A case control study on Asheelaneeya Dravya Dadhi and its role as Nidana of Mukhapaka with special reference to Karya Karana Siddhanta
Many things in the universe including the creation itself happens due to the “cause and effect" relationship is called Karya Karana Siddhanta. Ayurveda is a science which cures the disease, it also helps in the prevention of diseases. According to our Acharya's 'Dadhi ' (curd) is Asheelaneeya Dravya. Dadhi is most common food content of Indian diet. Dadhi by its nature Amla-Rasa, Amla-Vipaka, Guru-Guna, Ushna-Virya and is Abhishyanda Karaka. It should not be consumed during Vasantha, Greeshma and Sharad Rutu. It should not be taken at night, which is the Nidana (Karana) for the manifestation of the Vyadhi (Karya). Hence the present retrospective case control study was taken to imply the Karya Karana Siddhanta with special reference to Dadhi as Nidana in the manifestation of Mukhapaka. Objectives: To study the implication of regular indulgence of Dadhi and to identify and comprehend the role of Dadhi as one of the important Nidana for Mukhapaka. Results: Results were drawn based on an observational study and Statistical analysis by Chi square test and Odds ratio. It shows highly significant results. Interpretation: This Case Control Study reveals that, regular consumption of Dadhi, could be risk factor for Mukhapaka. After discussing about types of the Dadhi and its properties, conclude that Dadhi has to be consumed by taking into account the type of Dadhi and individual's own Prakriti. Conclusion: Pitta Pradhana Prakriti persons are more susceptible to Mukhapaka. After discussing about types of the Dadhi and its properties, it can be concluded that Dadhi has to be consumed by taking into account the type of Dadhi and individual's own Prakriti.
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