Role of Ayurveda in the Prevention of Communicable Diseases
Metangale AR1*, Mishra BR2
1* Ashwini R Metangale, Associate Professor, Dept of Prasuti Tantra Evam Stri Roga, Shri Ayurved College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
2 Brijesh R Mishra, Principal HOD Professor, Dept of Samhita evam Siddhanta, Shri Ayurved College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Introduction: Infectious or communicable diseases can be defined as illness caused by another living agent or its products that spread from person to person and can be a cause of emergency. Ayurveda do believe in microorganisms i.e., Krimi, but emphasized more on body’s response and occurrence of disease i.e. Vyadhikshamatwa. Communicable diseases well described by Acharya Sushrut termed Aupasargika Roga for epidemic condition, spread through contacts. Acharya Charak coined Janapadodhvansa Roga for pandemic conditions involving rapid outbreak on large scale. Because of improper diet, lack of exercise, stress, fast food, junk food & global warming overall health status of individuals is poor and they are prone to communicable diseases like Covid 19, H1N1 Influenza creating a burden over health care system.
Aims and Objectives: To spread the awareness about Ayurvedic approach towards preventing communicable diseases. And to study the role of Ahara and Vihara in prevention of communicable diseases.
Result and Conclusion: A healthy and long peaceful life devoid of any disease is the main aim of Ayurveda through implementation of Dincharaya, Rutucharya, Sadvritta is important for physical and mental health. With the help of Shodhan (Panchakarma), Shamana (Aushadha) & Rasayana these diseases can be cured. In this literary work, efforts have been made to find out how Ayurveda can help to prevent communicable diseases.
Keywords: Aupsargik, Janapadodhwansa, Communicable, Vyadhikshamatwa
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, Associate Professor, Dept of Prasuti Tantra Evam Stri Roga, Shri Ayurved College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.Metangale AR, Mishra BR, Role of Ayurveda in the Prevention of Communicable Diseases. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(11):181-185. Available From |