
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 11 NOVEMBER

Role of Ayurveda Medicine in the management of Pakshaghata vis a vis Hemiplegia

Rathod P1*, Acharya S2

1* Priyanka Rathod, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Pg Studies in Kayachikitsa, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, India.

2 Shripathi Acharya, Director Academic and Development, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, India.

Pakshaghata (Hemiplegia) is caused due to Vikruta Vata Dosha which is characterized mainly loss or altered motor and sensory activity in one side of the body. Onset of the disease is usually insidious. According to modern literature it is usually caused due to either cerebral haemorrhage or cerebral thrombosis. Cerebral thrombosis cases show insidious onset and cerebral haemorrhage patients will be having sudden onset. Severe malignant hypertension, cerebral arterial atherosclerosis usually induces this disease. Severe hypertension causes aneurysm and rupture of one of the cerebral arteries and results in sudden Hemiplegia. Hemiplegia may be contrilateral or ipsilateral. After recovery from acute illness like altered sensorium or coma, Ayurveda or integrative treatment can be given, controlling comorbidities like Diabetes, Hypertension or Ischemic heart disease, Ayurveda medicines are given. Medicines having the actions like Medhya, Nadibalya, Rasayana, Vatahara, CNS stimulators, Anti-hypertensive, Pramehahara, Anti atherogenic, Thrombolytic, Anti platelet aggregating, Jeevaniya, Ojaskara, Vayasthapana, Anti stress adaptogenic, Hypochloestremic, Mala Vatanulomana, Virechana, Snehana (Taila Abhyanga), Swedana (Shasthika Shali Pinda Sweda) are given in these patients. The present paper highlights the role of Ayurveda and Integrative medicine in the management of Pakshaghata vis a vis Hemiplegia.

Keywords: Pakshaghata, Hemiplegia, Rasayana, CNS stimulant

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Priyanka Rathod, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Pg Studies in Kayachikitsa, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, India.
Rathod P, Acharya S, Role of Ayurveda Medicine in the management of Pakshaghata vis a vis Hemiplegia. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(11):158-162.
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Hemiplegia is a disease pertaining to Nervous system and characterized by derangement or loss of motor and sensory function of one side of the body. Ayurveda medicine have better role in the management of Hemiplegia.[1,2]

Nidana Parivarjana, Use of Vyadhi Pratyanika Aushadha, Panchakarma therapy, Pathya Pathya Prayoga, Diet therapy, Practise of Yoga andPranayama and Rehabilitation are advised in this disease.[3,4,5]

Aim and Objectives

To study the role of Ayurveda and Integrative medicine in the management of Pakshaghata (Hemiplegia).

Materials and Methods

Relevant subject matter is collected from Samhita Granthas, Sangraha Granthas, Research monography, Scientific articles from research journals, Contemporary literature and from personal clinical experience.

Single Herbs used in Hemiplegia[6],[7]

1. Brahmi - Bacopa monnieri
2. Manduka Parni - Centella asiatica
3. Bala - Sida cordifolia
4. Tila - Sesamum
5. Narikela - Cocos nucifera
6. Ashwagandha - Withania somnifera
7. Kapikachchu - Mucuna pruriens
8. Shatavari - Asparagus racemosus
9. Guggulu - Commiphora mukul
10. Sarpagandha - Raulfia serpentina
11. Jatamamsi - Nardostachys jatamamsi
12. Tagara - Valeriana wallichii
13. Shankha Pushpi - Convolvulus pluricaulis
14. Jyothishmati - Celastrus paniculatus
15. Maricha - Piper nigrum
16. Lashuna - Allium sativum
17. Gokshura - Tribulus teristris
18. Punarnava - Boerhavia diffusa[8,9,10]

Formulations used in Hemiplegia[11],[12]

1. Brahmi Vati
2. Medhya Vati
3. Ashwagandhadi Choorna

4. Yogendra Rasa
5. Ekangaveera Rasa
6. Brihat Vata Chintamani
7. Maha Vata Vidhwamsa
8. Vanari Kalpa
9. Kapikachchu Beeja Choorna
10. Shatavari Capsule
11. Yogaraja Gugulu
12. Medohara Guggulu
13. Navaka Guggulu
14. Amritadi Guggulu
15. Maha Narayana Taila
16. Narayana Taila
17. Ksheerabala Taila
18. Maha Masha Taila
19. Dhanvantara Taila
20. Bala Taila
21. Rasona PindaLashuna Capsule
22. Lohabhraka Sindoora
23. Vajrabharaka Sindoora
24. Siddha Makaradhwaja
25. Makaradhwaja Gutika.[13,14]

Actions of Drugs and Formulations used in Hemiplegia

1. Medhya
2. Nadibalya
3. Rasayana
4. Nervine tonic
5. Anti stress
6. Adaptogenic
7. Anti-hypertensive
8. Anti diabetic
9. Pramehahara
10. Medohara
11. Vatahara
12. Lekhana
13. Hypolipidemic
14. Anti atherogenic
15. Thrombolytic
16. Anti platelet aggregating
17. Jeevaniya
18. Ojaskara
19. Vayasthapana
20. Deepana
21. Pachana
22. Snehana
23. Swedana
24. Mala Vatanulomana
25. Sramsana
26. Virechana
27. Langhana.[15,16]


  • Saraswatarishta
  • Medhya Vati
  • Brahmi Vati


  • Visha Mushti Vati
  • Lashuna Ksheerapaka
  • Balarishta


  • Ashwagandharishta
  • Kooshmandavaleha
  • Chyavana Prashavaleha

Nervine tonic

  • Ashwagandhadi Choorna
  • Kapikachchu Beeja Choorna
  • Bala Moola Choorna

Anti stress

  • Sarpagandha Vati
  • Tagara tablets
  • Jatamamsi Choorna


  • Manasa Mitra Vataka
  • Brahmi Swarasa
  • Mandooka Parni Swarasa

Anti hypertensive

  • Sarpagandha Vati
  • Punarnava Mandoora
  • Punarnava Satva

Anti diabetic

  • Madhumehari Choorna
  • Guduchi Kwatha
  • Saptarangi Choorna


  • Nishamalaki Choorna
  • Kathakkadiradi Kashaya
  • Asanadi Kashaya


  • Navaka Guggulu
  • Medohara Guggulu
  • Rooksha Udvartana


  • Yogaraja Guggulu
  • Maha Rasnadi Kashaya


  • Guggulu Kalpa
  • Vyayama


  • Medohara Guggulu
  • Lashuna Capsule
  • Navaka Guggulu

Anti Atherogenic

  • Amritadi Guggulu
  • Rasona Pinda
  • Lashuna Capsule


  • Lashuna Capsule
  • Maricha Choorna

Anti Platelet Aggregating

  • Guggulu Kalpas
  • Maricha Choorna
  • Lashuna Ksheerapaka


  • Ashta Varga Kashaya
  • Shatavari Capsule


  • Shatavari Guda
  • Goksheera
  • Shatavari capsule


  • Amalaki Rasayana
  • Guduchi Kwatha
  • Amalaki Swarasa


  • Lashunadi Vati
  • Hingwashtaka Choorna
  • Chitrakadi Vati


  • Maha Narayana Taila
  • Bala Taila
  • Dhanwantara Taila


  • Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda
  • Kaya Seka

Mala Vatanulomana

  • Haritaki Tablets
  • Triphala Choorna
  • Trivrit Leha


  • Shatsakara Choorna
  • Pancha Sakara Choorna
  • Sunamukhi Patra Choorna


  • Abhayarishta
  • Katuki Kwatha


  • Upavasa
  • Shodhana

Panchakarma Therapy in Hemiplegia

2. Shirodhara
3. Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda
4. Matra Basti
5. Asthapana Basti
6. Virechana

Pathyas in Hemiplegia

1. Shashtika Shali, Mudga
2. Laghu Supachya Ahara
3. In diabetic patients - Anti diabetic and Pramehahara Ahara Vihara

Apathyas in Hemiplegia

1. Vatakaraka Ruksha, Sheeta Ahara
2. Ati Vyayama
3. Ati Vyavaya
4.Ratri Jagarana
5. Ati Maithuna
6. Excessive travelling etc.,


Pakshaghata (Hemiplegia) is a disease pertaining to Nervous system and Cardiovascular system. It is characterized by derangement or loss of motor and sensory functions in one side of the body. In acute phase where there is altered sensorium, however patients should be treated with modern medicine. When patient regain consciousness, these patients can be treated with Ayurveda and Integrative medicine. Agnilepana and Tailabhyanga, Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda, or Seka followed by Dhanwantara Taila Matra Basti is found useful in Hemiplegia patients, Medhya Rasayana like Brahmi Vati, Medhya Vati, Saraswatharishta, Brihat Vata Chintamani, Ekangaveera Rasa and Yogendra Rasa are found effective in Pakshaghata Roga. Agnilepana and Tailabhyanga followed by Dhanyamla Seka or Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda are found useful in regaining strength in the skeletal muscles of the body. Snehana in Tailabhyanga causes alleviates Sthambha (Stiffness), Gourava (Heavyness) and Sheetahara (coldness) in the body. Ayurveda medicine given good outcome in especially Hemiplegia cases who recovered from acute phase.


Chronic or sub-acute loss of Hemiplegia show better results by Ayurveda and Integrative medicine. The quality of life and life span in these patients are improved after undergoing Ayurveda treatment. There were least Adverse drug reactions seen in these patients.


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