
Review Article

Rasavaha Srotasa

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 7 July

Assessment of Rasavaha Srotasa

Dhadhich A.1*, Choudhary P.2, Kumar Sharma R.3, Dadhich N.4
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.7.15

1* Abhishek Dhadhich, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rachana Sharir, Post Graduate Institute of Ayurveda, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

2 Pallavi Choudhary, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rachana Sharir, Post Graduate Institute of Ayurveda, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

3 Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Associate Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir, Post Graduate Institute of Ayurveda, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

4 Navneet Dadhich, Assistant Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir, Post Graduate Institute of Ayurveda, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

Human body is mainly composed of three types of substances viz. Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. Although all these entities are present in body itself, but some kind of transportation system is required to carry these substances from the site of production to the site of action. For transportation mode of such body constituents, the special term 'Srotasa' is used which denotes a channel through which substances flow from one part to another part of body. Srotasa is a structural and functional unit of the body which comprises of two openings. From one opening it starts or begins the functioning and at the other opening it concludes it. Hence, for a Srotasa the two openings are connected to the body organs which are described as Srotomoola or Moola Sthana (root of Srotasa).

Keywords: Body, Srotasa, Srotomoola, Dosha, Ayurveda

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Abhishek Dhadhich, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rachana Sharir, Post Graduate Institute of Ayurveda, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.
Abhishek Dhadhich, Pallavi Choudhary, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Navneet Dadhich, Assessment of Rasavaha Srotasa. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(7):93-96.
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© 2023by Abhishek Dhadhich, Pallavi Choudhary, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Navneet Dadhichand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


The term Srotansi refers to the body's internal delivery systems integration with the circulatory system. It depicts every stage of Poshya Rasa exchange and movement from Ahara Rasa to Jatharagni at the level of individual cells and tissues, from micro to macro. Today's out of routine lifestyle plays a major role in the development of Srotodushti (vitiation of circulatory channels) which fuels the advancement of illnesses. In fact, the food that has been digested contributes to form Rasa Dhatu, which carries out numerous essential bodily processes. The first Dhatu is Rasa Dhatu and Preenanam (nourishment) is its primary purpose. Rasa Dhatu is carried by Rasavaha Srotasa which gives Poshana (nutrition) to Rasa and Rakta Dhatus.

Rasa Samvahana

Vyana Vayu circulates Rasa Dhatu throughout the entire body.

Hridaya (Heart) and Dasha Dhamanyah (Ten circulatory vessels) are the Mulasthana (place of origin) of Rasavaha Srotasa.

Clinical importance of Mulasthana of Rasavaha Srotasa

मूल इति प्रभवस्थानम ।[3]

Every Srotasa's operation is governed and overseen by its respective Mulasthana (place of origin). Therefore, we must highlight the Mulasthana of each Srotodushti (manifestation of Dosha) in order to treat it or its sickness.

Properties of Rasa Dhatu

रसो अपि श्लेष्मावत ।[4]

Like Snigdha, Guru and Shweta, it possesses the properties that are identical to those of the Kapha Dosha.

Number of Srotasa

यावन्तः पुरुषे मूर्तिमन्तो भावविशेषास्तावन्त एवास्मिन स्रोतसा प्रकारविशेषा।[5]

There are numerous Srotasas in a human body because each constituent in the body is a unique one. Acharya Charaka has enumerated following 13 Srotasas [6]

1. Pranahava Srotasa

2. Udakvaha Srotasa

3. Annavaha Srotasa

4. Rasavaha Srotasa

5. Raktavaha Srotasa

6. Mansavaha Srotasa

7. Medovaha Srotasa

8. Asthivaha Srotasa

9. Majjavaha Srotasa

10. Shukravaha Srotasa

11. Mutravaha Srotasa

12. Purishvaha Srotasa

13. Swedavaha Srotasa

While according to Acharya Sushruta, there are 11 types of Strotasas.[7]

1. Pranahava Srotasa

2. Udakvaha Srotasa

3. Annavaha Srotasa

4. Rasavaha Srotasa

5. Raktavaha Srotasa

6. Mansavaha Srotasa

7. Medovaha Srotasa

8. Mutravaha Srotasa

9. Purishavaha Srotasa

10. Shukravaha Srotasa

11. Artavavaha Srotasa

Rasavaha Srotasa Dushti Hetu (Etiological factors)

गुरुशीतमतिस्निग्धमतिमात्र समश्नताम । रसवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति चिन्त्याना चातिचिन्तनात ।[8]

  • Guru Ahara - excessive consumption of calorie dense foods including cheese, fast food and bakery goods.
  • Sheeta Ahara - excessive usage of cold food products.
  • Atisnigdham - Eating too much oil rich food makes the blood more viscous which blocks the arteries and slows the circulation.

  • Samashana - taking wholesome and unwholesome diet together.
  • Manasika Hetu - Chinta (stress/worry) leads to Rasavaha Srotodushti causing cardiac diseases, hypertension etc. and ultimately affects the body and mind.

Rasavaha Srotasa Dushti Lakshana (symptoms)[9]

अश्रद्धा चारुचिश्चास्यवैरस्यमरसज्ञता हृल्लासो गौरव तन्द्रा साङ्गमदों ज्वरस्तमः ।

पाण्डुत्व स्रोतसा रोघः क्लैब्य सादः कृशाङ्गता नाशोऽग्नेरयथाकाल वलयः पलितानि च।[9]

Following diseases are caused by vitiation of Rasa Dhatu

  • Ashraddha - unwilling to eat any type of food.
  • Aruchi - Anorexia or a lack of interest in food.
  • Aasyavairasya - dysgeusia
  • Arasagyata - ageusia or loss of taste.
  • Hrillaso - nausea
  • Gaurava - feeling of heavinesss
  • Tandra - drowsiness
  • Saangamarda Jwara Tama - fever with bodyache and fainting
  • Pandu - anaemia
  • Strotasaam Rodha - obstruction of channels of circulation
  • Klaibya - impotency
  • Saada - asthenia
  • Krishangata - emaciation
  • Nashoagneyah - decrease power of digestion
  • Vali and Paalitya - premature appearance of wrinkles and grey hairs.

Chikitsa (management of Rasavaha Srotodushti)

Acharya Charaka mentioned the treatment for vitiated Rasa Dhatu as-

रसजाना विकाराणा सर्व लङ्घनमौषधम ।[10]

One should use all forms of fasting therapy to treat any type of illnesses developed on by the vitiation of Rasa Dhatu. Rasa Dhatu is carried through Rasavaha Srotasa.

As a result the Dushti of Rasa Dhatu actually refers to the Rasavaha Srotasa. Rasa Dhatu is the initial Dhatu and Rasavaha Srotasa is the channel by which it travels. Hence Rasa Dhatu's Dushti causes the other six Dhatus and their Srotasas to become tainted. Therefore, it is crucial to treat Rasavaha Sroto Dushti in order to prevent additional Dhatu Dushti and Sroto Dushti as well as Rasa Dushti.

Acharya Charaka explains the relation of Dhatu and Strotasa as -

तेषा प्रकोपात स्थानस्थाश्वाय मार्गगाश्व शरीरपातक प्रकोपमापद्यन्ते ।[11]

The aforementioned Shloka states that vitiation of Srotasa results in vitiation of Dhatu. Therefore, the same treatment for vitiated Dhatu also works for vitiated Srotasa. Since Agnimandya and Ama are the primary culprits in Rasavaha Srotodushti, in such condition, Langhana is the first line of defence. Langhana is first therapy among Shat Upakrama. The purpose is to make the body light by relieving the heaviness.

Type of Langhana according to Acharya Charaka

चतुष्प्रकारा सशुद्धिः पिपासा मारुतातपौ । पाचनान्युपवासश्च व्यायामश्चेति लङ्घनम ।[12]

Four types of Panchakarma purifying therapies -

1 Vamana - vomiting

2. Virechana - purgation

3. Niruha Basti - decoction enema

4. Nasya - nasal drop having cleansing nature

5. Pipasa - controlling thirst

6. Maruta - exposure to wind

7. Atapa - exposure to sun

8. Pachana - administration of food and medicine that are Ushna Virya (hot in nature), helping in digestion

9. Upavasa - total fasting

10. Vyayama - physical exercise

All the above types work for the increase in digestive power.

Indication for Panchakarma therapy
Increased Doshas are removed from the body using Panchakarma therapy.

It is advised when the patient's health & the disease both are strong and in condition of increased Doshas (Bahudoshavastha).

Indication of Pachana treatment

Pachana is administrated in Madhya Bala Roga (disease with moderate strength) or when Doshas are moderately vitiated.

Indication for control of thirst and fasting

Controlling thirst and hunger can help to heal ailments of a moderate type or those caused by weak vitiated Doshas. The Doshas are better balanced as a result of this therapy.

Indication for exercise, sun & wind exposure

If a healthy person has a slight illness then physical activity, sun exposure and wind exposure can treat this slight illness.

Benefits of Langhana

  • Removes obstruction in body tissues and micro channels.
  • Improves metabolism
  • Brings lightness and sense of healthiness in the body
  • Regresses the initial pathological processes
  • Strengthens the digestive system
  • In general, the Langhana treatment principle is used whenever there is a feeling of heaviness. The goal is to make the body lighter, to open up body channels, to enhance circulation and eventually to promote good health. Both Deepana and Pachana are types of Langhana.

Nidana Parivarjana: This means avoiding the causes of the ailment or Dushti Hetu. In Ayurvedic medicine, Nidana Parivarjana is supposed to be crucial. It focuses mostly on addressing dietary and lifestyle changes that are contributing to the disease. To avoid contracting such ailments, one should always eat healthy foods.


Srotasa is found to be the main functioning centre. Any kind of vitiation of Srotasa either directly or through its Dhatu leads to the vitiation of its Mula and when Srotomula is affected it leads to the vitiation of Srotas.

The first Dhatu is Rasa Dhatu and Preenanam is its primary purpose. Every Srotasa is governed by its respective Mulasthana (place of origin). Therefore, we must highlight the Mulasthana of each Srotasa in order to treat it or its sickness. Langhana helps in removing obstruction in body tissues & channels, improves metabolism, regresses the initial pathological processes, and strengthens the digestive system. Langhana is considered as first line treatment to cure Rasavaha Sroto Dushti.


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