
Case Report

Smack/Opium Addiction

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 10 OCTOBER

Management of Smack/Opium Addiction through Ayurveda Intervention : A Case Series

Prajapati M1*, Dholariya M2, Gaikwad A3, Garg P4, Sharma A5, Kumawat DK6

1* Mukesh Prajapati, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Agad Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

2 Madhavi Dholariya, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Agad Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

3 Ashwini Gaikwad, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Agad Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

4 Poonam Garg, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Shalya Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

5 Anita Sharma, Professor and HOD, Department of Agad Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

6 Dinesh Kumar Kumawat, Assistant Professor, Department of Agad Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Opium and its derivative addiction are rampant in western Rajasthan, because it is easily available. Opioids, which include heroin (or its impure form, smack or brown sugar), a range of medicinal opioids, are used by about 2.1% of the population in India. Opium was first described by Acharya Bhavprakasha, Properties are Tikta and Kashay Rasa, Laghu, Ruksha, Sukshma, Vyavayi, Vikasi, Vedanasthapana, Nindrajanana, Shothahara and Aakshepahara. The opium-derived addictions withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, chills, body ache, sleeplessness and flu-like symptoms begin, these symptoms can grow severe enough to necessitate emergency medical attention, and in extreme situations, they might have life-threatening consequences for the users a result of respiration depression, and pupil dilation in the later stages.

Diagnosis: The assessment was based on Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (cows) before and after the treatment.

Intervention: Effect have been applied to depict 5 cases of opium addiction in form of series who have been treated with Sameergaja Kerari Rasa in the tapering method (Padanshika Krama) starting with the dose of 375 mg along with Vishatinduka Vati dose of 125 mg twice a day along with Panchakarma procedures, Abhayanga, Swedana and Shirodhara for a period of 1 month.

Result: Reduction in cows scale was observed, about 75-80% of symptoms subsided in all cases and the results have been reported very encouraging within a period of twenty to thirty days.

Conclusion: Ayurveda treatment can be an effective and safe solution for opium/smack addictions.

Keywords: Opium, Smeergaja Keshri Ras, smack addiction, Vishtinduk Vati

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Mukesh Prajapati, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Agad Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Prajapati M, Dholariya M, Gaikwad A, Garg P, Sharma A, Kumawat DK, Management of Smack/Opium Addiction through Ayurveda Intervention : A Case Series. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(10):245-250.
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© 2024by Prajapati M, Dholariya M, Gaikwad A, Garg P, Sharma A, Kumawat DKand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Opium addiction is rampant in western Rajasthan especially in Vishnoi and Jaat community, with custom to feed opium to the guests coming to house as a treat, also it helps in enhancing the labourer working capacity, and this practice has now turned into an addiction. It’s prevalence along the regions of Rajasthan, (8.4 %) Barmer, Jaisalmer (79%) and (6.9%) in Bikaner.[1]

Is typically grown in India. Opioid use is reported in 2.1% of the country's population, with heroin use being highest at 1.14% percent followed by pharmaceutical opioids at 0.96% and opium at 0.52%. Regarding the pattern of use, dependent use is highest among users. The prevalence of opioid use in India is three times the global average. In comparison to 2004, Smack is really dependent. Smacking is prohibited in India.[2] Opioids, which include heroin (or its impure form, smack or brown sugar), opium (or its variations, such as poppy husk known as Doda / Phukki), and a range of medicinal opioids, are used by about 2.1% of the population in India. The plant Papaver somniferous Linn., also known as poppies, Afim, Kasoomba, or Madakchandu, is an annual that produces white or red blossoms on a central bulbous pod. The smell and taste of crude opium are distinctive.[3] Diacetylmorphine, sometimes known as pure smack, is a white, bitter powder that is abused for its euphoric effects. Comparatively speaking smack has two to three times the potency of morphine. Smack is usually smoked, injected, or snorted up the nose. It exhibits euphoric, antianxiety, and analgesic properties.[4] Opium and its poisoning were described in Ayurveda under Aaphuka.[5] Further, opium is described under the heading of Upavisha.[6]

In the classical text of the Ayurveda, opium was first described by Acharya Bhavprakasha, Properties are Tikta and Kashay Rasa, Laghu, Ruksha, Sukshma, Vyavayi, Vikasi, Vedanasthapana, Nindrajanana, Shothahara and Aakshepahara.[7] In Ayurveda, substance abuse is to be identified as per the clinical presentation. The detailed history is to be taken from the accompanying person as well. A thorough mental status examination is done, and based on the severity; a protocol is formulated on an individual basis as per the Ayurvedic examination.

As per the Dosha, a Sodhana-based protocol is framed, followed by Samana, Rasayana, Yoga, Satvavajaya, and even family counselling and support. There is scope for complementary practices to enhance the reported outcome of contemporary management Ayurvedic texts discuss (opium) both therapeutic and poisonous properties. In the present case, the patient was smack addicted for the last 3 years and was suffering from withdrawal symptoms at the time of admission. With the help of the Panchakarma procedure and oral medication, patient’s condition improved within three weeks.

Case Report

Case - 01: A 28 years old male patient was Asymptomatic before 4 years ago he presented on 08/07/2024 at De-Addiction OPD at National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, (RAJ.) with the H/O Smack addiction 10 – 12 cent (~ 1000mg – 1200mg) per day on withdrawal patient complaints of Anxiety, restlessness, body-ache, anorexia, headache, and tremors for more than 5 days, for which he was admitted to the De-Addiction unit.

Case - 02: A 41 years old male patient was Asymptomatic before 5 years ago he presented on 29/07/2024 at De-Addiction OPD at National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, (RAJ.) with the H/O Smack addiction 1- 2 grams per day, since 20 years. on withdrawal patient complaints of Anxiety, restlessness, body-ache, anorexia, watery eye, hoarseness of voice, and hand tremors for more than 1- 2 days, for which he was admitted to the De-Addiction unit.

Case - 03: A 40 years old male patient was Asymptomatic before 8 years ago then presented on 05/02/2024 at De-Addiction OPD at National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, (RAJ.) with the H/O Smack addiction 1gm per day by nasal inhalation, continuously on withdrawal patient complaints of Anxiety, restlessness, severe body-ache, anorexia, headache, loss of appetite, running nose and tremors for more than 5 days, for which he was admitted to the De-Addiction unit.

Case - 04: A 33 years old male patient was Asymptomatic before 6 years ago he presented on 05/08/2024 at De-Addiction OPD at National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, (RAJ.) with the H/O Smack addiction 25 cents (2500mg) per day by nasal inhalation, since 6 years. on withdrawal patient.

complaints of Anxiety, sneezing, restlessness, body-ache, anorexia, watery eye, running nose and constipation for more than 1- 2 days, for which he was admitted to the De-Addiction unit.

Case - 05: A 29 years old male patient was Asymptomatic before 13 years ago he presented on 17/07/2023 at De-Addiction OPD at National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, (RAJ.) with the H/O Smack addiction 75 mg with avil per day by iv injectable, since 3 years. on withdrawal patient complaints of insomnia, nausea, restlessness, body-ache, anorexia, watery eye, running nose and constipation for more than 1- 2 days, for which he was admitted to the De-Addiction unit.

Diagnostic Assessment

After detailed history (table-1) of general examination of patients (table-2), the withdrawal signs and symptoms were assessed on the basis of Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS). As per the COWS readings, the patient had moderate withdrawal symptoms of smack addiction [Table 3]. Thorough counselling of the patient was done on daily basis, with a focus on de-addiction and rehabilitation. The counselling sessions were focused on the harm caused to the individual health, society, and surrounding; the sessions were made more effective by adding meditation and yoga along with the general counselling.

Therapeutic Intervention

The external and internal medications were prescribed as per the withdrawal symptoms of opiate addiction. The external procedures were Shirodhara (~oil dripping on the forehead) with Bhrami Tail and Tila Tail, Sarvanga Abhyanga (~synchronized whole body massage with medicated oil) with Dashmoola Taila and Svedana (~sudation) using Dashmoola Kwatha. The internal medicine namely Vishatinduka Vati, and Sameeragaja Kesari Rasa. [Table no.4]

Follow-up and outcome

At the end of the one - month treatment and one month follow-up all withdrawal symptoms of opiate withdrawal found reduced. The treatment protocol was found safe and effective. No adverse effects were noted during treatment period. The withdrawal symptoms were assessed on basis of COWS at time of admission. Changes in COWS were assessed at regular interval of a week for three weeks.

Moderate withdrawal symptoms of smack were observed when the patient was admitted, mild after two weeks, and negligible after three weeks of management. At the time of discharge, Amlaki Rasayan and Bhrami Vati were prescribed for one month as Rasayna Chikitsa to build the immunity and for longevity. They were healthy both physically and mentally; there Jathragani got ignited with the time, withdrawal symptoms declined, the patient and their attendant were well satisfied. After 21 days, they were discharged and were on follow-up for a period of 45 days of regular follow-up and 60 days telephonically just after the treatment, in which they did not take a smack in any form.

Table 1: Detailed history of patients

DataCase 1Case 2Case 3Case 4Case 5
O.P.D no.3320242924643320243016733320242278823320246494833202300142689
I.P.D no.3473388157239903083
Marital statusMarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarried
OccupationBusinessAuto driverLabourLabourJewellery export
Diet & habitVeg.Veg.Veg.Veg. & non veg.Veg. & nonveg.
AppetiteNormalNormalLoss of appetiteLoss of appetiteLoss of appetite
SleepLoss of sleepLoss of sleepLoss of sleepLoss of sleepLoss of sleep
Treatment historyFresh caseFresh caseFresh caseFresh caseFresh case

*Date of admission

Table 2: General examination of patients

DataCase 1Case 2Case 3Case 4Case 5
Hight [c.m]160172172157.4168
Weight [k.g]6870655055
B.P*[mm of hg]120/80130/80110/80130/84110/80
Pulse rate [per minute]9011010282116
R.R* [per minute]1820182220

*blood pressure, *respiratory rate, *temperature

Table 3: Assessment of Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale

Cows scaleClinical featuresCase 1Case 2Case 3Case 4Case 5
Resting pulse rate1010201120
Pupil size1010001010
Bone and joint ache4121412120
Running nose4020402020
Anxiety or irritability4120402010
Gooseflesh skin3030000030
Total 303243271183222

*5–12: Mild; 13–24: Moderate; 25–36: Moderately Severe; >36: Severe Withdrawal Score. COWS: Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale, *GI: Gastrointestinal

Table 4: Treatment Line Adopted in Patients

Samana YogaDoseDosageDurationRoute of administrationAnupaana
Sameeragaja Kesari Rasa125mg1 tablet tds
1 tablet bd
1 tablet od
1st week
2nd week
3rd week
Per oralLuke warm water
Vishatinduka Vati125mg1 tablet bd15 daysPer oralLuke warm water
External procedure
Sarvang AbhyangaEarly morning daily for 14 days on the whole body with Mahanarayan Taila.
Sarvang SwedanEarly morning daily for 14 days on the whole body with Dashmool Kwath steam
ShirodharaEarly morning daily for 14 days on the head with Brahmi Tail and Tila Tail.

Table 5: Ingredients of Sameera Gaja Kesari Rasa[8]

SNIngredientLatin name/chemical namePart used
1.Shuddha HingulaMercuric sulfidePowder
2.MarichaPiper nigrumFruit
3.Shuddh AhiphenaPapaver somniferum linn.Seed
4.Shuddha KupiluStrychnos nux vomica linn.Seed

Table 6: Pharmacodynamic properties (Ras Panchaka) of Sameera Gaja Kesari Rasa

SNDrugRasaGunaViryaVipakaDoshaja Karma
1.Shuddha Hingula[9]Tikta, Katu KashayaUshna UshnaKatu TridoshaharAgnivardhak, Rasayan, Balya Medhya
2.MarichaKatu Ruksha, TikshanaUshna Madhura Kaph Vaat Shamaka, Swashhara.
3.Shuddh Ahiphena[10]Tikta, KashayaLaghu, Ruksha, SookshmaVyavayiUshna Katu Kaph-Vaat Shamaka Madkari, Grahi, Sukra Sthambhaka
4.Shuddha KupiluKatu Laghu, Grahi, UshnaUshna Katu Kaph- Vaat Shamaka

Table 7: Ingredients of Vistinduka Vati[11]

SNIngredientLatin name / chemical namePart used
1.Shuddha KupiluStrychnos nux vomica linn.Seed
2.MarichaPiper nigrumFruit
3.PugphalAreca catechuFruit
4.Chincha PhalTamarindus indicaSeed

Table 8: Pharmacodynamic properties (Rasa Panchaka) of Vistinduka Vati[12]

SNDrugRasaGunaViryaVipakaDoshaj Karma
1.Shuddha KupiluKatu Laghu, Grahi, UshnaUshna Katu Kaph- Vaat Shamaka
2.MarichaKatu Ruksha, TikshanaUshna Madhura Kaph Vaat Shamaka, Swashhara.
3.PugphalKashya SheetaGuru, Ruksha Sheeta Madhura Deepan Kaph Pitta Shamaka
4.Chincha PhalAmla Laghu Sheeta Madhura Trishna Har, Rochaka, Dahashamak, Agnivardhaka, Vata Shamaka


Addiction to opiates and smack is a serious issue everywhere. It is critical that the families and general practitioners of these individuals comprehend the psychosomatic issues resulting from smack abuse. Kuchla, Pugaphala, Maricha, and Chincha are the four main ingredients of Vishtinduka Vati. Vishatinduka Vati is useful for treating a number of illnesses, including indigestion,

diarrhoea, running nose, appetite loss, and chronic pain conditions like joint and body aches. it is preferred. The principal applications of Sarvanga Abhyanga and Svedana are in Vataroga, Kampa (tremors), and Angmarda (body aches) and joint pain. Since all the above conditions are found in the form of withdrawal symptoms. It is preferred in the present case. Literature also suggested the use of Vishatinduka Vati in opium (smack) addiction.[13] Sarvanga Abhyanga and Svedana are mainly used in Vata Roga, Kampa (~tremors), and Angmarda (~body ache) and are used as Vata Shamaka.[14] Shramahara, Nidrakara, and Vatanashaka are the qualities of Abhyanga that also aid in treating withdrawal symptoms including tremors, sweating, anxiety, and restlessness. The patient began to sleep well after receiving regular doses of formulation that has been found to be beneficial is Sameeragaja Kesari Rasa. It has been found to relieve the following conditions: Asthishoola (pain in the bones), Sandhishoola (pain in the joints), Kampa, Pratishyaya (catarrh), and Ashrustarva (tears). In this instance, the medication was provided as Sameeragaja Kesari Rasa, which included opium as a significant component. According to COWS's observations, the patients experienced total relief from the withdrawals in less than three weeks. Since the analysis of the study data is centred on 5 patients.


Ayurveda treatment is very effective and safe treatment to reduce withdrawal symptoms of opium and its derivatives addiction. The present case series provide prominent evidence that Sameer Gaja Keshri Ras, Vishatinduka Vati, Abhyanga (Mahanarayan Taila), Swedana (Dashmool Kwath) and Shirodhara (Bhrami and Til Tail) have the potential to subside all the above - discussed cases have not presented with no any side effect seen. To make this study more significant, clinical trials need to be conducted on a large population.

Declaration of patient consent

Authors certify that they have obtained patient consent form, where the patient has given his consent for reporting the case along with the images and other clinical information in the journal. The patient understands that their name and initials will not be published and due efforts will be made to conceal their identity, but anonymity cannot be guaranteed.


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