
Review Article

Skin Disease

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 5 May

A review of Viruddha Ahara described in Kushtha (Skin Disease) referred to in the text of Brihattrayi

Ojha A1, Diwan R2, Upadhyay B3*

1 Aruna Ojha, Professor HOD, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government NPA Ayurveda College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

2 Rashmi Diwan, Lecturer, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government NPA Ayurveda College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

3* Byomesh Upadhyay, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Npa Ayurveda College, Raipur, Chattisgarh, India.

There have been significant dietary pattern shifts in the current era of globalization. A poor diet is a major contributing cause of many diseases, whereas a healthy diet promotes good health. An unhealthy diet is the most frequent contributor to the rising global disease burden. Ayurveda spoke about Trividha Upasthambha (sub-pillars of the body) and Ahara (food) as vital pillars of a healthy living being. For healthy living, Ayurveda promotes an appropriate kind of diet that provides physical, mental, and social health and nutrition. It can be further elaborated as certain diet and their combinations, which interrupt tissue metabolism, inhibit tissue formation, and have the opposite properties to the tissue these are called Viruddha Anna (incompatible diet). The present article deals with the review of Viruddha Ahara (Incompatible diet) described in the skin disease referred to in the context of Brihattrayi.

Keywords: Viruddha Ahara, Kushtha, Trividha Upasthambha

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Byomesh Upadhyay, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Npa Ayurveda College, Raipur, Chattisgarh, India.
Ojha A, Diwan R, Upadhyay B, A review of Viruddha Ahara described in Kushtha (Skin Disease) referred to in the text of Brihattrayi. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(5):166-168.
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© 2024by Ojha A, Diwan R, Upadhyay Band Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


It is rightly said, Viruddham Api Cha Aharam Vidyat Vish Garo Pamam.[1] (Ashtang Hridaya Sutra Sthan 7/29)

It means Opposite or conflicting food is also like poison and slow poison. The literal meaning of the word Viruddha is the opposite. Charaka has mentioned that many types of wrong combinations of food can lead to diseases and even death.[2] If the rules of the diet are not followed then the diseases occurring due to Viruddha Aahara, Charaka specially mentioned Visarpa (erysipelas), Kilash, Mandagni (indigestions), Kushtha (various skin diseases) and Shotha (swelling), which is mainly shown in the skin.[3] If the above list of diseases is classified as per the body system, it can be said that the immune system, digestive system, nervous system, and circulatory systems are affected by the continuous consumption of Viruddha Ahara. In Bruhatrayi, all Acharyas have described Viruddha Ahara in the same way and with nearly the same examples.

Viruddha Ahara (Food incompatibilities) in today’s perspective can produce Ama which is undigested food that can lead to inflammation at a cellular level. Many types of food incompatibilities are mentioned in our Ayurved Samhitas. Some of these types of food combinations are not in use in today’s era but some are used universally. These are bad health indications for human beings. We have to identify new food incompatibilities, used today in daily life as per the Ayurvedic perspective. These are categorized into Samyoga Viruddha, Karma Viruddha, Sanskar Viruddha, Veerya Viruddha, and so on. Such food combinations can prove harmful, which may disturb our immune system, cellular metabolism, and digestive metabolism.[4]

These are some food incompatibilities that causes skin disease as per our texts

Fruits with milkBananas and other fruits should not be eaten with milk, curds, or buttermilk because the combination can diminish digestion and produce toxins in the body. Eating these combinations can also lead to cold, cough, and allergies. Certain types of food combinations may have a bad impact on the immune system. Milk which contains lactogen and certain fruits, such as bananas, which also contain common allergens may aggravate autoimmune diseases like psoriasis.
Meat & MilkRegularly eating red meat and processed meat can raise the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers, especially skin cancer. Drinking milk after eating meat or combining the two can trigger several issues like gas, bloating, discomfort, stomach ache, nausea, acid reflux, heartburn, etc. This is because both milk and meat are sources of protein, and combining the two makes the system slow, impacts digestion, and may lead to acid reflux. here is what Ayurveda has to say about this.
Asatyma AaharAccording to Ayurveda, every food has its taste (Rasa), a heating or cooling energy (Virya), and a post-digestive effect (Vipaka). Some also possess Prabhava, an unexplained effect. So while it is true that an individual’s Agni largely determines how well or poorly food is digested, food combinations are also of great importance. When two or more foods having different tastes, energy, and post-digestive effects are combined, Agni can become overloaded, inhibiting the enzyme system and resulting in the production of toxins. Yet these same foods, if eaten separately, might well stimulate Agni, be digested more quickly, and even help to burn Ama.
Exercise or intercourse after a fatty dietAccording to Ayurvedic concept after having a fatty diet, we should take lukewarm water and rest for some time. Do not do intercourse or exercise between the Pachan Kala of Ahara. If you do this the metabolic activity diminishes and food does not get digested properly.
Sheeta and Ushna Ahara and Vihara (cold and hot diet without sequence)Foods typically cooked at high temperatures, like meats, etc, and after some time put in refrigerators may contribute to the risk and exacerbation of chronic diseases linked with inflammation.
Curd at night and without mixing some ingredientsAmalaki, Sharkara, Ghrita, Mung, and Madhu in Ayurveda curd are used with these. If we do not follow this rule of curd consumption we might be troubled with the disease of Visarpa, Kushtha, etc.
Langhan and Ahara seven without sequence or Santarpan AptarpanNowadays people sometimes eat less food and sometimes eat more food, most girls go on zero diets, and then again after some time, they start consuming a guru diet.
Bath after some physical workBath with cold water immediately after coming from fear, hard work, and the sun is very dangerous, due to which there is a possibility of skin disorders.
Vidagdha Ahar Ke Bad Punah Vidagdh AaharMost of the people in the wedding parties consume the elaborate diet again after the elaborate diet many times in a single day.
Panchakarma ApacharMost doctors do not follow the right rule in the case of money, in which Panchakarma is done properly, due to which the possibility of skin disorders increases.
SwapnaIt is the most common cause of inflammation.
Ajeerna BhojanEating food while indigestion affects fire.


Poor combining can produce indigestion, fermentation, putrefaction, and gas formation and, if prolonged, can lead to toxemia and disease. For example, eating bananas with milk can diminish Agni, change the intestinal flora, produce toxins, and may cause sinus congestion, allergies etc. Although both of these foods have a sweet taste and cooling energy, their post-digestive effect is very different - bananas are sour while milk is sweet. This confuses our digestive system and may result in toxins, allergies, and other imbalances. Similarly, milk and melons should not be eaten together. Both are cooling, but milk is a laxative and melon diuretic. Milk requires more time for digestion. Moreover, the stomach acid required to digest the melon causes the milk to curdle, so Ayurveda advises against taking milk with sour foods. These incompatible food combinations not only disturb digestion but also confuse the intelligence of our cells, which can lead to many different diseases.


The unwanted effect of wrong combinations of food is not limited to the gastrointestinal tract only but may also hamper the major systems of the body. The unwanted side effects can emerge inside the body when two or more types of foods are consumed together. Such reactions can be less important but in the long term, they can be fatal upon precipitating serious side effects. In Ayurvedic texts, Vairodhik Ahara is a direct cause of skin diseases. Kushtha Nidana Adhyaya[5] in Bruhatrayi tells it.


1. Tripathi Bramhanand 2011, Chaukhambha Sanskrit pratishthan, Delhi, Ashtanga Hridaya sutra sthan 7/29, Page no 126

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