Review article on the role of Medhya Rasayana : Enhancing the Intellectual Power
In this period of global competitiveness, the spirit of competition is instilled in each individual from childhood. Even to get entrance to a reputable nursery school, the kid must pass several tests. Then, for success in higher education, such as primary, secondary, and post-secondary education, continual vigilance and intellectual sharpness are essential. The capacity to retain what has been learned and to recall it at the appropriate time and in the right place is the only way to succeed at every level. In such circumstances, a person's grasping and retention abilities are important. According to Ayurveda both Vata and Kapha Dosha must be harmonized in order to increase Medha or Intellectual. Memory is improved when Vata and Kapha are together. Pitta Dosha (fire element) is important for increasing sharpness and IQ. To accomplish this objective by balancing the Tridosha, Ayurveda refers to both single medications and a class of pharmaceuticals are named as "Medhya Rasayanas" in the Charaka Samhita. They are Mandukaparni Swarasa (Centella asiatica), Yastimadhu Churna (Glycirrhiza glabra), Guduchi Swarasa (Tinospora cordifolia), and Shankhapushpi Kalka (Convolvulus pluricaulis). Mandukparni Swaras, Yashtimadhu Churna with Ksheer, Guduchi Swaras, and Shankhapushpi Kalka are anxiolytic, disease-relieving, and boosters of strength, Agni, complexion, voice and Medhya. Medhya Rasayana medicines are used to suppress and treat mental illnesses in people of various ages. These medications improve the ability to acquire (Dhi), retain (Dhriti), and remember information (Smriti). Medhya Rasayana medicines are used to prevent and cure mental disorders and health Promotion in people of all age’s groups.
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