
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 1 Jan-Feb

A role of Ahara - An emphasizing view on Katigraha

C. Kanavi S.1*

1* Smitha C. Kanavi, Assistant Professor, Department of Panchakarma, Sri Jagadguru Gavisiddeshwar Ayurvedic Medical and Hospital, Gavimath, Koppal, Karnataka, India.

Ahara is one of the Traya Upasthamba has been a prime importance since from Vedic Period. It is quoted as Brahma in Upanishad and Acharya Kashyapa mentions it as “Mahabhaishajya”. Any Vyadhi which originates from this Panchabhutatmaka Sharira which in turn can be cured by Oushada along with proper Pathya-Apathya which play a vital role in re-establishing the Physiological health. According to Laulimbaraja “Pathya is the secret of healthiness likewise Apathya is the root cause of all disease. Looking into the classics, Annapana Vidhi, Asthaaharavidhi Visheshayatanani, Pathyaapathya concept, Viruddhahara etc. infers that importance of Ahara by our Acharyas. The disease Katigraha is Vata-Kaphaja Vyadhi. Vata is the main functioning system of body along with other two Doshas. Any vitiation in this functional system directly/ indirectly troubles the individual affecting one’s personal and social life.

Keywords: Ahara, Traya Upasthamba, Katigraha

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Smitha C. Kanavi, Assistant Professor, Department of Panchakarma, Sri Jagadguru Gavisiddeshwar Ayurvedic Medical and Hospital, Gavimath, Koppal, Karnataka, India.
Smitha C. Kanavi, A role of Ahara - An emphasizing view on Katigraha. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(1):271-274.
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© 2022by Smitha C. Kanaviand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ayurveda is ancient science of life, uplifting the principle of life that “Swasthasya Swasthaya Rakshanam, Athurasya Vikara Prashamanam”, which means to maintain the health of healthy person and cure the disease of diseased person. Acharya Susruta narrates a quote that “Sankshepatah Kriyayogo Nidana Parivarjanam”.[1] Life style disorders have become more common in these generations. Due to the change in the life style, urbanisations/Modernization has very bad impact on every individual’s health. The wholesome-unwholesome food concept basically originated by our science decades ago. Consuming the food with appropriate calories and food without required nutritional derivatives makes a remarkable difference. Hence consumption of dietary rich food is beneficial to the mankind both physiological as well as psychological well-being. Our science of Ayurveda deals with fundamental concepts of Tridoshas i.e., Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Along with these they have even explained about the food which are having pros and cause on these doshas.

Food which Balances the Tridoshas.
  Vata Pitta Kapha
Rasa Madhura, Amla, Lavana  Madura, Tikta, Kashaya Katu, Tikta and Kashaya
Ahara Taila Grita Madhu

Classification of Ahara as per Classics[2]

  • Aashita
  • Khadita
  • Peetha
  • Lida

This kind of Aahara does the Shariravardhana and also they can cause the disease to the same Sharira.[3]


Kati Graha is Shosha, Sthamba, and Shula predominant Vyadhi. Gada Nigraha clearly states that Pain is produced due to Stiffness which is produced by Sama (with Ama), or Nirama (without Ama), Vayu movement into Kati region. Hence this suggests of presence of Dosha involvement. We also find its description of etiology, symptoms and treatment in Vata Vyadhi context.Kshayyatmaka (degenerative) and Marga Avarodha (obstructive) type of Samprapti.[4]  

Nidana of Katigraha: Katigraha is the Vata-Kaphaja Vyadhi, hence Nidana can be taken as causative factors conglomerating these two Doshas.

Vatakara Ahara                                                      
Rasa Katu, Tikta, Kashaya
Guna Laghu, Ruksha, Khara
Virya Sheeta
Vipaka Katu
Matra Abhojana or Atibhojana
Kala Akalabhojana, Vipareetabhojana
Ahara Mudga, Masura, Nishpava, Harenu, Kalasa etc.
Kaphakara Ahara
Rasa Madhura, Amla, Lavana
Guna Sheeta, Snigdha, Guru
Virya Sheeta
Vipaka Madhura
Matra Atibhojana
Kala Akale
Ahara Abhisyandi, Guru

Ashtavidha Ahara Vidhi Visheshayatani: In classics they had beautifully mentioned about disciplinaries about food regimen. Ushnaahara, Snigdha Ahara, Matrapurvaka Ahara, taking meal after the digestion of previous food, Aviruddha Ahara, having food with Ishta Desha-Upakarana, intake of food, harmfulness in having food in too much hurry or too slow. Having food with concentrated mind, without distractions. These factors together contribute in framing and maintaining the good health of an individual.

Role of Vitamin Deficiency in the manifestation of Mechanical Low Back ache.[5]

Vitamin C: Referred as Ascorbic acid may decrease risk of progression of osteoarthritis and back pain by repairing the tissues and reducing   inflammation. Vitamin C helps protects cells from the damage caused by free radicals-molecules responsible for aging and tissue damage.

Food Sources: Orange, grapefruit, Red peppers, broccoli etc.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is an important nutrient that builds strong bones and aids with calcium absorption (essential in preventing osteoporosis). It can also help maintaining the immune system and alleviates back pain by decreasing the inflammation in the body.

Food Sources: Cereals, Milk, Fortified food such as fortified breakfast, Fatty fish.

Vitamin E: Helps to ease back pain and soreness because it works by helping to repair damaged tissue. It also improves the circulation aids in healing process.

Food Sources:  Wheat germ, Sunflower seeds, and almonds.

Vitamin B3: Also known as Niacin. Increases the pain-relieving capacity, also maintains the healthy nervous system.

Food Source: Beet, Peanuts etc.

Vitamin B7: Biotin, also known as Vitamin H or Vitamin   H or B7, is a water-soluble vitamin that helps the body metabolizes fats, carbohydrates and protein. Water soluble vitamins are not stored in the body so daily intake is necessary. Deficiency of this leads to Loss of control of bodily moments, Numbness and Tingling sensation in the hands and feet.

Dietary Sources: Red meat, Eggs, Seeds and Nuts.

Vitamin B12: Typically known as the vitamin that can amp up your energy. But it can also help keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and help make DNA.

Concept of Hypovitamonis: Hypovitaminosis is potential cause for Mechanical Low Back Ache in addition to other potential causes. Evidences show that potential of Vitamin D to exert   anatomic and physiological influence on pain manifestation. Persistent pain is associated with Vitamin D related bone mineralization, musculoskeletal pain. Pain pathways associated with cortical, immunological, hormonal and   neuronal changes are potentially also influenced by Vitamin D levels.[6]

Adult bones undergo a constant of remodelling, bone pain and muscle weakness with gait instability observed in Vit-D Deficiency. It is important for the regulation of serum calcium concentration and in muscle protein synthesis. Vit D increases the serum calcium level that is essential for muscle contraction and protein synthesis affects muscle growth.[7]

In Katigraha Sthamba, Shoola and Shopha can be interpreted as Stiffness due to weakness of muscles and muscle contraction, Shoola is Pain and Shopha is localised tissue inflammation.

Acharya’s have explained the concept of Vitamins in Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana, Matrashitiya Adyaya.[8]


Body is constituted of food. Hence any kind of variations in the Sharira has to be corrected basically from Ahara. As modernisation progressed, the regimen of taking food, wholesome diet is been neglected resulting in disease like Katigraha, and lifestyle disorder.


As explained earlier, considering the Loka Purusha Samya Vada every entity existing in the universe is made out of Panchamahabhoota.

For building up an individual Sharira, Ahara is an important factor. Not only in physiological aspect; also, for Vyadhi manifestation Ahara is more important.

The Principal mentioned in Ayurveda i.e. “Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshana, Athurasya Vikar Prashamanam” One should consume appropriate diet to attain Chaturvidha Purushastra’s in life as Sharira is a media to conquer them.


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  2. Suśruta., and Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. An English Translation of the Sushruta Samhita: Based On Original Sanskrit Text, With a Full and Comprehensive Introduction, Additional Texts, Different Readings, Notes, Comparative Views, Index, Glossary and Plates (in Three Volumes). [2nd ed.]. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 1963, Uttaratantra, 1/25.
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  4. Sutra Sthaana. Varanasi, India: Choukhambha Sanskrit Sansthaan; 2000. ‘Caraka Samhitaa’ Sutra Sthaana 28/5.
  5. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Edited with Vaidyamanorama Hindi Commentary by Acharya Vidyadar Shulka, Ravidatt Tripathi, Chaukamba Sanskrit Pratishtan, Delhi, Vol 1, Chikitsasthana, Chapter 28, sloka 59, page no 741

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