Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences <p><strong>Online ISSN :</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2456-3110</a></p> <p><strong>DOI Prefix :</strong> 10.21760/jaims.</p> <p><strong>Frequency :</strong> Monthly</p> <p>Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences (JAIMS) – An International Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Monthly Journal for Researches in AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy), is published monthly by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. The full text of this journal is accessible on website <a href=""></a></p> <p>The ‘JAIMS’ Journal aims to publish the scientific and research outcomes with a view to inform and share the scientific findings, advice, risk assessment conclusions and recommendations for further research in the areas within the limits of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy). It also aims to increase the visibility and awareness of AYUSH’s scientific work worldwide.</p> <p>As an Integrated medical journal for Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy, Medicinal Plants Sciences, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Pharmaceutics, Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, etc., ‘JAIMS’ aims to explore the alternative system of medicines, encouraging significant collaboration to promote effective, safe and economical global health.</p> <p>The JAIMS journal will consider any original contribution that advances medical science or practice, or that educates the journal's readers. Manuscripts must be solely the work of the author(s) stated, must not have been previously or partially published elsewhere, and must not be under consideration by another journal. All manuscripts contributed to JAIMS are examined by the editorial staff and all original articles are evaluated by peer reviewers assigned by the editors.</p> en-US <p>Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences (JAIMS) retains the copyright of the contents of this journal but grant the readers the right to use the contents with terms and conditions under a creative common attribution licenses 4 of Attribution, Share Alike and Non-commercial type (CC BY-NC-SA) that allows copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for&nbsp;non-commercial&nbsp;purposes.</p> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></a><br>This work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p> (Dr. Umapati C. Baragi) (Dr. Jyoti Baragi) Wed, 28 Aug 2024 00:51:55 +0530 OJS 60 Clinical Evaluation of Obenyl Tablet in the management of Obesity <p>Obesity, defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation, which may impair health, is measured by body mass index (BMI) ≥ 30 kg/m<sup>2</sup>. In the Asian population, the BMI cut-off of obesity is lower (≥27.5 kg/m<sup>2</sup>).<strong><sup>[1]</sup></strong> Prevalence rate of Obesity across the globe is alarmingly increasing, irrespective of geographical areas, race, sex and age. Obesity is associated with increased risk of morbidities such as systematic inflammation, insulin resistance, and lipid abnormalities, leading to various non-communicable diseases, including cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases and cancer.<strong><sup>[2]</sup></strong> To overcome such major concern and address this issue with safer and herbal solution Charak Pharma Pvt. Ltd’s, Obenyl Tablet was taken for this Clinical Evaluation study. The study was done on 113 patients with BMI in between 28 to 40. The study is open labelled controlled single arm study. Participants were given Obenyl tablet and allowed to consume regular diet. The study shows Excellent - 20.51% (15 patients), Good - 38.93% (30 patients), Fair - 28.31% (22 patients), Failure - 12.82% (10 patients). Study shows Mean Weight Loss of 3.33Kg at the end of the study. The present study showed the therapeutic results on Completion of 120<sup>th</sup> Day in comparison to 0 Day, as Obenyl Tablet has showed 87.18% good results.</p> Dnyaneshwar Mote, Lata Kide Copyright (c) 2024 Dnyaneshwar Mote, Lata Kide Tue, 27 Aug 2024 08:05:01 +0530 Comparative efficacy of 8-Shaped Ksharasutra vs Single Loop Ksharasutra in Pilonidal Sinus Treatment: A Prospective Study <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> <em>Ksharasutra</em> therapy is long known for effectively treating Pilonidal sinus (<em>Nadi Vrana</em>). This study aims to compare the efficacy of two <em>Ksharasutra</em> insertion techniques: the 8-Shaped <em>Ksharasutra</em> and the standard single loop pattern <em>Ksharasutra</em> in patients with Pilonidal Sinus (<em>Nadi Vrana</em>). <strong>Methodology: </strong>Ten patients diagnosed with Pilonidal sinus at the outpatient department of Shalya Tantra, TMAES Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospete, Karnataka, India, were selected for this study. These patients were equally divided into two groups: Group A (n=5, 8-Shaped <em>Ksharasutra</em>) and Group B (n=5, Single loop <em>Ksharasutra</em>). Both groups received a standard <em>Ksharasutra</em> (21 <em>Bhawana</em>) made with <em>Apamarga, Snuhi, </em>and<em> Haridra.</em> The study evaluated three parameters: VAS score, time taken for cutting through the track and time span for complete healing. The <em>Ksharasutra</em> was changed weekly using the rail-road technique on an outpatient basis. Efficacy was assessed from insertion to complete wound healing. <strong>Results: </strong>A significant difference was observed between Group A and Group B concerning the time taken for cutting through the track, disinfection and complete healing of the Pilonidal Sinus track. However, there was no significant difference in VAS score between the two groups during the treatment course. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>8-Shaped <em>Ksharasutra</em> offers the advantage of faster tract cutting, more efficient disinfection and quicker wound healing compared to the single loop pattern <em>Ksharasutra</em>.</p> Mohd Zahoor Bhat, L. Manonmani, Mukhtar Ahmad Bhat, Lavesh Jangamashetti Copyright (c) 2024 Mohd Zahoor Bhat, L. Manonmani, Mukhtar Ahmad Bhat, Lavesh Jangamashetti Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Clinical Assessment of Efficacy and Safety of Addyzoa Tablet in Male Infertile Patients with Oligospermia and Asthenospermia <p>Infertility is defined as inability of a sexually active couple to conceive after 1 year of regular intercourse without contraception. Male factors account for 20%-50% of cases of infertility. Male infertility is primarily caused by low sperm count (Oligospermia) and reduced sperm motility (asthenospermia), and is an issue of global dimensions. Oligospermia in a clinically healthy man is one of the commonest conditions encountered in an infertility clinic. Medical management of oligospermia lags far behind expectations, and is still in experimental stage. The global deterioration of male reproductive health is of a major concern. The modern therapeutic approaches to combat male infertility are expensive, less accessible, have long term treatment tenure and possess various side effects. Whereas, the herbal therapies, are better positioned to offer more holistic approaches to improve male reproductive health. The present study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Addyzoa Tablet manufactured by Charak Pharma Pvt. Ltd., an herbal formula comprising of extracts of <em>Withania somnifera, Tribulus terrestris, Mucuna pruriens, Chlorophytum arundinaceum etc.</em> Aim was to determine whether treatment would improve sperm count and morphology of sperms. The mechanisms involved in the efficacy of these medicinal plants in sperm abnormalities are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-oedematous and venotonic activity as well as containing precursors for sperm production and increasing blood testosterone level. It was concluded that Addyzoa Tablet improves the density and motility of the sperms and thus is effective in the management of oligospermia and asthenospermia and no adverse effects were reported.</p> Dnyaneshwar Mote, Vipul Jaiswal, Nagsen Punekar Copyright (c) 2024 Dnyaneshwar Mote, Vipul Jaiswal, Nagsen Punekar Tue, 27 Aug 2024 09:02:46 +0530 Study to evaluate the efficacy of Vibhitaka Majja Taila Nasya in Premature Graying of Hair (Akaal Palitya) - A Clinical Study <p>Incidence of Premature Graying is increasing day by day. Incidence as per W.H.O is largely between the age group of 25-30 years. Hair colour contributes immensely in physical appearance and self-perception. It is well known that Premature Graying of Hair results from a reduction of pigment, but exact underline cause for this is still mystery for medical fraternity. In contemporary medical science, there is as such no effective treatment for premature graying of hair but various previous researches in Ayurveda have shown the potential in its prevention and management. <em>Acharya Charaka</em> and <em>Acharya Sushruta</em> have quoted Premature Greying of Hair as <em>Akaal Palitya</em> and mentioned it as <em>Ras Dhatu Pradosaja Vikara</em>.<strong><sup>[5,6] </sup></strong>In Ayurveda classics various external and internal medications have been described for this disease and <em>Vibhitaka Majja Taila Nasya</em> is one of them mentioned by <em>Acharya Sharangdhara</em>.<strong><sup>[7]</sup></strong> So, on the basis of classical references and researches <em>Vibhitaka Majja Taila Nasya</em> has been selected for this study and a clinical trial was conducted on 40 patients with Greying hair. These patients were divided into 2 groups. Group A (trial group - <em>Vibhitaka Majja Taila</em> <em>Nasya) </em>and Group B (control group)<em>. </em>After 90 days of clinical, results showed significant improvement in subjective parameter like colour of hair, dry splitted hair, burning on well as on objective parameter like GSS score and Serum Ferritin level.</p> Reshma Shekh, Trupti Jain, Nitin Marwaha, Alisha Prakash Copyright (c) 2024 Reshma Shekh, Trupti Jain, Nitin Marwaha, Alisha Prakash Tue, 27 Aug 2024 09:10:49 +0530 A Prospective, Open-label, Non-randomised Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Femiforte in the Treatment of Leucorrhoea <p><strong>Objectives:</strong> To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of Femiforte Tablets in Leucorrhoea. <strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> A prospective, interventional clinical study was conducted on 40 female patients, aged between 24-49 years, confirmed with leucorrhoea from clinical examination and who were willing to give informed consent. All patients received Femiforte Tablet at a dose of 1 tablet twice a day for 4 weeks. All patients were evaluated at baseline and 4 weeks for parameters of&nbsp; malodor discharge, malodor discharge after intercourse, itching, dyspareunia, vaginal irritation, dysuria, lower abdominal pain; abnormal pH, bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas vaginitis and candidiasis; physician's and patient's global assessment at end of the study. <strong>Observation and Results:</strong> Femiforte Tablets reduced malodor discharge and malodor discharge after intercourse in 45% and 42.5% patients respectively, at the end of 4<sup>th</sup> week from baseline. At the end of 4<sup>th</sup> week, itching, dyspareunia and vaginal irritation had a reduction in 50%, 37.5% and 35% patients respectively, from baseline. At the end of 4<sup>th</sup> week, dysuria and lower abdominal pain had a reduction in 15% and 30% patients respectively, from baseline. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Femiforte Tablets produced a significant reduction in all the parameters associated with leucorrhoea, assessed after 4 weeks of treatment. In addition, a significant improvement in clinical global impression in efficacy and tolerability was also observed. No adverse events were reported by any patients. This indicates that Femiforte Tablet is clinically effective and safe in leucorrhoea.</p> Milind Patil, Nikhil Chaudhari, Damodar Dukle Copyright (c) 2024 Milind Patil, Nikhil Chaudhari, Damodar Dukle Tue, 27 Aug 2024 09:31:57 +0530 Knowledge and awareness related to Anemia and its treatment; among the Non-Medico Population in the PCMC Region: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study <p><strong>Background: </strong>Anemia, a significant public health concern, particularly among the young adult population aged 18-25 years, is a condition characterized by low hemoglobin levels and reduced red blood cells.<strong> Objectives: </strong>A cross-sectional survey study aimed to assess the knowledge and awareness regarding anemia and its treatment in non-medico population.<strong> Material &amp; Methods: </strong>Data from ACS college of PCMC region were obtained by conducting a survey with 307 respondents from the target age group. The survey instrument consisted of validated closed-ended questionnaire designed to evaluate respondents’ knowledge and practices concerning anemia.<strong> Results:</strong> The survey revealed a generally high level of awareness about anemia as a health issue caused by low iron levels and reduced red blood cell (RBC) counts. Most respondents (83.1%) identified the complete blood count (CBC) as the primary diagnostic test for anemia and recognized iron supplementation (86.6%) and blood transfusions (89.6%) as treatment options. However, gaps in knowledge were identified. The contributing factors, such as worm infestations (37.1%), heavy menstruation (78.5%), and dietary deficiencies (14%), are not widely understood. The survey also highlighted societal biases, with 68.4% perceiving anemic adolescent girls as physically feeble. Regular hemoglobin monitoring and deworming medication intake practices were limited.<strong> Conclusion: </strong>Anemia awareness was relatively high among the studied population, targeted educational efforts could enhance the understanding of its multifactorial causes, symptoms and treatment.&nbsp; Identified knowledge gaps like misconceptions and biases can lead to improved anemia prevention. Regular hemoglobin monitoring and increasing access to deworming medication could be valuable interventions.</p> Shweta Gupta, Joshi Mrudula Vinayak, Shipra Agrahari, Joshi Vinayak Nilkanth Copyright (c) 2024 Shweta Gupta, Joshi Mrudula Vinayak, Shipra Agrahari, Joshi Vinayak Nilkanth Tue, 27 Aug 2024 09:48:18 +0530 Prevalence and consumption of Millets in various districts of Himachal Pradesh - A Survey Study <p>Millets are a group of small seeded grains that are widely grown around the world as cereal crops and used both for human food and fodder. Millets are an important crop of semi-arid area like Asia and especially of India. They are favoured due to its productivity and short growing season under varying weather conditions. In Ayurveda Millets are classified under <em>Ksudra Dhanya</em>. The UN general assembly has declared Year 2023 as the International Year of Millets because it is an ideal solution for countries to increase self-sufficiency and reduce reliance on imported cereal grains. This is an opportunity to raise awareness of and direct policy attention to nutritional and health benefits of Millets. The present study is planned to assess the ground reality of mass awareness about cultivation, consumption of Millets in Himachal Pradesh. About 500 participants from different districts of Himachal Pradesh were selected randomly for survey study and data collected was analyzed. The results of study reflect that population of Himachal Pradesh is fairly aware about Millet’s cultivation and consumption.&nbsp; Though lot of policies to promote cultivation and commercialization of Millet crops are in pipeline by Government of Himachal Pradesh, yet a concerted effort is still required to achieve the desired goal.</p> Swati Sharma, Soni Kapil, Shalini Thakur Copyright (c) 2024 Swati Sharma, Soni Kapil, Shalini Thakur Tue, 27 Aug 2024 09:56:02 +0530 In Vitro Anti-Dandruff Activity of Karnasphotha (Cardiospermum helicacabum Linn.) against Malassezia furfur <p><strong>Background: </strong>Dandruff is a common skin condition that mainly affects the scalp. Almost half of the population at the pre-pubertal age and of any gender and ethnicity will be affected. It was discovered that the responsible agent is a scalp specific fungus, <em>Malassezia globosa</em>. <em>&nbsp;Karnasphotha (Cardiospermum helicacabum </em>Linn<em>.)</em> commonly known as Balloon vine from Sapindaceae family is traditionally used for dandruff. <strong>&nbsp;</strong>So here an attempt is made to study the in vitro efficacy of <em>Karnasphota </em>(<em>Cardiospermum helicacabum </em>Linn<em>.</em>) decoction against dandruff. <strong>Aims and Objectives:</strong> In vitro Antidandruff activity of <em>Karnasphota</em> <em>Mula</em> and <em>Beeja</em> by Agar cup method and Biocidal activity. <strong>Methodology: </strong>In vitro Antidandruff activity of <em>Karnasphota </em>(<em>Cardiospermum helicacabum Linn.</em>) <em>Bija</em> and <em>Mula</em> <em>Kwatha</em> against dandruff by – Agar cup method and Biocidal activity. <strong>Result: </strong>The <em>Karnasphotha Moola</em> showed good antidandruff activity against <em>Malassezia furfur</em>&nbsp;in different concentrations. Whereas <em>Karnasphotha Beeja</em> showed no antidandruff activity against <em>Malassezia furfur</em> in any concentrations. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>The <em>Karnasphotha Moola</em> is having significant Antidandruff properties.</p> Sarojini D Byadigi, Ashwini Kochari Copyright (c) 2024 Sarojini D Byadigi, Ashwini Kochari Tue, 27 Aug 2024 10:00:47 +0530 Comparative characterization study of Loha Bhasma and Triphala derived Iron Nano Particles <p>Character of a particle varies as size changes from macro to nano scale. Size of the particle is of great value in the field of medicine. Size has the influence on dosage, delivery and penetration of the medicine. Rasashastra is the branch which deals with the use of minerals and ores for health benefit. Bhasma is the unique preparation which is very minute in nature intended to penetrate deep into the tissues with minimal dosage. Nano medicine is the recent develop in the field of medicine where nano particles are used to reach the target cells. Nano particles are synthesised by different methods. Green synthesis is the method where herbal extracts were used to synthesize the nano particle. This method is similar to preparation of <em>Bhasma</em> where different herbs are used. In this study Iron nano particles were synthesized using <em>Triphala</em> extract and it is compared with <em>Loha Bhasma. Bhasma Pareeksha</em> and Characterization studies were done. This study confirms the nano nature of <em>Bhasma</em> and similarity in the structure between <em>Bhasma</em> and Nano particles.</p> Gururaja D. Copyright (c) 2024 Gururaja D. Tue, 27 Aug 2024 10:03:08 +0530 Role of Dinacharya to maintain Circadian Rhythm for Cell Rejuvenation - A Review <p>In this era, people want to stay healthy and live long lives. To achieve this, they should follow proper <em>Dinacharya, Nishicharya,</em> and a proper diet. Those who follow <em>Dinacharya</em> can stay healthy and strong. <em>Dinacharya</em> is a concept in Ayurveda, explained by different Acharyas. It helps achieve <em>Swastya</em> by maintaining the body’s circadian rhythm, controlled by the hypothalamus, and regulating biological rhythms. <em>Dinacharya</em> includes practices such as <em>Prathakalottana, Danta Dhavana, Jivha Nirlekhana, Abyanga, Nasya, Anjana, Vyayama,</em> and more. Circadian rhythm is a physiological function regulated by the brain, typically on a 24-hour cycle. Those who follow proper <em>Dinacharya</em> maintain a healthy circadian rhythm and live healthier lives without disease. Although aging is a natural process that cannot be stopped, it can be slowed down. Ayurveda offers concepts like <em>Rasayana</em>, <em>Abhyanga</em>, and <em>Udvartana</em> to delay early aging. Modern science also supports therapeutic massage for cell rejuvenation. On this earth the person will grow and become aged. Ageing is a natural process which cannot be stopped but it can be slow downed. To achieve this our <em>Acharyas</em> have explained some of the concepts. By following these we can achieve delay of early ageing.</p> Pradeep V. Mishrikoti, Prarthana HM, Tukaram Lamani Copyright (c) 2024 Pradeep V. Mishrikoti, Prarthana HM, Tukaram Lamani Tue, 27 Aug 2024 10:13:49 +0530 Ayurvedic Perspective on Food as Medicine - A Comprehensive Review <p>Main key for good health is wholesome food and obedience of different dietary regimen without which nothing can be obtained. Generally people have this problem that after suffering from disease, they are unable to choose proper food according to the disease and also being ignorant about the diet according to the disease, due to which that particular person's disease becomes fiercer. Therefore, food according to disease is of great importance which helps for the destruction of disease. Before knowing this food, it is also very important to know the factors of disease. It is clearly described in the codes that improper food is the root cause of diseases and along with it, the nature of the particular person, condition of vitiate <em>doshas</em> in his body, <em>Agni</em>, <em>Kala</em>, <em>Desha,</em> etc. also play an important and helpful role in this process. If seen in this way, food is also a cause of diseases and it is also an infallible medicine for disease prevention. In different <em>Ayurvedic</em> texts and lexicons, what type of food should be taken daily in the codes, the benefits of proper food, how to choose specific dietary articles in various diseases like <em>Prameha</em>, <em>Sthaulya</em>, <em>Arsha</em> etc. and how this food will cure the disease in the form of medicine is mentioned in detail. In this article this all matter will be described in detail.</p> Manish Pamnani, A. Rama Murthy, Sarvesh Kumar Agarwal Copyright (c) 2024 Manish Pamnani, A. Rama Murthy, Sarvesh Kumar Agarwal Tue, 27 Aug 2024 10:19:30 +0530 Lok Purusha Siddhant - The master of all Siddhanta <p><em>Loka Purusha Samya Siddhanta</em> is as one of the unique principles of <em>Ayurveda</em>, on the basis of which the functioning of human beings, diseases and their management is understood. The fundamental concept of this theory is that the living being is the miniature reflection of the universe. Whatever is there in this universe is also present in a human being. According to <em>Yajurveda</em>: All that exist in <em>Brahmanda</em> (universe) also exist in <em>Pinda</em> (individual). It is a master as all <em>Siddhanta</em> explained in <em>Ayurveda</em> texts follows <em>Lok Purusha Siddhant</em>. This principle is also very useful from the point of view of achieving the purpose of <em>Ayurveda</em>. If there is a changes occurring in the universe, it causes structural and functional changes in the body<strong><em>. </em></strong>By knowing the changes in <em>Loka</em>, we can rusticate or minimize the upcoming deformities in the body following related <em>Aahar Vihar</em> as directed in <em>Ritucharya </em>too. In modern treatment, Proteins, Minerals, supplements, Vitamins etc. are prescribed which is according to this <em>Siddhanta</em>.</p> Vijay Kumar, Vijay Shankar Pandey Copyright (c) 2024 Vijay Kumar, Vijay Shankar Pandey Tue, 27 Aug 2024 10:27:07 +0530 A review article on Chakshushya property of Dravya mentioned by Raja Nighantu <p><em>Ayurveda</em> is the ancient medical science existing since or before the human creation. <em>Ayurveda</em> has main two aims, i.e., prevention and promotion of health and secondary cure from the disease. Eye is one of the sensitive organs permanently exposed to different environmental agent. To take care of our eyes our <em>Acharya's</em> describe <em>Chakshushya</em> <em>Dravya</em> and other rejuvenating medicines to nourish damage and weakened retinal tissue. The word <em>Chakshushya</em> means promotion of Eye health. In present scenario, due to lifestyle modifications eye has become more susceptible to various ocular diseases. Hence prevention and promotion of ocular health plays a major role. The present review has been undertaken to identify the <em>Aushadh</em> and <em>Aahar</em> <em>Dravyas</em>, which are having <em>Chakshushya</em> (wholesome for eyes) property from <em>Raja</em> <em>Nighantu</em>. The study reveals references of 49 <em>Dravyas</em> are having <em>Chakshushya</em> property. Here an attempt is made to analyse the drugs having the <em>Chakshushya</em> property from 23 <em>Varga</em> mentioned by Acharya Narahari Pandita in <em>Raja</em> <em>Nighantu</em>.</p> Hiral Patel, Foram Shah, Priyanka Verma, Ashwini Kumar Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 Hiral Patel, Foram Shah, Priyanka Verma, Ashwini Kumar Sharma Tue, 27 Aug 2024 11:54:19 +0530 Ayurvedic concept of Hridaya and its Embryological Development <p>According to <em>Ayurveda</em>, the heart, or <em>Hridaya</em>, is one of the body's essential organs. Any harm done to the <em>Hridaya</em> can lead to serious illnesses, serious problems, or even death because it is one of the <em>Trimarams</em> and <em>Dasha Pranaayatana</em>. According to <em>Ayurvedic</em> texts, the heart is an organ with a broad range of functions in addition to being a blood pump. According to <em>Ayurvedic</em> classics, <em>Hridaya </em>is the seat of intellect and life and governs the body, mind, and senses. The essence of <em>Rakta</em> and <em>Kapha</em> makes up the heart. Thus, vitiated <em>Rakta</em> and <em>Kapha</em> are crucial to understanding the pathophysiology of many cardiac conditions. In this article we mainly emphasis on <em>Hridaya Nirukti</em>, <em>Hridaya Uttpatti,</em> and disorders related to deformity in structures in embryological development in Ayurvedic perspective.</p> Priyanka , Sachin Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 Priyanka , Sachin Sharma Tue, 27 Aug 2024 11:57:39 +0530 A conceptual study on role of Pracchana in Vicharchika with special reference to Dry Eczema <p><em>Vicharchika </em>(Eczema) has been considered one among 11 <em>Kshudra Kushtas</em> by <em>Brihattrayees</em>. It is also enumerated under <em>Kshudra Rogas</em> by Sushruta.<strong><sup>[1]</sup></strong> Features like <em>Raji </em>(Excoriations)<em>, Ati Kandu </em>(Excessive itching)<em>, Ruja </em>(Pain)<em>, Ruksha </em>(Dryness),<em> Arati </em>(Uneasiness) are said by <em>Sushruta</em> which can be clinically corelated to dry eczema. Eczema is not contagious inflammation of the skin characterised by erythema, scaling, dry skin, itching, red to brownish grey patches.<strong><sup>[2]</sup></strong> In <em>Brihattrayees</em>, <em>Rakta Dushti </em>(Vitiation of blood) has been told as the prime reason for skin diseases for which letting out the vitiated blood gives better relief in symptoms. In <em>Vicharchika</em>, there is localized vitiation of blood. Hence <em>Rakthamokshana</em> (bloodletting) by <em>Pracchana</em> is an effective method of treatment, as <em>Pracchana</em> is a mode of <em>Shastrakrita</em> <em>Raktamokshana</em> indicated for <em>Eka Deshastha</em> (localised) <em>Twak Vikaras </em>(Skin disorders).<strong><sup>[3]</sup></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Madhushree K V, Duragappa H Copyright (c) 2024 Madhushree K V, Duragappa H Tue, 27 Aug 2024 12:05:51 +0530 Traditional and Contemporary Drying Methods an Overview <p>The most crucial step in every pharmaceutical industry is drying. Drying forms one of the method that is frequently utilized to increase the product stability of biotherapeutics. Basically, drying can be done by two processes viz. natural drying and mechanical drying or artificial drying based on source of energy. Natural drying takes place under the influence of sunlight and wind and is of three types viz. sun, solar and shade drying. In natural drying there is no control over temperature, air flow and humidity whereas in artificial drying, these conditions are well controlled. In case of natural drying, it may be either direct sun-drying or in the shed. If the natural color of the drug (digitalis, clove, senna) and the volatile principles of the drug (peppermint) are to be retained, drying in shed is preferred. If the contents of the drugs are quite stable to the temperature and sunlight, the drugs can be dried directly in sunshine (gum acacia, seeds and fruits). Drying by artificial means includes drying the drugs in an oven; i.e., tray-dryers; vacuum dryers and spray dryers. The pharmaceutical industry uses a variety of drying systems, including fluidized bed drying, freeze-drying, microwave drying and spray drying. Many advantages result from removing water content through the drying process, such as lower transportation costs, easy handling and storage, and increased stability.</p> Jayanta Bag, Neetu Singh Copyright (c) 2024 Jayanta Bag, Neetu Singh Tue, 27 Aug 2024 12:09:18 +0530 Portal Hypertension in Ayurvedic understanding <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: <em>Raktapitta</em>, is a bleeding disorder which is associated with the vitiation of <em>Rakta </em>and <em>Pitta</em>. Excessive indulging in <em>Pittakara Aahara</em> and <em>Vihara</em> will lead to <em>Pitta Prakopa</em> which in turns leads to vitiation of <em>Rakta</em> which will attain similar qualities as that of <em>Pitta.</em> Parallel investigation into modern anatomy and physiology of the hepatic portal system provides an overall understanding of the circulatory dynamics, highlighting the relevance of the portal vein and its tributaries. <strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> Literature related to<em> Raktapitta</em> and portal system with portocaval anastomoses will be collected from <em>Bhrahatrayee</em>, other classical books, modern anatomy, physiology and clinical textbooks including journals, presented papers and previous work done<strong>. Discussion:</strong> This study mainly shows the correlation between <em>Ayurvedic</em> principles and modern medical understanding of <em>Raktapitta</em> in relation to the portal hypertension. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Integrating the <em>Ayurvedic</em> concept of <em>Raktapitta</em> with modern knowledge of portal hypertension and its complications provide an overall understanding of bleeding disorders.</p> Kavyakala, Nithin Kumar, Kochuthresia Jose, Krishnamurthy Copyright (c) 2024 Kavyakala, Nithin Kumar, Kochuthresia Jose, Krishnamurthy Tue, 27 Aug 2024 12:12:29 +0530 Critical review of efficacy of Pushyanug Churna in Raktapradara <p><em>Aptopadesha</em> is one of the <em>Pramana</em> accepted in Ayurveda. Many of the times physician may not be knowing the mode of action of certain <em>Dravyas</em> in clinical practice but they are used frequently in treating the patients and they also give very good results. Here the attempt is made to study the efficacy of <em>Pushyanug Churna</em> in <em>Raktapradara</em> (Abnormal menstrual bleeding), a common and serious etiological condition in females.&nbsp;</p> Pratima Shikerkar, Gandhali Upadhye Copyright (c) 2024 Pratima Shikerkar, Gandhali Upadhye Tue, 27 Aug 2024 12:25:26 +0530 A systematic review on causes and triggers contributing to Amlapitta in contemporary era <p>In <em>Ayurveda Ahara</em> is considered as the best preventive medicine and solely responsible for health and illness, sorrow and happiness. Unlike many infectious diseases, lifestyle disorders are mostly preventable through modifications in lifestyle behaviors. <em>Amlapitta, </em>is often considered a lifestyle disorder were lifestyle choices play a significant role in its development and exacerbation. <em>Amlapitta</em> is the commonest <em>Vyadhi </em>of <em>Annavaha Strotas</em>, caused by vitiated <em>Agni </em>where <em>Amlaguna</em> of <em>Pachak Pitta</em> increases due to <em>Samata</em> manifesting symptoms such as <em>Avipaka</em> (indigestion), <em>Amlotkalesh</em> or <em>Tikta Amlodgara</em> (sour or bitter belching), <em>Hridkantha Daha</em> heart throat burning sensation) and <em>Aruchi</em> (anorexia) affecting more people in India.&nbsp; Main causes for the disease are improper diet, habits, stress, not following&nbsp;<em>Ahara Vidhi Visheshayatana</em>,&nbsp;<em>Viruddhahara</em>,&nbsp;<em>Asatmya Ahara</em>, stale food, spicy irritant food, oily foods, bakery products, some fast foods, excess consumption of tea and coffee, excess food intake, drinking excess water after meals, freeze products, wine, cigarette smoking during meal etc., <em>Amlapitta </em>can be correlated with Acid Peptic Disorders which comprises of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Gastritis, Functional Dyspepsia described in modern science. By promoting healthier lifestyles, individuals can reduce the incidence and severity of <em>Amlapitta </em>symptoms, improving their overall quality of life and well-being. Hence it is important to understand the causes and triggers of <em>Amlapitta.</em> This article’s focus will be on comprehending the factors responsible for development and exacerbation of <em>Amlapitta</em> in the contemporary period.</p> Shrushti Nimje, Vidula Gujjarwar, Akanksha Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 Shrushti Nimje, Vidula Gujjarwar, Akanksha Sharma Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Impact of Biopsychosocial Stressor on Extreme Prakriti Types - A Review Article <p>Being the science of life <em>Ayurveda</em> is associated with all the aspects of human life. The desire to live healthy has been common to all living creatures ever since the first unicellular organism has evolved on the planet earth. The desire itself is the cause vital which leads to a successful evolutionary progress into more structurally and functionally developed multicellular organism. The importance of individual variations in health and disease is a unique principle described hundreds of years ago as every individual is different from another and hence should be considered as a different entity, as many variations are there in the universe, all sorts of variations are seen in the human being. The concept of <em>Prakriti</em> in <em>Ayurveda</em> also believes in distinctiveness of individuals. Stress can be defined as 'difficulty that creates anxiety or emotional tension. It is a state of emotional or mental strain or suspense, such as anxiety, tension, jitters, or nervousness. Stress can result from any thinking or scenario that makes you upset, nervous, or furious. What one individual finds stressful may not be the same for another. If someone is anxious, and that stress is not managed, it might have serious consequences.Top of Form</p> Shyamsundar Parmar, Babita Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 Shyamsundar Parmar, Babita Sharma Tue, 27 Aug 2024 14:28:13 +0530 Role of Kleda in Kushta (Skin Diseases) - A Review Article <p>The human body's outermost layer skin, shields interior organs and tissues. Skin disorders account for 1.79% of the world's total illness burden.<strong><sup>[1]</sup> </strong>The majority of the time, skin disorders are the external manifestations of underlying systemic disorders. Modern dermatological treatment strives to relieve symptoms and achieve a long-lasting remission, but Ayurveda seeks to cure patients completely by identifying and treating the underlying causes of their skin disorders. In Ayurveda, skin conditions fall mostly under the category of <em>Kushta</em>. The seven important components that Ayurveda believes are involved in the pathophysiology of <em>Kushta</em> are referred to as <em>Saptako</em> <em>Dravyasangraha</em>. It consists of <em>Tridosha</em>, <em>Tvak</em>, <em>Mamsa</em>, <em>Rakta</em> and <em>Ambu/Lasika </em>(body fluids).<strong><sup>[2]</sup></strong> The <em>Ambu</em> described here is likewise a <em>Kleda</em>, signifying <em>Ap</em> <em>Mahabhuta</em> in the body.<strong><sup>[3]</sup></strong> The goal of the current work is to emphasize <em>Kleda's</em> function in <em>Kushta</em> and how treating <em>Kleda</em> can aid in the treatment of skin conditions.</p> Srinidhi Shetty , Prabhjot Kaur, Surekha Kamath, Rashmi Bairwa, Surendra K Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 Srinidhi Shetty , Prabhjot Kaur, Surekha Kamath, Rashmi Bairwa, Surendra K Sharma Tue, 27 Aug 2024 14:35:07 +0530 Significance of Conservation of Manuscripts w.s.r. to Ayurveda <p><em>Ayurveda</em>, the medical system of India has developed from the ancient treasure of knowledge recorded thousands of years ago. Ancient medical manuscripts contain so many valuable information on various aspects of Indian systems of health care such as different branches in medicine, ethno-veterinary practices and <em>Vrikshayurveda</em> etc. Analysis of these oldest documents will help to acquire an in-depth knowledge about classical texts and open a new horizon of textual research. Exploration of manuscripts will extend a new arena for research in diverse fields like drug research, clinical research, folk literature etc. It also portrays historic events and changes in the culture pertaining to that period. The ancient medical literature presently available only represents 2% of total medical manuscripts. A lot of them are still under the custody of private repositories which are not accessible to others. Manuscripts are in the verge of deterioration with an alarming speed. So, it is the need of hour to conserve these ancient memories before it fades away. Systematic surveys on manuscripts can be done with the support of public, research scholars, universities etc. Awareness campaigns about the conservation of manuscripts should be regularly conducted at institutions with public participation. Other conservation methods are documentation, critical analysis and digitization. All these activities can be effectively done by co-ordination of experts in different fields. To conclude, the knowledge heritage of manuscripts should be properly conserved and handed over to future generation for the benefit of mankind.</p> Sonia Raj S. Copyright (c) 2024 Sonia Raj S. Tue, 27 Aug 2024 14:41:58 +0530 A conceptual study on efficacy of Ksharapippali in Vatashteela <p>Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is essentially a disease of old age in males, with the prevalence of around 50% by the age of 60 years. It is a condition with increase in size of the prostate, which exerts pressure on the urethra leading to obstruction to flow of urine. <em>Acharya Sushrutha</em> has explained in detail about obstructive and irritative symptoms of the Urinary bladder under the heading of <em>Mutraghata</em> in <em>Uttaratantra.</em><strong><sup>[1]</sup></strong><em> Vatashteela</em> is one among the 12 types of <em>Mutraghata,</em> where aggravated <em>Vata</em> gets localised in between <em>Basti</em> and<em> Shakritmarga</em>, producing a dense fixed stone like glandular swelling leading to obstruction of <em>Vit, Mutra</em> and <em>Anila</em> with <em>Adhmana</em> and <em>Teevra Ruja</em> in <em>Basti Pradesha.</em><strong><sup>[2]</sup> </strong><em>Acharya Vangasena</em> has indicated <em>Ksharapippali</em><strong><sup>[3]</sup></strong> in<em> Vatashteela</em> in <em>Chikitsasaara Sangraha</em> which has got many drugs with <em>mutrala</em> properties. Hence this study has been taken up to assess the efficacy of <em>Ksharapippali</em> in <em>Vatashteela </em>with emphasis on its probable mode of action.</p> Akruthi S Gowda, Srinivas Masalekar Copyright (c) 2024 Akruthi S Gowda, Srinivas Masalekar Tue, 27 Aug 2024 14:52:30 +0530 A review on Aplap Marma and Apastambha Marma <p><em>Ayurveda</em> is a science of mental, physical and spiritual well-being. <em>Marmas</em> is one of the most important concepts of <em>Ayurveda</em>. According to some <em>Acharyas</em>, <em>Marmas</em> are defined as the anatomical places where <em>Mansa, Sira, Snayu, Asthi, Sandhi</em> meet together. Total number of <em>Marma’s</em> is 107. Out of these <em>Aplap </em>and <em>Apastambha Marma</em> are considered as a <em>Madhyasharirgata Marma</em> (<em>Urogata Marma</em>). According to effect both are <em>Kalantar Pranhar Marma</em> and 2 in numbers. In this article an attempt is made to highlight the Anatomy, Position and Importance of <em>Aplap </em>and <em>Apastambha Marma</em> with its <em>Viddha Lakshanas</em> given in the <em>Ayurveda</em> literature.</p> Snehal R Bisen, Diksha R Kapgate, Gopal B Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 Snehal R Bisen, Diksha R Kapgate, Gopal B Sharma Tue, 27 Aug 2024 14:55:58 +0530 Phytoestrogens: Unlocking the Power of Plant Based Estrogens <p>Phytoestrogens, naturally occurring plant compounds with estrogen-like activity, have garnered significant attention for their potential health benefits in both males and females. These compounds, found in a variety of foods such as soybeans, flaxseeds, and whole grains, mimic the action of estrogen in the body by binding to estrogen receptors. In females, phytoestrogens have been particularly noted for their role in alleviating menopausal symptoms. They can help reduce hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness, offering a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Furthermore, phytoestrogens have been linked to a reduced risk of osteoporosis by promoting bone health and improving bone density, crucial for postmenopausal women. Males also benefit significantly from phytoestrogens. Studies suggest that these compounds can help maintain prostate health and reduce the risk of prostate cancer by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Additionally, phytoestrogens have been associated with improved cardiovascular health in both genders. They contribute to lowering cholesterol levels and improving arterial function, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. Beyond these benefits, phytoestrogens possess potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, enhancing overall immune function and potentially offering protective effects against certain chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Their ability to modulate hormone levels without significant side effects makes them a promising component of a balanced diet for long-term health maintenance. This study attempts to compile foods high in phytoestrogens and herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine with its super benefits.</p> Shanmugaloga S, Shilpa P N Copyright (c) 2024 Shanmugaloga S, Shilpa P N Tue, 27 Aug 2024 15:30:23 +0530 Conceptual study of Snehana Karma (Oleation Therapy) <p><em>Shodhana</em> (purification) karma is preceded by <em>Snehana</em> <em>Karma</em> (oleation therapy). <em>Sneha</em> is often given gradually over the course of three to seven days, or until the right oleation features show. Oleation participates in all aspects of the processes to bring the dosha to <em>Koshtha</em> and the <em>Dosha</em> to <em>Utklesha</em>. The primary step that must be taken before purification is oleation therapy. A great deal of information regarding <em>Snehana</em> <em>Karma</em> has been presented by <em>Acharya</em> <em>Charaka</em>.</p> Suman Lata, Vikas Mishra, Akhilesh Prasad Singh, Satyendra Kumar Tiwari Copyright (c) 2024 Suman Lata, Vikas Mishra, Akhilesh Prasad Singh, Satyendra Kumar Tiwari Tue, 27 Aug 2024 15:47:34 +0530 A Critical Review on Tail Bindu Mutra Pariksha in Ayurveda <p><em>Ayurveda</em>, as a comprehensive system of medicine, goes beyond merely treating diseases; it encompasses a lifestyle that emphasizes harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. Central to this approach is the concept of disease prevention, which is considered the primary goal of <em>Ayurvedic</em> practice. This preventive aspect is woven into every aspect of life, including diet, daily routines, and behavior. In <em>Ayurveda</em>, diagnosis and treatment are not limited to just addressing the symptoms; they involve understanding the root cause of the illness and restoring balance to the individual's constitution (<em>Dosha</em>). Prognosis prediction, therefore, becomes crucial in determining the course of treatment and the likely outcome of the disease. Historically, prognosis prediction has been a significant challenge in medicine, and Ayurveda is no exception. However, ancient Ayurvedic texts and practices reveal a sophisticated understanding of prognosis dating back thousands of years. <em>Tail Bindu Pariksha</em> is an ancient <em>Ayurvedic</em> diagnostic method used to determine the prognosis of a disease. The term translates to Oil drop test, and it involves the use of a single drop of oil in water to predict the nature and severity of a patient's illness. This method is based on observing the behaviour of the oil drop when it is placed in water and assess the progression of diseases and predict their outcomes.</p> Rashmi Bairwa, Surekha Kamath, Prabhjot Kaur, Srinidhi Shetty, Reetu Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 Rashmi Bairwa, Surekha Kamath, Prabhjot Kaur, Srinidhi Shetty, Reetu Sharma Tue, 27 Aug 2024 15:52:36 +0530 An etiopathological study of Mootra-Ashmari with special reference to Urolithiasis: A Literary Review <p><em>Mootra-Ashmari</em> is a disease of urinary tract which causes problems in many ways including passage of urine. The waste material when not dissolve completely in urine and obstruct urinary path then <em>Mootra-Ashmari</em> may occur which is termed as renal calculi/urolithiasis/nephrolithiasis in modern medical sciences. As per <em>Sushruta Samhita</em>, <em>Ashmari</em> is included in <em>Ashtamahagada</em> due to its fatal nature. Description of <em>Ashmari</em> is found in almost all <em>Samhitas</em> of <em>Ayurveda</em> for e.g. either as a type of <em>Mootraghata</em> (<em>Acharya Charaka</em>) or as a separate disease (<em>Acharya Sushruta</em>). <em>Ashmari</em> is one of the most common disorders of <em>Mootravaha Srotasa</em>. It is <em>Kaphapradhana Tridoshaja Vyadhi</em>. <em>Pathya-Apathya</em> is an important factor in <em>Mootra-Ashmari</em>. Urinary stones frequently occur worldwide. Prevalence rate of 1-5% are reported in Asia, 12% in India. it is very much important to prevent occurrence of the disease because of the dreadful complications caused by <em>Mootra-Ashmari</em> and its high chances of recurrence.</p> Sonam Kumari Keshari, Avadhesh Kumar, Neelam Gupta, Deena Nath Singh, Jai Shankar Prasad Copyright (c) 2024 Sonam Kumari Keshari, Avadhesh Kumar, Deena Nath Singh, Jai Shankar Prasad Tue, 27 Aug 2024 18:02:03 +0530 A critical review of Prana Vayu and its correlation with contemporary science <p><em>Tridosha Siddhanta </em>stands high as <em>Vata</em>, <em>Pitta </em>and <em>Kapha </em>are the three biological humors, present in the bodies which are responsible for the maintenance of homeostasis. <em>Vata dosha </em>is the most important factor of <em>Tridosha </em>which is responsible for controlling all types of movements. <em>Prana</em> <em>Vayu</em>, one of the five <em>Vata</em> <em>Doshas</em>, travels via the <em>Urah</em> (thorax region) and <em>Kantha</em> (throat region) from its location in the head. It is reasonable for the processes of respiration, deglutition, eructation, sneezing, and spitting. It also keeps the heart, <em>Hridaya</em> (intelligence/judgment), and <em>Chitta</em> (mind) functioning properly. Hearing head refers to the brain and brain stem, which are in charge of all these processes. According to modern medical research, <em>Prana</em> <em>Vayu</em> performs all of the same roles. In general, the <em>Prana</em> <em>Vata's</em> functions can be related to those of the limbic system, cranial nerves, cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and other components. Thus, it is easy for us to understand the fundamentals of <em>Ayurveda</em>, which is desperately needed in the modern world. In modern medicine, the majority of the <em>Vatika</em> illnesses treated in <em>Ayurveda</em> are classified as neurological disorders. There aren't many published publications on the intellectual aspects of <em>Vata</em>. An attempt has been made in this article to correlate the physiological activities of <em>Prana</em> <em>Vayu</em>, with a focus on neurophysiology.</p> Twinkal Pramar, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Rekh Raj Meena, Komal Chavda Copyright (c) 2024 Twinkal Pramar, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Rekh Raj Meena, Komal Chavda Tue, 27 Aug 2024 18:04:53 +0530 A Scientific Approach of Dantadhawana with Herbal and Non Herbal Toothpastes - A Literary Review <p>In <em>Ayurveda</em>,<em> Dantadhawan</em> is an important part of <em>Dinacharya</em>. Our ancient acharyas has mentioned the role of <em>Tikta, Katu, Kashaya Rasa Dravyas </em>in <em>Dantadhawana</em> procedure to maintain the oral cavity. Healthy oral cavity is not only important for structures in oral cavity but also plays an important role in maintaining general health. Due to civilization, <em>Ayurveda </em>twigs with <em>Tikta, Katu, Kashaya Rasa</em> got replaced by chemical based toothpastes. No doubt, these toothpastes have bacteriocidal action, but also having side effects which are harmful for the health. Hence, Current world is shifting towards Ayurvedic principles of <em>Dinacharya </em>(daily regimen) to promote health. Herbal toothpastes containing <em>Tikta, Katu, </em>and<em> Kashaya Rasa Dravyas</em> are much better in <em>Kaphahara </em>property, antibacterial, and anti septic action with no chemical ingredients, hence reduces the risk of side effects. Hence, this paper is the need of hour to focus on the action and side effects of herbal and non herbal toothpastes.</p> Astha Sharma, Shiv Shankar Shukla Copyright (c) 2024 Astha Sharma, Shiv Shankar Shukla Tue, 27 Aug 2024 18:11:01 +0530 A Review on Chandra Avaleha an Ayurvedic Formulation in Anidra (Insomnia) <p><em>Avaleha Kalpana </em>is a type of <em>Kashaya Kalpana</em>. It is made by boiling and evaporating herbal medicines or other liquids with sweeteners until the <em>Kashaya</em> reaches the appropriate confirmatory indicators mentioned in the <em>Samhita</em>. Various <em>Avaleha Kalpana </em>have been cited by <em>Acharya</em>s as recommended for various diseases and disorders. <em>Chandra Avaleha</em> is a poly herbal formulation used for the management of various diseases like burning sensation in the hands and feet, dizziness, mania, and insomnia. Its primary constituents include <em>Shatavari</em> <em>Shankhapushpi, Vidarikand</em>, and <em>Kushmand</em>, in equal quantity. <em>Prakshep Dravya</em> (Finely ground medicine powder) is also added. Insomnia (<em>Anidra</em>) is the disorder of inadequate or poor quality and also quantity of sleep either due to difficulty in initiation of sleep (sleep onset insomnia), difficulty in maintaining sleep because of frequently waking up in between (sleep maintenance insomnia) or waking up too early in the morning (sleep offset insomnia). Here an attempt is carried out to explore the action of <em>Chandra Avaleha</em> for insomnia.</p> Rahul Jaiswal, Sharad Rathi, Urmila Shukla, Anshu Malviya Copyright (c) 2024 Rahul Jaiswal, Sharad Rathi, Urmila Shukla, Anshu Malviya Tue, 27 Aug 2024 18:29:47 +0530 A critical review of Millets with special reference to Ayurveda <p>Millets are a traditional staple food of the dry land regions of the world. In India, millets are grown on about 17 million hectares with annual production of 18 million tones and it contributes 10 percent to the country’s food grain basket. In a visionary move the government of India proposed to united nation to designed 2023 as the international year of millets as 72 countries rallied behind the passes the UN general assembly recognized 2023 as the year to celebrate this humble grains. The available cultivable plant‐based food resources in developing tropical countries are inadequate to supply proteins for both human and animals. Millets are an important food crop at a global level with a significant economic impact on developing countries, Millets are considered as high‐energy yielding nourishing foods which help in addressing malnutrition. Grains of these millet species are widely consumed as a source of traditional medicines and important food to preserve health. Choosing millets as part of diet is a small step with a big impact these grain often overlooked contribute to personal health and environmental sustainability. Rich in nutrients, gluten-free and resilient in diverse climates, millets offer a sustainable alternative that can make a significant difference in both individual well-being and global food systems.</p> Vijay Kannoj, Tarendra Singh Songara, Urmila Shukla, Sharad Rathi Copyright (c) 2024 Vijay Kannoj, Tarendra Singh Songara, Urmila Shukla, Sharad Rathi Tue, 27 Aug 2024 18:34:30 +0530 Anatomical view of administration route of Murdha Taila <p>The basic concept of Ayurveda is to maintain people's health through disease prevention and treatment<strong>. </strong>Ancient Ayurvedic scholars have given due importance to various forms and routes of administration of medicine through the nearest route as per convience to get the speedy results. <em>Murdha Tailam </em>in<em> Panchakarma </em>treatment is one of the most effective methods to deal with the different types of disease related to<em> Urdwajatru. Murdha Tailam </em>includes<em> Shiro Pichu, Shiroabhyanga, Shiro Lepa and Shirovasti.</em><em>.</em> According to modern science anatomical peculiarities of scalp play a key role in facilitating the absorption of the drug administered through scalp. This route is also important as it is the nearest route for the diseases of head and neck. The different procedures adopted via scalp also help to stimulate the CNS, activate the functions of thalamus, used in trichological, dermatological disorders and diseases of head and neck, psychosomatic diseases. According to Ayurveda in poisoned conditions also scalp route is used as one of the drug adminisration route. This article deals with a review on anatomical veiw of admistration route of<em> Murdha Taila </em>i.e., scalp as a route of drug absorption.</p> Vijaya Gavali Copyright (c) 2024 Vijaya Gavali Tue, 27 Aug 2024 18:42:18 +0530 Effect of Ushnodaka in Jwara - A Review <p>In medical practice, <em>Jwara </em>is the most frequently observed clinical condition, occurring either as a primary disease or as a secondary symptom associated with other morbidities. <em>Acharya Charaka </em>has described the disease in which there is rise in temperature of the body is the <em>Jwara</em>. <em>Acharya Sushruta</em> has also mentioned that the cardinal symptoms of <em>Jwara</em> include pain throughout the body, increased heat, and blockage of sweating. <em>Jwara </em>is caused due to aggravated <em>Dosas</em> enter the <em>Amasaya </em>and combine with <em>Agni</em>, accompanying the <em>Rasa</em>, blocking the channels of <em>Rasa</em> and <em>Sweda. Ushnodaka </em>refers not only to warm water but according to the classics reduction of water after boiling to one half of its quantity is called <em>Ushnodaka.</em> We are utilizing <em>Ushnodaka </em>in the treatment of fever because its <em>Deepan Pachan</em> and ability to remove blockage at the <em>Srotas </em>by it’s efficacy.</p> Swati, Aradhana Kande Copyright (c) 2024 Swati, Aradhana Kande Tue, 27 Aug 2024 18:49:35 +0530 Evaluation of etiological factors (Hetu) of Prameha w.s.r. to Bruhatrayee <p><strong>Objective:</strong> To evaluate etiological factors <em>(Hetus)</em> of <em>Prameha </em>with special reference to <em>Bruhatrayee.</em> <strong>Methods:</strong> 75 Patients of <em>Prameha </em>and randomly ‘selected control group of 75 people were comprehensively investigated with a self-designed questionnaire. All the data obtained were transformed and analysed statistically by chi-square test. <strong>Result:</strong> There is statistical difference between the <em>Prameha </em>patient group and the control group. Among the case group <em>Pishtanna, Krushara, Vilepi, Ikshu-Vikar, Nava Madhya, Mandak Dadhi, Dravanna, Madhur Atisevan, Snigdha Aahar, Amla Atisevan, Lavan Atisevan, Samashan,</em> <em>Vyayama Varjanam, Swapna-Shayya-Aasana, Diwaswap</em> have been found significant <em>Hetus (Aaharaja)</em> in occurrence of <em>Prameha </em>than those of control group (p&lt;0.05).<em> Dhanya Sevan, Sarpi Sevan, Mamsa Sevan, Shaak Sevan, Payas, Ksheer, Guru Aahar </em>and <em>Sheet Sevan</em>,<em> Mruja Varjanam, Tyakta Chintana, </em>and<em> Samshodhana Akurvatam</em> have been not found significant <em>Hetus (Viharaja)</em> in occurrence of <em>Prameha.</em> <strong>Conclusion: </strong>This study indicated that, <em>Hetus </em>(etiological factors) of <em>Prameha</em> which are actually responsible for manifestation of <em>Prameha Vyadhi</em> has been categorized in this study. Hence <em>Hetu Siddhant</em> has been revalidated.</p> Suman Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 Suman Sharma Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Millets and its benefits according to Ayurveda <p>In the recent days we have been seeing a lot of buzz and a lot of researches been carried out regarding the usage of the millets and its potential uses mainly with regards to its disease preventing properties especially in cases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, and even in Cancer. In Kannada, millets are called as <em>Siridhanya</em> which means that which is rich in useful and essential properties, in <em>Ayurveda</em> millets are called as <em>Kudhanya</em> or <em>Kshudradhanya</em>, it is called so because these grains belong to grass species and they usually does grow to a very lengthy height rather confined to a smaller heights, hence the name <em>Kudhanya</em> or <em>Kshudradhanya</em>. In the recent days even the Karnataka Government has understood the importance of millets and have started to promulgate by dedicating a separate day calling a ‘millets day’ to showcase its important health related values. Apart from the recent discoverers, Ayurveda has mentioned about the millets in the name of <em>Kudhanya</em> or <em>Kshudradhanya</em> many years before itself. We can find its mentioning in <em>Charaka Samhitha</em>, and other <em>Nighantus</em> such as <em>Bhavaprakasha Nighantu</em>, <em>Dhanvantari Nighantu</em> etc. Hence this article highlights about the importance of Millets and its mentioning about its properties in <em>Ayurveda</em> and its mode of action in several diseases.</p> Shashidhar S Sarawad, Pramodhkumar N. Copyright (c) 2024 Shashidhar S Sarawad, Pramodhkumar N. Tue, 27 Aug 2024 19:26:49 +0530 Understanding Corneal Opacity in Ayurveda perspectives <p>The cornea, also known as the <em>Krishna Mandala</em> in <em>Ayurveda</em>, is the transparent anterior one-sixth outer fibrous layer of the eyeball that resembles a watch glass. Corneal opacity is categorized as nebula, macula, or leucoma based on density. When a dense opacity covers the pupillary portion of the cornea, it can cause loss of vision (blocking the pathway of light rays) or blurred vision (owing to the astigmatic effect). The cornea also serves as a protective barrier, shielding the eye from potential harm such as dirt, germs, and other particles in the surrounding environment. Due to its direct exposure to the external environment, it is susceptible to infections. The transparency of the cornea is maintained by a number of factors, and any change in them affects the cornea by making it opaque. Ayurveda describes four types of corneal diseases under the heading of <em>Krishnagata</em> <em>Rogas</em>. Among them, <em>Savrana</em> <em>Shukra</em> can be correlated to corneal ulcers because of the similarities in their respective explanations. Corneal opacities can be correlated to <em>Avrana</em> <em>Shukra</em> based on its symptoms. Information on Corneal opacity was gathered from the <em>Laghutrayi,</em> the <em>Brihattrayi</em> and its commentaries, and other <em>Ayurvedic</em> and modern texts. Corneal opacities and <em>Avrana</em> <em>Shukra</em> are closely related. Although vitiated blood is said to be the origin of both of these disorders, <em>Savrana</em> <em>Shukra</em> is thought to be incurable while <em>Avrana</em> <em>Shukra</em> is said to be treatable. The <em>Ayurvedic</em> review of corneal opacity and its potential correlation with <em>Avrana</em> <em>Shukra</em> <em>Roga</em> is the primary focus of this paper.</p> Pramila, Pratima Paudel, Shamsa Fiaz Copyright (c) 2024 Pramila, Pratima Paudel, Shamsa Fiaz Tue, 27 Aug 2024 19:48:30 +0530 Vedanasthapaka Gana - A Critical Review <p>Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that can be associated with actual or potential tissue damage.<strong><sup>[1]</sup></strong> In <em>Ayurveda</em>, Pain is explained with the word <em>Vedana</em>. While understanding the concept of <em>Vedana</em> and its treatment modality in <em>Ayurveda</em>, we come across many formulations which can be used efficiently in its management. One such formulation is found in <em>Charaka Samhita</em>, where <em>Acharya Charaka</em> mentions <em>Vedanasthapaka Mahakashaya Gana</em>, which comprises 10 drugs for direct usage in the management of pain. In this paper, the drugs of <em>Vedanasthapaka Mahakashaya</em> have been reviewed in detail through literature and published research work to understand their action and probable mode of action.</p> Ramya R, Shilpa PN Copyright (c) 2024 Ramya R, Shilpa PN Tue, 27 Aug 2024 19:52:33 +0530 Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of Traditional Ayurvedic Herbal Body Deodorants: A Review <p>Cosmetics are substances that can be applied to the human body for cleaning, beautification, enhancing beauty, and altering the appearance without changing the body's composition or functions. The cosmetics sector is widely dispersed and highly lucrative, and standard maintenance is considerably more vital; people utilize these items. The unspoken reality is that it is rarely completed. Due to that reason, the demand for herbal cosmetics has grown in the personal care industry, but their quality and standards are questioned due to potential health risks from toxins and heavy metals. Modern deodorants often contain chemicals such as aluminum compounds and parabens, which have been linked to health concerns like skin irritation and potential long-term effects. Traditional medicine and <em>Ayurveda</em> both mention various herbal remedies with major cosmetic applications. The ancient <em>Ayurvedic</em> text <em>Kama Rathnaya,</em> written by <em>Nagabhattacharya,</em> contains various herbal formulas for cosmetic purposes. This review was done on an herbal powder that is used to get rid of unpleasant body odor. Ingredients are <em>Dadima, Yashtimadhu, Lodhra, Padma</em>, and <em>Pichumarda</em>. <em>Madhura Rasa</em>, <em>Snighdha Guna</em>, <em>Sheeta Veerya</em>, and <em>Madhura Vipaka</em> are present in the majority of these herbs. And also contains <em>Krimighna, Kushtaghna, </em>and<em> Daha Hara</em> properties. There has also been evidence of anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory activities. Additional in vitro and in vivo research must be done to confirm this medication's cosmetic effects.</p> Nishshanka N.A.R.R, Dilusha U.K.S., Akanksha, Sason R Copyright (c) 2024 Nishshanka N.A.R.R, Dilusha U.K.S., Akanksha, Sason R Tue, 27 Aug 2024 20:20:34 +0530 A conceptual and applied aspect of Ashtavidha Shastra Karma in Shalakya Tantra focusing on Sushruta Samhita <p>A vast description of <em>Shastra </em>and <em>Ashtavidha Shastra</em> <em>Karma</em> is given in our <em>Samhitas</em>, which are used for medical and surgical procedures. Most of the modern procedures can be correlated to them. As described by <em>Acharya Sushruta</em> there are three stages of a surgical surgery, known as <em>Trividh Karma</em>, that are: <em>Poorva Karma</em> (pre-operative measure)<em>, Pradhan Karma </em>(operative)<em>, </em>and<em> Paschat Karma </em>(postoperative measures).<strong><sup>[1]</sup></strong> <em>Ashtavidha Shastra</em> <em>Karma</em> falls under <em>Pradhan Karma</em>, which includes the main <em>Karma </em>or procedure. The procedures or steps that make up <em>Ashtavidha Shastra Karmas</em> are always the heart of surgery. From a broad perspective, <em>Ashtavidha Shastra Karmas</em> can be seen as the foundation of modern surgery, which may explain why both <em>Ayurvedic</em> and modern surgeons continue to commemorate <em>Acharya Sushruta</em>. Although modern surgery is always being updated and enhanced, these <em>Shalya Karmas</em> have not lost their luster because they are the origins of all surgeries and roots are always more essential than the branches.</p> Shipra, Abhishek Kangoo, Vijayant Bhardwaj Copyright (c) 2024 Shipra, Abhishek Kangoo, Vijayant Bhardwaj Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0530 A conceptual study of Aahar on Post Covid-19 complications <p>The entire world has experienced many pandemics and epidemics, but occasionally a new one called SARS-CoV-2, or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, has put the global health care system under strain. Long Covid, or "long-haul COVID-19," refers to Post COVID-19 problems in individuals who recover from a COVID-19 infection, resulting in various complications such as cardiac, pulmonary, systemic, neuropsychiatric, tinnitus, acute kidney damage, renal failure, and thrombotic issues. After recovering from a COVID-19 infection, everyone must maintain a healthy diet because the infection may eventually harm their critical health.&nbsp;<em>Ayurveda,</em> a traditional healthcare system, emphasizes the importance of food and lifestyle in maintaining health and preventing diseases. <em>Aahar</em> is regarded as the "superior medicine," or <em>Mahabhaisajya</em>. Improper dietary habits lead to a variety of lifestyle health problems that can be avoided with appropriate <em>Aahar</em> and eating practices. According to <em>Ayurveda</em>, an individual's <em>Prakriti</em>, or constitution, should be taken into consideration when defining an <em>Aahar</em>. The article aims to assess a lot <em>Aahar</em> methods and concepts that are scattered over various Samhitas that can help manage Post COVID-19 complications and promote a quick recovery without future disease complications.</p> Priyanka Kumari, Rohit Ranjan Copyright (c) 2024 Priyanka Kumari, Rohit Ranjan Tue, 27 Aug 2024 20:40:36 +0530 Theory on Raseshwara Darshana <p>Ayurveda is closely related to Indian philosophy, particularly the spirit of <em>Darshana</em>. <em>Rasashastra</em> features a unique philosophical system known as <em>Raseshwara Darshana</em>. This philosophy differs from other <em>Darshanas</em> in that, while all three <em>Darshanas</em> generally believe that <em>Mukti</em> (liberation) is achieved only after death or through <em>Samadhi</em> (meditative absorption), <em>Raseshwara Darshana</em> does not accept this concept. Instead, <em>Raseshwara Darshana</em> holds that Mukti can be attained while still alive by achieving <em>Pindastairyam</em> through the practice of <em>Paradaseva</em>. <em>Parada</em>, considered the best <em>Rasayana</em> (rejuvenative), is believed to increase life longevity. However, since the body cannot tolerate excessive <em>Parada</em> in its raw form, it must undergo appropriate <em>Samskara</em> (purification) to make it suitable for use.</p> Ashwini Chandaragi, Malavi Shayan, Vikram S. Copyright (c) 2024 Ashwini Chandaragi, Malavi Shayan, Vikram S. Tue, 27 Aug 2024 20:44:23 +0530 Need and Purpose of Manuscript Cataloguing in Ayurved <p>Ayurveda, as an ancient system of medicine, possesses a vast repository of textual knowledge encapsulated in manuscripts. However, the scattered nature of this manuscript presents significant challenges for scholars and practitioners alike. This study reviewing the importance, difficulties facing for compiling manuscript catalogues in Ayurved. This paper elucidates the objectives of promoting awareness and emphasizing the importance of manuscript cataloguing as a primary source for Ayurvedic researchers. This paper outlines the methodology employed to compile and analyze literature on manuscript cataloguing in Ayurveda, with a focus on elucidating the need and purpose of this practice. It discusses the challenges in accessing Ayurvedic knowledge and how a well-designed catalogue can bridge this gap.</p> Chanchal K. Chavan, Brijesh R. Mishra, Harish Kumar Purohit Copyright (c) 2024 Chanchal K. Chavan, Brijesh R. Mishra, Harish Kumar Purohit Tue, 27 Aug 2024 21:18:09 +0530 Role of environmental pollution in epidemics and its management in Ayurveda <p><em>Ayurveda</em> is a holistic healthcare approach that deals with changing one's lifestyle as well as treating and preventing disease.&nbsp; In the <em>Ayurvedic</em> system, epidemics are referred to as <em>Janopadodhwansa</em> and are caused by a vitiated <em>Vayu</em>-<em>Jala</em>-<em>Bhumi</em>-<em>Kala</em>. Polluted soil, water, and air are the cause of numerous ailments. Additionally, determine if there is any connection between <em>Charakokta</em> <em>Janopadodhwansa</em> and the current epidemics. Detoxification measures (<em>Shodhan</em> <em>Chikitsa</em>), <em>Rasayan</em> <em>Chikitsa</em>, and lifestyle modification are a few strategies that can be used to control epidemic diseases and so restore health.</p> Domale Ruchita I., Kodape Dattatray T., Topare Sunil G. Copyright (c) 2024 Domale Ruchita I., Kodape Dattatray T., Topare Sunil G. Tue, 27 Aug 2024 21:23:53 +0530 Descriptive and Comparative Study of Ashta Udara Roga : An Ayurvedic Review <p>The meaning of the word <em>Udara</em> is <em>Kukshi</em> or <em>Jathara.</em> It lies in between <em>Nabhi </em>(Umbilicus) and <em>Stana</em> (Breast). <em>Udara Roga</em> denotes <em>Udara Utsedh</em> and <em>Kukshi Aadhman</em> which is generalised distention or enlargement of the abdomen of varied etiology. <em>Udara Roga</em> is a disease which has been described in detail in all our classical textbooks. In Ayurveda, there are eight types of <em>Udara Roga.</em> <em>Kukshi Aadhman</em> (Generalised abdominal distention) is present in all types of <em>Udara Roga</em>. <em>Mandagni</em> is the main cause of <em>Udara Roga</em>. As per the Ayurvedic principle, <em>Agni </em>plays an important role during the disease process. This review may provide many important facts to differentiate <em>Udara Rogas</em>.</p> Manish Kumar Paul, Namrata Khobragade Copyright (c) 2024 Manish Kumar Paul, Namrata Khobragade Tue, 27 Aug 2024 21:34:18 +0530 Role of Yogasanas in the management of Alcoholism <p><em>Yoga</em> is an Indian traditional health promoting therapy. Now whole world is looking for traditional system of medicines or integrative systems of medicine to overcome from some of the diseases, where not only physical, but also mental, social, spiritual factors are also hamper. For example, life style disorders, auto-immune diseases, genetic disorders and mainly drug addictions like narcotics, sedatives drugs, deliriant poisons like alcohol. As 5.1% of the global burden of diseases and injury is attributable to alcohol. This leads to 5.3% of all deaths.<strong><sup>[1]</sup></strong> According to WHO report only 3.3 % of Indians consumes alcohol as it is not widely consumed in India. But still 336 deaths occur per day due to alcohol consumptions. Hence this article is to through light on yoga therapy for alcoholism and for its addictions even after de-addiction therapy.</p> Manjula Turamari, Sushma Marihal Copyright (c) 2024 Manjula Turamari, Sushma Marihal Tue, 27 Aug 2024 21:46:48 +0530 A review on Script & Languages in the Study of Medical Manuscripts <p>India has a history of ancient medical science, which has been practiced for centuries. Practitioners around the world applied the same the fundamentals but had different perspectives. Some of these perspectives have been lined up in order to convey practitioners' experiences and recent discoveries. These can be found in several manuscripts from various parts of the world. India has a unique culture, language, and knowledge dating back to ancient times. Along with this, regional geographical variance throughout India results in a variety of scripts and languages. Every 50-100 kilometers, we notice dialects in the languages. The language we speak now evolved from ancient languages. The units represented by visual symbols in written form are referred to as script. To comprehend the content written in ancient manuscripts, one requires knowledge of the script and language.</p> Prarabdha Phating, Brijesh Mishra Copyright (c) 2024 Prarabdha Phating, Brijesh Mishra Tue, 27 Aug 2024 22:40:58 +0530 Concept of Maha Srotas - A literary review on the basis of fundamental principal <p><strong>Background: </strong>Gastrointestinal tract is largest <em>Srotas</em> and term as <em>Maha Srotas.</em> The <em>Doshas, Vata Pitta, Kapha </em>also circulate through <em>Srotas</em>. But obstruction of <em>Srotas</em> is cause of <em>Sroto Dusti</em> (<em>Sroto Vyadhi</em>) and it disturbs Physiological functions of <em>Dosha, Dhatu, Malas. </em><strong>Material and Methods: </strong>Literary research based on Study of Ayurvedic Samhitas and published research articles. <strong>Result: </strong><em>Srotas</em> is internal transport system of the body and represents by <em>Mahasrotas</em> has been given a place of fundamental importance in Ayurveda both in health and disease. The obstruction of <em>Mahasrotas</em> responsible for many physiological abnormalities, similarly transportation of disturbed <em>Doshas</em> through <em>Srotas</em> leads various disease thus proper working of <em>Maha Srotas</em> is essential for retaining good health. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The <em>Srotas</em> not only help in nutritional transportation but also support healing process. <em>Srotas</em> maintain physiological balance through exchange of <em>Doshas</em> and <em>Dhatu</em>. <em>Maha Srotas</em> transports factors that cause the <em>Prakopa</em> (Aggravation) or <em>Samana</em> (Allevation) of <em>Doshas</em>. <em>Dosha</em> get vitiated due to <em>Apathaya Aahar Vihara </em>causing <em>Khavagunya</em> and disease process occurs. So as to know the prognosis and treat the disease, Knowledge of <em>Maha Srotas</em> is necessary.</p> Rohit Kumar Patel, Shuchi Dubey Copyright (c) 2024 Rohit Kumar Patel, Shuchi Dubey Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:09:42 +0530 Ayurvedic management of Acute Cerebro Vascular Accident due to Hypertensive Bleed (Pakshaghata): A Case Report <p>Stroke is defined as the fast onset of focal neurological deficit within which poor blood flow to the brain ends up in necrobiosis. It is the second most common reason for worldwide mortality. Hemorrhagic strokes are classified based on their underlying pathology. Some common causes of bleeding are hypertensive trauma, ruptured aneurism, arteriovenous fistula, transformation of previous ischemic pathology and drug-elicited hemorrhage. They result in tissue injury by inflicting compression of tissue from an expanding hematoma. <em>Pakshaghata</em> described in <em>Ayurveda</em> can be correlated with Stroke. All <em>Acharyas</em> have emphasized that in the manifestation of <em>Pakshaghata</em>, <em>Vata</em> is predominant with the association of <em>Pitta</em> and <em>Kapha</em> <em>Dosha</em>. Here is the case of 46 years old male diagnosed as an acute case of hypertensive bleed in the right centrum semiovale and putamen (Magnetic Resonance Image-MRI of Brain) resulting in left-sided hemiparesis. Assessments were done on the basis of National Institute of Health (NIH) Stroke Scale, Medical Research Council (MRC) Scale for Muscle Strength, Barthel Index and Scandinavian Stroke Scale. He was given <em>Yastimdhu Ksheera Nasya, Takra Shirodhara, Kalyanaka Ghrita</em> as <em>Anuvasana Basti</em> and oral medications. After 12 days of treatment there was marked improvement in these scales.</p> Amarnath BR, Muttappa Totad, Vasantha B, Merlyn TJ Copyright (c) 2024 Amarnath BR, Muttappa Totad, Vasantha B, Merlyn TJ Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:13:21 +0530 Ayurvedic management of Secondary Infertility associated with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - A Case Report <p>PCOD is the main cause of infertility in the present generation among the reproductive age group due to undesirable lifestyle changes. In the case report an infertile couple who had not been able to conceive since 2 yrs. The wife was diagnosed with PCOS. The ovulatory factor that contributes to infertility is 30 -40 %. PCOD may be diagnosed if any 2 of the following criteria are present – clinical or biochemical hyperandrogenism, evidence of oligo- anovulation, polycystic appearing - ovarian morphology on USG. The objective of the present treatment included <em>Ayurvedic</em> management of PCOS, ensuring regular ovulation and thereby helping to develop healthy pregnancy and successful childbirth. <strong>Case presentation:</strong> A female patient, 32 years old, visited Prasuti Tantra and Stri- Roga OPD of All India Institude of Ayurveda, New Delhi on 7 march 2024 with secondary infertility associated with Irregular menses. Methodology: Detailed history with all clinical, physical examination, and laboratory investigations were carried out which were normal. Ultrasonography reveals bilateral PCOD. So the treatment was planned accordingly. Result: Patient got her menstruation of drug intake with improvement in menstrual pattern. She continued to take drugs during the second month and missed her period consequently after that. UPT was done and was found positive on 18 April.</p> Juli Kotwani, Tejaswini Dhiraj Buchade Copyright (c) 2024 Juli Kotwani, Tejaswini Dhiraj Buchade Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:16:10 +0530 Ayurvedic intervention in the management of Keeta Visha (Wasp Bite) : A Case Report <p>Wasp stings are common, especially in populations living in vicinity to forested areas all over the world. Wasp is insects related to bees and ants. There are more than 20000 species or types of Wasps.<em> Acharya Sushruta </em>has explained <em>Keeta Visha </em>under <em>Jangama Visha </em>(Animate poison) and categorized 67 different types of <em>Keeta </em>under mainly 4 groups i.e.,<em> Vayavya Keeta, Agneya Keeta, Saumya Keeta, Sannipataka Keeta. </em>viz, one each possessing the qualities of individual <em>Doshas</em> separately and one with the qualities of all the doses together. The main characteristics of insect bite are itching, burning sensation, erythema at the site of bite. Reaction to stings vary depending on the numbers of stings delivered &amp; body`s reaction to venom in the sting. This is a case report of 27 years old female (student) residing in Bhopal, visited the OPD with the complaining of wasp bite on lateral aspect of arm just before 30 minutes prior to her visit. She had sharp pain, itching, redness, burning sensation at bite site. She was treated with <em>Dushivishari Agad </em>(500mg), <em>Guduchiyadi Kashayam</em> (500mg) and <em>Yograja Guggul</em> (250mg) and <em>Lepa</em> of <em>Dushivishari Agad </em>and <em>Shatdhaut Ghrit</em> for local application. The interventions controlled the poisoning, inferring that such cases can be successfully manage with <em>Ayurvedic</em> medicines.</p> Mitali Verma, Urmila Shukla, Kirti Sisodiya, Shreya Sahu Copyright (c) 2024 Mitali Verma, Urmila Shukla, Kirti Sisodiya, Shreya Sahu Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:18:24 +0530 An Ayurvedic approach for Non-alcoholic fatty liver associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Case report <p><strong>Background</strong>: The term Non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) refers to the accumulation of excessive fat inside the liver cells when excessive alcohol use is not present. The presence of both NAFLD and T2DM increases the likelihood of the development of complications of diabetes (including both macro- and micro- vascular complications) as well as augmenting the risk of more severe NAFLD, including cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and death. Liver illness is also described quite well in Ayurveda. NAFLD may be seen as a <em>Santarpanotha Vikar </em>(illness) bought on by <em>Pittasthan, Raktavahasrotomoola, Kaphmedodusti </em>and<em> Sthanasamsraya</em> in <em>Yakrut</em> (liver). <strong>Aim</strong>: To evaluate the efficacy of <em>Ayurvedic</em> intervention in NAFLD associate with T2DM. <strong>Method and material</strong>: In this case report, effect of <em>Ayurveda </em>intervention in grade III fatty liver is reported. Fifty -eight -year-old obese male with grade III fatty liver presented with fatigue, heaviness in abdomen, belching and incomplete bowel evacuation. On examination, there was no significant clinical abnormality except a high body mass index and haematological parameters. The patient was diagnosed sonologically with a grade III fatty liver<strong>. Observation and Conclusion</strong>: The patient was given <em>Ayurveda</em> treatment for two months. The patient was assessed for improvement in signs and symptoms, haematological parameters, and quality of life. Present case highlights the potential of Ayurveda interventions in managing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with T2DM.</p> Bhavya Khatri, Gaurav Methil, Harish Bhakuni, Ajay Kumar Sahu Copyright (c) 2024 Bhavya Khatri, Gaurav Methil, Harish Bhakuni, Ajay Kumar Sahu Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:21:21 +0530 Role of Ayurveda in the Conservative Management of Avascular Necrosis of Femur Head - A Case Report <p>Avascular necrosis describes the death of bone due to impairment of its blood supply. Non-traumatic or idiopathic osteonecrosis is thought to be the result of an ischemic episode affecting the bone and marrow tissue and may cause a progressive collapse of the femoral head in adults. Treatment is usually surgical and is determined by the stage and extent of the disease. Here is the case of a 36-year-old female who was diagnosed with avascular necrosis one and half years ago and was admitted with chief complaints of severe pain, stiffness in the left hip with radiating pain from left hip to lower limb and occasional pain in right hip. She was given<em> Ksheera Vaitarana Basti </em>and oral medications for period of 12 days. After the treatment pain, stiffness in left hip has reduced and gait was improved. This case shows that <em>Ayurveda treatment</em> is helpful in the management of avascular necrosis and helps in improving the quality of life.&nbsp;</p> Merlyn T Jones, Vasantha B, Muttappa Totad, Amarnath BR Copyright (c) 2024 Merlyn T Jones, Vasantha B, Muttappa Totad, Amarnath BR Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:28:44 +0530 Ayurvedic management of Kampvata - A Case Study <p><em>Ayurveda</em> is the everlasting supreme science of medicine because it deals with every aspects of life, particularly of human being since time immemorial. The <em>Vata</em> which is the motivator and controller of other two <em>Dosha</em> are responsible for the manifestation of almost all diseases. According to <em>Ayurveda</em> most of the diseases of <em>Vata</em> are degenerative disorders of nervous system. 80 types of <em>Vataja</em> <em>Nanatmaja</em> <em>Vikaras</em> are described in <em>Ayurveda</em> texts. <em>Kampavata</em> as one among them manifests with <em>Dehabhramana</em> (postural instability), <em>Karapada</em> <em>Tale</em> <em>Kampa</em> (tremors in hands and legs), <em>Matiksheena</em> (dementia), and <em>Nidrabhanga</em> (sleeplessness). Based on sign and symptoms, <em>Kamvata</em> can be correlated with Parkinson’s disease. The Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder. This disease affects approximately 2 out of 1000 people, and most often develops after age of fifty, the clinical course is chronic and progressive with severe disability attained after approximately ten years Parkinson's disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that causes motor symptoms like rigidity, bradykinesia, tremors, and impaired balance. It is caused by degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. Physical therapy focuses on improving motor skills through exercises to enhance flexibility, strength, balance, gait, and cardiovascular fitness. Treatment involves both pharmacological interventions and physical therapy techniques like cueing, relaxation exercises, and functional training. The goals are to reduce symptoms, improve mobility and quality of life, and help patients better manage their condition.</p> Hanika Sharma, Deepu Tiwari, Poonam Gupta Copyright (c) 2024 Hanika Sharma, Deepu Tiwari, Poonam Gupta Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:34:11 +0530 Management of Vishwachi w.s.r. to Cervical Spondylosis with Dashmoola Kawath and Yograja Guggulu with Anu Tailam Nasayam - A Case Study <p>Cervical Spondylosis may be a degenerative condition of cervical spine related to pain, stiffness, and tingling sensation radiating pain from shoulder to digits along the course of the nerve indicates nerve root Compression. It is also associated with numbness and emaciation of upper limbs and its muscles. Pain from posterior part of finger and anterior side of <em>Prakoshtha </em>and<em> Kandara</em> affect motor function. Disease spreading from posterior part of fingers and anterior part of<em> Prakoshtha</em> and <em>Kandara</em> and which affects the nerve in hand and by affecting the motor function known as <em>Vishwachi. Vishwachi</em> is one among the <em>Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi</em>. It affects the neck and upper extremities with signs and symptoms like <em>Ruk, Stambha, Toda, Karmakshaya </em>and<em> Chestaharana</em> of <em>Bahu </em>as explained by different <em>Acharyas.</em> The clinical presentation of <em>Vishwachi</em> is similar to that of cervical Spondolysis, which is an acute painful condition of upper arm, shoulder joint and upper chest region. A 55 years old female approached the JIAR with the chief complaints of: Severe pain in right upper arm, shoulder joint, and neck region along with difficulty in movement of right hand. All the above complaints were since 6 months. The patients were completely on Ayurvedic medicine for 45 days and the results were remarkably seen. The medication given were <em>Yograja Guggulu </em>(1 TDS) and <em>Dashmoola Kawath </em>(20ml BID) along with <em>Anu Tailam Nasya. </em>Hence this study was taken to prove that <em>Ayurvedic </em>management has remarkable result in <em>Viswachi</em> (Cervical Spondylosis). Observation and results were drawn on the basis of assessment criteria. Discussion was done on the basis of entire observation during the research. Conclusion was drawn on the basis of research.</p> Riya Chandel, Poonam Gupta, Hanika Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 Riya Chandel, Poonam Gupta, Hanika Sharma Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:47:19 +0530 Clinical efficacy of Shatapushpa Taila Matra Basti in Artava Kshaya with Low AMH - Case Study <p>Ayurveda is a branch of Medicine, which has been serving for humanity since ancient time by both preventive and curative aspects. In today’s fast and competitive world, many gynecological cases are rapidly increasing because of sedentary life style, faulty food habits etc. In gynecological disorder, <em>Artava</em> <em>Kshaya</em> is a common menstrual disorder. According to different studies 13.5% and 12.95% of woman are suffering from Oligomenorrhea and Hypomenorrhea respectively. In modern science on basis of signs and symptoms of <em>Artava</em> <em>Kshaya</em> can be compared to oligomenorrhea and hypomenorrhea. According to <em>Acharya</em> <em>Kasyapa</em> in <em>Kalpasthana</em>, <em>Shatapushpa</em> is just like nector to the women who suffer from menstrual problems like amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, menometrorrhagia, infertility etc. <em>Shatapushpa</em> can be used in the form of <em>Churna</em>, <em>Kwatha</em> and <em>Taila</em>. <em>Shatapushpa Taila</em> should be used in form of <em>Nasya, Pana, Abhyanga</em> and <em>Basti</em> according to <em>Kasyapa</em> and <em>Charaka</em>. Hence in this study <em>Shatapushpa</em> <em>Taila</em> was selected for <em>Matra Basti</em> in <em>Artava Kshaya</em> as it is having the <em>Agneya</em> property and <em>Aritava</em> <em>Janana</em>.</p> Archana, Sheela Mallikarjun, Sonalika Hiremath, Sridevi Swamy, Ishwari Patil Copyright (c) 2024 Archana, Sheela Mallikarjun, Sonalika Hiremath, Sridevi Swamy, Ishwari Patil Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:50:45 +0530 Management of type-2 Diabetes Mellitus - A Case Report <p>Type 2 <em>Diabetes Mellitus </em>(T2DM) is a prevalent metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood glucose levels. <em>Ayurveda </em>identifies a similar condition known as <em>Madhumeha, </em>a type of <em>Prameha </em>associated with an imbalance in <em>Kapha </em>and <em>Vata Doshas</em>. This study explores the efficacy of <em>Ayurvedic </em>treatment in managing T2DM. Methods: A 50-year-old male patient with T2DM and no significant history of major illness was treated using a holistic <em>Ayurveda </em>approach. The treatment regimen included <em>Ayurvedic </em>formulations such as <em>Madhumehari Churna</em>, <em>Ojaswani Churna, Chandraprabha Vati, </em>and <em>Phaltrikadi Kwath </em>and <em>Basti </em>procedure. Dietary and lifestyle modifications were also recommended, focusing on low glycemic foods and regular physical activity. The patient was monitored over three months, with assessments of fasting blood sugar (FBS), postprandial blood sugar (PPBS), and HbA1c levels before and after the treatment period. <strong>Results:</strong> Post-treatment, the patient showed a significant reduction in blood sugar levels and improvement in diabetes-related symptoms. FBS decreased from 150 mg/dl to 126 mg/dl, PPBS from 217 mg/dl to 158 mg/dl, and HbA1c from 9.2% to 6.9%. These results indicate the effectiveness of the <em>Ayurvedic </em>regimen in managing T2DM. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>The study demonstrates that <em>Ayurvedic </em>management, through a combination of <em>Ayurvedic </em>formulations, dietary interventions, and lifestyle modifications, can effectively control blood sugar levels and improve the quality of life for patients with T2DM.</p> Pankaj Singh Kushwaha, Pooja Lekhak, R.K. Joshi, Harish Bhakuni, Neha Agrawal Copyright (c) 2024 Pankaj Singh Kushwaha, Pooja Lekhak, R.K. Joshi, Harish Bhakuni, Neha Agrawal Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:57:00 +0530 Ayurvedic management of Garbhasravi Vandhyatwa w.s.r. to Recurrent Pregnancy Loss - A Case Study <p>Pregnancy is the start of an incredible journey that leads to great emotional fulfillment to women. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL) is defined as two or more failed clinical pregnancies confirmed by sonography or histopathology before 20 weeks. It is relatively common event occurring in 15-25% of pregnancies and increasing in prevalence with maternal age which in turn leads to infertility. The common causes of the first trimester abortion are genetic factors, immune and endocrine factors, infection and unexplained ones in the majority of the cases. In Ayurveda, based on clinical features Recurrent Pregnancy Loss can be correlated with <em>Garbhasravi</em> <em>Vandhya</em> mentioned in Harita Samhita and <em>Putraghni</em> <em>Yonivyapath</em> explained in Brihatrayees. Ayurveda describes many oral formulations along with <em>Shodhana Chikitsa</em> followed by <em>Sthanika Chikitsas</em> like <em>Yoni Pichu, Yoni Poorana, Uttara Basti</em> etc. giving effective sequel in <em>Garbhasravi</em> <em>Vandhyatwa</em>. Here, a mid aged 26 years old patient presenting with recurrent pregnancy loss was given with few oral medications and <em>Shodhana Chikitsa</em> i.e., <em>Virechana</em> <em>Karma</em> and <em>Yoga Basti</em> followed by <em>Uttara Basti</em> for her healthy uneventful pregnancy.</p> Princy Prabhu, Sheela Mallikarjun, Sridevi Swamy, Ishwari Patil, Sonalika Hiremath Copyright (c) 2024 Princy Prabhu, Sheela Mallikarjun, Sridevi Swamy, Ishwari Patil, Sonalika Hiremath Wed, 28 Aug 2024 00:00:51 +0530 Ayurvedic management for Parkinson's Disease : A comprehensive case report on Kampavata <p>Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by symptoms such as bradykinesia, tremors, impaired posture, balance, and muscle rigidity. This case report discusses a 57-year-old male with a decade-long history of PD, presenting with tremors, slurred speech, and neck rigidity, who sought Ayurvedic treatment after finding no relief from conventional biomedical approaches. The patient was assessed using Ayurvedic principles of <em>Rogi-Roga Pareeksha </em>as<em> Kampavata</em>, and accordingly, the treatment plan combining <em>Rookshana</em> (drying) and <em>Snehana</em> (oleation) therapies were adopted. The intervention included external therapies like <em>Udvartanam</em> (powder massage), <em>Sarvanga Abhyanga</em> (full body oil massage), <em>Swedana</em> (fomentation), and <em>Vaitarana Basti</em> (medicated enema). Internal medications included <em>Maharasnayogaraja Guggulu Kashayam, Saraswatarishtam</em>, <em>Ashtavarga Kashayam</em> and <em>Brihatvatachintamani Rasa</em>. Over a two-week treatment period, significant improvements were observed in tremors, bradykinesia, rigidity, gait, and speech, with the patient reporting enhanced quality of life and reduced stress. This case highlights the potential efficacy of <em>Ayurvedic</em> treatment modalities in managing neurodegenerative disorders like PD, particularly when conventional treatments fail to provide relief.</p> Pankaj Sharma, V. Balendu Krishnan, Hari G. Copyright (c) 2024 Pankaj Sharma, V. Balendu Krishnan, Hari G. Wed, 28 Aug 2024 00:03:44 +0530