
Review Article

Niruha Basti

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 10 OCTOBER

Critical Review on Niruha Basti w.s.r. to Charaka Samhita

Banthanal P1*, Kulkarni M2

1* Preeti Banthanal, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Kayachikitsa, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and Hospital, Hubballi, Karnataka, India.

2 Madhusudan Kulkarni, Associate Professor, Dept of Kayachikitsa, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and Hospital, Hubballi, Karnataka, India.

Ayurveda is an ancient Science of medicine. It originates from Atharveda and since Vedic period to till date it's Principles, medicines and treatment modalities like Panchakarma were proved very useful for treatment of various diseases. Among Panchakarma therapies, Basti is a special treatment where it has both preventive and curative perspectives. Basti described as Ardha Chikitsa by Acharya Charaka and also as Poorna chikitsa by other Acharyas. When used properly it promotes Physical strength, Life span, Immunity and Complexion. Among various types of Basti, Niruha Basti is important type described by all Acharyas. The present article is an attempt to compile information about Role of Niruha Basti in different conditions and few of the Niruha Basti Yogas according to Charaka Samhita.

Keywords: Basti, Vasti, Niruha Basti, Basti Yogas, Shodhana Chikitsa, Panchakarma, Ayurveda

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Preeti Banthanal, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Kayachikitsa, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and Hospital, Hubballi, Karnataka, India.
Banthanal P, Kulkarni M, Critical Review on Niruha Basti w.s.r. to Charaka Samhita. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(10):59-64.
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Vasti or Basti is a special treatment of Ayurveda, considered one among Panchakarma therapies. It is a Shodhana Chikitsa where medicated Taila (Oil), Ghrita (Ghee), Kashaya (Decoction) or Ksheera (Milk) are administered through the anal, urinary or vaginal route. As mentioned by Acharya Charaka in Siddhi Sthana the Nirukti of Basti as the drugs administered through anal canal reaches upto Nabhi Pradesha (Umbilicus), Kati (Lower back), Parshva, Kukshi (Abdomen) churns the accumulated Dosha and Pureesha (Feces), spreads the Snigdhata (Unctuousness) all  over  the body and does Sukhapurvaka Doshanirharana (Easy elimination of Morbid material).[1]

Unless specified, the term Basti always denotes Niruha Basti.[2] The word Niruha stands for the treatment whose effect is beyond reasoning or effective without any doubt. Niruha Basti also known as Asthapana Basti or Kashaya Basti. Niruha Basti is a prime treatment for disorders due to vitiation of Vata Dosha. It can expel out the increased Dosha can pacify Vata at its root i.e., Pakwashaya (Intestine). Thus, it relieves the whole body from diseases due to Vata Dosha. It has the advantage of eliminating Dosha without causing difficulties like Belching, pain in the Heart region and Koshtha.[3]

Niruha Basti Gunas are it does Vayasthapana (Promotes Life span), Promotes Sukha (Happiness), Ayu, Bala (Strength), Agni, Medha (Intellectual power), Swara (Voice) and Varna (Complexion). It is also indicated for both Shishu (Children) and Vruddha (Old age) and effectively cures diseases without causing complications. It removes the Vit, Shleshma, Pitta and Vata Dosha from the body, provides Compactness to the body and Strength to Shukra Dhatu, removes Doshas from the Srotas and thus pacifies all diseases.[4]

None other than Vata is responsible for all diseases origination in Shakha (Upper and Lower limbs), Koshta (Abdomen), Marma (Vital organs), Urdhwa Bhaga (Upper half of the body) and Sarva Avayava Anga Pratyanga (All body parts). Vata is responsible for Vikshepa (Transports) and Sanghata (Togetherness) of Vit, Mutra and Pitta, Kapha etc. and Malashaya. When it gets Prakopa (aggravates) there is no remedy other than Basti for its alleviation.

Therefore, Acharya Charaka considered Basti Chikitsa as Ardha Chikitsa of all treatment modalities and some of the Acharyas called as Poorna Chikitsa.[5] Niruha Basti typically contains five basic ingredients i.e., Madhu (Honey), Saindhava (Rock Salt), Sneha (oil, Ghee, Vasa), Kalka (Paste of herbs), Kwatha (Decoction of herbs).

1. Madhu (Honey): is an important ingredient having Madhura (Sweet) and Kashaya (Astringent) rasa, Ruksha (Dry) Guna, Ushna (Hot) Veerya and does Chedana Karma. The important property of honey in context of Basti is Yogavahitwam and Sukshmamarganusaritam. It possesses the property of Tridoshashamana, Sookshmarganusari, Lekhana, and Shodhana. By virtue of the above properties, it does Dosha Vilayana and facilitates to remove the vitiated Dosha from the channels.

2. Saindhava (Rock salt): Has Madhura Vipaka, Tridoshahara, having Laghu, Teekshna, Ushna, Sookshma, and Vyavayi Guna. It when mixed with Madhu, removes the Picchilatva, Bahulatva, and Kashayatva property of Madhu.

3. Sneha: Pakwashaya is Ashraya Sthana of Vata Dosha. The Basti Dravya administered at Pakwashaya should contain Sneha Dravya to as Sneha does Vatanulomana, Deepto Agni, Snigdha Varchas, hence Sneha added in Basti gives Snigdhata to the Pakwashaya, Soften the Malas and helps to eliminalte without any difficulty. While preparing the Basti, it helps in making the homogenous mixture of Madhu and Saindhava.

4. Kalka: Kalka is the Pradhana Dravya of Kalka Dravyas are selected based on Dosha, Dushya, Kala, Srotas etc. involved in particular Vyadhi (Disease). Some of the Kalka Dravya helps in expelling the Doshas through Guda (Anal route) Marga due to their Ushna, Teekshna Guna e.g. Vacha, Kushta, Sarshapa. Shatahva is the most commonly used drug as Kalka in Basti Yogas as it possess Katu, Tikta Rasa, Snigdha, Ushna Guna and does Kapha Vata Shamana. If Kalka Dravya has not been mentioned in Basti then Putiyavanyadi Kalka can be taken as universal Kalka as it is having Vata-Kaphahara, Vatanulomana, Deepana, Pachana, Srotoshodhana properties.

5. Kwatha: is decoction of Basti Dravyas. The mode of action of Basti like Vatahara, Pittahara, Kaphahara depends on the Gunas of Kwath Dravya.

It also helps in maintaining volume and helps in spreading and cleaning. Its Vatahara Dravyas provides Anulomana and Nirharana of Doshas. The decoction is made as per the Basti Yogas mentioned in the classical text. Madanaphala is common ingredient in most of the Niruha Basti as it is having Tikta, Madhura Rasa, Laghu, Ruksha, Vyavayi, Vikasi Guna, Ushna Veerya, does Kapha-Vata Shamana and[6] Few of the Yogas mentioned in Siddhisthana of Charaka Samhita:

Eranda Mooladi Niruha Basti: It is having Kalka Dravyas like Shatahva, Hapusha, Pippali, Bala, Madhuka and Kwatha Dravya as Eranda Moola, Laghupanchamoola, Rasna, Atibala etc. and Avapa Dravya as Gomutra. Combination of this Basti does Deepana, Lekhana, Relieves the Shula of Uru, Jangha, Pada, Prushta and Trik, removes the obstruction of Mala, Mutra and Apana Vayu and pacifies Kaphavruta Vata. It is indicated in conditions like Adhmana, Anaha, Arsha, Grahani Dosha.[7]

Drakshadi Niruha Basti: This Basti is prepared out of the combination of Dravyas as Kalka Dravya - Mudgaparni, Kapikachu, Yashtimadhu etc. Ksheerapakartha Dravya - Draksha, Kashmarya, Madhuka, Sariva, Chandana having Madhura Tikta Rasa Pradhana, Snigdha Guna, Sheeta Veerya, does Pitta and Vata Shamana. Indicated in Daha of Hrudaya, Nabhi, Parshwa and Shirapradesha, Antardaha, Mutrakrichra, Pittaja Atisara, Kshataksheena and Shukrakshaya.[8]

Rasnadi Niruha Basti: Kalka Dravya - Madanaphala, Gomutra, Yashtimadhu, Pippali etc. Kwatha Dravya - Rasna, Eranda, Guduchi, Nimba, Dashamula etc. These all Dravya are having Kapha Vata Shamaka, does Koshta Shuddhikara, Mrudu Rechaka, some having Tikta Kashaya Rasa Pradhana does Pitta Shamana, acts as Rasayana, Balya, Agni Deepana, indicated in Krimi Roga, Prameha, Bradhna, Udara, Ajeerna and Kaphaja Vikara.[9]

Panchamooladi Basti:Dwi Panchamula, Triphala, Bilwa Phala, Gomutra Kashaya, Kalka of Indrayava, Patha, Madanaphala, Musta, these Dravyas are Tikta, Kashaya Rasa Pradhana, Ushna Veerya, Laghu Ruksha Guna, does Kapha Shamana, Agni Sandeepana and are indicated in Kaphaja Roga, Pandu, Alasaka, Amadosha, Vatajanya Mutraghata.[10]

Yashtyahva Niruha Basti: Yashtimadhu used for making of Yashtyahwa Niruha Basti has Madhura Rasa, Madhura Vipaka, Sheeta Virya and Guru-Snigdha Guna, does Vatanulomana and Pitta Dosha Shamana, as well as acts as a Rakta-Prasadaka. Ksheera used in this Basti it softens the Srotas, enhances the elasticity and naturally the accumulated Mala gets expelled out easily. As Uric acid is the end product of Purine Metabolism occurring in Liver and is excreted by the Kidneys, Yashtimadhu can affect the Uric acid levels as it works on Raktavaha Srotas Mula. Also, studies have shown that Yashtimadhu is effective in reduction of Blood urea, Creatinine and Uric acid levels, and also effective in decreasing Tubular Necrosis. As Milk contains Calcium and it is absorbed without the assistance of Vitamin-D, Under the influence of Lactose within the distal intestine via the paracellular route. This promotes the absorption of Calcium and provides simultaneous intake of Phosphorus that it essential for Bone deposition. Hence, Ksheer Basti has a large and effective applicability in Asthivaha Sroto Vikara. Yashtyahwa Niruha Basti where Ksheer and Yashtimadhu both have significant effect on Vatarakta and also on Uric acid.[11]

Justification of Basti in Jwara:Acharya Charaka in Siddhisthana mentions that as the Sun located in the Sky dries up moisture of Earth, in the same way Basti administered into Pakwashaya through the Guda Marga due to its potency draws the vitiated Doshas from all over the body.[12] So even though Jwara is a Amashaya Samutthana Vyadhi but In Jeerna Avastha of Jwara when the Doshas are in Pakwashaya in such condition Basti can be administered. The Basti Dravya its properties makes it spread all over the body and brings vitiated Dosha from Shaka to Koshta. In Jwara, Patoladi, Aragwadadi and Guduchyadi Niruha Basti mentioned in Jwara Chikitsa helps in eliminating the Doshas in Pakvashaya by their property with Tikta, Madhura Rasa, Sheeta Veerya, Laghu Gunas helps in Dosha Nirharana and enhances Bala, Swedajanana and does Agni Vruddhi.[13]

Ksheera Basti along with Ghrita in Vatarakta Chikitsa:Vatarakta is considered as Avaranajanya Vatavyadhi like Sukshmatva and Saratwa of Vayu, Dravatwa and Saratwa of Rakta spread in body. Acharya Charaka tells that there is no other Chikitsa which is equal to Basti prepared with Ghruta and Ksheera.

Ksheera/Ghrita used in the preparation of Basti softens the Srotas, enhances the elasticity and naturally the accumulated Mala gets expelled out easily.[14]

Panchatikta Panchaprasrutika Basti in Kushta:Though Basti is contraindicated in Kushta but there is one clear reference in our classics is that, this Panchatikta Panchaprasrutika Basti is given for the treatment of Kushtha, Prameha and Abhishyanda. Kushtha having Vata-Kapha Dosha Pradhana and it is also Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara mentioned by Acharya Charaka. Dushyas involved in Kushtha are Tvak, Rakta, Mamsa and Lasika. So, Tikta Rasa Dravyas acts as Pittashamana and Raktaprasadan. Acharyas explain about Tikta Rasa as, it is Kushtha Shamana, Tvak, Mamsa Sthirikarana, Kleda and Lasika Shoshana. So, it helps in Samprapati Vighatana in Kushtha.[15]

Erandamooladi Niruha Basti in Grahani Roga:Grahani Roga described in classical text books of Ayurveda represents a group of disorders of Agni caused by impairment of Agni. Imbalance of Agni, Samanavata, Pachakapitta, and Kledaka Kapha are the most predominant factors involved in the pathogenesis of Grahani Roga. The general line of treatment for Grahani as per Charaka Samhita includes Sadhyovamana (in Saamaavasta Kaphotklesha), Deepana, Shodana, Peyadikrama, Basti and Shamanoushadis. The “Basti” Chikitsa is of prime importance among Panchakarma because of its wide applicability in various conditions in various forms. Sneha Dravya by its Sukshma Guna enters into Sukshma Srotas to reach Grahani. Here it acts on Samana Vayu, which lies near the seat of Jatharagni. Samana Vayu is the promoter of Jatharagni. Because of the action of Sneha, Samana Vayu attains normal function and ignites the Jatharagni also it peforms the function of Apana Anulomana hence increases the Jatharagni, thus Basti has its effect over Agni.[16] Erandamooladi Niruha Basti is used to treat the Grahani Roga. Erandamooladi Niruha Basti Dravyas posses properties like Deepana, Pachana, Grahi, Krimighna and Vatakaphahara in nature.

Vata-Kaphaja Gridhrasi:In Vatakaphaja Gridhrasi, important components are vitiated Vata and Kapha which gets lodged in Katipradesha (Lower back) causing Ruja (Pain) beginning from Sphik gradually radiates down to Kati, Prishta, Uru, Janu, Jangha, and Pada.

Erandamoola is said to be a Shreshta Vatahara Dravya. Erandamuladi Niruha Basti is indicated in Trika, Prishta Shoola and acts as Maruta Nigraha. Central Analgesic, Anti Inflammatory and Bone Regeneration activity are found in Ricinus communis. Eranda which is the main content of Erandamooladi Niruha Basti. This Basti contains 34 drugs in which most of the drugs are having Ushna Veerya and are Vatakaphahara in nature. Drugs are also possessing Ushna, Teekshna and Sukshma Guna which helps in the removal of obstruction of Srotas which further helps in the formation of Prakrita Dhatu. It is also indicated in Kaphavrita condition, by which it play major role in pacifying the Kapha Dosha and reducing the symptoms like Stambha (stiffness) and Gaurava (heaviness).[17]


Basti Chikitsā regarded as the prime treatment modality among the Panchakarma. It is having not only Curative action but also Preventive and Promotive actions. Basti therapy is considered as Cikitsārdha among all therapy and some Acharyas as Poorna Chikitsa because Basti has a vast field of therapeutic action. It not only cures Vātika disorders but also Samsarga and Sannipata condition of Kaphaja and Pittaja disorder, Shakhāgata and Koshthagata Roga by combination of different types of Basti Dravya. The Karma in which, the medicine is administered through anal canal reaches up to the Nabhi Pradesh, Kați, Pārśva, Kukshi churns the accumulated Dosha and Pureesha, Spreads the unctuousness all over the body and easily comes out along with the Pureesha and Dosha is called Basti. Basti is the best therapy to control the Vata and thus it controls the Pitta and Kapha also.The given Basti enters the Pakwashaya, which is the main seat of Väta Dosha and destroys Vāta Dosha, which is the originator of all diseases. By subsiding the Vata, all diseases located in the other parts of the body also become pacified just like cutting the roots of a plant, the stem, branches, fruits, leaves etc. also destroy. Guda is the Mula of the body where all Shira are located. The Sneha administered through Guda reaches upto head and nourishes the body.

Madhu being one of the important ingredient of Basti Dravya possess Yogavahi and Sukshmamarganusari it does Dosha Vilayana and facilitates to remove the vitiated Dosha from the Srotas.

Saindhava having Sukshma, Teekshna Guna reaches micro channels of the of the body and breaks down the Dosha and Mala Sanghata, by its Snigdha Guna liquefies the Dosha. Sneha Dravya reduces Vata Shamana, softens micro channels, destroys the compact Mala and removes the obstruction in the Srotas. The properly formed and well administered Basti is only able to give the desired therapeutic effect. In this conceptual study we can understand the Role and Importance of Niruha Basti from Charaka Samhita. It can be widely used in all Vatavyadhi's apart from that can also be indicated in other conditions like Jwara, Kushta, Grahani, Gulma, Udara, Vatarakta etc. as it relieves the Mala from Nabhi, Kati, Parshwa and Amapakwashaya does Sukhapurvaka Dosha Nirharana without causing any complications to the body. Niruha Basti Yogas mentioned in Bastisutriya Adhyaya of Siddhi Sthana like Erandamooladi, Patoladi, Rasnadi, Koshatakyadi are not only indicated in one condition but also in many other conditions. Niruha Basti can also be administered in modified form as Lekhana Basti using Ushna, Teekshna Dravya like Gomutra, Kshara in the conditions of Sthoulya and Medoroga.


Basti is one among the major Chikitsa which has vast applicability in vast diseases. It treats the Vyadhi from Shakha, Koshta, Marma, Asthi, Sandhi, Sarvanga Avayava and removes the accumulated Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Kleda, Mala from the Sukshma Srotas by the properties of Madhu, Saindhava, Sneha and expels out the Doshas easily without causing any difficulty. Also, Basti can be easily designed by changing Yogas, Avapas, easily prepared and modified also it doesn’t have complications as Vamana, Virechana. Hence, It is one of the safest, effective and prime medication in Ayurvedic Therapeutic procedures. Among different types of Basti, Niruha Basti holds a key role in therapeutics due to its varied actions.


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12. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, redacted by Dridhabala, Ayurveda Dipika commentary by Chakrapanidatta Edited by Pandith Kashinath shastri, Foreword by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji, Vol 2, Siddhi sthana Chapter-8 verse no.64. Reprint edition 2019, Choukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi.Page no-962
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