
Review Article

Ekal Dravya Prayoga

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 4 April

A review on Ekal Dravya Prayoga in various Yonivyapada

Goyal H1*, Raj Laxmi A2, Zhillika3, Harpreet4

1* Himanshi Goyal, Post Graduate Scholar 2nd Year, Dept of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh, India.

2 Ashwarya Raj Laxmi, Post Graduate Scholar 2nd Year, Dept of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh, India.

3 Zhillika, Post Graduate Scholar 2nd Year, Dept of Dravyaguna Vigyan, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh, India.

4 Harpreet, Professor and HOD, Dept of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh, India.

We have progressed greatly over time to reach the contemporary day, where everything has altered at the grassroots level due to globalization. Dietary changes have occurred alongside changes in culture, society, and the economy. Numerous ailments have emerged as a result of dietary and lifestyle changes, particularly in women who must juggle work and home obligations. Since Artava is the Updhatu of Rasa Dhatu and changes in Ahara result in Rasa Dhatu Dushti, Artava Dhatu leads to a variety of Yonivyapadas. 87% of women reported having dysmenorrhea, 86% premenstrual syndrome, 72% abnormal menstrual flow, and 63% genital infections, according to the study. The average impact of gynecological issues on employed women was 56.13%. The impact of these issues on their social and occupational performance was rated as mild by 8% of women, severe by 16%, and moderate by 76% of women.[1] In terms of living forms, ferns (2 species, 2.99%), trees (7 species, 10.45%), shrubs (15 species, 22.39%), and sedge (1 species, 1.49%) were the most common life forms utilized in gynecological treatments (42 species, 62.69%).[2] Bandhyatva, Garbhadhan, Garbhasrava and Garbhpata, Pradararoga, and several other Yonivyapadas mentioned by Acharyas can all be treated with Ekal Dravya, such as Ashoka, Udumbara, Durva, Kadalli, Tagara, Shunthi, Gokshura, Atibala, Yashtimadhu, Vacha, and so on. Several Yonivyapadas will be discussed in this study along with other classical facts about the Ekal Dravyas.

Keywords: Lifestyle and Diet, Yonivyapad, Ekal Dravya

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Himanshi Goyal, Post Graduate Scholar 2nd Year, Dept of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh, , India.
Goyal H, Raj Laxmi A, Zhillika, Harpreet, A review on Ekal Dravya Prayoga in various Yonivyapada. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(4):83-87.
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© 2024by Goyal H, Raj Laxmi A, Zhillika, Harpreetand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Prasuti Tantra in Ayurveda is the branch which deals with health of female reproductive system which is concerned with the healing of ailments viz. Garbhapata, Garbhasrava, Artavavyapada, Shwetapradara and Bandhyatava etc. Women do not

consider Artavavyapada problems to be particularly important, yet these shouldn't be overlooked because they can disturb women's daily activities. Due to the limitations of modern therapy, Indian ladies prefer using traditional medicines or a spice box at home. In this context, the concept of Ekal Dravya is explored from many Ayurvedic classics for the treatment of gynecological disorders. Acharyas have different interpretation regarding Ekal Dravyas as

1. An Ekal Aushadh

2. An Ekal Aushadh with Anupana.

3. An Ekal Aushadh with Bhavana Dravya

The classics make no mention of the specific meaning of Ekal Dravya, however in Sanskrit, Ekal implies alone, single, solitary, sole, and so on. Thus, Ekal Dravya refers to treatment with a single Dravya, such as the Pradhanaaushadh. Every Dravya is made up of Panch Mahabhutas, each with its own quality due to the distinct Rasa Panchaka, which determines their Karmas. For better Karma, Dravya formulations are adjusted through methods such as Bhavana, intervention at specific times, processing with other substances, and so on. As a result, Yukti Pramana is utilized to treat a variety of Stree Roga. A single Ekal Dravya can be employed in a variety of Rogas. Rather than supplying several Dravyas, Ekal Dravya is preferred for Sampraptivighatana of Roga.

Aims and Objectives

To encourage the use of Ekal Dravya in daily treatment procedures to improve female reproductive health.

Materials and Methods

Collected material on Ekal Dravya for Prasuti Tantra Evam Stree Roga from classical texts and commentaries, as well as relevant Ayurvedic sources and published studies.


Plants used in various Yonivyapada and other related attributes, categorized by botanical name, family, part used, and uses, are listed below:

1. Gokshura[3-6]

Botanical NameTribulus terrestris
Family nameZygophyllaceae
Chemical constituentsKaemferol, Tribuloside, flvanoids
Rasa PanchakaRasa - Madhur
Guna - Guru, Snighdha
Vipak - Madhur
Virya - Sheeta
DoshakarmaVatapitta Shamak
Part UsedPanchanga
UsesExtract of Gokshura can be use in Udavartini Yonivyapada
Probable Scientific ValidationGokshura has Vednasthapak, Shothhara and Balya properties. So, the Anuloman of Apanavayu and Shaman of Kupita or Vitiated Apana, helps in turn normalizing the direction of Menstrual flow

2. Kadalli [8,9]

Botanical NameMusa paradisiaca
Family nameMusaceae
Chemical constituentsCalcium, Phosphorus, Oxalic acid, Vitamins
Rasa PanchakaRasa - Madhura
Guna - Guru, Snigdha
Virya - Sheeta
Vipaka - Madhura
DoshakarmaVata- Pittahara
Part UsedTuber, Flower, Fruit, Stem
UsesKadali fruits mixed with Ghrita should be taken in Asrija Yonivyapada
Probable Scientific ValidationThe plant is reported to have haemostatic, muscle relaxant, analgesic

3. Darbha[10,11]

Botanical NameImperata cylindrical
Family namePoaceae
Chemical constituentssaponins, glycosides, flavonoids, coumarins
Rasa PanchakaRasa - Madhura, Kashya
Guna - Laghu, Snigdha
Virya - Sheeta
Vipaka - Madhura
DoshakarmaTridosha Ghana
Part UsedRoot
UsesUdavartini Yonivyapada
Probable Scientific ValidationDarbha has Anti-Microbial and Anti-Oxidant Properties parts of this plant have been proven analgesics, anti-pyretic and anti- inflammatory activity so useful in Dysmennorhea and that’s why sleeping on Darbha mat helps to get relief from Bodyache and Backache

4. Mundi[12,13]

Botanical NameSphaeranthus indicus
Family nameAsteraceae
Chemical constituentsSphaeranthin, Uginot
Rasa PanchakaRasa - Tikta, Katu
Guna - Laghu, Ruksha
Virya - Ushna
Vipaka - Katu
Part UsedPanchanga
UsesIts powder and decoction are used in vaginal discharge. Local application its root as a suppository is absorbent, tonic and desiccant. Halwa Mundi is effective in leucorrhoea, burning micturition and uterine inflammation.
Probable Scientific ValidationMundi contains the phytoconstituent flavonoids that protect cells because of its powerful antioxidant property which prevents or repair the damage done to red cells by free radicals

5. Badara[14,15,16]

Botanical NameZiziphus mauritiana L.
Family nameRhamanaceae
Chemical constituentsLeucocyanidin, Mauritines, berberine, quercetin, kaempferol, sitosterol, stigmasterol, lanosterol, diosgenin
Rasa PanchakaRasa - Madhura, Amla
Guna - Guru, Snigdha
Virya - Sheeta
Vipaka - Madhura/ Amla
Part UsedFruit, Root, Leaf
UsesFine Powder of Badara mixed with equal quantity of Ghee and Jaggery can be used in Raktayoni
AnupanaGhee and Jaggery
Probable Scientific ValidationAnti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Antioxidant activity, Hepatoprotective activity,


Ayurveda, the world's oldest science, is wide and without bounds. There are billions of plant species on Earth that have been discovered, with many more still to be discovered. According to Acharya Charaka, there is no element on Earth that cannot be used as medicine. This article only discusses plant-based therapies. A thorough understanding of medicinal plant action is required to fully comprehend their potential and mechanism of action. Medicinal plants can also reverse the pathophysiological process and balance the Dosha. Traditional Ayurvedic plant remedies have demonstrated long-term efficacy against

any ailment. In this instance, self-medication with Ayurvedic medicines should be avoided. Bioavailability determines the degree and quantity of a herbal drug's permeation. Individual heterogeneity in intestinal microbiota and hepatic activity also influences systemic absorption.


After reviewing all of the classics, it is clear that Ekal Dravyas are a crucial component of the treatment and should not be overlooked. They've been utilized for treatment for quite some time. Classics state that Ekal Dravyas can be used as a single medicine or in combination with other Anupanas or Bhavana Dravyas to boost their power. After a thorough analysis of the Classics, it was discovered that Ekal Dravya was employed in total seven basic themes i.e.

SNVarious forms of Ekal Dravya concept
1.Single substance
2.Single substance with Anupaan or Sahpaan
3.Single substance Siddha Dugdha
4.Single substance Siddha Ghrita
5.Single substance Siddha Taila
6.Single substance Bhaavit with some other substance
7.Single substance Siddha Mutra

Many times, it has been seen that treatment with Ekal Dravya is sufficient for any type of ailment; nevertheless, in many cases, Ekal Dravya cannot treat the disease. There are numerous situations where the usage of a single ingredient is sufficient for disease management, but there are also multidimensional diseases that require a formulation-based treatment or treatment with more than one drug, such as Anupaan, Sahapaan, or processed Dravya. As a result of the necessity for time, Ekal substances containing Anupaan, Sahapaan, or single processed Dravya are also included in the Ekal Dravya Chikitsa criterion. A single Dravya can be utilized in many forms depending on the condition, and it can also be employed in different diseases simply by changing its Anupaan suitably. For example, garlic Swaras is utilized for oral intake alone in gynaecdisoeders, with ghee in Visham Jwar, with milk in Kshayaroga, and with oil for Karnapooran in Karnashool. According to Acharya Charka, the patient's treatment can be modified based on Yukti pramana, depending on the patient's situation.


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