant change under various influences so it is equally important to maintain and promote health.
Equivalent words for Vyadhikshmatva are Sleshma, Bala, and Ojas these play an important role in the promotion of health which we reviewed in this paper.
Sleshma in normalcy gives strength to the body & known as ‘Bala’. In an abnormal state, it is like mala (excreta), which should be expelled out of the body. This Bala itself is considered an Ojas. The properties of Sleshma are Snigdha, Sheeta, Guru, Manda, Shlakshna, Mrutusana, and Sthira.
Ojas is the essence of seven Dhatus and is responsible for the strength of an individual.