Ayurvedic management of Herpes Zoster : A Case Report
Background: Shingle’s or herpes zoster is a viral disease caused by Varicella zoster virus. Unilateral vesicular eruption within the dermatone associated with severe pain is the main manifestation in herpes. On analyzing the symptoms of herpes zoster, there is the vitiation of Vatapitta predominant Tridosha and vitiating Twak, Rakta and Mamsa Dhatu. As both herpes zoster and Lutavisha are having similar Dosha-Dushya vitiation, the treatment modalities of Lutavisha can be adopted in herpes. Materials and methods: A case study of a 69 years old male patient with main complaint of skin lesion over left side of the abdomen and left lower back associated with pain, burning sensation and redness of skin. The patient was treated with Lodramsevyadi Kashayam, Lasunadi Gutika and Kottamrmachadi Churna which are commonly used in Lutavisha along with Avipathy Churnam. Observation and Result: By advising these Yogas gave good results in the management of Herpes zoster.
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Kochunni Thamburan, Prayogasamuchaya,Trissur, Sulabha Books,1999, Astamaparicheda,p-226
Kochunni Thamburan, Prayogasamuchaya,Trissur, Sulabha Books,1999, Astamaparicheda,p-226
Vagbhata, Astangahrdaya, Edited Bhishagacharya Harisastri Paradakara Vaidya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia, 2019,Kalpastana,2/21-23,p-743

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