Therapeutic Yoga for the management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - A Review
Metangale AR1*, Mishra BR2
1* Ashwini R Metangale, Associate Professor, Dept of Prasuti Tantra Evam Stri Roga, Shri Ayurved College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
2 Brijesh R Mishra, Principal HOD Professor, Dept of Samhita evam Siddhanta, Shri Ayurved College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Background: Polycystic ovarian disease is a lifestyle disorder with no specific etiology and it manifests as group of symptoms making its diagnosis difficult. PCOS is characterized by small cysts in the ovary where the women experience reproductive, psychological and hormonal imbalances which results in obesity, anovulatory cycle associated with Primary or Secondary infertility, hirsutism, irregular menstrual periods, excessive androgen levels, pregnancy related complications. The sedentary lifestyle, dietary variations, lack of exercise and stress are contributory factors. Decoding the exact cause of PCOS remains a challenge for scientists around the world. However, it's understood that PCOS is influenced by a combination of genetics and lifestyle factors. It is a multifaceted disorder that requires effective management to prevent possible long-term health issues. Stress is playing important factor in exaggerating PCOS. Therapeutic Yoga blends restorative gentle Yoga (supported postures), breath work (Paranayam) and meditation techniques combined in such a way that it is an excellent choice of treatment for PCOS. Treatment includes lifestyle modification, weight loss, stress management. Yoga can prove to be effective. Yoga poses stretch the pelvic area and Pranayama, meditation soothe the mind. Thus, Yoga regulates the endocrine glands in the body thereby beneficial in balancing of hormones. Yoga is one of the important refreshing and effective for bringing the body into balance and reducing stress.
Keywords: PCOS, Therapeutic Yoga, Pranayam
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, Associate Professor, Dept of Prasuti Tantra Evam Stri Roga, Shri Ayurved College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.Metangale AR, Mishra BR, Therapeutic Yoga for the management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - A Review. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(11):276-282. Available From |