
Case Report


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 7 July

Clinical efficacy of Jaloukavacharana (Leech Therapy) in Thrombosed External Haemorrhoids – A Case Study

Rakhy M.1*, Sreenath P.2
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.7.48

1* M Rakhy, Assistant Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Ahalia Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Palakkad, Kerala, India.

2 PS Sreenath, Assistant Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Ahalia Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Palakkad, Kerala, India.

Jalaukavacharana or Leech therapy is medicinal leech therapy which is used in a variety of inflammatory conditions. It is indicated in Raktaja and Pittaja Vikaras. Its mode of action depends on the injection of leech saliva into patient's tissues during the process of blood sucking. Leech’s saliva contains numerous bioactive constituent which possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic, thrombolytic, anti-coagulant and blood circulation enhancing properties. Thrombosed hemorrhoid is an emergency condition that occurs due to high venous pressure associated with severe pain in the anus. In the present study a thrombosed external haemorrhoids is managed with Jaloukavacharana and its efficacy was observed.

Keywords: Jaloukavacharana, Thrombosed External Haemorrhoids, Thrombolytic

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
M Rakhy, Assistant Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Ahalia Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Palakkad, Kerala, India.
M Rakhy, PS Sreenath, Clinical efficacy of Jaloukavacharana (Leech Therapy) in Thrombosed External Haemorrhoids – A Case Study. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(7):263-266.
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© 2023by M Rakhy, PS Sreenathand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


A thrombosed hemorrhoid is a variety of external haemorrhoid where a clot is formed in one or more veins situated in the anal skin resulting in painful swelling in the anal tissues. Venous return in such cases will be very low and severe edema takes place along with serious pain. The swollen tissues often have a characteristic bluish color, because of the underlying clot. It becomes an emergency condition when the pile mass gets strangulated. Urgent surgical intervention is required in all such cases.

Jaloukavachrana is known to be effective in thrombosed hemorrhoid as it relieves venous pooling of blood in that area by dissolving the clotted blood.

Jaloukavacharana is comparatively safe and economical OPD procedure, hence in this study leech has been applied in thrombosed external pile mass and efficacy was evaluated.

Case Study

Presenting complaint

A female patient of 65 years old came to our OPD with complaints of pain and mass per rectum since 2 weeks.

History of presenting complaint

Patient was apparently normal before 2 weeks, then she developed pain over anal region with an associated mass per rectum. Pain gets aggravated while sitting and lying down in supine position. Pain is of excruciating nature while defecation. She is having habitual constipation. For the same she got admitted in our hospital for further management.

Past history

No H/O - HTN, DM

Personal history

Appetite - Good

Sleep - Disturbed

Bowel - Constipated

Micturition - Normal


Non smoker

Non alcoholic


BP - 130/80 mm of Hg on supine position

Pulse - 78/min regular

Temp - 98.6°F


CNS - conscious oriented GCS 15/15


CVS - S1, S2 normal, No added sounds

P/A - Soft & normal

Local examination

Ano rectal examination

Inspection: reddish black globular mass at 7 ‘o’ clock.

Sentinel tag present at anterior midline.

Palpation: mass is tender

Digital rectal examination: hyper tonicity

Proctoscopy: not done due to pain

Blood investigations

Hb - 13.8gm/dl

TLC - 7100/cumm

RBC count - 4.43 millions/cmm

PCV/Hematocrit - 34.7%

MCV - 79.8fL

MCHC - 33.6 gm/dl

MCH - 26.9 picogram

Platelet Count - 2.91 Lakh/cmm

Bleeding Time - 02 min 05 sec

Clotting Time - 05 min 20 sec

Blood Sugar Random - 98 mg/dl

HbsAg - Non reactive

HIV 1 (Antibodies) - Non Reactive

HIV 2 (Antibodies) - Non Reactive

Covid 19 - (RT-PCR) report -ve


After proper investigation, leech therapy was planned as a first line treatment.

Written consent was taken.

Preparation of the leech: An unused leech of medium size was taken and activated using turmeric water.

Activated leech is made to bite over the thrombosed external haemorrhoid at 7 ‘o’ clock After 45 minutes leeches were removed using turmeric powder.

Bite site was applied with turmeric and tightly covered with gauze piece to prevent further bleeding.


jaims_2626_01.JPGBefore treatment
jaims_2626_02.JPGTreatment day 1
jaims_2626_03.JPGTreatment day 3

jaims_2626_04.JPGTreatment day 5

jaims_2626_05.JPGTreatment day 7

Total 6 sittings done on consecutive days.


Symptoms were taken into consideration under grading system according to their severity.

After the first sitting of Jaloukavacharana 30% reduction in the reddish discolouration over thrombosed haemorrhoids was noted; about 50% reduction in pain and moderate reduction of oedema attained.

After third sitting almost 70 % reduction in the reddish discolouration, pain and oedema was noted

After 6th sitting 90% reduction in the reddish discolouration, pain and oedema was noted

On the 7th day, reddish discolouration, pain and oedema resolved completely.


Variables BT Day 1 Day 3 Day 6 Day 7
Reddish discolouraion +++ ++ ++ + -
Pain +++ ++ + + -
Oedema +++ ++ ++ + -

Before treatment: BT, Mild: +, Moderate: ++, Severe: +++ No symptom: -

As soon as the leech application was commenced patient got relieved of pain over the thrombosed haemorrhoids.

  • Her discomfort level got reduced.
  • After second sitting, marked reduction in redness was also reduced.
  • After sixth sitting of Jalaukavacharana, patient got 90% relief of all symptoms.
  • On 7th day, patient was completely relieved of all symptoms and is fully satisfied with the treatment.


Due to the qualities of its anticoagulant, vasodilator, thrombolytic, anti-inflammatory substances, leeches has been proved as medically effective.[1]

Through their sucking effect, leeches stimulate circulation of cells at risk of necrosis and maintain oxygenation of the tissue.[2]

They therefore promote restoration of capillary anastomosis.[3]

They accelerate the thrombolytic activity in the thrombosed haemorrhoids and thereby decongestion occurs.


The present study proves the effectiveness of Jalaukavacharana in the treatment of thrombosed external haemorrhoids.


1. https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/ 36092240/IRJPS_11_3345.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1530014300&Signature=BMlGWJ3wsksKsvIU%2Bcee0CTeO1Y%3D&responsecontentdisposition= inline%3B%20filename%3DAn_Overview_on_Hirudotherapy_Leech_thera.pdf

2. Dr. Sinjid R, Dr. Gopikrishna BJ. Clinical efficacy of Jalaukavacharana (leech application) in Gluteal Hematoma - A Case Study. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2018;4:187-190. http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.v3i4.13309

3. K.R. Srikantha Murthy, Illustrated Susruta Samhita, Vol 1, Chaukamba Orientalia, Varanasi, 2001;p78.