
Review Article

Dietary management

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 4 April

Ayurvedic approach of dietary management of Hrudaya Roga - A Review Article

Rashmi T1*, Keshwa K2, Surendra Kumar S3

1* Temani Rashmi, Phd Scholar, Department of Rog Nidana, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

2 Komal Keshwa, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rog Nidana, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

3 Sharma Surendra Kumar, Professor and Head, Department of Rog Nidana, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Diet play an important role in our day to day life for maintenance of our health, energy and various activities. It is now agreed that diet governs many situations favouring the onset of many heart diseases. All disease requires modified diet but diet plays a variable role in their cure. All Disease requires modified diet but diet plays a variable role in their cure. To keep good health we must “eat to live and not live to eat”. The concept of Ahara has been given due importance in various text of Ayurveda. Acharaya Sushruta has stated the important factors of healthy living namely strength, complexion and Ojas are dependent on Ahara. It is presumed that all diseases according to Ayurveda are believed to have their root of origin in improper Ahara and hence it is essential to understand the basic concept of Ahara as elaborated in Ayurveda.

Keywords: Ahara, Diet, Health, Heart

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Temani Rashmi, Phd Scholar, Department of Rog Nidana, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Rashmi T, Keshwa K, Surendra Kumar S, Ayurvedic approach of dietary management of Hrudaya Roga - A Review Article. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(4):123-128.
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© 2024by Rashmi T, Keshwa K, Surendra Kumar Sand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


It is an important to realize that the dietetic habits vary from person to person and a study of an individual’s diet is essential before any modification suggested for his ailments. Not only the selection of raw material is important but the processing of food, use of condiments, amount of each constitute, total amount of food, frequency of intake etc. are also very important Diet play an important role in our day-to-day life for maintenance of our health, energy and various activities. It is now agreed that diet governs many situations favouring the onset of many heart diseases.

Diet is an important factor in causation of heart diseases which are mainly the result of overeating or wrong diet.

Pathya (Planned Food)

Pathya is a specific term described in Ayurveda which refers to balanced diet for all human beings including the diseased persons. Pathya maintains the health and for diseased it helps in the recovery of the disease. Pathya also includes Dincharya, Ratricharya and Ritucharya indicated for the healthy as well as diseased persons. Acharya Charak has described that various factors which are harmful for the body are called as Apathya. Various factors which are capable to convert a Pathya into Apathya and vice Matra (Quantity), Kala (Time/Season), Bhumi (Land/different locations), Deha (Physical constitution), Dosha (Body humours) and Guna (Properties).[1]

Ahara (Food)

Substances swallowed through mouth are known as Ahara. Ahara is the first and most important amongst the three major support of i.e., Ahara, Nidra, Bramhcharya.[2] An ideal Ahara should contain all 5 Mahabhutas, all types of Viryas and 20 types of Gunas in it. This should be taken by an individual according to the suitable and useful methods as prescribed in Ayurveda. Acharya Charka has emphasized that whatever be the factors responsible for the origin of human beings their imbalance leads to occurrence of various diseases and Hita- Ahara (Suitable Diet) is the only factor responsible for good and sound health.[3] The Ahara that maintains the body systems in normal function of state and corrects abnormal state in the

interest of the body is termed as the Hita- Ahara (Balanced Diet) and food having opposite properties is called as Ahita-Ahara. Hita-Ahara is the base of Yukti-Krta Bala (Acquired Strength)

Aim and Objectives

To understand the etiopathogenesis of Hridya Roga and Dietary management in Hridya Roga vis-à-vis Pathya-Apathya mentioned in Ayurvedic text.

Material and Methods

All literature is taken from Ayurvedic texts.

Types of Hridroga (Heart Disease)

Hridroga has been classified into five groups viz, Vatika, Paitika, Kaphaja, Sannipattika and Krimija[4]

Vatika Hridroga

In Vatika Hridroga patient has acute pain in heart region, the pain is like that of cutting, sawing churning or stretching. Other symptoms include palpitation, arrythmia, heart block and fainting.

Paitik Hridroga

Feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the heart, thirst, burning sensation, sweating, dryness of mouth and fainting are the main symptoms of Paittika Hridroga.

Kaphaja Hridroga

Feeling of seizure of the heart, heaviness in the body; excessive secretion of phlegm, loss of appetite, sweet taste in mouth are the main symptoms of Kaphaja Hridroga.

Sannipatika Hridroga

All the symptoms described in Vatika, Paittika and Kaphja types of Hridroga are present in Sannipatika Hridroga.

Kramija Hridroga

Acute pain and itching in the heart area are the main symptoms. Other symptoms include nausea, cardiac insufficiency, headache, loss of appetite and oedema.

Nidana (Aetiological Factors)

All the causative factors which are likely to precipitate Hridroga can be grouped in two broad groups:

1. Dietary factors: Excessive and regular indulgence in diets containing Atiushna (Excessive intake of hot diet), Guru (Heavy meals), Kashya Rasa (Astringent materials) and Tikta Rasa (Spicy food)[5]

2. Life style related Factors: Excessive indulgence in activities like Physical exertion, Abhighata (Traumatic injuries), Adhyayana (Long sitting for the purpose of studying), Chintan (Mental stress/Anxiety) etc. and Vegavidharana (Suppression of Natural Urges).[6]

Various Ayurvedic texts have distinctly described the aetiological factors of Hridroga which are elaborated in tabulated form in

Table 1

SNAetiological FactorsModern CorrelatesCaSuA.SA.HM.N
1.Kshra AdhikyaExcessive intake of Alkalies+----
2.Vyayam AdhikyaExcessive Exercise+----
3.AtivirekaExcessive Purgation+-+--
4.AtibastiExcessive enemata+-+--
5.ChintaExcessive worry+----
8.Gada AticharaImproper treatment of disease+-++-
11.AbhighataPhysical and Mental Trauma++--+
12.UdavartaReverse Peristalsis+----
13.Guru MilkIntake of heavy milk during childhood+----
14.Vega AbhighataSuppression of urges---++
15.Ushna AnnaExcessive intake of hot food-+--+
16.Atiruksha AnnaExcessive unctuous meal-+---
17.Virrudh AsanaDetrimental diet-+---
18.AdhyasanaIntake of food at an improper time-+---
19.Ajirna AsanaMeals during indigestion-+---
20.Asatmya BhojanaConsumption of incompatible food-+---
21.Vatavardhaka Anna in Karshit due to Vaman etc.Vata vitiated meal in thin person due to Emesis--++-

Astha Ahara Vidhi Vishesaaytan (8 rules of Dietetics)

Method of administration of diet and environment play an important role in the healthy as well as diseased persons. In this connection Acharya Charka

has described following Astha-Vidha Ahara Vidhi Visheshaayatana.[7]



Table 2

SNName of RuleDescription
1.Prakrati (Natural Qualities)Natural Properties of the dietary and medicinal products are called Prakriti
2.Karana (Preparations)Natural occurring materials when prepared with special techniques are called as Karna (Sanskara)
3.Sanyoga (Combination)Combination of two or more food materials
4.Rashi (Quantum)Knowledge of appropriate quantity of food
5.Desha (Habitat)The qualities of herbs and drugs depend on the place/region/area from which they are produced
6.Kala (Time)It refers to both the seasons and stage of diseases and also to symptoms of proper digestion or improper digestion
7.Upyog Sanstha (Rules of Use)It refers to rules of food intake and it explains the symptoms of complete food digestion
8.Upyokta (User)The person who takes meal and who obeys all the above quoted rules is user

These all 8 factors are very important to know about the food and its preprations.[8]

Dietary Management in Hridroga (Heart Disease)

Diet management plays very important and crucial role in the recovery from heart disease. Various Acharyas

have recommended Pathyaapthya (Do’s and Don’ts) in various types of Hridroga which are summarized below in Table No. 3 and 4

Table 3

SNCharaka (Do’s)Charaka (Don’ts)
1.Shadangpaaniya[9]Ruksh, Sushka, Aplabhojana, Usna, Amla, Lavana, Kshara, Katu, Guru, Snigdha food[11]
2.Deepan (Appetiser), Paachan (Digestive) Yavagu[10]Srotopradushaka(Diet causing obstruction in microcirculatory channels)[12]
3.Sastikshali (Red rice), Mudga, Amalki, Yava, Fresh rain waterExcessive indulgence in Alcohol[13]

Table 4

SNSushruta (Do’s)Bhaisjyaratnawali (Do’s)Bhaisjyaratnawali (Don’ts)
1.Sastikshali (Red rice), Mudga, Amalki, Yava, Fresh rain water, Milk and Goghrita[14]Langhana, Swedana, Vaman, Virechan, Basti, Vilepi, Jangam Mansa RasaMala Vegavrodha, Dushita Jala, Kashya Rasa
2.Dadima, Matulunga, Aamla, Narikela, Gambhari, Khaza, Kushmand, Nagar, AdrakaRag, Shadav, Patola, Amlataas, Erand, Draksha, Rasona, Saindhav Lavana,Virrudhanna,
Ushna, Guru, Tikta, Amla Rasa
3.Mandukparni, Saptala, Changeri, Pippali, Giloya, Makoya, Chakramarda, Patola, Karela, Kutaki, Chirayata, Nimb, VasaKadali, Madhura Amra, Dadima, Takra, Guda, Haritaki, DhaniyaPurana Patra Saka, Kshra, Raktmokshana
4.Saindhav Lavana, Vida Lavana, Sovarchala Lavana, Mansa, Gud, Dahi,
Ksheer Krita Bhaksya


The importance of Pathya in the Heart Disease is well established. To maintain proper growth of body, a nutritious and balanced diet is must. The prescription for Pathya for Hridroga should be advised according to Dosha and Rogavastha. Fasting is a part of Pathyavastha. It is high paramount Ausadha, ”Langhanam Parama Ausdhama”. Stomach should not be overloaded as it causes indigestion and leads to Ama Dosha formation, which creates disturbance in the functioning of the heart. The fasting is supposed to correct obstruction due to ‘Ama Dosha’ and patency of blood vessels i.e., “Srotoshodhana’ is restored leading to normal circulation of

blood. Food Should be fresh, warm, tasty and eaten in company of friends and well-wishers. Sweet should be taken first, sour and salty foods in between and spicy food stuffs in the last. Balanced diet of a patient of Hridaroga should contain following important components-Cereals, Pulses, Milk, milk products, Nuts, Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar, Jaggery, Honey, Water. As far as possible the patients of Hrudroga should be recommended Balanced diet containing Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, Minerals, Vitamins, Water and high roughage (high fiber) diet in sufficient quantity to meet out their body requirements.


Vata, Pitta and Kapha, the three Doshas in the normal state maintain the structural and functional integrity of heart. The same Doshas, when abnormal, derange the function of heart and give rise to diseases of various types. Heart is the main site of Oja. Normal heart pumps Oja through its blood vessels to all the tissues of body along with Rasa and maintain their normal functions. Ayurveda has immensely contributed towards human health and happiness. Acharya have dealt with both the preventive and curative aspects of the Hridroga (Cardiac disorders). Simple, bland, non-spicy, non-greasy “Satvika Diet” is recommended.


1. Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, vidhyotini Hindi commentary by Kashinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi edited by Kaviraj dr. Ambikadutt Sashtri. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Edition: Reprint, 2012, Sutrasthana- 25/45-46, Pg. -324

2. Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, vidhyotini Hindi commentary by Kashinath Shastri and, Gorakhnath Chaturvedi edited by Kaviraj dr. Ambikadutt Sashtri. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Edition: Reprint, 2012, Sutrasthana-11/35,pg.-160

3. Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, vidhyotini Hindi commentary by Kashinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi edited by Kaviraj dr. Ambikadutt Sashtri. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Edition: Reprint, 2012, Sutrasthana-25/31,pg.- 314

4. Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, vidhyotini Hindi commentary by Kashinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi edited by Kaviraj dr.

Ambikadutt Sashtri. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Edition: Reprint, 2012 Sutrasthana-17/30,pg.- 234

5. Shri Vijayrakshit and Kanthdatta, Madhav Nidana 29/1, pg.-69

6. Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, vidhyotini Hindi commentary by Kashinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi edited by Pandit Rajeswar Dutt Sashtri, Chaukhamba Bharti Academy, Varanasi, reprint: 2007; Chikitsa Sthana-26/77,pg.-731

7. Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, Revised by Charaka and Dridbala, Vidhotini Hindi Commentary, Edited by Kashinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi Chaukhamba Bharti Academy, Varanasi, reprint:2012; Vimana Sthana -1/24,pg.-558

8. Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, Revised by Charaka and Dridbala, Vidhotini Hindi Commentery, Edited by Kashinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi Chaukhamba Bharti Academy, Varanasi, reprint:2012; Vimana Sthana -1/23,pg.-557

9. Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, vidhyotini Hindi commentary by Kashinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi edited by Pandit Rajeswar Dutt Sashtri, Chaukhamba Bharti Academy, Varanasi, reprint:2007 Chikitsa Sthana-3/145,pg.-135

10. Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, vidhyotini Hindi commentary by Kashinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi edited by Pandit Rajeswar Dutt Sashtri, Chaukhamba Bharti Academy, Varanasi, reprint: 2007, Chikitsa Sthana-15/114,pg.469

11. Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, vidhyotini Hindi commentary by Kashinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi edited by Kaviraj dr. Ambikadutt Sashtri Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Edition: Reprint, 2012, Sutrasthana- 17/30,32,34,pg.-234

12. Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, Revised by Charaka and Dridbala,Vidhotini Hindi Commentery, Edited by Kashinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi Chaukhamba Bharti Academy, Varanasi, reprint: 2012; Vimana Sthana -5/9,pg.-592

13. Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, vidhyotini Hindi commentary by Kashinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi edited by Pandit Rajeswar Dutt Sashtri, Chaukhamba Bharti Academy, Varanasi, reprint:2007 Chikitsa Sthana- 24/35,pg.-672

14. Sushruta, Sushruta

Samhita, Commentary Ayurvedtatvasandipika, Edited by Kaviraj Dr. Ambikadutt Sashtri, Chakhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Edition: Reprint,201, SutraSthana- 20/7,pg.-108