Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences 2025-03-26T17:04:01+0530 Dr. Umapati C. Baragi Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Online ISSN :</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2456-3110</a></p> <p><strong>DOI Prefix :</strong> 10.21760/jaims.</p> <p><strong>Frequency :</strong> Monthly</p> <p>Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences (JAIMS) – An International Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Monthly Journal for Researches in AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy), is published monthly by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. The full text of this journal is accessible on website <a href=""></a></p> <p>The ‘JAIMS’ Journal aims to publish the scientific and research outcomes with a view to inform and share the scientific findings, advice, risk assessment conclusions and recommendations for further research in the areas within the limits of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy). It also aims to increase the visibility and awareness of AYUSH’s scientific work worldwide.</p> <p>As an Integrated medical journal for Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy, Medicinal Plants Sciences, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Pharmaceutics, Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, etc., ‘JAIMS’ aims to explore the alternative system of medicines, encouraging significant collaboration to promote effective, safe and economical global health.</p> <p>The JAIMS journal will consider any original contribution that advances medical science or practice, or that educates the journal's readers. Manuscripts must be solely the work of the author(s) stated, must not have been previously or partially published elsewhere, and must not be under consideration by another journal. All manuscripts contributed to JAIMS are examined by the editorial staff and all original articles are evaluated by peer reviewers assigned by the editors.</p> Efficacy of Ritu Haritaki (Haritaki with Saindhav) as Rasayana on naturally vitiated Vata Dosha in Varsha Ritu w.s.r. to quality of life 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Shivangi Umesh Shukla Shalini Thakur <p><strong>Background:</strong> As<em> Varsha Ritu</em> is the season with least <em>Bala</em>, weakened <em>Agni</em> and <em>Vata Dosha</em> vitiation. The study included administering <em>Haritaki</em> combined with <em>Saindhav</em> across different parameters to thoroughly assess its effects. This research was aimed to provide insights into how this combination impacted various aspects of health during <em>Varsha&nbsp;Ritu</em>. <strong>Aim and Objectives: </strong>Study objectives were to assess the efficacy of <em>Ritu Haritaki </em>(<em>Haritaki </em>with <em>Saindhav</em>) as <em>Rasayana </em>and effect of <em>Ritu Haritaki </em>(<em>Haritaki</em> with <em>Saindhav</em>) in improving the quality of life, changes in the state of <em>Mandagni</em> and symptoms of vitiated <em>Vata Dosha</em> in <em>Varsha Ritu</em>. <strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> Total 20 apparently healthy volunteers were selected for the research work based on inclusion criteria. Prior administration of <em>Ritu Haritaki</em> (<em>Haritaki </em>with <em>Saindhav</em>) as <em>Rasyana</em>, <em>Sanshodhan Karma</em> was done. After that dosage of <em>Haritaki </em>started from 3 gm increased upto a maximum of 6 gm (max.), along with <em>Saindhav</em> having dose of 500 mg for 42 days once a day in evening time with lukewarm water. <strong>Results:</strong> The results were analysed using Wilcoxon Signed Rank test and paired t-test. Highly Significant results were obtained in pacifying <em>Vriddha Vata</em> and enhance digestive capacity. In the WHO QOL BREF, Domain 1 (Physical), Domain 2 (Psychological) showed highly significant results (p&lt;0.001), Domain 3 showed significant result and Domain 4 showed moderately significant. Among hematological parameters-A highly significant result (p&lt;0.001) was found in lowering F.B.S., S.Uric Acid, Total cholesterol including L.D.L. within normal limits. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> <em>Ritu Haritaki</em> (<em>Haritaki </em>with<em> Saindhav</em>) has shown wonderful effects on physical and psychological health making it excellent <em>Rasayana</em> to be used in <em>Varsha Ritu</em>.</p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Shivangi Sharma, Umesh Shukla, Shalini Thakur An Open Label Single Arm Clinical Study on Gokshurakadi Churna in the management of Klaibya (Erectile Dysfunction) 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Anush N Bhat Lakshmiprasad L Jadhav <p><strong>Background:</strong> Erectile dysfunction (ED) has been defined as the inability to achieve/ maintain penile erection which leads to unsatisfactory sexual intercourse. Its incidence increases drastically from about 6% in the age group 20-29 years, to 50-70% in the age group 40-79 years. Its incidence has been projected to increase significantly to over 320 million by the year 2025. Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects physical and psychosocial health and has a significant impact on the quality of life of sufferers and their partners and families. Thus, it can be considered that management of ED is of significant importance. Considering the above facts, the present clinical study on the effectiveness of <em>Gokshurakadi Churna </em>Granules in the management of <em>Klaibya</em> (Erectile Dysfunction) was undertaken. <strong>Objectives: </strong>To study the effect of <em>Gokshurakadi Churna </em>Granule<em>s</em> with milk in subjects diagnosed with <em>Klaibya</em> (Erectile dysfunction). <strong>Methodology: </strong>Among the 22 registered patients, 20 of them completed the course of the treatment. They were administered with <em>Gokshurakadi Churna </em>Granules 6gms BD morning and night after food with milk for a period of 30 days. Subjective parameter was analysed using paired sample t test. <strong>Result: </strong>There was statistically significant improvement in subjective parameter of <em>Klaibya</em> (Erectile Dysfunction) (P &lt;0.05). <strong>Conclusion: </strong><em>Gokshurakadi Churna </em>Granules is effective in the management of <em>Klaibya</em>.</p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Anush N Bhat, Lakshmiprasad L Jadhav Comparative clinical evaluation of Vaitarana Basti and Shataspushpadi Lepa in Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) 2025-03-26T17:04:01+0530 Sanjna Sharma KK Sharma Alok Kumar Srivastava <p><em>Amavata</em> is a disorder described in <em>Ayurveda</em> that closely resembles Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in modern medicine. The disease originates from the accumulation of <em>Ama</em> (undigested toxins) in the body, coupled with the vitiation of <em>Vata</em> <em>Dosha</em>. This dual pathology results in the obstruction of channels (<em>Srotas</em>), leading to joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and systemic symptoms such as anorexia and fatigue, much like RA. Though, it is systemic disease, it mostly affects joints It is one of the most debilitating diseases impacting the person’s quality of life and makes it difficult for them to perform day-to-day activities. Despite so much advancement and modernization the complete cure of the disease has not been found. Contemporary system of medicine provides symptomatic relief and delays the progression of disease yet there is a lacuna in the management of RA. Hence, with the aim of identifying and establishing an alternative, safer, effective and long-lasting treatment modality, the study was conducted in 40 patients. They were selected on the basis of standard inclusion and exclusion criteria and randomly allocated to two different treatment groups; Group-A was treated with <em>Vaitarana Basti</em> and Group-B was treated with <em>Shatapushpadi Lepa</em>. Total duration of treatment was of 2 months and follow up was done 1 month after completion of treatment. Although both the interventions were effective, but in overall improvement of the patients, Group-A had better result than Group-B.</p> 2025-03-01T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Sanjna Sharma, KK Sharma, Alok Kumar Srivastava Clinical study to evaluate the effect of Katu Taila Pratimarsha Nasya w.s.r. to quality of sleep 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Shilpa Pal Umesh Shukla Shalini Thakur <p><strong>Background: </strong>Sleep is considered essential for every individual’s well-being. <em>Ayurveda</em> particularly emphasizes the significance of quality sleep on both mental and physical health. Recognizing the crucial role of sleep, this study aims to evaluate the efficacy of <em>Katu Taila Pratimarsha Nasya</em> in enhancing sleep quality. <strong>Material and Methods</strong>: A total of 30 patients were included in this study, all placed in a single group. The participants received <em>Katu Taila Pratimarsha Nasya</em> treatment for 30 consecutive days, administered in the evening before sunset, a time aligned with the natural aggravation of <em>Vata Dosha</em>. Each participant was given a dosage of 2 <em>Bindu</em> (drops) in each nostril. <strong>Results</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>Pratimarsha Nasya </em>was found highly effective (p&lt;0.001) on Global PSQI Score, on Sleep Quality Scale, self-developed Sound Sleep Scale as well as on <em>Sukhama Probodhashcha</em> (Awaken freshly). <strong>Conclusion</strong><strong>:</strong> The administration of <em>Katu Taila Pratimarsha Nasya</em> has demonstrated a significant improvement in overall sleep quality. Key aspects such as the ability to fall asleep and the ease of waking up, showed positive changes. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that incorporating <em>Katu Taila</em> <em>Pratimarsha Nasya</em> into a daily routine is beneficial. The recommended dosage is “2 <em>Bindu</em>” in each nostril, administered once in the evening. This practice could be a valuable addition for those seeking to enhance their sleep quality and overall well-being.</p> 2025-03-01T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Shilpa Pal, Umesh Shukla, Shalini Thakur A Standard Controlled Clinical Evaluation of Swedana and Agnikarma in Cervical Spondylosis (Manyastambha) 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Harpreet Singh K. K. Sharma Gyanendra Datta Shukla Deepak Kumar <p>As exertion and stress is increasing day-by-day, diseases also increased in our daily routine. Prolonged sitting work, desktop work and continuous household work led to it. Degeneration of cervical spine components, such as facet joints and intervertebral discs, is known as cervical spondylosis. This degenerative process frequently causes stiffness, pain, and possible nerve compression in the neck, which can result in radicular symptoms such as upper extremity pain, numbness, or weakness. In Manyasthamba there is Vata Avarana by Kapha which later turns out to Kevala Vata Vyadhi. So, the present study aims at integrating Ayurvedic treatments with conventional approaches for cervical spondylosis addresses the condition holistically and treating not just the symptoms but also the root causes. The study entitled “A standard controlled clinical evaluation of Swedana and Agnikarma in cervical spondylosis (Manyastambha)” was conducted in 60 patients. They were selected on the basis of standard inclusion and exclusion criteria and randomly allocated to two different groups; Group - A (Ruksha Baluka Swedana, Punnagadi Patra Potali Swedana, Agnikarma) and Group - B (Controlled drug i.e., Pregabalin, Methyl cobalamin, Etoricoxib, Thiocolchicoside). Total duration of the treatment was of 16 days along with a follow-up period of 30 days. Both the intervention was effective, but in overall improvement of the patients “Group A” had shown better result along with long lasting effect in comparison with “Group B”.</p> 2025-03-06T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Harpreet Singh, K. K. Sharma, Gyanendra Datta Shukla, Deepak Kumar A clinical study to evaluate the therapeutic effect of Siddartakadi Yoga in Vishada w.s.r. to Depression 2025-03-26T16:47:44+0530 Soumya R Korawar Dhaneshwari Vijayendra G Bhat Shrilatha Kamath T <p><strong>Background:</strong> According to Ayurveda, both physical and mental health are equally important for an individual to be considered <em>Swastha</em>. Ayurveda explains that diseases can manifest as <em>Shareerika</em> (physical), <em>Manasika</em> (mental), or both. <em>Vishada</em> is a mental disease with psychosomatic consequences. <em>"Siddharthakadi Yoga </em>has been explained by <em>Acharya Charaka</em> in the context of <em>Unmada Chikitsa</em> (treatment of psychiatric disorders in <em>Ayurveda</em>). <strong>Aims and Objectives</strong>: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of <em>Siddartakadi yoga</em> in Vishada (Depression). <strong>Methodology: </strong>An open labelled clinical study with pre and post-test design. The 30 patients with diagnostic criteria of <em>Vishada</em> (Depression), were selected from Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara Hospital of Ayurveda, Udupi, were subjected with 500mg capsule of <em>Siddartakadi Yoga </em>with <em>Sukoshna Jala </em>thrice after food for 30 days, follow-up was taken after 45days. All the parameters in subjective parameters were statistically analyzed with Wilcoxon signed rank and objective parameters by paired ‘t’ test. <strong>Results: </strong>The effect of therapy was assessed with self-prepared <em>Vishada</em> Rating scale, Hamilton Depression Rating scale and WHO-QOL BREF Scale before and after treatment, have showed significant results. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Equally distributed gender of all age group, economic class and educational status were registered for the study, 1TID (Thrice a dose) of <em>Siddartakadi Yoga</em>. This shows no one is immune to Depression. Most of the subjects were of <em>Vata-Kaphaja Prakruti</em> and having <em>Tamo/ Rajo Guna</em> predominance who are prone for group of psychological imbalances. 30 days of treatment proved to be effective on Psychological, Somatic and Psycho somatic domains.</p> 2025-03-06T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Soumya R Korawar, Dhaneshwari , Vijayendra G Bhat, Shrilatha Kamath T Clinical Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Vedistry Arjuna + Tablet in Hyperlipidemia 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Dnyaneshwar Mote Sandip Mali <p><strong>Objective:</strong> To establish the efficacy and safety of Vedistry Arjuna + Tablet in the management of hyperlipidemia.</p> <p><strong>Methods: </strong>A randomized, double blind, active controlled, single center, clinical study was carried out using Vedistry Arjuna + Tablet for the duration of 12 weeks in 300 patients with hyperlipidemia and chronic stable angina.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The results showed that Vedistry Arjuna + Tablet and Simvastatin both produced significant reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides. In addition, the group receiving Vedistry Arjuna + Tablet reported significant improvements in the stress test parameters compared to those receiving Simvastatin. Low incidences of side-effects in the Vedistry Arjuna + Tablet receiving group compared to Simvastatin receiving group indicates that Arjuna would be a safer alternative.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> These findings suggest that Vedistry Arjuna + Tablet possesses antihyper-lipidemic, antihypertensive, and cardiac function improving activities.</p> 2025-03-06T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Dnyaneshwar Mote, Sandip Mali A clinical study to determine the efficacy of Amritadya Guggulu and Haritaki Churna in the management of Medoroga w.s.r. to Dyslipidemia 2025-03-24T20:42:23+0530 Neha Thakur Vijay Chaudhary Anjana Mishra Geetika Dharmani <p>Dyslipidemia, a significant risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), necessitates effective management strategies. This study investigated the efficacy of an Ayurvedic formulation, <em>Amritadya Guggulu</em> combined with <em>Haritaki Churna</em>, in managing dyslipidemia compared to conventional treatment with Atorvastatin. Thirty patients with dyslipidemia were randomly assigned to two groups and received either the<em> Ayurvedic</em> formulation or Atorvastatin for 8 weeks. The results demonstrated that the <em>Ayurvedic</em> group showed statistically significant improvements in subjective symptoms and objective parameters, including serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Notably, no adverse effects were reported in this group. In contrast, the conventional treatment group exhibited improvements, but to a lesser degree. These findings suggest that <em>Amritadya Guggulu and Haritaki Churna</em> may serve as effective and safe alternatives for dyslipidemia management. Further investigation with larger sample sizes is warranted to provide conclusive evidence. This study contributes to the growing body of research on Ayurvedic interventions for non-communicable diseases, highlighting their potential in addressing public health concerns in developing countries.</p> 2025-03-10T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Neha Thakur, Vijay Chaudhary, Anjana Mishra, Geetika Dharmani A Survey on Anxiety Disorder: Using Assessment Tool Ham-A Scale 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Tabassum Parveen Reetu Sharma Pawankumar Godatwar <p><strong>Background: </strong>Anxiety disorders form the most common type of mental illness<strong>. </strong>High prevalence, chronicity, and comorbidity led WHO to rank anxiety disorders as the ninth most health-related cause of disability. Worldwide, anxiety disorders heavily affect patients and society, accounting for 3·3% of the global burden of disease. Globally, the use of treatment for anxiety disorders is low, which is most problematic in low-income countries but is also an issue in high-income countries.</p> <p><strong>Methods: </strong>It was a study conducted after the second wave of COVID through to survey using HAM-A scale questionnaire in google form. The outcome of the questionnaire was the assessment of the degree of symptoms which affects a human body system.</p> <p><strong>Result: </strong>200 individuals participated in the study. All participants experienced stress, anxiety and depression during lockdown. The result revealed that the lockdown affects psychological health of people. Anxiety is more prevalent in man than women and most of subject belonged to 18-38 age group. There are 38.7% students and 24.7% work in private sector.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Most of people suffered from mild to moderate level of anxiety. It is also evident that different age groups have experienced a psychological impact reason behind like lockdown, lack of jobs, bed environment at the site of jobs and family pressure on students etc.</p> 2025-03-10T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Tabassum Parveen, Reetu Sharma, Pawankumar Godatwar Identification of Dry Ayurvedic Herbs (Fruits and Seeds) through Computer Vision Technology 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Abhishek Ravinder Arora Sangeeta Nehra Rahul Gupta <p>The study investigates the use of Computer Vision Technology (CVT) combined with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to address challenges in the identification of dry Ayurvedic herbs (fruits and seeds). A dataset of 50,000 high-resolution images, encompassing 50 herb species, was utilized to train a CNN model. The architecture comprised convolutional layers with filters and Dropout layers, ensuring efficient feature extraction and overfitting mitigation. The model achieved a peak training accuracy of 91.86% and a validation accuracy ranging from 81% to 83%, with an inference time of 36 milliseconds per step, indicating its potential. Performance evaluations, including accuracy metrics and confusion matrices, highlighted high prediction rates for distinct species. However, misclassifications among visually similar herbs underscored the need for dataset expansion and further optimization. Recommendations include incorporating robust database, additional species, diverse angles, and lighting conditions, as well as addressing class imbalances through data augmentation or resampling. Advanced regularization techniques, are proposed to enhance generalization. This research work Bridges the Traditional identification methods and Modern methods with Technology and establishes a robust framework for leveraging AI and computer vision in Ayurvedic herb identification, contributing significantly to the modernization and quality assurance of traditional herbal medicine. The findings emphasize scalability and future integration of cloud-based systems for large-scale applications.</p> 2025-03-10T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Abhishek, Ravinder Arora, Sangeeta Nehra, Rahul Gupta Exploring Physico-Chemical profile in Vatsanabha Root processed through Aja Dugdha, Triphala Kwatha, and Rakta Sarshapa Taila 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Ajay Malhotra Jyoti M. Ganer Garima Sharma Neha Rawat Naveen Kumar Shakya <p>The present study aims to evaluate the comparative physico-chemical profile of <em>Vatsanabha</em> (Aconitum ferox), a potent medicinal plant, processed through three different <em>Ayurvedic</em> methods: <em>Aja Dugdha</em>, <em>Triphala Kwatha</em>, and <em>Rakta Sarshapa Tail</em>. <em>Aconitum ferox</em>, known for its therapeutic potency, is traditionally considered highly toxic, and its processing is crucial for enhancing its safety and efficacy. The physico-chemical analysis involved the determination of various parameters such as moisture content, ash values, pH, solubility, in each of the processed forms. The treatments were standardized by processing the <em>Vatsanabha</em><em> Mula</em> with <em>Aja Dugdha</em> (goat's milk), <em>Triphala Kwatha</em> (a herbal decoction of <em>Triphala</em>), and <em>Rakta Sarshapa Tail</em> (red mustard oil). The results showed significant variations in the composition and quality of the processed formulations. The <em>Rakta Sarshapa Tail</em> processed <em>Vatsanabha</em> exhibited the highest reduction in toxic alkaloids. The <em>Triphala Kwatha</em> processed sample demonstrated enhanced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, while the <em>Aja Dugdha</em> processed <em>Vatsanabha</em> enhanced the lipid-solubility and bioavailability of active compounds. This comparative study highlights the influence of different processing techniques on the chemical characteristics of <em>Vatsanabha</em>, suggesting that these methods significantly improve its pharmacological potential while reducing toxicity. The findings may aid in developing safer and more effective formulations of <em>Aconitum ferox</em> for therapeutic use in modern medicine.</p> 2025-03-10T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Ajay Malhotra, Jyoti M. Ganer, Garima Sharma, Neha Rawat, Naveen Kumar Shakya Identification of Dry Ayurvedic Herbs (Roots and Stems) Through Ai/Computer Vision Technology 2025-03-26T16:27:38+0530 Renuka Bains Ravinder Arora Satyender Kumar Rahul Gupta <p>This study presents a novel AI-based approach for the identification and quality control of dry Ayurvedic herbs using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The model was developed to identify 43 types of dry Ayurvedic herbs, comprising 14 stems and 29 roots, based on visual features such as texture, colour, and shape. A dataset of 4,300 high-resolution images was curated using smartphones, and preprocessing techniques like normalization and augmentation were applied to enhance model robustness. The CNN model, with four convolutional layers (32 to 256 filters) and dropout layers, was designed to efficiently extract hierarchical features while preventing overfitting. The model achieved high training accuracy (94%) but encountered challenges in validation accuracy (85%), indicating difficulties in generalization. A confusion matrix revealed strong performance for distinct herb species but highlighted misclassifications among visually similar herbs. This study demonstrates the potential of AI and computer vision technologies to automate herb identification and quality control, reducing human dependency and errors. The system is deployable on mobile devices or servers, offering practical applications in the pharmaceutical and Ayurvedic industries, with significant benefits for consumer confidence and the authenticity of herbal products. Future work will focus on expanding the dataset, refining preprocessing methods, and utilizing enhanced computational resources, such as GPUs and cloud computing, to improve model scalability, efficiency, and generalization.</p> 2025-03-10T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Renuka Bains, Ravinder Arora, Satyender Kumar, Rahul Gupta Exploring Ababahuka - A Comprehensive Review and Analysis 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Manoj Kumar Manoj Kumar <p><em>Ababahuka</em>, referred to as Frozen Shoulder, is a condition marked by discomfort, limited movement, and stiffness in the shoulder joint. According to Ayurveda, <em>Ababahuka</em> primarily arises from an imbalance in the <em>Vatadosha</em>, although factors from the <em>Kapha</em> and <em>Pitta</em> <em>Doshas</em> may also play a role depending on the clinical presentation. This thorough review seeks into the development, clinical characteristics, and Ayurvedic treatment strategies for <em>Ababahuka</em>, encompassing both internal and external therapies as well as lifestyle adjustments. The article evaluates traditional Ayurvedic methods alongside contemporary viewpoints, emphasizing the importance of <em>Vata</em>-pacifying treatments. These include <em>Abhyanga</em> (oil massage), <em>Kati</em> <em>Basti</em> (medicated oil therapy), and herbal remedies such as <em>Ashwagandha</em> and <em>Guggulu</em>. Additionally, the review discusses the synergy between Ayurvedic techniques and standard medical practices, advocating for a comprehensive approach in managing the condition and enhancing joint function. Through this exploration, the review underscores the potential of Ayurveda in addressing <em>Ababahuka</em>, offering a viable pathway for alleviating pain and stiffness while enhancing patients' overall quality of life.</p> 2025-03-12T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Manoj Kumar, Manoj Kumar Importance of Yoga in Promotion of Sleep Quality - A Narrative Review 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Avinash Jadhav Kiran Mulgir <p>Humans require essential biological resources including sleep for survival. Sleep consumption varies due to various circumstances, with most humans sleeping for 20-40% of the day. Sleep is crucial for physical, cognitive, and emotional health, enabling the body to recover from fatigue and prepare for the next day's functions. Short-term sleep deprivation negatively impacts cardiovascular health, immune system function, physical recovery, and psychomotor performance. It also affects cognitive deficits, mood, and overall quality of life. Insufficient sleep can lead to daytime exhaustion, lethargy, reduced cognitive function, emotional changes, and decreased quality of life. Disrupted sleep also threatens global health and financial resources allocated for health. <em>Yoga</em> techniques, such as postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and relaxation techniques, can be used to promote sleep quality. Studies have shown that <em>Yoga</em> can improve sleep quality and cognitive function in various populations, age groups, and conditions. Further research is needed to fully understand the benefits of <em>Yoga</em> in various settings.</p> 2025-03-12T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Avinash Jadhav, Kiran Mulgir Addressing Digital Eye Strain: A Narrative Review of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Approaches 2025-03-26T16:13:10+0530 Meghana M Vineetha A N Prajna Shetty Vanitha S Shetty <p><strong>Background:</strong> Digital eye strain (DES) also called as Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a prevalent issue among individuals who spend extended hours on digital screens, such as office workers, students, and gamers., characterized by symptoms including eye fatigue, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, eye strain and neck or shoulder pain. With the increasing reliance on digital devices in daily life, it has emerged as a widespread occupational health concern.</p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong> To undertake a narrative review of studies on CAM approaches for mitigating the symptoms of digital eye strain.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> Keyword searches of PubMed, Google Scholar and PubMed Central databases. Manual searches of other relevant reference of articles.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The present review provides evidence supporting the potential use of CAM approaches in managing the digital eye strain.</p> 2025-03-12T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Meghana M, Vineetha A N, Prajna Shetty, Vanitha S Shetty Contributions of Harita Samhita to Kaumarbhritya: A Review of the classical text's insights on Infant and Child Care 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Saloni Ranawat Ram Kumar Anukriti Guar <p><em>Kaumarbhritya</em>, a branch of <em>Ashtang</em> <em>Ayurveda</em>, focuses on the care of infants and children, including their diseases and management. Although <em>Kashyap</em> <em>Samhita</em> is considered the primary text on <em>Kaumarbhritya</em>, it is not entirely available. Therefore, scholars and physicians need to get information related to <em>Kaumarbhritya</em> on other texts, such as <em>Harita</em> <em>Samhita</em>, to gain knowledge and clarify their doubts. Written between the 6th and 7th centuries AD, <em>Harita</em> <em>Samhita</em> is a classical <em>Ayurvedic </em>text presented in a conversational format between <em>Maharshi</em> <em>Atreya</em> and <em>Acharya</em> <em>Harita</em>. <em>Acharya</em> <em>Harita's</em> contributions to <em>Kaumarbhritya</em> are extensive, covering topics like: Duties and responsibilities in <em>Kaumarbhritya,</em> Age classification (<em>Vayo Bheda</em>), Breastfeeding concepts, Management of recurrent miscarriages, Antenatal and postnatal care, Childhood rituals and sacraments, Common diseases and disorders in infants and children, Pediatric formulations and treatments, Fetal development sequence. This article aims to review and highlight <em>Acharya</em> <em>Harita </em>contributions to <em>Kaumarbhritya</em>, as presented in <em>Harita</em> <em>Samhita</em>, providing valuable insights into this ancient text.</p> 2025-03-12T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Saloni Ranawat, Ram Kumar, Anukriti Guar The Essence of Vata Prakriti: A Comprehensive Ayurvedic Analysis 2025-03-26T14:22:30+0530 Rupesh Kumar Geetha Kanchan Rama Devi Mareedu Vasavi <p>This Article explores the characteristics of individuals with <em>Vata Prakriti</em> as described in classical <em>Ayurvedic</em> texts, including <em>Charaka Samhita</em>, <em>Sushruta Samhita</em>, and <em>Ashtanga Hridaya</em>. <em>Vata Prakriti</em> is characterized by physical, mental, and behavioural traits influenced by the dominance of the <em>Vata</em> <em>Dosha</em>. These include dry and lean body types, light and quick movements, sensitivity to cold, and a restless disposition. This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of these traits and their implications for health and wellness.</p> 2025-03-12T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Rupesh Kumar, Geetha Kanchan, Rama Devi, Mareedu Vasavi Holistic approaches to Neurological Disorders 2025-03-25T14:10:40+0530 Shraddha Sharma Ratnesh Kumar Shukla <p>The nervous system, as the primary controlling, regulatory, and communication network of the body, orchestrates critical functions, including thought, learning, memory, and movement. In <em>Ayurveda</em>, the nervous system's activities are governed by <em>Vata Dosha</em>, which is responsible for all bodily movements and central nervous system functions. Disorders arising from the vitiation of <em>Vata</em> are termed <em>Vatavyadhi</em> and encompass over 80 specific conditions <em>(Nanatmaj Vyadhi). </em>While <em>Vata</em> in its balanced state supports health, its deranged state can lead to debilitating conditions. <em>Charaka</em> classifies the etiology of <em>Vatavyadhi</em> into two primary categories: <em>Dhatukshayajanya</em> (degenerative conditions) treated with <em>Brihana</em> (nourishing therapies) and <em>Margavarodhjanya</em> (obstructive conditions) treated with <em>Vata-Anulomak Chikitsa</em> (therapies that restore the natural flow of <em>Vata</em>). Disorders involving sphincter disturbances and neurotransmitter dysfunction are also managed using <em>Ayurvedic</em> approaches, including <em>Rasayana</em> drugs for neural rejuvenation. Neurological disorders like epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, stroke, migraine, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and head trauma can result from various factors, including malnutrition and injuries. <em>Ayurveda’s</em> <em>Panchakarma</em> therapy offers a transformative approach to managing neurological disorders by detoxifying the body and eliminating vitiated <em>doshas</em>. Therapies such as <em>Vaman</em> (therapeutic emesis), <em>Virechana</em> (purgation), <em>Basti</em> (medicated enemas), <em>Nasya</em> (nasal administration), and <em>Raktamokshan</em> (bloodletting) are particularly effective in addressing vitiated <em>Vata</em> disorders. Additionally, <em>Snehan</em> (oleation therapy) and <em>Swedan</em> (fomentation therapy) provide significant relief in <em>Vataj</em> disorders by restoring balance and promoting overall neural health. This integrative approach combining modern diagnostics and traditional <em>Ayurvedic</em> interventions underscores the potential for holistic and personalized management of neurological disorders.</p> 2025-03-12T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Shraddha Sharma, Ratnesh Kumar Shukla Agnibala and Dehabala Synergy: Bridging Digestive Power and Physical Resilience 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Shalini Adhwaria M.B. Gaur <p>In <em>Ayurvedic</em> medicine, patient diagnosis and treatment are deeply personalized, considering several key physiological and psychological factors such as <em>Agni</em> (digestive fire), <em>Bala</em> (strength), <em>Prakriti</em> (constitution), <em>Sara</em> (tissue quality), and <em>Sanhanan</em> (endurance). Among these, <em>Agni</em> and <em>Bala</em> hold a particularly ignescent role in determining overall health. <em>Agni</em>, as emphasized by the ancient <em>Ayurvedic</em> sages, is the cornerstone of life, responsible for longevity, physical vigor, mental acuity, complexion, immunity, vitality, and even life force. Among <em>Agni’s</em> types, proper functioning of <em>Jatharagni</em> ensures that all bodily systems receive adequate nourishment, maintaining homeostasis. Conversely, impaired <em>Agni</em> leads to systemic imbalances and disease. <em>Agni</em> is, therefore, driving force behind <em>Bala</em>, a concept synonymous with the body’s innate immunity. Bala itself is a multifaceted concept, comprising two primary dimensions: <em>Dehabala</em> (physical strength) and <em>Manasbala</em> (mental fortitude). In <em>Ayurvedic</em> texts, <em>Bala</em> is often equated with <em>Ojas</em>, the vital essence that sustains life and provides strength. Ancient treatises prescribe numerous methods for assessing <em>Bala</em>, including rigorous physical assessment through <em>Vyayama Shakti</em>. <em>Dehabala</em>, reflecting one’s physical fitness, can be quantified by evaluating one’s stamina and endurance during physical exertion, (Harvard step test) a reliable marker of overall vitality. This exploration of the intricate interplay between <em>Agnibala</em> and <em>Dehabala</em> aims to deepen our understanding of how these core <em>Ayurvedic</em> principles contribute to the body’s resilience and vitality. Such insights not only enhance clinical practice but also pave the way for refining and advancing <em>Ayurvedic</em> science for the benefit of both patients and the broader medical field.</p> 2025-03-12T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Shalini Adhwaria, M.B. Gaur An Integrated Approach in the Present Era: Scope & Applications 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Sumit Raina Navya Verma <p>In the contemporary healthcare landscape, the integration of <em>Ayurvedic</em> and modern medicine represents a promising approach to enhance patient outcomes and address complex medical challenges. This paper explores the scope and applications of combining these two systems, emphasizing their complementary strengths. <em>Ayurvedic</em> medicine, with its holistic perspective and natural remedies, offers preventive and personalized care rooted in centuries of empirical practice. Modern medicine, characterized by advanced technology and evidence-based interventions, provides critical diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities. By examining current research, we illustrate how integrative practices can improve the management of chronic diseases, enhance patient quality of life, and promote sustainable healthcare solutions. Furthermore, the paper discusses the potential for collaborative research, education, and policy-making to support the harmonization of these medical systems. Our findings underscore the need for an open, interdisciplinary approach to healthcare that respects and utilizes the diverse strengths of both <em>Ayurvedic</em> and modern medical traditions.</p> 2025-03-12T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Sumit Raina, Navya Verma Exploring the Role of Yoga in Alleviating Chemotherapy - Induced Fatigue and Nausea-Vomiting in Women with Breast Cancer - A Narrative Review 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Anaghashree S Archana K Anupritha Shetty Vanitha S Shetty <p>Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for approximately 9.6 to 10 million deaths across the world in 2023. Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer (with more than 2.3 million new cases/year) and the leading cause of cancer death in females worldwide. Even though survival rates are continually increasing, breast cancer is often associated with long-term psychological distress, chronic pain, fatigue and impaired quality of life. There are around 364 studies (2024) done on the effect of yoga on breast cancer. Yoga comprises advice for an ethical lifestyle, spiritual practice, physical activity, breathing exercises and meditation. It is a complementary therapy that is commonly recommended for breast cancer-related impairments and has been shown to improve physical and mental health in people with different cancer types. In conclusion, <em>Yoga</em> has emerged as a valuable complementary therapy in the management of chemotherapy induce fatigue and nausea- vomiting offering physical, emotional, and psychological benefits.</p> 2025-03-12T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Anaghashree S; Archana K; Anupritha Shetty, Vanitha S Shetty Mystical Insights into Amrithakala and Visha Kala - A conceptual study w.s.r. to Visha Vaidya Jyotsnika 2025-03-26T14:06:35+0530 Reshma J Amal Chandran T.S Krishnakumar Jayadeep K Arathi Krishnan Aswathi P <p>This article explores the significance of the concept of "<em>Amritakala"</em> and “<em>Vishakala</em>" in traditional snakebite treatment as outlined in the Keraleeya Visha Chikitsa text book <em>Visha Vaidya Jyotsnika</em>. The study examines the ancient wisdom linking lunar phases, particularly the phases of the moon (<em>Sukla Paksha </em>and <em>Krishna Paksha</em>), to the physiological processes and healing practices of the human body. Central to the text's approach is the belief that specific body parts, aligned with the lunar phases, influence the effectiveness of treatments for poisoning and venomous bites. The concept of <em>Amritakala</em>, associated with the presence of "<em>Ojas</em>" or nectar-like vitality, plays a pivotal role in mitigating the effects of poisons, while <em>Vishakala</em>, marked by the absence of such vitality, exacerbates toxic effects. This paper discusses the role of these cycles in <em>Agadatantra</em> (toxins science) and highlights the therapeutic applications of understanding the presence of <em>Amrithakala</em> in the body, focusing on the prognosis and effectiveness of treatments. Through an analysis of these traditional practices, the article emphasizes the importance of aligning medical interventions with natural bio-rhythms to enhance healing outcomes and maintain health.</p> 2025-03-12T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Reshma J, Amal Chandran, T.S Krishnakumar, Jayadeep K, Arathi Krishnan, Aswathi P Contribution of Sushruta Samhita in the field of Kaumarbhritya - An Insight View 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Naval kishor Gurjar Ram Kumar Anukriti Guar <p><em>Sushruta Samhita</em> is one of the three primary <em>Brihata Trayi</em>. <em>Ayurvedic</em> compositions are a form of traditional Indian medicine. It's a well-known among surgeons and regarded as a turning point in the science of surgery but <em>Acharya Sushruta's</em> contributions is not many people are familiar with as other areas of medicine. He used to say that one cannot become effective in their own field unless they have sufficient understanding of related fields. One branch of <em>Ashtanga</em> <em>Ayurveda</em> that focuses on treating infants and children as well as managing their illnesses is called <em>Kaumarbhritya</em>. Even though <em>Kashyapa</em> <em>Samhita</em> is regarded as <em>Kaumarbhritya's</em> primary literature, it is not entirely accessible. Thus, the doctors and students must leave through different literature to learn the information and find the answers to their questions. The list of <em>Acharya Sushruta's</em> accomplishments is endless and in this we've tried to emphasise his contributions and the information that <em>Kaumarbhritya</em> left behind in <em>Sushruta Samhita. </em></p> 2025-03-12T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Naval kishor Gurjar, Ram Kumar, Anukriti Guar Challenges in Ayurvedic drug dispensing - A Review 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Sahil Guleria Vijay Chaudhary <p><em>Ayurvedic </em>medicine, rooted in centuries-old traditional knowledge, faces unique challenges in modern healthcare, particularly in the dispensing of its formulations. The complexity of drug preparation, varying storage requirements, lack of standardization, and individualized treatment protocols all contribute to significant barriers in integrating <em>Ayurveda </em>into mainstream health systems. This review examines the key challenges in <em>Ayurvedic </em>drug dispensing, focusing on quality control, formulation stability, patient compliance and the need for standardized protocols. Recommendations for addressing these challenges through innovation, regulatory updates and integration with modern pharmacological practices are also discussed.</p> 2025-03-12T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Sahil Guleria, Vijay Chaudhary Ayurvedic surgical practices: Insights into Shalya Tantra 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Baban Dagu Mohan Jyoti Baban Mohan <p><em>Shalya Tantra</em>, a prominent branch of <em>Ayurveda</em>, integrates surgical precision with holistic therapeutic principles, offering a comprehensive framework for managing diseases requiring surgical intervention. Rooted in ancient texts like the <em>Sushruta Samhita</em>, <em>Shalya Tantra</em> employs techniques such as incision, excision, suturing, and chemical cauterization, alongside herbal therapies to promote healing, reduce complications, and prevent recurrences. It addresses a wide range of conditions, including ano-rectal disorders, fractures, and wounds, emphasizing pre-operative and post-operative care for optimal recovery. The blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary relevance highlights Shalya Tantra’s potential in modern medical practices.</p> 2025-03-12T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Baban Dagu Mohan, Jyoti Baban Mohan Pancha Kosha Siddhanta: A Non-pharmacological approach to manage Prameha (Type 2 diabetes) 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Rachana Yadavaraya Gurubasavaraj Yalagachin <p>The number of people with Type 2 diabetes has skyrocketed globally in the latter part of the 20th century, reaching alarming levels. The rising global burden of diabetes demands innovative and safe treatments with minimal side effects to address this critical public health challenge. While medication is important, lifestyle changes are equally crucial for managing diabetes effectively. This needs a holistic approach to diabetes management, addressing each of the five layers of the human being i.e.,<em>Pancha Kosha</em>-<em>Annamaya</em> (physical body), <em>Pranamaya</em> (energy body), <em>Manomaya</em> (mental body), <em>Vignanamaya</em> (intellectual body) and <em>Anandamaya</em> (bliss body) - with specific non-pharmacological interventions. Review on non-pharmacological methods for diabetes management, such as dietary adjustments, stress reduction through practices like <em>Pranayama</em> and meditation, and physical activity. This article also highlights other natural approaches that can assist individuals with diabetes in effectively managing their condition.</p> 2025-03-15T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Rachana Yadavaraya, Gurubasavaraj Yalagachin Sadvritta’s Role in Creating a Compassionate and Ethical Society in the Present Era 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Ashok Kumar Sen Brahmanand Sharma Mohammed Faruque Nupur Rangani Swapnil Jaiswal Pavitra Trivedi <p>In today's rapid and interconnected environment, upholding ethical values and nurturing compassion in social interactions has increasingly become a concern. <em>Sadvritta</em>, an ancient Ayurvedic ethical conduct code, presents timeless principles that can act as a moral guide in the current age. This paper examines the significance of <em>Sadvritta</em> in developing a compassionate and ethical society, highlighting how its fundamental values - such as honesty, non-violence, respect for others, and self-control - can tackle the social dilemmas and ethical issues we confront today. By incorporating <em>Sadvritta</em> into everyday life, individuals can aid in fostering harmonious communities, encouraging empathy, and nurturing individual and communal well-being. This research underscores the necessity of revitalizing these ethical principles to form a balanced, peaceful, and morally grounded society in the contemporary world.</p> 2025-03-15T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Ashok Kumar Sen, Brahmanand Sharma, Mohammed Faruque, Nupur Rangani, Swapnil Jaiswal, Pavitra Trivedi Unravelling Sandhigata Vata (Osteoarthritis): A Comprehensive Analysis of its Pathophysiology 2025-03-23T18:01:09+0530 Meghashree Pramod Shet B Rashmi Kalkura K <p>The article delves into the detailed analysis on concept of pathophysiology of the <em>Sandhigata Vata</em>. It explores how etiological factors imbalances the <em>Dosha</em> and the picture from imbalanced <em>Dosha</em>s to development of features of <em>Sandhivata </em>which are impacting individual’s daily lives, especially in old age. Classical <em>Ayurvedic</em> texts detail the symptoms of <em>Sandhigata Vata</em>, which bear resemblance to osteoarthritis. The modern lifestyle's stressors exacerbate <em>Vata</em> imbalances, contributing to the prevalence of this condition. This condition has become increasingly prevalent, affecting over 528 million people globally in 2019, an increase of 113% since 1990, with a notable increase since 1990. The knee is the most commonly affected joint, with 365 million individuals experiencing osteoarthritis in this area. Women and older adults are majorly impacted, with 60% of patients being female and 73% aged over 55. Understanding the pathogenesis of diseases like <em>Sandhigata Vata</em> is crucial for healthcare professionals to diagnose and address these ailments effectively. Through accurate identification of <em>Sandhigata Vata</em>'s specific development path, Ayurvedic physicians can implement tailored treatment plans, leading to a significant improvement in the overall well-being of affected individuals.</p> 2025-03-15T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Meghashree, Pramod Shet B, Rashmi Kalkura K Literary study of Ashoka in Stree-Roga 2025-03-23T18:01:08+0530 Shreevalli P. Suchethakumari <p><em>Ashoka</em>, a revered herb in <em>Ayurveda</em>, has been extensively mentioned in ancient Indian texts for its medicinal properties particularly in the context of <em>Stree-Roga. Streeroga</em> and <em>Prasutitantra</em> is very important branch of <em>Ayurveda</em> which deals with health and diseases of women. In modern era women have to face many stressful situations, so it directly affects her physical and mental health leading to menstrual problems. To deal with this problem, <em>Ayurveda</em> has got a wonderful drug <em>Ashoka</em> which is so called popularly as <em>Streepriya</em> which is most commonly used by <em>Ayurvedic</em> Practitioners. <em>Ashoka</em> is one of the most auspicious and legendry trees of India. Its medicinal value seems to be recognized first in <em>Charaka Samhitha</em>. Its medicinal values are potentially used in field of <em>Streeroga</em> for betterment of women health. Hence <em>Ashoka</em> is selected for the present study. This review aims to provide in depth analysis of <em>Ashoka’s </em>therapeutic applications, pharmacological properties and its clinical efficacy in various <em>Streeroga </em>conditions.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Shreevalli P., Suchethakumari Ajirna: An Ayurvedic perspective on Indigestion 2025-03-23T18:01:08+0530 Brijesh R. Mishra <p><em>Ayurveda</em> emphasizes the central role of <em>Agni</em> (digestive fire) in maintaining overall health and well-being. <em>Ajirna</em> (indigestion) is a pathological state arising due to the impairment of <em>Agni</em>, leading to the formation of <em>Ama</em> (undigested metabolic toxins), which serves as a precursor to various systemic diseases. The primary etiological factors of <em>Ajirna</em> include improper dietary habits (<em>Ahara</em>), an unhealthy lifestyle (<em>Vihara</em>), and psychological disturbances (<em>Manasika</em> <em>Bhava</em>). Classical <em>Ayurvedic</em> texts, including the <em>Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita,</em> and <em>Ashtanga</em> <em>Hridaya</em>, classify <em>Ajirna</em> into different types based on <em>Dosha</em> predominance, namely <em>Amajirna</em> (<em>Kapha</em>-dominant), <em>Vidagdhajirna</em> (<em>Pitta</em>-dominant), and <em>Vishtabdhajirna (Vata</em>-dominant), along with other forms such as <em>Rasasheshajirna</em>, <em>Dinapaki Ajirna</em>, and <em>Vilambika Ajirna. </em>The dysfunction of <em>Agni</em> results in three pathological states: <em>Mandagni</em> (weakened digestion), <em>Tikshnagni</em> (hyperactive digestion), and <em>Vishamagni</em> (irregular digestion), all of which contribute to digestive disorders. The management of <em>Ajirna </em>in<em> Ayurveda </em>focuses on restoring <em>Agni</em>, eliminating <em>Ama</em>, and correcting underlying lifestyle and dietary imbalances. Therapeutic approaches include <em>Langhana</em> (fasting), <em>Deepana</em> (appetite-stimulating), <em>Pachana</em> (digestive aids), and <em>Vatanulomana</em> (regulation of <em>Vata</em> movement), along with <em>Panchakarma</em> therapies and <em>Pathya-Apathya </em>(dietary and lifestyle modifications). This paper aims to comprehensively explore <em>Ajirna</em> from an Ayurvedic perspective by integrating classical textual references with evidence-based therapeutic interventions for sustainable digestive health.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Brijesh R. Mishra Conceptual study on Khalitya 2025-03-23T18:01:08+0530 Annapurna K. Bhandge S. G. Chavan <p>In <em>Ayurveda</em> <em>Khalitya </em>means hair fall, in present era millions of people are suffering from hair fall. <em>Khalitya </em>is primarily a <em>Pitta </em>dominant <em>Tridoshjanya Vyadhi </em>i.e., <em>Vata</em>, <em>Pitta</em>, <em>Kapha </em>with <em>Rakta Dosha</em>. Hair adds beauty and the personality of a human being. In present era, falling of hair is a commonly found cosmetic problem affecting young people. Healthy and good looking hair makes person good looking and enthusiastic. It is due to changing lifestyle, unhealthy dietary habits, sleep disturbances, systemic diseases, medications and stressful life. <em>Khalitya </em>has been described in Ayurveda under the heading of <em>Kshudra Roga </em>(minor disease) or <em>Shiroroga </em>(diseases of head &amp; scalp). It is progressing disorder people living in sedentary life, stress induced hectic schedules along with indiscriminate dietary habits result in many disturbances and deficiencies in the body which directly reflect in loss of hair. Most of the research studies conducted are on <em>Nasya</em>, <em>Raktamokshana </em>and <em>Lepa</em>. Various drugs like <em>Bhringraja Taila, Malatyadi Tailam, Tila Taila, Asthiposhak Vati </em>and <em>Rasayana </em>drugs are used for hair loss.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Annapurna K. Bhandge, S. G. Chavan A Review on Rasayana Karma of Bhallataka 2025-03-24T23:35:56+0530 Ruchita A. Bhute Kalpana R. Chavhan <p>Bhallataka, a revered medicinal herb, is known for its ability to penetrate deeply into tissues and rejuvenate the body, which is why ancient Ayurvedic sages held it in high esteem. Maharshi Charak emphasized its Rasayana properties and described ten different preparations using Bhallataka. He regarded it as the most effective remedy for Kaphaj Vyadhi. Charak classified Bhallataka into several categories: Dipaniya (an appetizer), Bhedaniya (to break down accumulated Doshas), Mutra Sangrahaniya (antidiuretic), and Kusthaghna (antidermatosis).</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Ruchita A. Bhute, Kalpana R. Chavhan Understanding relationship between concept of Agni, Ama and Gut Brain Axis - Contemporary Review 2025-03-23T18:01:08+0530 Afnan Naaz Shivaprasad S.E A. S. Patil <p>Hippocrates of kos, a Greek physician widely regarded as the founder of modern medicine, said that All diseases originate in the gut, “even though acharya <em>Charaka </em>had already emphasized the significance of <em>Agni </em>(the digestive fire) when he said that “the causes of all disease is <em>Mandagni</em>. Due to hypofunction of <em>Jatharagni </em>result into the formation of the <em>Ama. Ama </em>is the improper digestion or partially digestion of the food particle accumulation of <em>Mala</em> in the body and also considered as <em>Prathamdoshadusti</em>”. Gut bacterial flora can impact the physiology of the central nervous system (CNS) and play a significant role in pathological diseases. The Gut microbiota has extensive reciprocal connection with the human brain through microbial metabolites, the vagus nerve, spinal nerve, hormonal &amp; immunological signalling, collectively forming the microbiome gut -brain - axis. Life style factors such as eating junk food, sleep patterns, stress levels, less physical activity, and medication use also influences the gut microbiome. Chronic stress and inadequate sleep can disrupt microbial balance and releases various metabolites. Dysbiosis has been linked to various health conditions, including gastrointestinal disorders, metabolic disease like obesity &amp; diabetes, autoimmune disorders, allergies, and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety etc. Here we discuss about structure and Functions in both entities, which are similar and dissimilar, also whether dysbiosis, microbial metabolite can be considered under <em>Agnidusti </em>and<em> Ama </em>respectively<em>. </em>The present article attempts to understand the relation of <em>Agni, Ama</em> and gut brain axis in pathogenesis of diseases.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Afnan Naaz, Shivaprasad S.E, A. S. Patil Integrative management of Kitibha Kushta with Snehapana: A Case Study Perspective 2025-03-26T13:53:22+0530 Rakesh HR Nija Chacko Rohit HE <p>The skin is the body's largest organ, making up more than 10% of its total mass, and it plays a crucial role in facilitating the body’s closest interaction with the environment<strong><sup>[1]</sup></strong>. Skin disorders are commonly caused by factors such as altered lifestyles, lack of physical activity, poor hygiene, mental stress, and improper eating habits. Skin conditions represent one of the largest groups of health issues In Ayurveda, <em>Kushta</em> is a broad term encompassing nearly all skin diseases. It is associated with imbalances in <em>Tridosha</em>, <em>Rasa</em>, <em>Rakta</em>, <em>Mamsa</em>, and <em>Ambu</em>. <em>Rakta Dushti</em> (vitiation of blood) is considered the primary cause of skin disorders (<em>Twak Vikaras</em>). The etiological factors include physical, physiological, psychological, psychosocial, hereditary and <em>Papakarma</em> (sinful activities). <em>Rukshana</em> <em>Karma</em> followed by <em>Snehapana</em> can be given to those as a primary treatment for patients affected with <em>Kushta</em>. <em>Virechana</em> is the <em>Shodhana Karma</em> (purification therapy) recommended for treating <em>Raktaja Vikaras</em> (blood-related disorders). Following <em>Shodhana</em>, <em>Shamana Chikitsa</em> (palliative treatment) plays a vital role in alleviating <em>Alpadosha</em> (imbalanced <em>Doshas</em>). It plays a vital role in avoiding further accumulation of <em>Doshas</em> and alleviating <em>Sesha Doshas</em>. In this case study, a 52-year-old male patient was admitted presenting with blackish-white circular lesions on both upper limbs and lower limbs, along with itching and powdery discharge for the past 3 months. Later diagnosed with <em>Kitibha Kushta </em>having similar symptoms of plaque psoriasis. The patient underwent <em>Langana, Rukshana, Snehapana </em>(oleation),<em> Virechana</em> (therapeutic purgation), and resulting in significant improvement.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Rakesh HR, Nija Chacko, Rohit HE Ayurvedic management of Vaipadika - A Case Study 2025-03-24T10:50:44+0530 Nataraj HR Akarsha Krishna S Ashwin Kumar S Bharathi Soniya MP Niranjan RN <p><em>Vaipadika </em>is one among eleven <em>Kshudra Kushtas</em> characterized by <em>Pani Pada Sputana</em> (cracking of palms and soles), <em>Teevra Vedana</em> (intense pain), <em>Manda Kandu</em> (mild itching) and <em>Saraga</em> <em>Pidaka</em> (reddish lesions). It is a <em>Vatakapha</em> predominant condition. Palmoplantar psoriasis effecting hand and foot shares similar clinical features as that of <em>Vaipadika.</em> It causes itching, pain, and rashes on the palms of the hands, sides of the fingers or on the soles of the feet. As <em>Kushta</em> is a <em>Bahudoshaja Vyadhi</em>, it requires <em>Shodhana Chikitsa</em> (purificatory therapies). But <em>Kshudra Kushtas</em> like <em>Vaipadika</em> respond well to OP based <em>Shamana Chikitsa</em> (pacification therapy). The current case report is an attempt to appreciate the effect of <em>Shamana Chikitsa </em>in the management of <em>Vaipadika Kushta</em> (Palmoplantar psoriasis). A sixty-three-year-old female patient approached the outpatient department with complaints of cracked left palm associated with itching, burning sensation and pain in the last one year. Though it is a chronic case, the patient was able to get relieved within four visits which created a promising faith towards <em>Ayurvedic</em> treatment.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Nataraj HR, Akarsha Krishna S, Ashwin Kumar S Bharathi, Soniya MP, Niranjan RN Role of Sadyo Vamana in Tamaka Swasa - A Case Study 2025-03-23T18:01:08+0530 Sreelakshmi Raj Supreeth M.J. Kiran M. Goud <p><em>Swasa </em>(<em>Asthma</em>) is one among <em>Pranavaha Srothodusti Vikara</em>. <em>Tamaka Swasa </em>(bronchial asthma) is one among the 5 types of <em>Swasa</em>. A 44-year-old female patient comes with complaints of difficulty in breathing and wheezing sounds. This case was diagnosed as <em>Tamaka Swasa</em>. As the <em>Doshas</em> are in the <em>Utklishta Avastha </em>(excited state), <em>Asnehapoorvaka Vamana</em> with <em>Pippali </em>(<em>Piper longum</em>) <em>Saindhavajala </em>(Rock-salt, water) in <em>Vega Avastha</em> was implemented and significant improvements were seen. After 1 month of follow-up no recurrence have been reported.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Sreelakshmi Raj, Supreeth M.J., Kiran M. Goud Effect of Agnikarma in the management of Gridhrasi with special reference to Sciatica: A Case Study 2025-03-23T18:01:08+0530 Sneha P. Suresh Sariga KT Asha Rani Arathy Menon <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> <em>Gridhrasi</em> is one among the <em>Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhis. Nantmaja Vyadhi</em> is caused by a single <em>Dosha</em>, or a powerful <em>Dosha</em> that can cause a disease on its own. <em>Gridhrasi</em> is characterized by pain that radiating to <em>Sphik, Kati, Prishta, Ooru, Janu, Jangha</em> and <em>Pada</em>. This feature of <em>Gridhrasi</em> closely resembles with the clinical aspects of Sciatica. Ayurvedic management involves the procedures like Sira <em>Vyadha, Bastikarma</em> and <em>Agnikarma</em>. <em>Agnikarma</em> is a cost effective, easy to practice, less complicated, quick relief treatment that does not require hospitalization. <strong>Aim and Objectives:</strong> The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of <em>Agnikarma</em> in the management of <em>Gridhrasi</em> with special reference to Sciatica. <strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> It is a single case study of a 23-year-old boy who was already diagnosed with sciatica in the last 1 year. He approached to <em>Ayurvedic</em> hospital and was treated with <em>Agnikarma</em>. <strong>Results: </strong>Symptomatic assessment of the patient was done after one month and satisfactory result was there. There was very much improvement of the quality of life of the patient.<strong> Conclusion: </strong>The management of <em>Gridhrasi</em> with the help of <em>Agnikarma</em> has a significant effect in reducing the symptoms.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Sneha P. Suresh, Sariga KT, Asha Rani, Arathy Menon Therapeutic approaches and clinical outcomes in Ayurvedic management of Ekakushtha (Psoriasis) : A Case Report 2025-03-23T18:01:08+0530 Saurav Brahmbhatt Krushnkumar Taviad Bharat Kalsariya <p><strong>Background:</strong> <em>Ekakushtha</em>, a type of <em>Kshudra Kushtha</em> attributed to <em>Vata</em> and <em>Kapha Dosha </em>imbalance, shares clinical similarities with psoriasis - a chronic, non-communicable condition causing significant morbidity and negatively impacting the quality of life. <strong>Methods:</strong> A 64-years-old male presented with pruritic, dry, scaly lesions progressing to thick, erythematous patches across the abdomen, diagnosed as <em>Ekakushtha</em> at the OPD of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurved Hospital, Vadodara. The therapeutic approach involved oral ingestion of <em>Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu, Triphala Guggulu, Gandhaka Rasayana</em>, and morning administration of a combination of <em>Amalaki, Guduchi </em>and <em>Haridra Swarasa</em>, alongside the local application of <em>Gandhaka Malahara</em>. The patient's response was assessed over eight weeks using the Auspitz sign, PASI score, symptom improvement, and patient-reported outcomes. <strong>Results</strong>: Significant reduction in inflammation, itching, and scaling was observed, with substantial lesion improvement noted. The treatment regimen, administered for eight weeks with four weeks of follow-up, was well-tolerated without adverse effects. He was observed for twenty-four weeks after follow-up and no recurrence has been observed. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: This case study demonstrates effective management of <em>Ekakushtha</em> using Ayurvedic therapies including <em>Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu</em>, <em>Triphala Guggulu, Gandhaka Rasayana</em>, and <em>Gandhaka Malahara</em>, resulting in marked clinical improvement and no recurrence at twenty-four weeks post-treatment. Thus, it can be concluded that Ayurvedic treatments seem to be effective options in the management of <em>Ekakushtha</em>.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Saurav Brahmbhatt, Krushnkumar Taviad, Bharat Kalsariya An Ayurvedic approach of Vataja Grahani vis-à-vis Irritable Bowel Syndrome - A Case Study 2025-03-26T13:13:16+0530 Shashikala V. Beena MD <p><em>Grahani</em> is considered as <em>Agni Adhishtana</em>, which help in the process of metabolism and digestion of food. The ancient text of <em>Ayurveda</em> described that ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation of <em>Aahara</em> is regulated by <em>Grahani</em>. Any disturbances in the status of <em>Agni</em> leads to <em>Mandagni</em> which further leads to improper digestion of ingested food leading to <em>Grahani Roga</em> which nowadays affects large population globally, especially in developing countries due to improper food habits along with stressful lifestyle. In Modern parlance, it can be correlated to IBS. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is characterized by recurrent abdominal discomfort in association with alternate episodes of diarrhoea and constipation. Physiological, luminal, behavioural and psychosocial factors are responsible for IBS. They are caused by two entirely different mechanisms such as Bowels habits disturbed by diarrhoea or constipation occurring alone or alternating. A case of 57 years old female diagnosed with <em>Vataja Grahani Roga</em> after detailed history taking, thorough clinical examinations and was diagnosed with IBS using Rome IV criteria and Mannings Criteria to assess the severity of the disease. Patient was then treated with <em>Ayurveda </em><em>Panchakarma</em> therapies such as <em>Kashayaseka, Sarvanga Abhyanga, Takra Basti</em> and <em>Shamanaushadhis</em>. Assessment was done using IBS Symptoms Severity Scoring Scale. After completion of <em>Ayurveda</em> treatments, there was a marked improvement in the condition of the patient in terms of symptoms and IBS Severity scoring scale was reduced to score 9 from 34 within a span of 11days. Hence this case is an evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of <em>Ayurveda</em> treatment in case of <em>Grahani Roga.</em></p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Shashikala V., Beena MD An Ayurvedic holistic approach in achieving hormonal balance in a co-existing condition of PCOS and Hypothyroidism - A Case Report 2025-03-26T12:52:06+0530 Chandrika Urs P Ajayamalatesh NM A1MALATESH@GMAIL.COM Prashant MB <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> PCOS and thyroid hormonal imbalances are very much prevalent co-existing endocrinal conditions of recent days. Holistic approaches of <em>Ayurveda</em> offer cost effective and promising solutions to these kinds of multi-systemic conditions.<strong> Case Details:</strong> A female patient aged about 23years, diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and PCOS associated with severe craving, thirst, lethargy, sleep disturbance and irregular periods characterized by Amenorrhea for six to nine months with very minimal menstrual bleeding. Detailed analysis of <em>Hetu, Lakshana </em>based on <em>Trividha, Astavidha, Dashavidha Pareeksha</em>, revealed <em>Kapha </em>and<em> Vata Nidana </em>causing <em>Arthavavaha Srotosangha</em> and <em>Rasa-Medo Dhatu Dushti</em>. Accordingly, the treatment approach was planned with <em>Nidana Parivarjana</em>, <em>Deepana, Pachana, Shodhana (Vamana), Samsarjana </em>followed by <em>Shamana </em>and regular<em> Suryanamaskara </em>with morning relaxing walk and exercises. <strong>Results:</strong> A significant result was noted during treatment in terms of reduction in severe craving, thirst, lethargy, sleep disturbance and level of TSH from 3.01µIU/ml (with thyroid hormonal medication) to 1.71µIU/ml (without thyroid hormonal medication) body weight reduced from 63kgs to 59kgs BMI from 27.3 to 25.5 with the appearance of regular menstrual cycle thereafter. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> A satisfactory improvement observed in overall health of the patient proving significant efficacy of principle based holistic approach of <em>Ayurveda</em> for multi systemic hormonal balance.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Chandrika URS P, Ajayamalatesh NM, Prashant MB Ayurvedic management of Trigeminal Neuralgia - A Case Study 2025-03-26T12:40:52+0530 Sanmati Sudarshan Tare Sudeep Konkani <p>Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is a neuropathic pain syndrome which is characterized by unilateral lancinating facial pain. TN is a chronic pain disorder that affects the trigeminal nerve. Attacks of pain are usually triggered by touch, a cold wind or while eating. TN leads disability and poor quality of life, even when patients are taking conventionally treatments.<strong> Case: </strong>A 43 years old male consulted my clinic, with the complains of sudden pain like electric shock on left side of the head, cheek and mandible which gets aggravated on touch. MRI was done which was suggestive of patient suffering with Trigeminal Neuralgia. In the present case report patient was considered suffering from <em>Anantvata</em> and was treated with oral medications like <em>Ekangveer Rasa, Mahavatavidhvansa Rasa, Ashwagandha Churna, Lashun Ksheerapaka, Dashamoola Kwatha </em>with<em> Ghrita </em>and<em> Nasya.</em> The treatment continued for 4 months. As per the results, we can say that the cases of TN can be successfully treated with Ayurvedic treatment and no surgical intervention is needed.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Sanmati Sudarshan Tare, Sudeep Konkani Management of Luta Visha (Spider Bite Poisoning) with Ayurveda - A Case Report 2025-03-23T18:01:08+0530 Rutuja Prabhakar Choure Rajendra D Lambat <p><em>Agadtantra</em> encompasses the knowledge of various types of Visha (poisons) derived from animals or plants. It provides detailed insights into the origin, classification, symptoms, and management of poisoning caused by the bites of Sarpa (snakes), Mushaka (rodents), Keeta (insects), and Luta (spiders). <em>Acharya Vagbhat</em> classified <em>Lutavisha</em> under <em>Keetavisha</em> (insects) due to its resemblance to insect characteristics. The <em>Dosha Avastha</em> of <em>Luta</em> is predominantly <em>Pittakapha</em>, meaning symptoms associated with <em>Pitta</em> and <em>Kapha Doshas</em> are more prominent. In cases of spider poisoning, the primary symptoms include pain, swelling, itching and erythema. Renowned <em>Ayurvedic</em> scholars like <em>Acharya Sushruta, Acharya Vagbhata</em>, and <em>Acharya Bhava Mishra</em> have extensively discussed Luta Visha (spider venom). Globally, over 40,000 species of spiders have been identified, and although only a few are harmful to humans, spider bites are a common concern. Delay in treatment of venomous bites can lead to severe consequences, including death. Therefore, spider bites, especially in endemic areas, should be addressed promptly and taken seriously. This is a case report of 25 yr old male patient with complaints of Vesicular lesion, pain and burning sensation on the posterior aspect of neck in the last 2 days and he was treated with <em>Dushivishari Agad </em>along with external application of <em>Shatdhaut Ghrita</em> which includes <em>Shothahara</em> (anti-inflammatory), <em>Dahahar</em> (cooling), <em>Vishaghna</em> and <em>Kandughna</em> properties. The symptoms were reduced completely within 7days.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Rutuja Prabhakar Choure, Rajendra D Lambat Ayurvedic management of Kamala with reference to Viral Hepatitis 2025-03-26T10:39:53+0530 Vishvanath Latha <p>Inflammation of the liver (Hepatitis) can be traced to many different causes, including viral infections, alcohol, fat accumulation in the liver, an incorrectly functioning immune system, exposure to chemicals and other toxins, and certain drugs. Most of those Asian countries that consider Hepatitis is an urgent public health issue, and have a national strategy in place. Awareness of all those concerned is essential for effective control measures as therapies are expensive with moderate efficacy and side-effects. As a result, in recent years there has been great interest in scientific field to evaluate the efficacy of Ayurveda formulations and single herbal remedies on Hepatitis. <em>Kamala</em> is one of the important, common clinical entities in <em>Ayurveda</em>, whose description appears to be most comprehensive and incorporates the disorders of Hepato-Biliary System of Modern Medicine. Numbers of clinical and experimental studies have been conducted to prove the scientific basis of the use of <em>Ayurveda</em> therapeutic for management of Hepatitis at primary care level. This study work had been carried out to found <em>Ayurvedic</em> Herbo-Mineral formulations which already proved their effect on Hepatitis (Kamala) through hepato-protective activity.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Vishvanath, Latha An Ayurvedic management of Udavarta - A Case Report 2025-03-23T18:01:08+0530 Arathy Menon Sariga K.T. Sneha P. Suresh <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Constipation is a condition where a person is having infrequent and un satisfied bowel movements. The passage of stool may become difficult due to its dryness and hardness. This in chronicity may result in abdominal distension, gas formation, loss of appetite, rumbling sounds in abdomen, occasional pain in abdomen and even sour belching. This chronic constipation along with the associated symptoms can be considered as <em>Udavarta</em>, a unique concept explained in <em>Ayurveda</em>.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> A 32-year-old female patient with alleged history of severe constipation for 9 years along with burning sensation over chest and neck region, sour belching, nausea, occasional vomiting, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and occasional rumbling and severe pain in the abdomen. She also complained of having headache and cough when the constipation becomes chronic. She was treated with both internal and external <em>Ayurvedic</em> interventions. Internal medications were given for two weeks followed with <em>Panchakarma</em> procedures for 11 days.</p> <p><strong>Result</strong>: The patient was assessed with Bristol stool form scale (BSFS) and constipation assessment scale (CAS) which showed good improvement.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: This study bear witness to the fact that <em>Ayurvedic</em> treatment have an important role in the management of <em>Udavarta</em>.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Arathy Menon, Sariga K.T., Sneha P. Suresh Effect of Ayurvedic medicine in the management of Mukhpaka: A Case Study 2025-03-26T10:24:34+0530 Tulsi Kapadia Indumati Sharma <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Stomatitis is common problem faced by all persons. The illness that spreads across the mouth is called <em>Mukhapaka</em>, or stomatitis. It is an irritation of the mucous membranes on the tongue, cheeks, lips, throat. It may seem like a small issue, but it interferes with day-to-day tasks. Foods that are hot, spicy, and oily; smoking; chewing tobacco; some medicines; infections; low vitamin B12 levels; and more can all cause stomatitis. <strong>Main symptoms, Important clinical finding: </strong>The four varieties of <em>Mukhapaka</em> mentioned by Ayurveda those are <em>Vataja</em>, <em>Pittaja</em>, <em>Kaphaja</em>, and <em>Raktaja</em>. As <em>Acharya Charak</em> says in <em>Chikitsa</em> 15<sup>th</sup>, Combining <em>Aam</em> and <em>Pitta</em> results in <em>Pittajvikar</em> such as burning sensation, excessive thirst, fever, oral cavity disease, and hyperacidity.<strong> The main diagnoses, therapeutic interventions and outcome: </strong>Here, we are receiving <em>Sama Pittaj</em> <em>Lakshan</em>. for this pathogenesis <em>Deepan, Pachan, Ropan, Anuloman,</em> and other remedies like <em>Gandoosh</em>, <em>Kaval</em> are given. Here, even <em>Ayurvedic</em> medicine didn't relieve the problems and made them worse because the <em>Dosh Dushya Gunas</em> weren't properly examined. One of the most crucial aspects of treatment is <em>Amshansh Kalpana</em> of <em>Dosha;</em> by approaching the situation in this manner, quick results can be achieved. Although Stomatitis can be treated with painkillers, mouthwashes, lotions, corticosteroids, and vitamin B12 in allopathy.<strong> Conclusion: </strong>Today, the world looks to Ayurveda for its invaluable help in treating any illness. With little adverse effects, one can apply <em>Ayurveda</em> medicine to relieve both main and secondary disease symptoms.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Tulsi Kapadia, Indumati Sharma Action of Bilwadi Agad in management of Food Poisoning w.s.r. to Visuchika - A Case Study 2025-03-23T18:01:08+0530 Sonal S. Patil Rajendra D. Lambat <p><em>Bilwadi</em> <em>Agada</em> is a polyherbal Ayurvedic formulation. It is a choice of drug in acute toxico-pathological conditions. The 13 ingredients of <em>Bilwadi Agad</em> are <em>Bilwa, Surasa, Karanja, Nata, Suvaha, Haridra, Daruharidra, Triphala, Trikatu. </em>It is indicated in various conditions such as <em>Sarpa Dansha, Loota Visha, Unduru Visha, Vrischika Visha, Visuchika, Ajeerna, Gara Visha, Jwara Bhoota Badha </em>etc. Drugs found in <em>Bilwadi Agad </em>mostly have the qualities of <em>Deepana, Pachana, Anulomana, Shoolhara, Krimighna, Jwaraghna,</em> and <em>Vishaghna</em> and it act on the <em>Kapha-Vata</em>. <em>Visuchika</em> is a condition in which vitiated <em>Agni</em> causes over-affection of <em>Ama</em> leading to expulsion of <em>Doshas</em> though both upper and lower passage. Food poisoning which is classified under acute gastroenteritis caused due to ingestion of food contaminated by either bacteria or nonbacterial toxins. It causes hypersecretion of fluid and electrolytes which is the underlying cause of watery consistency of stool in cases of food poisoning. This can be clinically corelated with the concept of <em>Visuchika</em> in ayurveda. <em>Bilwadi Agad</em> when used in such cases have seen to be effective in relieving the symptoms of food poisoning. The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of <em>Bilwadi Agada </em>as a treatment for <em>Visuchika</em>.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Sonal S. Patil, Rajendra D. Lambat Exploring the therapeutic potential of Panchakarma in Geriatrics 2025-03-26T00:07:43+0530 Khushbhu Sharma Atul B. Pawar <p><em>Ayurveda </em>holds special space in the world where it gives great emphathy to prevention of disease and promotion of health to all people irrespective of age whether they belong to younger, middle or older age. <em>Ayurvedic</em> literature consider <em>Vriddha</em> <em>Avastha</em> as the <em>Swabhav</em> of life in which <em>dhatus</em> get degenerated which leads to brain related disorders like, parkinson disease, body weakness, uncontrolled bowel movement, memory loss and many more leading to affected daily lifestyle. <em>Panchkarma </em>in geriatric arising as special branch focusing on promotion of rejuvenation along with promotion of health, mobility, mental wellness in old age people.</p> 2025-03-16T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 Khushbhu Sharma, Atul B. Pawar