Clinical efficacy of Jaloukavacharana (Leech Therapy) in Thrombosed External Haemorrhoids – A Case Study
Jalaukavacharana or Leech therapy is medicinal leech therapy which is used in a variety of inflammatory conditions. It is indicated in Raktaja and Pittaja Vikaras. Its mode of action depends on the injection of leech saliva into patient's tissues during the process of blood sucking. Leech’s saliva contains numerous bioactive constituent which possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic, thrombolytic, anti-coagulant and blood circulation enhancing properties. Thrombosed hemorrhoid is an emergency condition that occurs due to high venous pressure associated with severe pain in the anus. In the present study a thrombosed external haemorrhoids is managed with Jaloukavacharana and its efficacy was observed.
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