
Research Article

Antihyperglycemic activity

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 1 Jan-Feb

Experimental evaluation of antihyperglycemic activity of Vangasindhoora against streptozotocin (stz) induced diabetes in wistar albino rats

Sruthi P.1*, Muraleedharan A.2
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.7.1.12

1* PV Sruthi, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rasasastra and Bhaishajya kalpana, MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinikkadavu, Kannur, Kerala, India.

2 AK Muraleedharan, Professor & HOD, Department of Rasasastra and Bhaishajya kalpana, MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinikkadavu, Kannur, Kerala, India.

Rasasastra refers to the science of making metals and minerals assimilable for the body so they can be used as medicines and give effective result even in smaller dose. Kupipakva Rasayana bears a unique place in Rasasastra as it has quicker action and synergistic effect in body at very low dose. Vangasindhoora is a Kupipakva Rasayana preparation mentioned in Rasendra Sambhava and is indicated in all Prameha. Vangasindhoora contains Vanga, Parada, Gandhaka and Navasara as ingredients. Diabetes is caused due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin. Today’s lifestyle has been changed and sharp increase in the incidence and prevalance of diabetes mellitus has been perceived. In the present study experimental evaluation of antihyperglycemic effect of Vangasindhoora has been dealt and the result were assessed using one-way Anova followed by Dunnet’s multiple comparison t-test using graph pad instant software. Result shows that vangasindhoora has antihyperglycemic effect.

Keywords: Vangasindhoora, Antihyperglycemic activity

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
PV Sruthi, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rasasastra and Bhaishajya kalpana, MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinikkadavu, Kannur, Kerala, India.
PV Sruthi, AK Muraleedharan, Experimental evaluation of antihyperglycemic activity of Vangasindhoora against streptozotocin (stz) induced diabetes in wistar albino rats. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(1):89-93.
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2022-01-27 2022-01-29 2022-02-05 2022-02-12 2022-02-19
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© 2022by PV Sruthi, AK Muraleedharanand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Vangasindhoora[1] selected for the present study is a mineral preparation mentioned in Rasendra Sambhava in Kuppipakva Prakarana. The ingredients present in the formulation are Vanga, Parada, Gandhaka and Navasara. This is indicated for Sarva Prameha, Balya, Deepana, Pachana, Prajnakaram and Dhatusthairyakara. Considering the plausible incidence of Prameha in the society, Vangasindhoora is considered for the study which has Sarvapramehahara property. Prameha is defined as a disease, which is to be characterized with excessive urination and turbidity. Acharya Charaka has mentioned Prameha as one of the Anushangi Roga. Acharya Chakrapani has commented Anushangi as Punarbhavi, which means it is very difficult to cure.[2]

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Hyperglycemia, or raised blood sugar, is a common effect of uncontrolled diabetes and over a time leads to serious damage to many of the body’s systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels. WHO projects that diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death in 2030[3]

In this study, Prameha being a broad spectrum to be more confined non- insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is considered and a trial is undertaken to examine the antihyperglycemic effect of Vangasindhoora in the experimental study.


Vangasindhoora was prepared according to reference Rasendrasambhava. Sodhana of Vanga, Parada, Gandhaka and Navasara was carried out according to the classical reference. Vanga Sodhana[4] was done by Dalana method in Nirgundi Swarasa containing Haridra Churna. Parada Sodhana was carried out by Ashtasamskara.[5] Gandhaka Sodhana[6] done by Kurmaputa Vidhi and Navasara Sodhana[7] by Nirjalikarana method. Kajjali was prepared out of these Sodhita ingredients and Bhavana done in Jalajata Swarasa (Homonoea Riparia). Kupipakva Rasayana Vidhi was carried out to prepare Vangasindhoora.

Experimental study was conducted after attaining prior permission from institutional animal ethical

committee (IAEC), SDM Centre for Research in Ayurveda and Allied sciences, Udupi, Karnataka. Approval number SDMCRA / IAEC/MVR 28.

Study design: Experimental study carried out on wistar albino rats weighing 150-250gm in SDM animal house. They were maintained at a temperature of 25-27°C, humidity of 55% and 12hr light and dark cycles. They were fed with Champak feeds and foods brand rat pellets feed and water ad libitum.

Sources of data

Experimental source

The healthy wistar albino rats were obtained from the animal house attached to the department of Pharmacology & Toxicology of SDM Centre for Research in Ayurveda and Allied Sciences, Udupi, Karnataka, India.

Drug source

  • Test drug - Prepared in Rasasala of MVRAMC, Parassinikkadavu, Kannur, Kerala.
  • Standard drug - Market sample obtained from Udupi
  • Streptozotocin - For inducing diabetes obtained from the department of Pharmacology & Toxicology of SDM Centre for Research in Ayurveda and Allied Sciences, Udupi, Karnataka.

Duration of study - 21 days

Method of data collection

  • The healthy wistar albino rats were obtained from the animal house attached to the department of Pharmacology & Toxicology of SDM Centre for Research in Ayurveda and Allied sciences Udupi, Karnataka, India
  • They were housed in standard transparent polypropylene cages with wheat husk bedding, renewed every 24 hours. They were maintained at a temperature of 25-27°C, humidity of 55% and 12hr light and dark cycles. Healthy wistar albino rats of both sexes weighing about 150-250gm were selected and divided into four groups. The selected animals were maintained properly under the prevailing husbandry conditions. They were marked over the head, neck, body and tail for easy identification in each group.

  • Cares of animals were undertaken as per CPCSEA (Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals) guidelines.

Inclusion criteria

  • The healthy wistar albino rats weighing 150-250gm of either sex.

Exclusion criteria

  • Wistar strain albino rats weighing less than150gm and more than 250gm.
  • Pregnant and diseased rat.
  • Rats used for and under trial of other experiments.

Animal grouping

Selected wistar albino rats of either sex weighing around 150-250gm were placed randomly under 4 groups, each group containing 8 rats.

  1. Group 1 - Tap water control group
  2. Group 2 - Positive control group
  3. Group 3 - Glibenclamide (Standard drug group)
  4. Group 4 - Vangasindhoora (Test drug group)

Dose fixation: The dose of the formulation was calculated by extrapolating the human dose to rat dose on the basis of body surface area ratio (conversion factor 0.018 for rats) by referring to the table of “Paget and Barnes”(1969).

For rats: Human dose × 0.018 × 5 × wt of rat/1000gm.

Drug used

Test drug- Vangasindhoora    

Standard drug- Glibenclamide

Route of administration - Oral

Induction of diabetic: 70mg of streptozotocin (STZ) dissolved in 20ml ice-cold citrate buffer 0.1M, pH 5.5 and kept in ice and administered within 5 minutes at a dose of 35-40mg/kg body weight intra-peritoneally. After 48-72 hrs of STZ administration, rats with moderate diabetes having glycosuria and hyperglycemia (i.e., with a blood glucose of 200-300mg/dl) was taken for the experiment.

Dose preparation: 22.5mg of prepared medicine, Vangasindhoora was powdered well and

added 100mg CMC (Carboxymethyl cellulose). These were mixed thoroughly and to this 20ml distilled water was added and stirred well. From this, dose was administered to each rat according to the body weight. This dose was prepared daily and administered to the group 4 for 21 days.

20 tablets of glibenclamide (5mg) were powdered and 25ml of distilled water was added and mixed thoroughly. From this, dose was administered to each rat according to the body weight. This dose was prepared daily and administered to the group 3 for 21 days.

Numbering and identification: The animals were marked with saturated picric acid solution in water for proper identification. The marking within the cage is as follows.

Marking of rats

Animal number Marking
1. Head
2. Neck
3. Body
4. Tail

Testing parameters

  • Biochemical parameters
  • Histopathology

Observations and Results

Observed mean values of biochemical parameters.

Parameters Normal control group Positive control group Standard group Test group
RBS 93 548.16 327.85 436.57
SGOT 116.83 136.16 108.66 103.83
SGPT 55.5 116.16 82.71 91.83
ALP 716 108.66 898.4 710.16
T. Protein 5.03 5.96 6.08 4.85
Albumin 2.86 3.2 2.68 3.25
T. Bilirubin 0.7 0.81 0.316 0.46
D. Bilirubin 0.7 0.13 0.20 0.12
Cholesterol 70.33 71.83 73.28 46.5
Triglyceride 89.66 152.83 82.57 39
HDL 45 41.16 31.28 17
LDL 15.15 4.71 27.38 21.7
VLDL 17.9 2.76 16.51 7.8
Globulin 2.16 2.76 3.4 1.6

Consolidated statement of experimental study.

Parameters Compared with N.C Compared with positive control
Positive control Standard drug group Test drug group
Total protein NSI NSI NSD
Total bilirubin NSI SD SD
Direct bilirubin SD NSI NSD
Cholesterol NSI NSI SD
Triglyceride SI SD SD
Globulin NSI NSI NSD



Injection of STZ resulted in mild fatty changes, sinusoidal dilatation and diffused degenerative changes in hepatocytes.

Liver sections from reference standard group exhibited normal cytoarchitecture in majority of the rats, however, fatty degenerative changes along with sinusoidal dilatation, bile stasis was observed in few sections. Liver sections from TED dose administered groups exhibited mild to moderate fatty changes and sinusoidal dilation.


Scanning of sections from STZ control group exhibited few islets of small size with much reduced granulation, cellularity was less, vacuolization was observed.

In sections from reference standard group - medium to large sized islets with good cellularity and granulation, mild vacuolization was observed. In sections from TED dose administered group - medium sized islets with medium cellularity and much reduced vacuolization was observed.


Effect on blood sugar level

Data shows there was decrease in random blood sugar level in test drug group

when compared to positive control group, the observed decrease was found to be statistically non-significant.

Effect on SGOT

Data shows there was decrease in SGOT level in test drug group when compared to positive control group, the observed decrease was found to be statistically non-significant.

Effect on SGPT

Data shows there was decrease in SGPT level in test drug group when compared to positive control group, the observed decrease was found to be statistically non-significant.

Effect on alkaline phosphatase

Data shows there was increase in alkaline phosphatase level in test drug group when compared to positive control group, the observed increase was found to be statistically significant.

Effect on total protein

Data shows there was non-significant decrease in total protein level in test group when compared to positive control group, the observed decrease was found to be statistically non-significant.

Effect on albumin

Data shows there is no significant increase in albumin level in test group when compared to positive control group, the observed increase was found to be statistically non-significant.

Effect on total bilirubin

Data shows there was decrease in total bilirubin level in test drug group when compared to positive control group, the observed decrease was found to be statistically very significant.

Effect on direct bilirubin

Data shows there is decrease in direct bilirubin level in test group when compared to positive control group, the observed decrease was found to be statistically non-significant.

Effect on cholesterol

Data shows there was decrease in cholesterol level in test group when compared to positive control group, the observed decrease was found to be statistically very significant.

Effect on triglyceride

Data shows there is decrease in triglyceride level in test drug group when compared to positive control group, the observed decrease was found to be statistically very significant.

Effect on HDL

Data shows there was decrease in HDL level in test drug group when compared to positive control group, the observed decrease was found to be statistically significant.

Effect on LDL

Data shows there was increase in LDL level in test drug group when compared to positive control group, the observed increase was found to be statistically significant.

Effect on VLDL

Data shows there was increase in VLDL level in test drug group when compared to positive control group, the observed increase was found to be statistically non-significant.

Effect on globulin

Data shows there was decrease in globulin level in test group when compared to positive control group, the observed decrease was found to be statistically non-significant.

Based on the above results, Vangasindhoora has antihyperglycemic activity.


Diabetes or as in Ayurvedic classical texts - Prameha has become one of the leading lifestyle diseases in world. Prevalence of diabetes is tremendously increasing. Vangasindhoora, a Kupipakva preparation indicated in Sarvaprameha. Sudha Vanga, Sudha Parada, Sudha Gandhaka and Sudha Navasara are the ingredients in Vangasindhoora. Experimental evaluation of Vangasindhoora shows that it is effective in hyperglycemia but not as effective as standard drug glibenclamide.


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