
Research Article

Asheelaneeya Dravya Dadhi

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 8 August

A case control study on Asheelaneeya Dravya Dadhi and its role as Nidana of Mukhapaka with special reference to Karya Karana Siddhanta

(Neeta) Kadeangadi M.1*, C. Huddar J.2, Nimbal S.3, Awati M.4
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.8.4

1* Muttu (Neeta) Kadeangadi, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Samhita and Siddhanta, Dr. B.N.M. Rural Ayurvedic Medical College, Vijayapur, Karnataka, India.

2 Jagannath C. Huddar, Principal & HOD, Department of Samhita and Siddhanta, Dr. B.N.M. Rural Ayurvedic Medical College, Vijayapur, Karnataka, India.

3 Shilpa Nimbal, Assistant Professor, Department of Samhita and Siddhanta, Dr. B.N.M. Rural Ayurvedic Medical College, Vijayapur, Karnataka, India.

4 Meghavati Awati, Assistant Professor, Department of Samhita and Siddhanta, Dr. B.N.M. Rural Ayurvedic Medical College, Vijayapur, Karnataka, India.

Many things in the universe including the creation itself happens due to the “cause and effect" relationship is called Karya Karana Siddhanta. Ayurveda is a science which cures the disease, it also helps in the prevention of diseases. According to our Acharya's 'Dadhi ' (curd) is Asheelaneeya Dravya. Dadhi is most common food content of Indian diet. Dadhi by its nature Amla-Rasa, Amla-Vipaka, Guru-Guna, Ushna-Virya and is Abhishyanda Karaka. It should not be consumed during Vasantha, Greeshma and Sharad Rutu. It should not be taken at night, which is the Nidana (Karana) for the manifestation of the Vyadhi (Karya). Hence the present retrospective case control study was taken to imply the Karya Karana Siddhanta with special reference to Dadhi as Nidana in the manifestation of Mukhapaka. Objectives: To study the implication of regular indulgence of Dadhi and to identify and comprehend the role of Dadhi as one of the important Nidana for Mukhapaka. Results: Results were drawn based on an observational study and Statistical analysis by Chi square test and Odds ratio. It shows highly significant results. Interpretation: This Case Control Study reveals that, regular consumption of Dadhi, could be risk factor for Mukhapaka. After discussing about types of the Dadhi and its properties, conclude that Dadhi has to be consumed by taking into account the type of Dadhi and individual's own Prakriti. Conclusion: Pitta Pradhana Prakriti persons are more susceptible to Mukhapaka. After discussing about types of the Dadhi and its properties, it can be concluded that Dadhi has to be consumed by taking into account the type of Dadhi and individual's own Prakriti.

Keywords: Asheelaniya, Dadhi, Mukhapaka, Karya, Karana, Siddhanta

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Muttu (Neeta) Kadeangadi, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Samhita and Siddhanta, Dr. B.N.M. Rural Ayurvedic Medical College, Vijayapur, Karnataka, India.
Muttu (Neeta) Kadeangadi, Jagannath C. Huddar, Shilpa Nimbal, Meghavati Awati, A case control study on Asheelaneeya Dravya Dadhi and its role as Nidana of Mukhapaka with special reference to Karya Karana Siddhanta. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(8):22-29.
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© 2023by Muttu (Neeta) Kadeangadi, Jagannath C. Huddar, Shilpa Nimbal, Meghavati Awatiand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ayurveda is much systematized science of knowledge based on sound foundation of its basic principles and a very logical as well as rational, practical thinking process. It is the root of most ancient philosophies and alternative medicine. It is a science that imparts all the knowledge of life. It defines health and factors responsible for its maintenance and promotion. Health is essential for enjoyment of all the worldly pleasures in a righteous matter and in attainment of salvation. Ayurveda uses them in the form of Siddhantas for maintaining health of the individual and to mitigate the disease of the Rogi as the main aim of Ayurveda is 'Svasthasaya Swasthya Rakshanam and Aturasya Vikara Prashamanam'.

The Siddhantas which are explained in Ayurveda are in Sutra form. To apply these Siddhantas in present era it is necessary to know the methodology by which these Siddhantas were postulated. Darshanas are the keys to decode these Siddhantas and to interpret them in a correct way. Ayurveda has philosophical background. In Ayurveda Karya Karana Siddhanta is having more importance as the Rogotpatti, Roga Prashamana and maintenance of Arogya are based on Karya Karana Siddhanta. Ayurveda gives clinical importance to Karya Karana Siddhanta.

In disease manifestation, Mithya Ahara which is the Nidan or Hetu is the Karana for the manifestation of the disease (Karya).

Many things in the universe including the creation itself happens due to the "cause and effect" relationship, which is called Karya Kaarana Siddhanta. Ayurveda not only cures the disease but also helps in the prevention of diseases. The inevitable and unexceptional (Nirapavada) relation between Karana and Karya was the first principle accepted in Ayurveda, on which the whole epitome of Ayurveda is standing upright. Ayurveda is the outcome of the quest i.e., what is the cause of suffering and how it can be solved? Acharyas, gathered in a meeting to search out the causes and their remedies for the sufferings. Thus in Ayurveda we can find vivid description of this theory, which is regarded as Sarvatantra Siddhanta.[1] Siddhanta: A demonstrated truth established after several examination and reasonings is known as Siddhanta, Sarvatantra Siddhanta is called truth

common to all scriptures. The causative factors leading to the manifestation of disease, to isolate these causative factors, cures the diseases.

Ayurveda maintain the health of a person through the basic regimens. In classics there is an elaborate description regarding Dinacharya[2], Rutucharya[3], Sadvritta Palan etc. In their different contexts. Ayurveda had very good vision through which they observed various phenomena in nature and tried to understand the logic behind them. In Ayurveda actions or phenomena are termed as Karya whereas their responsible factors are called as Karana.

Our Acharya's explained Ahara Dravya Sevan Krama[4] according to Rutu. If we are consuming same diet for all season’s it may cause diseases, If we follow appropriate knowledge which our Acharya mentioned in classics, then we get Swasthavastha according to Acharya common food content of Indian diet. Dadhi by its nature is having Amlarasa, Amlavipaka, Guruguna, Ushnavirya and is Abhishyanda Karaka. Dadhi should not be consumed during Vasantha, Greeshma and Sharad Rutu. Dadhi should not be taken at night. It is invariably harmful in diseases caused by the vitiation of Rakta, Pitta and Kapha. Dadhi is the Mitya Ahara in the following condition, which is the Nidan or Hetu (Kaarana) for the manifestation of the disease (Karya) vitiation of Dooshya (Dosha Vaishamya). This is samavayi Karana for Vyadhi Utpatti. Vitiated Dosha gets combined with Dushya (Dosha Dushya Sammurchana) this is Asamavayi Karana for Vyadhi Utpatti. Mithya Ahara is the Nimitta Karana which is one of the cause for the Vitiation of Dosha. Vyadhi Utpatti is the Karya. Shonita gets vitiated by the intake of Dadhi in various Rutus. The following diseases occur due to the vitiation of Shonita these are 'Makhapaka' Akshiraga, Putigrana, Asyagandhita, Gulma, Upakusha, Visarpa, Raktapitta Pramilaka, Vdradi, Raktameha, Pradara, Vatashonita etc. Mukhapaka (Stomatitis) is most common disease of oral cavity and can occur anywhere in the mouth, including the inside of the Kapola, Dantamoola, Oshtha, Taalu and Jivha. It can disrupt a person's ability to talk, eat and sleep.

This is an Observational study to attempt basic issues of susceptibility and prevention. This work focusses on highlighting the ancient wisdom related to the knowledge of cause and effect relationship. Ayurveda tells that the best and easiest way of treating any disorder is Nidana Parivarjana

(Nidana-Kaarana) or isolation of causative factors which causes the disease (disease being the Karya or effect). Here is an attempt to understand the specific Nidana 'Dadhi’ developing specific disease Mukhapaka. We are thousands year away from the time when Ayurveda was practiced uniquely. The Sidhantas of this science then & now are the same. These Siddhantas are too revised in the context of modern lifestyle. To maintain the health of healthy person is main the main goal of Swasthavritta. The branch parallel to Swasthavritta is ‘Preventive & Social Medicine (PSM) which is now considered to be one of the important branches in the modern medicine. Swasthavritta mainly emphasizes on following a proper routine regime as well as seasonal regime. The ultimate aim of any medical science is for attainment of level of health, which enables every individual to lead socially and economically productive life. In this regard Ayurveda stands first, as it is the science, which primarily aims at preservation of positive health. The potential causes that makes a person ill are Trividha Hetu i.e., Heena, Mithya, Atiyoga of Artha, Kala and Karma.

Among various Mukha Rogas, Mukha Paka is considered as Pittajananatmaja and Raktapradoshaja Vikara, characterized by Vedana Yukta Vrana inside the Mukha Kuhara. Nearly 20% of the population is suffering with this problem. The Lakshanas of Mukha Paka can be correlated to a clinical entity "apthousulcer" (recurrent ulcerative stomatitis) explained in the contemporary medical science, which is also characterized by painful superficial ulcers in the movable mucosa of the mouth with recurrent episodes. Mukhapaka is neither a serious disorder nor one that can be dismissed as cursory. It is not life threatening, but at the same time it can be crippling by grossly disturbing the individual's life style. Hence the present retrospective case control study was taken to imply the Karya Karana Siddhanta with special reference to Dadhi as Nidana in the manifestation of Mukhapaka.

Objectives of the study

1. Detailed study on Karya Karana Siddhanta to understand its role in Rogotpatti.

2. To study the implication of regular indulgence of Dadhi and to identify and comprehend the role of Dadhi as one of the important Nidana for Mukhapaka.


Literary Source: Classical text books from college library. Data from authenticated magazines and journals and related source of data from authenticated website.

Materials required for the study

Group A: The sample of 30 diagnosed patients of Mukhapaka were selected for study.

1. The patient diagnosed as Mukhapaka based on the diagnostic criteria.

2. Were willingly to participated in the study, fitting in to the inclusive criteria, were selected incidentally from OPD and the monthly camps conducted by Ayurvedic medical college and research centre.

Group B: The sample of 30 Healthy individuals were selected.

Study Design

1. Sample Size: 60 (Pilot study - It was trial before Starting Research work.)

2. Study Design: Both exposure and outcome have occurred before the start of the study. Study proceeds backward from effect to cause. Uses a control group to support an inference. In above particular region so sample size is preferred to assess the results as per statistics.

3. Groups: Two Group: Group A - Case group, Group B - Control group

4. Sampling Technique: An Observational Case Control Study

Statistical Analyses: Chi Square test and Odds ratio which ever required Samples are divided in two groups, according to Inclusion criteria to observe actual effect of Dadhi as cause for Mukhapaka. In this study it was observed that age factor, Prakruti, Agni, Quality, Quantity and Time of Curd consuming of Person.

Group A

A. Inclusion Criteria

1. Patients were having classical symptoms of

2. Patients between 16 to 70 years of age irrespective of gender, religion and socio-economic status.

B. Exclusion Criteria

1. Patient suffering from any systemic disorders.

2. Patient suffering from CA of oral cavity, who wear Dental braces (Dentures) and toothache.

3. Patient suffering from Immuno-compressed diseases and patient who were on long-term medication.

4. Pregnant and Lactating women were excluded.

Group B: Healthy Volunteers between 16 to 70 years of age irrespective of gender, religion and socio- economic status.

Diagnostic Criteria

Selection of cases: The case for the present study was defined as a Mukhapaka diagnosed case with no complication or no other co-existing significant illness. For every prospective volunteer [Case and Control] coming under the inclusion criteria.

Subjective parameters

1. Ragata (Redness)

2. Sphota (Mouth ulcer)

3. Ruja (Pain)

4. Daha (Burning Sensation)

5. Toda (Itching)

Objective Parameters

1. Ragata

2. Sphota

This was an Observational Retrospective Case Control Study

Review of Literature

Siddhanta is the foundation stone of other basic principles of Ayurveda. This Siddhanta is also applicable in the etiopathogenesis and principles for the management of diseases. Our Acharya's explained Aahar Dravya Sevana Krama according to Rutu. The theory which establishes the relation between Karya[2] and Karana[3], causative factors leading to the manifestation of a disease. Karya Karana Siddhanta is an universal principle mainly explained by Darshana and accepted by Ayurveda that every Karya has its own specific Karana and all the specific Karana produce the specific

Karya. The rules for consumption of ‘Dadhi’ that it should not be taken at night, should not be consumed during Vasanta, Greeshma and Sharad Rutus, and it should not be consumed regularly. Mukhapaka is mentioned under Mukhagata Roga Nidana Adhyaya found to affect the entire cavity of the mouth giving rise to symptoms like Daha, Ragata, Sphota, Ruja, Toda.

Case control study involves two populations both exposure and outcome have occurred before the start of the study, the study proceeds backwards from effect to cause it uses a control or comparison group to support an inference.

Table 1: Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipaka and Doshagnata of Dadhi

Samhita Rasa Virya Vipaka Dosha Guna
Charaka Cha.Su.27/225-227  Amla Ushna Amla Vatashamaka Rochana Deepana Vrushya Brumhana
Sushruta Su.Su.45/65-67 Kashaya Anurasa Ushna Madhura Amla Vatashamaka Pittavardhaka Kaphavardhana Snigda Vrushya Mangalya Balavardhana
Ashtanga Hrudaya 5/29-32 Amla Ushna Amla Vatashamaka Pittavardhaka Kaphavardhana Guru Ruksha
Bhava Prakash Nighantu Kinchit Kashaya Ushna Amla Vatashamaka Snigda Guru

Table 2: Dadhi Sevana according to Rutu’s

SN Sevan Kala Asevana Kala
1. Hemanta Sharad
2. Shishira Grishma
3. Varsha Vasanta

During Uttarayana the seasonal changes in Indian subcontinent is from Shishira (winter), Vasanta (spring) and to Grishma (summer). The period can be compared to mid-January to mid-July, when warmness and dryness in weather increases. It has an overall debilitating effect on environment, to which human being is also a part. During Shishira (winter) season, due to contact of cold air. Dryness & dehydration are more in this Ritu which causes the accumulation of Kapha Dosha in the body. During the Vasanta season, the accumulated Kapha is liquified by the heat of the sun and disturb the power of digestion. The Kapha accumulated in Hemanta and Shishra Rutu, aggravates in Vasanta Rutu and manifests the Kaphaja Vyadhis, if in this Rutu we are consuming Dadhi due to its Guru Guna and Abhishyandi Karak it leads to Agnimandya and causes disease.

During Greeshma, the hot temperature of the season evaporates the moisture of the earth by its rays and individual feels weakness during this season During varsha season, where the power of digestion as well as the body was though already weak. In order to maintain normal power of digestion, one can consume wholesome food. The Sharada Ritu, the Pitta accumulated during the rains, gets generally vitiated. In this season. The Hemanta Ritu, in this season Agni becomes powerful it will digest any type of food.

Table 3: Observation of statistical data

SN Variables Chi square test P Value Statistical Data
1. Agni 11.701 0.008 Significant
2. Koshta 1.667 0.435 Insignificant
3. Prakruti 15.110 0.004 Significant
4. Dadhi Sevana regularly 2.500 0.114 Insignificant
5. Prataha Dadhi Sevana 13.710 0.008 Significant
6. Madhyannaha Dadhi Sevana 2.856 0.058 Significant
7. Sayam Dadhi Sevana 13.347 0.010 Significant
8. Nisha Dadhi Sevana 37.297 0.001 Significant
9. Dadhi sevana in Hemantha 18.569 0.001 Significant
10. Dadhi Sevana in Shishira 16.667 0.001 Significant
11. Dadhi Sevana in Vasantha 48.834 0.001 Significant
12. Dadhi Sevana in Greeshma 50.805 0.001 Significant
13. Dadhi Sevana in Varsha 49.471 0.001 Significant
14. Dadhi Sevana in Sharat 19.698 0.001 Significant
15. Amount of curd intake 6.483 0.039 Significant
16. Go (Cow) Dadhi 20.386 0.001 Significant
17. Mahisha (Buffalo) Dadhi 9.540 0.049 Significant
18. Packed Dadhi (Nandini Curd) 8.240 0.143 Insignificant
19. Madhura (Sweet) Dadhi 9.922 0.077 Insignificant
20. Amla (Sour) Dadhi 12.290 0.031 Significant
21. Yogurt Curd 16.315 0.006 Significant
22. Shrikhand 11.701 0.020 Significant
23. Formed Curd 18.468 0.001 Significant
24. Plain Curd 20.644 0.001 Significant
25. Dadhi with Sharkara 13.997 0.007 Significant
26. Dadhi with Lavana 17.509 0.002 Significant
27. Dadhi with Pickel 4.286 0.117 Significant
28. Dadhi with Mudga Yusha 1.017 0.313 Insignificant
29. Dadhi with Amla Powder 1.424 0.419 Insignificant
30. Dadhi after meal 3.587 0.465 Insignificant
31. Dadhi with Chapati 14.800 0.002 Significant
32. Heated Curd 6.667 0.036 Significant
33. Ushna Dravya 3.018 0.221 Insignificant
34. Lassi 7.915 0.048 Significant
35. Rabadi 3.958 0.138 Insignificant
36. Jelabi 6.971 0.073 Insignificant
37. Dahi Vada 19.400 0.001 Significant
38. Dahi Puri 8.789 0.032 Significant
39. Manglore Buns 15.158 0.001 Significant
40. Dudga with Dadhi 36.485 0.001 Significant
41. Dadhi with Sala 6.027 0.197 Significant
42. Dadhi (Curd Rice) 34.626 0.001 Significant


Health is essential for enjoyment of all the worldly pleasures in a righteous matter and in attainment of salvation. Ayurveda uses them in the form of Siddhanta’s for maintaining health of an individual, and to mitigate the disease. Ayurveda gives clinical importance to Karya Karana Siddhanta. Our Acharya's explained Aahar Dravya Sevan Krama according to Rutu. The study undertaken was conceptual as well as observational study to understand the basic concept of Karya Karana Siddhanta, rules of consumption of Dadhi is an observation point of view the study was aimed at ruling out Dadhi as Nidana of Mukhapaka. Hence the present retrospective case control study was taken to imply the Karya Karana Siddhanta with special reference to Dadhi as Nidana in the manifestation of Mukhapaka. This is an observational case control study. 'Anything which has a capacity to perform a work or cause an event to happen is called Karana. Karya means any substance which comes into existence. Siddhanta is the conclusion which is established by our Acharya’s after carefully testing in several ways and which is proved with reasoning. Ayurveda enhance the importance of Asheelaniya Aahara Dravya[5] in the maintenance of health as well as prevent of diseases. As per Ayurveda, Asheelaniya Ahara Dravya's are those food articles which are not suitable for regular use such as Dadhi. Dadhi should not be taken at night. It is in variably harmful in diseases caused by the vitiation of Rakta, Pitta and Kapha. which is the Nidana (Kaarana) for the manifestation of the disease (Karya),[6] Vitiation of Dosha (Dusha Vaishamya). This is Samavayi Karana for Vyadhi Utpatti. Vitiated Dosha get combined with Dushya (Dosha Dushya Sammurchana) this is Asamavayi Karana[10] for Vyadhi Utpatti. Mithya Ahara is the Nimitta Karana which is one of the cause for the vitiation of Dosha. Vyadhi Utpatti is the Karya. Shonita gets vitiated by the intake of Dadhi in various Rutus. The diseases occur due to the vitiation of Shonita,[8] one of them is 'Mukhapaka’. Among various Mukha Rogas,[9] Mukha Paka is considered as Pittajananatmaja and Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara, characterized by Vedana Yukta Vrana inside the Mukha Kuhara.

Discussion on disease: Mukha (mouth or oral cavity) is one of the important part of our body.

Digestive system starts from Mukha so it is important to maintain proper oral hygiene for our overall health status. Mukhapaka is curable & not considered threat to life but these ulcers have significant negative impact on the oral health, affecting the quality of life. It also affects normal activities like eating & swallowing. Sometimes brushing & talking also becomes painful. The etiological factor of Mukhapaka can be classified as Aharaja and Viharaja. By intake of Pittakapha Prakopaka, Agnimandyakara and Raktaprakopaka Ahara (Dadhi), Kapha and Pitta Dusti occurs and Dushita Rakta interact with Dushita Kapha Pitta finally ascend to Urdhwajatru and get localized in Mukha, which leads to Mukhapaka[12] of symptoms like Ruja, Daha, Sphota, Toda and Ragata.

Discussion on case control study

A case-control study is an epidemiological study design called an observational study. Case-control studies trace backwards from outcome to exposure. Starting with an outcome like disease, a case-control study looks backwards in time for exposures that might have caused the outcome. Case Group - Diseased Group, Control Group - Healthy Group. They can yield important scientific findings with relatively little time, money and effort compared with other study designs.

Discussion on Dadhi

Dadhi[11](Curd) is one among the foods which is widely used in every household in India. Dadhi (Curd) is a white creamy semi solid substance which is made by fermenting the milk (curdling of milk) at home. Dadhi is also called as Vichitrapratyarbdaka Dravya, which does not act according to Rasapachaka. Dadhi is one of the five elixirs or Panchamrta is often used in Hindu ritual. Preparation of (curd); Dadhi is prepaid by boiling a whole or skimmed milk and adding approximately 2% of culture when the milk is cooled about 37°C degree Celsius using culture. The quality of the Dadhi depends on the starter culture used. Quality of milk and other added things that taste the flavour and consistency of curd depends on the culture used and environmental conditions like temperature, which changes according to season. The Kapha accumulated in Hemanta and Shishra Rutu’s aggravates in Vasanta Rutu and manifests the Kaphaja Vyadhis, if in this Rutu[7] we are consuming Dadhi due it's Guru Guna and

Abhishyandi Karaka it leads to Agnimandya and causes disease. Pitta Rakta Vardaka Swabhava, it is not good for health to take daily. Should take only mix with other substances like Gruta, Sharkara, Madhu, Lavana, Amalaki and Mudga Yusha to balance Gunas. All these mixing Dravya are opposite in qualities to curd. So, help in reducing the ill effects of curd. Curd is not good to take at Night and Alone Apart from the qualities there is described beautifully the cautions while using Dadhi (curd).[13]

Discussion on observation

Validation of Questionnaire for reliability and consistency carried out with the following steps;

1. Preparation of questionnaire: A preliminary list of items related to Dadhi and its mode of intake with duration in seasonal as well as daily routine and Dadhi Sevana Niyama were prepared according to classical Samhitas and same was converted into questions and questionnaires are prepared.

2. Expert validation: Expert validation was conducted to explore opinions about the positive and negative aspects of questionnaire and give expert suggestions. Experts were given the questionnaire containing twenty-two questions.

3. Satistical Analysis: The data was computed for Chi square test and P value. Dadhi was cause for Mukhapaka observed on the basis of result using Odds ratio.

4. Pilot Study: necessary information not only for calculating the sample size, but also for assessment of pilot study provides all other aspects of the main study

5. Final reforming the Questionnaire: Final questionnaire contains twenty two questions the questionnaire also contains a copy of confidentiality agreement and brief history of patient


Result for Mandagni, Pittaprakruti, consuming Dadhi at night, consuming Dadhi in Shishira, Vasanta, Grishma, Sharad and Varsha Rutu, consuming curd with milk, salad, rice, chapati, consuming packed and sour curd was found to be statistically significant. Result for - consuming Dadhi regularly, frequently, morning, in autumn, in winter, consuming cow curd, buffalo curd,

sweet curd, consuming yogurt, shrikhand, sugar, and salt was found to be statistically Insignificant. Significant ratio was found to be more when compared with the insignificant ratio.


By an interactive literary review and based on an observational study the following conclusions can be drawn: In this case control study it is proved that, if Dadhi is not consumed as per our ancient rule told by our Acharyas become one of the cause for Mukhapaka. This Case Control Study reveals that, regular consumption of Dadhi, could be risk factor for Mukhapaka. After discussing about types of the Dadhi and its properties, conclude that Dadhi has to be consumed by taking into account the type of Dadhi and individual's own Prakriti. Intake Dadhi to gets its benefits only on proper time and proper Season, mix with other mentioned substances. This work focusses on highlighting the ancient wisdom related to the knowledge of cause and effect relationship. Here is an attempt to understand the specific Nidana 'Dadhi' developing specific disease Mukhapaka. The Sidhanta’s of this science then & now are the same. These Siddhanta’s are too revised in the context of modern era. The present retrospective case control study was proved that Karya Karana Siddhanta with special reference to Dadhi as Nidana in the manifestation of Mukhapaka.


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