Critical Approach on Niragni Sweda
Preethu S1*, Ganesha B U2, Deepashree HP3
1* Preethu S, Internee, Rajeev Institute of Ayurvedic Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
2 Udaya Ganesha B, Professor and HOD, Dept of Panchakarma, Rajeev Institute of Ayurvedic Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
3 Deepashree HP, Associate Professor, Department of Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga, Rajeev Institute of Ayurvedic Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
Swedana (Sudation) is the process of inducing sweat through various methods. It can be done generally to the whole body and also can be localized to specific part of the body only. For example Bashpa Sweda (Person made to sit in the steam chamber and made to perspire) can be done to the whole body whereas Nadi Sweda (steam is passed through a tubular structure and sudation is done over specific part of the body) can be done to a specific part only where there is pain, etc. It’s of two types namely Sagni Swedana (sudation with fire) and Niragni Swedana (sudation without fire). Niragni Swedana is performed without the help of fire. It’s a type of Swedana (Sudation) where indirect involvement of heat is present. It has wide range of applicability where it can be used in healthy individual and diseased also. It is a procedure which acts as both purificatory therapy and palliative therapy. Niragni Sweda (sudation without fire) can be employed in all age groups right from neonates to the old age respectively. According to Acharya Charaka, Acharya Sushruta, Acharya Vagbhata & other Acharyas it’s of various types such as Vyayama, Ushnasadana, Gurupravarana, etc. These measures can be easily followed regularly compared to Sagni Swedana.
Keywords: Niragni Swedana, Sudation therapy, Vyayama, Upanaha, Atapa
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, Internee, , Rajeev Institute of Ayurvedic Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Hassan, Karnataka, India.Preethu S, Ganesha B U, Deepashree HP, Critical Approach on Niragni Sweda. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(10):139-147. Available From |