
Case Report

Herpes Zoster

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 4 May

Ayurvedic management of Herpes Zoster: A Case Report

Prabha U K.1*, Krishnakumar T.2, Jayasmitha S.3

1* Kavya Prabha U, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Agada Tantra, M V R Ayurveda Medical College, Kannur, Kerala, India.

2 T.S. Krishnakumar, HOD and Professor, Department of Agada Tantra, M V R Ayurveda Medical College, Kannur, Kerala, India.

3 S.J. Jayasmitha, Professor, Department of Agada Tantra, M V R Ayurveda Medical College, Kannur, Kerala, India.

Background: Shingle’s or herpes zoster is a viral disease caused by Varicella zoster virus. Unilateral vesicular eruption within the dermatone associated with severe pain is the main manifestation in herpes. On analyzing the symptoms of herpes zoster, there is the vitiation of Vatapitta predominant Tridosha and vitiating Twak, Rakta and Mamsa Dhatu. As both herpes zoster and Lutavisha are having similar Dosha-Dushya vitiation, the treatment modalities of Lutavisha can be adopted in herpes. Materials and methods: A case study of a 69 years old male patient with main complaint of skin lesion over left side of the abdomen and left lower back associated with pain, burning sensation and redness of skin. The patient was treated with Lodramsevyadi Kashayam, Lasunadi Gutika and Kottamrmachadi Churna which are commonly used in Lutavisha along with Avipathy Churnam. Observation and Result: By advising these Yogas gave good results in the management of Herpes zoster.

Keywords: Herpes Zoster, Lutavisha, Lodramsevyadi Kashayam, Lasunadi Gutika, Kottamramachadi Churnam

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Kavya Prabha U, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Agada Tantra, M V R Ayurveda Medical College, Kannur, Kerala, India.
Kavya Prabha U, T.S. Krishnakumar, S.J. Jayasmitha, Ayurvedic management of Herpes Zoster: A Case Report. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(4):168-171.
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© 2022by Kavya Prabha U, T.S. Krishnakumar, S.J. Jayasmithaand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Shingle’s or herpes zoster is a viral disease caused by Varicella zoster virus. Decrease in immunity for varicella zoster virus due to immune suppression or aging causes reactivation of virus in dorsal root ganglia. Unilateral vesicular eruption within the dermatone associated with severe pain is the main manifestation in herpes. Pain management, healing of vesicles and preventing complications are the main aim in the management of it. After analyzing the symptoms of herpes zoster, there is the vitiation of Vatapitta predominant Tridosha and vitiating Twak, Rakta and Mamsa Dhatu.

The symptoms of Lutavisha (spider poisoning) are round rashes of white, black, red, yellow or bluish color. It spread like Visarpa swollen with burning sensation, pain, fever, ulceration, exudation and sometimes destruction of muscle tissues. Thus, both herpes zoster and Lutavisha are having similar Dosha-Dushya vitiation. So, the treatment modalities of Lutavisha can be adopted in herpes.

Materials and Methods

Case report: A 69 years old male patient who is a Poojari came to OPD of Pappinisseri Vishachiktsa Kendra under PG department of Agadatantra (OP Number: 5196/21) on 4th December 2021 with main complaint of skin lesion over left side of the abdomen and left lower back associated with pain, burning sensation and redness of skin for two days.

History of presenting complaint

Patient was apparently normal two days ago. Then he had a mild burning sensation over the left side of abdomen. He noticed some lesions over left the side of abdomen with redness of the skin. He applied Tulasi and Haridra paste over the lesion. His wife noticed a similar lesion over left lower back also. He didn’t give more care for this condition. On the fourth day the lesion became vesicles associated with severe pain, burning sensation. The symptoms aggravated on exposure to hot atmosphere and on sweating.

General examination

Built                       : Moderate

Nourishment     : Good

Temperature     : 98.6° F

Height                   : 165 cm

Weight                 : 60 kg

Pulse                     : 75/min

Respiratory rate: 19/min

Heart rate           : 73/min

BP                           : 130/90 mmHg

Systemic examination

Cardiovascular system: S1 and S2 sounds heard, no abnormal sound detected.

Respiratory system: size and shape of chest found normal, chest clear.

Nervous system : higher mental functions normal, pain and burning sensation over left thoracic region

Gastrointestinal system: no abnormalities found

Locomotor system: no abnormalities found

Integumentary system: Vesicular lesion of varying size over left side of lower thoracic region which did not cross the midline and redness of skin over there. Oozing was absent. Tenderness and slight local raise in temperature was present.

Astastana Pareeksha

Nadi: Vatapitta

Mutra: 2-3 times/ day, 2 times/ night

Malam: Prakrutham (not constipated)

Jihwa: Liptam (coated)

Sabdam: Spashtam (clear voice)

Sparsham: Ushna sparsha at affected part

Drik: Prakrutha (normal)

Akriti: Madhyama

Dasavidha Pareeksha

Dushyam: Dosha: Tridosha (Vatapitta pradana), Dushya: Rasa, Rakta,Mamsa

Desham: Bhumi: Anupa, Deha: Dakshina Bhaga of Udara, Madhyama Bhaga of Pristavamsa

Balam: Roga: Pravara, Rogi: Madhyama

Kalam: Kshanadi: Sisiram

Vyadhyavasta: Navam

Analam: Madhyama

Prakruthi: Vatapitta

Vaya: Vridha

Satva: Madhyama

Satmya: Katurasa Pradhana Sarvarasa

Ahara: Misram

Treatment given and observations

Date Condition of patient Medicine given Matra & Sevana Kala
4/12/21 Pain Burning sensation Redness Vesicles Lodramsevyadi Kashayam[1] 15 ml Kashaya with 45 ml of lukewarm water, thrice daily, before food
Lasunadi Gutika[2] 1-1-1 with Kashaya
Kottamramachadi Churnam[3] External: Dhara with milk
Avipathy churnam[4] 2 tsp with lukewarm water, bed time
21/12/21 Pain reduced Burning sensation present Relief from Redness No new vesicles Healing vesicles Repeat the medicines For 1 week
28/12/21 Relief from symptoms Advised to follow Pathya for next few weeks.  

Pathya- Apathya

Advised to avoid oily items, excess spicy and sour tastes, curd and non-vegetarian food items.

jaims_1820_01.JPGBefore treatment

jaims_1820_02.JPGAfter treatment


The ingredients of Lodramsevayadi Kashayam are Lodram, Sevyam, Padmaka, Padmarenu, Kaleeyaka, Chandanam, Raktachandanam, Kanthapushpa, Dugdhinika and Mrunalam. It is Pittakaphasamaka Yoga and Raktasodhaka, Vranaropaka, Kaphasoshaka, Kledahara Yoga.

So, it can be given in skin manifestation due to Pittapradhanadosha. The ingredients of Lasunadi Gutika are Lasuna, Haridra, Vacha, Hingu and Sundi. It has the Vatanulomana, property which helps in relieving the pain. The ingredients of Kottamramachadi Churnam are Kusta, Ushira, Neelini and Chandana. Kottamramachadi Churna Yoga is Tridoshasamaka, Visarpahara, Vranaropana and Dahanashaka. Avipathi Churnam is good in all Pitta predominance conditions and also helping in Vata Anulomata. These reflect the Tridoshaharatva of the used Yogas. By the third follow up the patient got complete relief from symptoms. After the relief all the symptoms, he was advised to continue Pathya for next few weeks.


Patient’s recovery from a viral disease by traditional Ayurveda medicine is a very promising one. There was no adverse drug reaction occurred during the treatment period. This case study shows the Yogas told in Lutavisha are also effective in the treatment of Herpes zoster as the Dosha predominance and Lakshana are similar to that of Lutavisha.


1. Vagbhata, Astanga Hrdaya, Edited Bhishagacharya Harisastri Paradakara Vaidya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia, 2019, Uttarastana, 38/86, p-920.

2. Kochunni Thamburan, Prayogasamuchaya, Trissur, Sulabha Books, 1999, Astamaparicheda, p-226.

3. Kochunni Thamburan, Prayogasamuchaya, Trissur, Sulabha Books,1999, Astamaparicheda, p-226.

4. Vagbhata, Astanga Hrdaya, Edited Bhishagacharya Harisastri Paradakara Vaidya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia, 2019, Kalpastana,2/21-23, p-743