Satvavajaya - An Emerging Boon to Combat Stress
Bijlwan A1*, Karande S2
1* Anjnee Bijlwan, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Kriya Sharir, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evam Anusandhan Sansthan, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
2 Sharad Karande, HOD, Dept of Kriya Sharir, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evam Anusandhan Sansthan, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
The unforgiving pace and complexity in today’s life is greatly challenging our ability to live healthier and fully in the present era. Today the world we live is full of competition and frustration to achieve the desired, leading to emotional stress and strain which adversely affects our physical, mental, social and spiritual health too. As per Acharya Charaka, Chinta (stress) and Ati-Chintanam (overthinking) are the causes of Rasovaha Srotodushti which ultimately become the aetiological factor for many of the diseases. Prolonged or inadequate response to stressors can impair the growth and development of the human body resulting in endocrine, metabolic, autoimmune, and psychological disorders. Number of research shows that untreated chronic stress results in serious health conditions, while finding positive and healthy means to manage it, may reduce the risks. In Ayurveda along with Panchakarma techniques like Shirodhara, Abhyanga etc., Medhya Rasayanas like Shankhpushpi, Brahmi etc., Satvavjaya Chikitsa plays an important role in the management of many mental ailments including stress. The word Satvavjaya constitutes of two words Satva meaning consciousness or mind and Avjaya meaning to conquer or win over. It aims to control mind (Manonigraha) and to restrain it from unwholesome thoughts or perceptions (Ahita Arthas). It is a unique non pharmacological treatment modality which adopts a comprehensive psychosomatic-spiritual approach to maintain the normalcy of mental health. Among all available techniques prevailing for control over mind, yoga offers one of the best methods as it stresses over Chittavritti Nirodha (control of mind from stressful thoughts).
Keywords: Chinta, Atichintanam, Satvavjaya Chikitsa, Manonigraha, Psychosomatic, Stressors
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, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Kriya Sharir, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evam Anusandhan Sansthan, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.Bijlwan A, Karande S, Satvavajaya - An Emerging Boon to Combat Stress. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(10):105-108. Available From |