
Review Article

Medhya Rasayana

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 5 June

Review article on the role of Medhya Rasayana : Enhancing the Intellectual Power

Ramawat B.1*, Jangid V.2, Samagandi K.3

1* Bajrang Ramawat, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Swasthavritta & Yoga, National Institute of Ayurveda, Deemed To be University (De Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

2 Varsha Jangid, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Swasthavritta & Yoga, National Institute of Ayurveda, Deemed To be University (De Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

3 Kashinath Samagandi, Associate Professor, Dept. of Swasthavritta & Yoga, National Institute of Ayurveda, Deemed To be University (De Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

In this period of global competitiveness, the spirit of competition is instilled in each individual from childhood. Even to get entrance to a reputable nursery school, the kid must pass several tests. Then, for success in higher education, such as primary, secondary, and post-secondary education, continual vigilance and intellectual sharpness are essential. The capacity to retain what has been learned and to recall it at the appropriate time and in the right place is the only way to succeed at every level. In such circumstances, a person's grasping and retention abilities are important. According to Ayurveda both Vata and Kapha Dosha must be harmonized in order to increase Medha or Intellectual. Memory is improved when Vata and Kapha are together. Pitta Dosha (fire element) is important for increasing sharpness and IQ. To accomplish this objective by balancing the Tridosha, Ayurveda refers to both single medications and a class of pharmaceuticals are named as "Medhya Rasayanas" in the Charaka Samhita. They are Mandukaparni Swarasa (Centella asiatica), Yastimadhu Churna (Glycirrhiza glabra), Guduchi Swarasa (Tinospora cordifolia), and Shankhapushpi Kalka (Convolvulus pluricaulis). Mandukparni Swaras, Yashtimadhu Churna with Ksheer, Guduchi Swaras, and Shankhapushpi Kalka are anxiolytic, disease-relieving, and boosters of strength, Agni, complexion, voice and Medhya. Medhya Rasayana medicines are used to suppress and treat mental illnesses in people of various ages. These medications improve the ability to acquire (Dhi), retain (Dhriti), and remember information (Smriti). Medhya Rasayana medicines are used to prevent and cure mental disorders and health Promotion in people of all age’s groups.

Keywords: Medhya Rasayana, Ayurveda, Medha, Dhi, Dhriti, Smriti, Neurotransmitters

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Bajrang Ramawat, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Swasthavritta & Yoga, National Institute of Ayurveda, Deemed To be University (De Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Bajrang Ramawat, Varsha Jangid, Kashinath Samagandi, Review article on the role of Medhya Rasayana : Enhancing the Intellectual Power. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(5):69-74.
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© 2022by Bajrang Ramawat, Varsha Jangid, Kashinath Samagandiand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


While describing Health Definition, WHO Considered Physical, mental and social acceptance of health, and physical health is directly related to mental health, Poor health with poor mental state is responsible for Poor Intellectual.

'Medha' refers to intelligence and/or retention, while 'Rasayana' refers to a medicinal treatment or preparation that, when followed on a regular basis, improves nutrition, health, memory, intellect, immunity, and hence lifespan.

Medhya is mentioned in ayurveda in a wide sense. Medhya is made up of the three mental faculties, Dhee, Dhriti, and Smriti, which are all interconnected.[1]

Medhya Rasayana is beneficial in two types of situations: healthy and ill. In order to boost general intelligence in healthy persons. In neurological and psychiatric illnesses, memory loss, cognitive deficiencies, poor mental function, and other intelligence-related symptoms are common. Dhriti, which has control over the functions of Manas[2] is reduced by Rajas Ahara. Other causes include an inability to control one's thoughts, excessive pondering, a lack of confidence, failure to attain set goals, and a person who falls behind.

Medhya Rasayana is a “Nootropic Drug”. The word nootropic comes from the Greek word’s nous, which means "mind," and trepein, which means "to turn". Memory enhancers, cognitive enhancers, intelligence enhancers and nerve tonics are all terms used to describe nootropic medications. By encouraging nerve development, nootropic medications boost the oxygen supply to the brain. In a recent paper, the potential of Medhya Rasayana (herbal nootropic medicines) for the Mental, Physical health was discussed.

Objective of the Study

Analysis of “Medhya Rasayana” in enhancing the intellectual power.

Materials and Methods

Conceptual study comprises the review of the available literature in the ancient classical texts, scientific journals, dissertations, research paper etc. concerned with this concept.

Medhya Rasayana in Brain Function

According to Arunadutta - Medha is a faculty of Buddhi and Buddhi is composed Dhi, Dhriti and Smriti.

Medhya is made up of all three mental faculties, Dhee, Dhriti, and Smriti, which are all interconnected.

The following faculties can be subdivided into Medha:

1. Dhi - Power of Grasping

2. Dhriti - Power of Retention

3. Smriti - Power of recollection

Relation Between Tridosha and Medha

Vata Dosha

  • Parana Vayu - controlling the function of Buddhi and
  • Udana Vayu - Help in recalling the past experience.[3-4]

Pitta Dosha

Sadhaka Pitta - Promote Medha[5]

Kapha Dosha: In their natural condition, Tarpaka and Avalambaka Kapha confer wisdom and intellect. Kapha is also in charge of the better features of Dhrti, which regulates mental instability.[6]

So, Medhya Rasayana drug shows his Medhya Karma while working on all the three Doshas.

Rasayana Chikitsa nourishes the blood, lymph, meat, fat tissue, and sperm. This protects the person from developing chronic degenerative disorders. Dhatus, Agni, Srotansi and Ojas are the fundamental aspects of the body that are influenced by the therapy. The Bheshaja (medicine) in Rasayana treatment is classified into two types:

1. Swasthasyaurjaskara - Toning up the health of a healthy person

2. Kinchit Artasya Rognut - Treating the ailments of the patients

Medhya Rasayana Drugs[7]

  • Mandukaparni Swarasa
  • Yasthimadhu Churna
  • Guduchi Swarasa
  • Sankapushpi Kalka

Drug Name Yastimadhu Mandukaparni Guduchi Shankhpushpi
Botanical Name Glycyrrhiza glabra Centella asiatica Tinospora cordifolia Convolvulus plauricaulis
Rasa Madhura Tikta, Kashaya, Madhura Tikta, Katu, Kashaya Tikta, Kashaya
Guna Guru, Singdha Laghu, Sara Guru, Snigdha Snigdha, Pichhila
Virya Sheeta Sheeta Ushna Sheeta
Vipaka Madhura Madhura Madhura Madhura
Karma VP Shamak VPK Shamak VPK Shamak VPK Shamak

Probable mode of action: Medhya Rasayana

According to Acharya P.V Sharma, Medhya drugs act in accordance with Prabhava.[8] Medha will benefit from drugs that mostly contain Tikta Rasa, Laghu Snigdha Guna, Sheet Virya, and Madhura Vipaka. Rasa, Srotas, and Agni will all be affected by the effects of these Prabhava and Rasadi.[9]

Medhya Rasayana drug are two types[10]

1. Sheet Virya and Madhura Vipaka Dravya, it promotes Kapha and enhances Retention / Dharana Karma. Eg. - Yashtimadhu, Sankhpusphi.

2. Ushana Virya and Tikta Rasa Dravya, it promotes Pitta and enhances Grahana/Grasping, Smriti/Memory. Eg. - Guduchi

Medhya drugs acts at various level[11]

1. Level of Rasa

2. Stimulating and improving the function of Agni

3. Improve Circulation of Rasa by opening and cleaning the micro channel and thus improving Medhya

The action of Medhya Rasayana can be explained in modern neurophysiology using neurons and neurotransmitters. Many studies have demonstrated that Medhya Rasayana improves learning, memory, and attention span via modulating cholinergic and GABAergic receptors. Neurons are protected from over excitation and energy depletion by their antioxidant characteristics.

They help neuromodulators function by maintaining the right ratio of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters, according to research articles. Nootropics are thought to function by affecting the availability of neuro-chemicals (neurotransmitters, enzymes, and hormones) in the brain, inducing oxygen flow to the brain, or encouraging neuron growth.

Medhya drug raise the levels of neurotransmitters, notably acetylcholine, and enhance blood flow to the brain, improving oxygen and nutrition availability to the brain, which helps with memory and brain function.[12]

Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica Linn.)

Tikta Rasa, Sheeta Virya, Madhura Vipaka, and Kapha-Pittahara make up Mandukaparni. Tikta Rasa operates as Medhya due to its Akasha and Vayu Mahabhuta, as well as Laghu Guna, Deepana, Pachana, and Sroto Visodhana Karma. The medicine is Mana Prasadaniya because it is Sheeta in Virya and raises the Tarpaka and Avalambaka Kapha, therefore increasing the Dharana Shakti.

Centella asiatica Linn. (Mandukaparni) as Medhya utilised for medicinal purposes (cognitive enhancer).[13] Saponin (medacoside, asiaticoside, medacassoside, asiatic acid, a novel triterpenic acid) is a major ingredient.[14] They have behavioural effects in addition to being neuroprotective.[15] promoter of brain development.[16] The neural underpinning for better learning and memory is thought to be dendritic arborization.[17] The Brahmoside and braminoside are responsible for CNS stimulant. They primarily work by enhancing the dendritic arborization of CA3 neurons in the Hippocampus.

Yastimadhu (Glycirrhiza glabra Linn.)

Yashtimadhu's Prabhava (unexplainable action) causes Medhya acts. Yashtimadhu's "Sadindriya Prasadaniya" Karma of Madhura Rasa (sweet taste)[15] nourishes Mana and Buddhi. The Snigdha Guna (unctuous property) Madhura Rasa and Madhura Vipaka attributes of Yashtimadhu[18] impact the functioning of Mana and Buddhi by regulating the Chala Guna (moveable property) of Vata.

Glycyrrhizin is the active ingredient in G. glabra and is responsible for its 50-fold sweetness[19] increasing glucose bioavailability at the brain level and improving brain activity.[20] The presence of flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants, is critical in reducing oxidative damage to the brain and thereby improving brain functioning.[21] It also has acetyl cholinesterase inhibitory activity, which boosts the action and duration of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in central cholinergic pathways, which are crucial for learning and memory.[22]

Liquorice has a strong effect on memory enhancing activity in dementia, improving learning and memory in scopolamine-induced dementia.

Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)

Guduchi Ghana's most likely mode of operation Guduchi is Ushna[23] in Virya (potency), hence it works by eliminating Tamas and vitiated Kapha from Manovahasrotas. Pachaka Pitta is also boosted.

Thus, Agni (Bhutagni unhindered) position ensures the Indriya's sustenance (sense organs).

Pachaka Pitta also governs the functioning of Alochaka and Sadhaka Pitta, enhancing Buddhi (intellect) and Medha (spirituality) (Grasping power). The aqueous root extract of this drug may stimulate the release of neuromodulators or neuronal dendritic growth stimulating factors that alter the activity of neurotransmitters that are involved in learning and memory, which thereby contributes to enhanced learning and memory.[24]

Guduchi (T. cordifolia) protects normal learning processes by maintaining hippocampal neurons, according to research. Because the hippocampus is the key centre for learning and memory, protecting it from harm helps to preserve the cognitive process.[25]

Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus pleuricaulis Chois)

Medhya is well appreciated (intellect promoter).[26] In an experimental model, Shankhapushpi significantly reversed the social isolation stress-induced lengthening of onset and decrease in pentobarbitone-induced sleep, as well as enhanced total motor activity and stress-induced antinociception.[27]

Ayushman-8 (which contains Shankhpushpi, Brahmi and Vacha) is said to help with Manasa-Mandata (mental retardation).[28] A Shankhapushpi combination including equal amounts of Shankhapushpi, Sarpagandha, and Gokshura was shown to be efficacious in Chittodvega (anxiety disorders).[29]

Shankhapushpi relieved the signs and symptoms of Chittodvega (anxiety disorders).[30] Shankhpushpi relax nerves by controlling the body's production of the stress chemicals adrenaline and cortisol, according to herbalists.[31]


Poor memory and intellectual, according to Ayurveda, can be caused by a variety of factors, the most common of which are malnutrition and chemical imbalances in brain functioning. According to Ayurveda, memory problem is caused by the Kapha Dosha of the body, which is vitiated and causes a dull mind or disinterestedness. In the same way, a vitiated Vata Dosha causes stress and confusion, obstructing knowledge and memory. All nerve functioning and memory is controlled by the Vata Dosha. Any medicine that improves this process of grasping, remembering, and recalling will be extremely beneficial, especially to children. For this harmonization, Ayurveda refers to both single medications and a class of pharmaceuticals as "Medhya Rasayana." Four medicinal plants are named as "Medhya Rasayanas" in the Charaka Samhita.

These drugs promote the intellect, retention power and memory, moreover Rasayana drugs work on hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis and normalize the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, acetyl choline and thus can improve the mental function.


Medhya Rasayana aid to improve brain circulation, change neurotransmitter concentrations, reduce brain inflammation, activate the production of new brain cells, and protect the brain from free radical damage. According to Ayurveda, Medhya Rasayana accomplish enhancing intellectual capacity objective by balancing the Tridosha. At the level of Rasa, Medhya Rasayana work by stimulating and increasing the function of Agni, as well as promoting Rasa circulation by opening and cleansing the micro channel for improved mental performance. As a result, medicinal plants must be explored internationally in order to improve cognitive function and mental performance due to their low risk of side effects.


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