
Review Article

Chikitsa Krama of Amlapitta

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 2 March

A review article on Ayurvedic approach for Chikitsa Krama of Amlapitta

Singh H1*, Sharma S2, Panwar G3, Anand N4, Gupta S5, Datta Shukla G6

1* Harpreet Singh, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Panchakarma, Uttrakhand Ayurveda University Rishikul Campus, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.

2 Sanjna Sharma, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Panchakarma, Uttarakhand Ayurved University Rishikul Campus, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.

3 Gareema Panwar, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Panchakarma, Uttarakhand Ayurved University Rishikul Campus, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.

4 Nitesh Anand, Assistant Professor, Dept of Panchakarma, Uttarakhand Ayurved University Rishikul Campus, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.

5 Sanjay Gupta, Associate Professor, Dept of Panchakarma, Uttarakhand Ayurved University Rishikul Campus, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.

6 Gyanendra Datta Shukla, Associate Professor, Dept of Panchakarma, Uttarakhand Ayurved University Gurukul Campus, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.

In this present era everyone is trying to follow western culture. Everyone is struggling to survive in the age of competition and while doing all these they are neglecting their own health. Because of changing lifestyle, food habits, behavioral pattern etc. They are facing various functional or psychological diseases. Amlapitta (Hyperacidity) is possessed by words Amla (sour) Pitta (gastric juice). In Ayurveda Amlapitta is managed through Pitta Shamana with Vamana and Virechana. The cardinal symptoms of Amlapitta include Avipaka (indigestion) Klma (tiredness) Utklesha (nausea), Tikta Amlaudgar (heat and throat burn) and Aruchi (Anorexia).[1] Amlapitta is a disorder of Annavaha Strotas. In Pathya Kalpana not only Hetus but proper follow of Dincharya and Rutucharya are important.

Keywords: Amlapitta, Vamana, Virechana, Ayurveda, Hetus

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Harpreet Singh, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Panchakarma, Uttrakhand Ayurveda University Rishikul Campus, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
Singh H, Sharma S, Panwar G, Anand N, Gupta S, Datta Shukla G, A review article on Ayurvedic approach for Chikitsa Krama of Amlapitta. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(2):132-135.
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© 2024by Singh H, Sharma S, Panwar G, Anand N, Gupta S, Datta Shukla Gand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Amlapitta is a life- style disease prevalent all over the world. Hurry, worry and curry are the main three reasons for the disease. Ayurveda has described the way of living healthy life, as in Dincharya, Ritucharya, Asthavidhi Ahara. Most of the people do not follow the rules that are mentioned in Ayurveda because of fast life style. They consume fast food, cold beverages, fried foods, coffee, late night snacks and excessive amount of chillis and masala in their meals, among other unhealthy eating habits. Pitta that has been vitiated due to consume food and beverages that are incompatible spoilt and extremely sour as they can aggravate Pitta’s Dravya and Amala Guna it results in Amlapitta. Amlapitta is first been described in Kasyapa Samhita. After that it is also been described in Madhava Nidaan[2] Bhavprakasha,[3] Yogratnaakar[4] and other have all provided excellent description of it. Acharaya Charaka has also provided some Amalapitta related references.

Table 1: Aharaj Nidaan[5]

Viruddha AnnaNinditvyadhikaranaamExample - Milk Shake, Butter-Chicken, Dishes of Paneer, Cold Drinks and Pizza, Taking Madhura Rasa food at the end of meal, Ushna Jala with Honey etc.
Adhyashana and AjeernaNindit Vyadhikaranaam
Pishta AnnaCarbohydrate rich diet (flour, rice, potato, sweet potato, soft drinks, bread etc.)
Apakwa AnnaSalad, Fried rice, Momos, Chowmin, Pasta, etc.
Atti-Drav Sevan, Antarodak PaanNidan of Ajeerna and Agnimandya.
Fanita (Fermented foods)Bread, Bakery items, Packed foods, Alcohol etc.
Ikshu-VikaarSarkara, Guda, etc.
KulaathAmalapitta Jananaam.
Brusta DhanyaFride popcorn, Khakhra with tea, etc
Paryushit AnnaRefrigerator items (Dough, Vegetables, Left over meals etc.)

Table 2: Viharaj Nidan

DiwaswapnaDay sleep.
VegdharanaSuppression of urges.
Ati SnaanTaking bath after meal, After gym hot steam bath


  • Tikta Amla Udgar - Proper Pitta has a Katu Rrasa. But when it become Vidagdha Katu Rasa is converted into Amla due to this Amla Guna
  • and Dravyaguna of Pitta is increased. So Agnimandhya and Ajirna and Tikta Amla Udgar symptoms are produced.
  • Klama, Angasaada and Gaurav - Due to Ama Dosha Vridhi in body.
  • Utklesha - Due to Ama Dosha and vitiated Cough.
  • Aruchi - Loss of taste of food and loss of interest of food intake both are considered as an Aruchi.
  • Hrit-Kantha Daha – Due to Ushna and Tikshhana Guna of (Daah- Paak Kara Tikshana) Sometimes Sarvangdaaha and Hasta Paadtal also affected.


Due to Nidana Sevan Vatadi Doshas got aggravated leading to Agnimandyata. Due to improper digestion whatever is eaten got burnt and food got acidified inside the stomach. after that, the Rasa Dhatu also got acidified. this acidified Rasa Dhatu travels the whole-body giving symptoms like Klama and Gaurva. even in this stage if the patient does not follow Pathya Ahara-Vihar (rules and regulation of diet), the Pitta got severely aggravated causing Shuktata in Amashaya (stomach) causing the disease Amlapitta (Urdhvag or Adhoga). 

Table 3: Affected Dhatu and there Lakshana

Rasa DhatuAmavaat, Pittaja Rajodusti, Khalitya, Palitya
Rakta DhatuVaatrakta, Mukhpaak, Kotha, peedika.
MedaAtisweda, Swed Dorgandhya
ShukraKleebta, Garbhsraav.

Sama and Nirama Pitta[7]

  • Sama Pitta (Kapha Adhikya Pitta) - Drooling of Kapha from mouth (Kapha Nistheva), Heaviness (Gaurava), Stiffness (Jadata), Anorexia (Aruchi), Cold (Sheeta), emesis (Vami), mouth covered with Kapha (Lepa), Itching (Kandu), Sleep (Nindra)
  • Nirama Pitta (Vaat Adhikya Pitta) - Tikta Amlakatudgaar, Burning pain in chest, abdomen and throat region (Hrittakukshikanthadahakritta)

Why Vamana in Amlapitta

व्याधिरामाशयोत्थोऽयं कफपित्ते तदाश्रये ।।[8] (का० खिल० 16/18)

Chakrapani has given two parts of Amashaya. Urdhva & Adho, Urdhava Amashaya is the place of Kapha while Adho, is place for Pitta. Urdhva Amashaya is cleaned by Vaman Karma & Adho Amashaya is cleaned by Virechana Karma. So Amasaya can be cleaned with Vaman & Virechana Karma.

लवणाम्बुना सुखोष्णेन क्षीरेणेक्षुरसेन वा ।

मधूदकेन तिक्तैर्वा वमनं संप्रकल्पयेत् ।। [9] (का० खिल० 16/31)

For Vamana use of water with added salt, lukewarm milk, sugarcane juice, honey with lukewarm water and other Tikta Dravyas.


तिक्तस्वादुकषायाः स्युः क्रमशः पैत्तिके हिताः ।।२७।।[10] (काश्यप खिल स्थान 6/27)

Table 4: Probable mode of action of Rasas

RasaProbable mode of action
Tikta RasaIn the pathogenesis of any disease there is Samavastha. So Niramavastha is attained by the use of Tikta Rasa.
Madhura RasaAfter the Pachana of Samavastha Madhura Rasa is used, due to Sneha and Madhura Guna it Suppresses Pitta Dosha.
Kashaya RasaDue to Ruksha Guna of Kashaya it absorbs Drava Guna of Pitta.

Table 5: Example

Guduchi, Kirattiktta, Kutki, TiktpatolaTiktaSama Pitta Pachana
Yastimadhu, Sariva, Satavari, AmlakiMadhuraNirama Pitta Pachana
Haritaki/GarikaKashayaAbsorbs Drava Guna of Pitta.

Table 6: Chikitsa in Sama and Nirama Avastha.

Sutshekhara + Sankha + AmalakiGuduchi Satva + Sita + Dugdha
Sutshekhara + Kapardika + AvipattikaraDhatri Loha
Pravala PanchamrutaChandrkala Rasa
Avipattikara ChurnaGodanti, Garika
Sankha Bhasma, Bhunimbadi KhadaSatavri Ghrita
Musta, Patola, SumthiNarikela Khanda
Kusmand Khanda Avleha

Table 7: Marganusaar Chikitsa

Urdhwaga (Raktapitta, Pittaja Parinama Shula Chikitsa)Adhoga (Pittaja Grahani Chikitsa)
SutshekharaSutshekhara + Swarna Makshija + Bilwa
Pravala PamchamrutaKamdudha
Avipattikara churnaKapardika Bhasma
Bhunimbadi KhadaGairika
Sankha BhasmaMusta, Dhanyaka, Sunthi
SarivaPanchamrita Parpati

Table 8: Chikitsa according to Guna

Pradhan GunaSahayak GunaLakshanChikitsa
UshnaLaghu, SaraSarvang DahaSwarna Makshoik + Kamdudha + Sariva
Laghu, RukshaBharmaSutshekhar + Swarna Makshik + Godanti + Dhamasa Fanta
AmalaDantaharshaSajji-kshar + Sharkara
Amla, DrvyaHrit-Kantha DahaDraksha + Haritali + Sharkara
DravaSara, VisraChardiSutshekhar + Sankha + Karchur
UshanaMutradahaDhanyaka Hima + Sahrkara
Ushna, Sara, AmlaTikta-Amla UdgarPraval Panchamruta + Sunthi + Guduchi
Ushna, Sara, RaktadushtiKothLaghusutshekhar + Nimba + Amlaki
TikshanaUshnaShulaSutshekhara + Pravalapanchamruta
Ushna, LaghuSirah-ShulaKamdudha + Yastimadhu + Godanti
RukshaVibandhaArogyavardhini + Trifala Fanta + Avipatikara Churna
SnigdhaGuru, AmlaKlamaBhunimbadi Khada


Amlapitta is a disorder of vitiated Pitta Doshas. Many dietary factors are responsible for this Pitta aggravation. Excessive intake of stale food items, sour food, packed food items, alcoholic preparations. Fasting, eating between meals, worry, hurry, spicy foods etc. can be considered as the main factors for Amlapitta. The first treatment should be Nidanparivarjanam i.e., avoiding the causative factors. Timely intake of meals. Avoid eating spicy food. Leafy vegetables, bitter gourd, white pumpkin etc. Amlapitta is one of the major disorders caused by lifestyle modification, which can be managed by these particular Aaharas.


Amlapitta is a functional disorder of Annavaha Srotas Stressful life which is least concerned about proper food habits. “Hurry”, “Worry”, Curry” are the main cause for this disease. In modern medicine Amlapitta can be correlated with hyperacidity. Ayurveda mainly emphasizes on prevention of disease. Diet and lifestyle plays an important role in both pathogenesis and treatment of Amlapitta.


1. Sri Vijayarakshita and Srikanthadatta. Madhava

Nidana with Madhukosa commentary Edition 2005 Varanasi Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana Part 2 51/2 Pg 171.

2. Madhavkara Madhav Nidan Part 2nd with Madhukosha Sanskrit commentary by Sri Sudarshan Sastri. 13th Varansi: Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2001;51/1-2.

3. Bhavaprakasa: Bhavaprakasa of Sri Bhavamisra edited with Vidhyotini Hindi commentary by Bhisagratna Pandit Sri Brahma Shankar Mishra, Jaya krishan Das Haridas Gupta Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office. Chapter 10. Verse 20-22 Edi. Reprint 2008, P 298.

4. Yogratnakar Vidyotani Hindi commentary by Vaidya Lakshamipati Shastri edited by Bharama Sankar Shastri, Chaukhambha Prakashan edition: Reprint, 2015, Page no. 237.

5. Madhavkara madhav nidan part 2ndMadhukosha Sanskrit commentary by Sri Sudarshan Sastri, 13th edition, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 2001; 51/3-4.

6. Vruddha Jivaka, Kashyapa Samhita, with Sanskrit introduction by Pandit Hemraj Sharma, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 2006, 16/7-10.

7. Madhavkara Madhav Nidan Part 2nd with Madhukosha Sanskrit commentary by Sri Sudarshan Sastri. 13th Varansi: Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2001; Chapter 51, Sloka 9-11,Page no-205.

8. Vruddha Jivaka, Kashyapa Samhita, with Sanskrit introduction by Pandit Hemraj Sharma, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 2006, Khil sthana 16/18 page no.525.

9. Vruddha Jivaka, Kashyapa Samhita, with Sanskrit introduction by Pandit Hemraj Sharma, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 2006, Khil sthana 16/18 page no.525.

10. Vruddha Jivaka, Kashyapa Samhita, with Sanskrit introduction by Pandit Hemraj Sharma, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 2006, Khil sthana 6/27 page no.400.