A review on Ekal Dravya Prayoga in various Yonivyapada

  • Himanshi Goyal Post Graduate Scholar - 2nd Year, Dept. of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh, India.
  • Ashwarya Raj Laxmi Post Graduate Scholar - 2nd Year, Dept. of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh, India.
  • Zhillika Post Graduate Scholar 2nd Year, Dept. of Dravyaguna Vigyan, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh, India.
  • Harpreet Professor and HOD, Dept. of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh, India.
Keywords: Lifestyle and Diet, Yonivyapad, Ekal Dravya


We have progressed greatly over time to reach the contemporary day, where everything has altered at the grassroots level due to globalization. Dietary changes have occurred alongside changes in culture, society, and the economy. Numerous ailments have emerged as a result of dietary and lifestyle changes, particularly in women who must juggle work and home obligations. Since Artava is the Updhatu of Rasa Dhatu and changes in Ahara result in Rasa Dhatu Dushti, Artava Dhatu leads to a variety of Yonivyapadas. 87% of women reported having dysmenorrhea, 86% premenstrual syndrome, 72% abnormal menstrual flow, and 63% genital infections, according to the study. The average impact of gynecological issues on employed women was 56.13%. The impact of these issues on their social and occupational performance was rated as mild by 8% of women, severe by 16%, and moderate by 76% of women.[1] In terms of living forms, ferns (2 species, 2.99%), trees (7 species, 10.45%), shrubs (15 species, 22.39%), and sedge (1 species, 1.49%) were the most common life forms utilized in gynecological treatments (42 species, 62.69%).[2] Bandhyatva, Garbhadhan, Garbhasrava and Garbhpata, Pradararoga, and several other Yonivyapadas mentioned by Acharyas can all be treated with Ekal Dravya, such as Ashoka, Udumbara, Durva, Kadalli, Tagara, Shunthi, Gokshura, Atibala, Yashtimadhu, Vacha, and so on. Several Yonivyapadas will be discussed in this study along with other classical facts about the Ekal Dravyas.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.9.4.12
Published: 2024-06-15
How to Cite
Himanshi Goyal, Raj Laxmi, A., Zhillika, & Harpreet. (2024). A review on Ekal Dravya Prayoga in various Yonivyapada. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 9(4), 83 - 87. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.9.4.12
Review Article