
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 10 OCTOBER

Evaluation of muscular involvement in Yogasana

Samariya S1*, Sarma T2

1* Sonu Samariya, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rachana Sharir, Govt Ayurvedic College, Guwahati, Assam, India.

2 Tikendrajit Sarma, Associate Professor, Dept of Rachana Sharir, Govt Ayurvedic College, Guwahati, Assam, India.

Yoga plays important role in maintaining health and removing morbidity subsequently. All the four components of health i.e., Physical, Psychological, Social and Spiritual enhancement observed through yoga. Asta Pada (eight limb) namely Yama, Niyam, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyan and Samadhi are found in different classics. Even getting Moksha or liberation is an ultimate goal yet earlier step like Yama, Niyama, Asana and Pranayama are extremely beneficial for maintaining normal health. Among all 8 limbs Yoga Asanas are mainly related to clinical and therapeutic aspect. Improvement of muscle tone, muscle power and increase range of motion are noted in Yogasana. In the present research work an attempt has made to observe the involvement of different muscles in 32 Asanas stated by Gherand Samhita as well as 20 Asana in Common Yoga Protocol 2024, by Ministry of AYUSH.

Keywords: Yogasana, Procedure, Group of Muscle, Movement

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Sonu Samariya, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rachana Sharir, Govt Ayurvedic College, Guwahati, Assam, India.
Samariya S, Sarma T, Evaluation of muscular involvement in Yogasana. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(10):43-52.
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© 2024by Samariya S, Sarma Tand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Yoga plays key role in maintaining health as well as improvement of disease too. A total psychological, physiological and morphological enhancement in morbidity has observed since thousands of years ago. Based on 8 limbs i.e., Yama, Niyam, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyan and Samadhi, it bears goals to final attainment of life. Over the decade maximum clinical study are carried out based on Pranayama and Asanas, as these two are prime focus in improvement of quality of health.

Still significance lacuna is observed regarding its mechanism or involvement of human body composition. Muscular tissue of all three types i.e., skeletal, visceral and cardiac are involved in 84 Asanas in different way. In Asana mostly skeletal muscles get involved while in Pranayama visceral and cardiac muscles comes in action. However, the nomenclature of 84 Asanas are seems to compilation of different Yoga classics at different time. In this work an attempt has been made to elucidate the muscle involvement in 32 Asanas stated by Gherand Samhita as well as 20 Asana in Common Yoga Protocol 2024, by Ministry of AYUSH.

Aim and Objective

1. Assessment of muscles involved in yogasana.
2. Evaluation of involvement of core muscles during yogasana procedure.

Materials and Methods

1. 32 Asanas of Gherand Samhita and 20 Asana mentioned in Common Yoga Protocol, 2024 has taken for study.

2. Different steps of Yogasana have been analyzed in the preview of location, action and result.

32 Asana of Gherand Samhita

1.  Siddhasana 2.  Vajrasana 
3.  Virasana 4.  Matysyasnaa 
5.  Utkatasana6.  Padmasana
7.  Swastikasana 8.  Dhanurasana
9.  Matsyendrasana10.  Sankatasana
11.  Bhadrasana 12.  Sinhasana
13.  Mritasana14.  Gorakshasana
15.  Mayurasana16.  Muktasana
17.  Gomukhasana18.  Guptasana
19.  Paschimouutana20.  Kukkutasana
21.  Mandukasana22.  Garudasana
23.  Vrishasana24.  Salabhasana
25.  Makrasana26.  Kurmaasana
27.  Uttanakurma28.  Uttanmanduka
29.  Vrikshasana30.  Ushtra Asana
31.  Bhujang Asana32.  Yoga

Asana of Yoga Protocol

1.  Bhadrasana 2.  Makrasana 
3.  Savasana4.  Vajrasana 
5.  Bhujangasana 6.  Tadasana
7.  Ardh Ushtra Asana 8.  Salabhasana 
9.  Vrikshasana10.  Ushtra Asana 
11.  Setubandhasana 12.  Padahastasana
13.  Sasakasana 14.  Uttanapadasana 
15.  Ardh Chakrasana16.  Uttan Manduk Asana 
17.  Ardh-halasana 18.  Trikonasan
19.  Vakrasana  20.  Pawanmuktasana

Results and Analysis

The core muscles involvement in different Yogasana has elucidated. These are distributed according to 3 poses - Standing, Sitting and Lying.


SNName of AsanaMuscle involvement
1. Tadasana Muscles of back- Erector spinae, Trapezius, Psoas major Muscles of thigh & leg-Quadriceps muscles, Tensor fascia Lata, Gastrocnemius and Soleus
2. Padahasta AsanaMuscles of Arm, Forearm & Hand- deltoid, biceps brachii, Triceps brachii, coracobrachialis, brachioradialis, Lumbrical, Thenar & hypothenar.
Muscles of Back- Upper- Trapezius, Levator Scapulae, Rhomboideus, erector spinae and lower- quadratus lumbar, Iliopsoas Muscles of Thigh & Leg-posterior compartment of thigh and leg
3. Vrikshasana Muscles of back- erector spinae, Trapezius, Psoas major Muscles of arm & forearm- Triceps brachii, Biceps brachii, Coracobrachialis, Brachio radialis, Extensor group of muscles in forearm.
Muscles of chest & abdomen- Serratus anterior, Pectoralis major, Pectoralis minor, and anterior abdomen wall Muscles of thigh, leg & foot -Anterior, Posterior compartment, Adductor group of muscles, Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Flexor digitorum brevis, adductor hallucis, abductor digiti minimi.

4.Ardh Chakra Asana Muscle of Anterior Abdominal wall
Muscles of back- Erector Spinae, Multifidous spinae, Quadratus lumborum, Latissimus dorsi
Muscles of thigh- Anterior and Posterior compartment.
Muscles of Gluteus- Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimi.
5. Virbhadra AsanaMuscles of neck-muscles of anterior and posterior triangle.
Muscles of arm & shoulder - Triceps, Deltoid, biceps, coracobrachialis, brachioradialis and rotator cuff
Muscles of anterior abdominal wall- external oblique, Internal oblique, transversus abdominis,
Muscles of Thigh & Leg-Hamstring, Gastrocnemius
6. GarudasanaMuscles of gluteal & medial compartment of thigh
Muscles of leg- anterior and posterior compartment.
Muscles of shoulder and arm- rotator cuff and deltoid, triceps.
7. TrikonasanaMuscle of Muscles of Shoulder & Arm-Rotator cuff muscles, Deltoid, Triceps brachii
Muscles of forearm- anterior and posterior compartment.
Muscles of triangle of neck- anterior and posterior
Muscles of anterior abdominal wall except rectus
Muscles of leg- posterior compartment
8. Sirsasana Muscles of Posterior triangle of neck
Muscles of Shoulder & Arm- Rotator cuff muscles, Triceps Brachii, Deltoid
Muscles of forearm-flexor group of muscles.
Muscles of Chest & Abdomen- Serratus anterior, Pectoralis major, Pectoralis minor, Rectus abdominis, Transverse abdominis
Muscles of Back- Iliopsoas, spinal extensor
9. Katichakra Asana Muscles of lower back and posterior abdominal wall
Muscles of arm and forearm- anterior and posterior compartment
Muscles of neck- posterior triangle including sternocleidomastoid.


SNAsanaInvolvement of muscles
1. Sukhasana As it is meditating pose it relaxes the muscles of body especially pectoral region, head and neck.
2. Padmasana Muscles of medial and anterior compartment of thigh.
Muscles of posterior compartment of leg
Muscles of lower back and anterior abdominal wall
3. Parvatasana Muscles of anterior abdominal wall and posterior abdominal wall
Muscles of thoracic wall
Muscles of triangle of neck
Muscle of arm- anterior and posterior compartment
Muscles of Thigh & Calf-Hamstrings, Rectus femoris, Gastrocnemius, Soleus
4. KukkutasanaMuscles of Shoulder, Arm, Forearm & Hand- Rotator cuff muscles, anterior and posterior compartment.
Muscles of anterior abdominal wall
Muscles of lower back-Quadratus lumborum, Multifidous spinae
Muscles of Thigh & Leg- hamstrings, Quadriceps, Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Peroneus longus, Tibialis anterior
5. Vajra Asana Muscles of Back- both upper and lower
Muscles of Gluteal & Thigh-Gluteus maximus, Gluteus minims, Gluteus Medius, anterior compartment of thigh
Muscles of leg and ankles - flexor group of muscles, peroneus longus and peroneus brevis
6. Gomukhasana Muscles of Shoulder & arm-Rotator cuff muscles, posterior compartment.
Muscles of back- Trapezius, Erector spinae, Rhomboideus, Subscapularis, Latissimus dorsi
Muscles of thigh & Calf- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius, Soleus
7. Paschimutana AsanaMuscles of back- erector spinae
Muscles of gluteal- gletus maximus
Muscles of thigh & leg- Hamstrings, Quadriceps, posterior compartment of leg
Muscles of abdomen- anterior abdominal wall

8. Mandukasana Muscles of arm- Deltoid, Triceps brachii
Muscles of back- Erector Spinae, Rhomboideus, Latissimus dorsi, Quadratus lumborum, Multifidous spinae.
Muscles of abdomen- anterior abdominal wall
Muscles of thigh- anterior and medial compartment
9.Uttan MandukasanaMuscles of arm and shoulder- triceps and rotator cuff
Muscles of back- latissimus dorsi
Muscles for extensor of hip
10.Bhadrasana Muscles of pelvic floor including muscles of perineum
Muscles of thigh-anterior and posterior
Muscles of knee joint
Muslces of leg- posterior compartment.
Muscles of back-upper and lower.
11.Matsyendrasan Muscles of neck-Sternocleidomastoids, lateral muscles
Muscles of shoulder & Arm- Rotator cuff, Deltoid, Triceps Brachii
Muscles of back-Trapezius, Latissimus dorsi, Erector spinae, Quadratus lumborum, Iliopsoas
Muscles of abdomen- External Oblique, Internal Oblique, Transversus abdominis,
Muscle of thigh- Hamstring, Quadriceps
12Mayurasana Muscle of palm- thenar and hypothenar
Muscles of arm & forearm- anterior compartment
Muscles of shoulder-Rotator cuff muscles
Muscles of back- upper and lower
Muscles of Gluteal.
13.Vakrasana Muscles of neck-Sternocleidomastoid
Muscles of shoulder- roator cuff
Muscles of back- erector spinae
Muscle of abdomen-anterior abdominal wall
Muscles of thigh-lateral compartment-
14.SasakasanaMuscle of back-Trapezius, RhomboideusS, Levator scapulae, Quadratus lumborum, Iliopsoas.
Muscles of gluteal
Muscles of thigh - anterior compartment
Muscles of leg- posterior compartment
Muscles of perineal region
Muscles of abdomen- anterior abdomen wall
Muscles of ankle and plantar extensor
Muscles of neck- anterior and posterior triangle
Muscle of shoulder, Arm & Forearm-Rotator cuff muscles, anterior and posterior compartment
15.MuktasanaMuscles of medial and anterior compartment of thigh.
Muscles of posterior compartment of leg
Muscles of lower back and anterior abdominal
16.SwastikasanaMuscles of back-Rhomboideus, Latissimus dorsi, Erector spinae, Quadratus lumborum, Multifidous spinae
Muscles of Gluteus & thigh- Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Tensor fascia Lata, Hamstring Muscles
17.Sinhasana Fascial muscles- orbicularis occuli, Masseter, Buccinator
Muscles of neck- anterior triangle.
18.Virasana Muscles of back-Erector spinae
Muscles of Gluteal & thigh-Gluteus maximus, posterior compartment of thigh
Muscles of leg- posterior compartment
19.Goraksha Asana Muscles of pelvic floor-Iliococcygeus, Pubococcygeus, Puborectalis
Muscles of hips & gluteal-Gluteus maximus, Gluteus minims, Obturator externus, Adductor longus, Adductor magnus, Adductor brevis, Pectineus
20.Sankatasana Muscles of abdomen- anterior abdomen wall
Muscles of thigh- anterior and posterior compartment
Muscles of leg- posterior compartment

21.Kurmasana Muscles of chest & Abdomen- Serratus anterior, Pectoralis major, Pectoralis minor, anterior abdomen wall.
Muscle of back- lower back
Muscles of foot, ankle, Leg & thigh- Plantar aspect, Gastrocnemius, soleus, Quadriceps
22.Uttana Kurmasana Muscles of neck- posterior triangle
Muscles of thigh- posterior aspect
Muscles of leg- posterior aspect
Muscles of ankle- anterior and posterior
Muscles of abdomen- anterior abdomen wall
Muscles of back- upper and lower
23.SiddhasanaAs it is meditating pose it relaxes the muscles of body special thorax.


SNAsanaInvolvement of muscles
1.Pawanmuktasan Muscles of neck- anterior and posterior triangle
Muscles of hip- flexor group
Muscles of thigh- anterior compartment
Muscles of back, posterior abdominal wall
Muscles of arm0 posterior compartment.
2. Bhujangasana Muscles of neck-Platysma, Sternocleido mastoid
Muscles of back-Trapezius, Rhomboideus, Latissimus dorsi, Levator scapulae, Erector spinae, Quadratus lumborum
Muscles of shoulder & Arm- Rotator cuff, Deltoid, Triceps brachii, Biceps brachii
Muscles of chest- Pectoralis major, Pectoralis minor, Serratus anterior
Anterior abdominal wall-Oblique externus, Transverse abdominis, Rectus abdominis,
Muscles of Gluteal & thigh-Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Adductor magnus, Semitendinosus, Biceps femoris
3. DhanurasanaMuscles of neck-Platysma, Sternocleidomastoid
Muscles of arm & forearm-anterior and posterior compartment.
Muscles of Chest & abdomen- Pectoralis major, Pectoralis minor, Serratus anterior, anterior abdominal wall
Muscles of back-Trapezius, Rhomboideus, Latissimus dorsi, Quadratus lumborum
Muscles of pelvic floor
Muscles of thigh & Leg - Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Gastrocnemius, Soleus
4.HalasanaMuscles of back
Muscles of pelvic floor
Muscles of gluteal
Muscles of thigh- posterior compartment.
5.Ardh Halasana Muscle of back-Trapezius, Rhomboideus, Quadratus, Iliacus, Psoas
Muscles of Gluteal, Thigh & Leg- Gluteus maximus, Gluteus Minims, Gluteus Medius, Hamstring, Gastrocnemius, Soleus
6.SetubandhasanaMuscles of neck - levator scapulae, trapezius, Sternocleidomastoid
Muscles of Shoulder & arm-Rotator cuff muscles, Deltoideus medialis, Triceps Brachii
Muscles of abdomen-oblique externus, Rectus abdominis, Transverse abdominis, Iliopsoas
Muscle of back- Rhomboideus, Latissimus dorsi, Trapezius, erector spinae, Multifidi Spinae
Muscles of Gluteal, thigh & Leg-Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Maximus, Rectus femoris, Sartorius, Vastus intermedius, Vastus lateralis, Biceps femoris
7. Sarvangasana Muscles of shoulder & Arm- Rotator cuff muscles, Triceps Brachii
Muscles of chest & Abdomen-Serratus anterior, Pectoris major, Pectoris minor, Internal oblique, external Oblique, Transverse abdominis, Rectus abdominis
Muscles of back-Latissimus dorsi, Quadratus lumborum
Muscle of Gluteal & Thigh- Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus medius, Sartorius, Vastus Intermedius, Biceps femoris, Rectus femoris.
8.Ushtrasana Muscles of back- upper and lower
Muscles of neck-anterior and posterior triangle
Muscles of thigh- anterior and posterior compartment
Muscles of leg- posterior compartment.
Muscles of ankle
Muscles of Shoulder, arm & forearm-rotator cuff, anterior and posterior compartment
Muscles of Chest & abdomen- thoracic wall and anterior abdominal wall.

9. Ardh Ushtra AsanaMuscles of neck-Platysma, Sternocleidomastoid
Muscles of arm, forearm & hand-deltoid, Triceps brachii, Biceps brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis, Palmaris longus and lumbricals.
Muscles of Chest & abdomen- Pectoralis major, Pectoralis minor, Serratus anterior External Oblique, Internal oblique, Transversus Abdominis, Rectus abdominis
Muscles of back-Trapezius, Rhomboideus, Latissimus dorsi, Quadratus lumborum
Muscles of gluteal, thigh &Leg- Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimi, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Gastrocnemius, Soleus
10.SalabhasanaMuscles of Shoulder & Arm- Rotator cuff muscles, Deltoideus posterior, Triceps brachii, Biceps brachii Abdominal muscle- Obliques internus, Obliques externus, Rectus abdominis, Transversalis abdominis
Muscles of Back- Rhomboideus, Latissimus dorsi, Erector spinae
Muscles of gluteus, Thigh-Gluteus Medius, Gluteus maximus, Quadriceps, Semitendinosus, Soleus
11.MakarasanaMuscles of chest-Iliocostalis thoracis, Longissimus thoracis, Spinalis thoracis, Multifidus, Semispinalis thoracis
Muscles of abdomen anterior abdomen wall
Muscles of shoulder- rotator cuff
Muscles of arm- posterior aspect.
Muscles of back-Latissimus dorsi, rhomboid, Levator scapulae, trapezius
12. Savasana As it is relaxing posture most of the muscles are in inhibitory phase.


In the process of performing Yogasana involved different group of muscles. Here 8 Yogasana found common in Gherand Samhita and common Yoga protocol, 2024. Hence total 44 Asana have observed in this research work. Here Yogasana performed maximum 23 in sitting pose followed by 12 pose in lying and 9 in standing.

Instead of single muscle, muscle in group get used ex-extensor of forearm, rotator cuff of shoulder, hamstrings and adductor group of thigh etc. Present work highlighted the core muscles that may involved in different Asanas. 32 Asana of Gherand Samhita and 20 Asanas of Common Yoga Protocol 2024 by ministry of AYUSH has observed and morphological involvement of all those muscles also noted. During the procedure different part of muscle with its functional aspect are applied. Proximal attachment, distal attachment or whole muscle bulk seem to be in actions. Skeletal muscle when involved, mostly extension and flexion are affected although abduction, adduction and rotation are also involved.

In Visceral muscles which are involuntary in nature affect through contraction and relaxation while Cardiac muscles facilitate pumping action through contractility. Some Asanas involve similar type of muscular involvement ex- Padmasana, Vajrasana, Sukhasana, Siddhasana & Muktasana. The muscle involved in above mentioned Yogasanas shows synergistic application and their modification also highlighted in this work.


Study reveals, in standing poses maximum muscles of back (upper and lower) are involved followed by muscles of Arm and Forearm (anterior compartment), Thigh (anterior and medial compartment), Leg (posterior compartment), Shoulder (rotator cuff), Anterior abdominal wall and triangle of neck.

In 5 identical Asana of sitting poses i.e., Padmasana, Sukhasana, Muktasana, Vajrasana and Siddhasana mostly muscles of pectoral region, head and neck get affected followed by muscles of leg (posterior compartment) and ankle. In lying poses, anterior abdominal wall, muscles of neck, pelvis, gluteal and thigh (posterior compartment) has observed.


1. Swami Digambar ji, Dr. M.L Gharote, Gherand Samhita, kaivalyadham S.M.Y.M Samiti, Lonavala, Maharastra-1997, chapter no-2 Dwitya updesha, page no-36.
2. Common Yoga Protocol (CYP), 2024 by ministry of AYUSH, publisher Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga.
3. Pandit Hari prasad Tripathi, Shiv Samhita, published by Chaukhamba Krishna das Academy, Varanasi-2006, tritya patal, page no- 24,