
Review Article

Agni Pareeksha

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 5 May

Review article on Agni Pareeksha

Sahana TN1*, Divya P2, Iraj V3

1* Sahana TN, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Roga Nidana Evam Vikruthi Vignyan, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

2 Divya P, HOD and Professor, Department of Roga Nidana Evam Vikruthi Vignyan, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

3 Vardhaman Iraj, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Roga Nidana Evam Vikruthi Vignyan, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

Agni has been accorded prime importance by all the Acharya’s, as it plays a crucial role in the digestion, disease manifestation and overall health. The vitality, strength, and longevity of an individual depend on Agni. According to its site of action and the function Agni has been categorized into 13 types: Jataragni (1), Dhatvagni (7), Bhutagni (5). Acharya Vagbhata stated that all the diseases result from Mandagni, thus assessing Agni Bala is essential for understanding the pathogenesis (Samprapti) of the disease, planning treatment and determining prognosis. Anumana Pramana, Lakshana of Mandagni Vishamagni, Teekshnagni, Vyadhi based assessments can help to evaluate Jataragni, While the status of Dhatvagni can be inferred from the symptoms of Dhatu Vruddhi and Kshaya. Therefore, a physician’s path in treating a patient is significantly influenced by Agni assessment.

Keywords: Agni, Pareeksha, Jataragni, Dhatvagni, Bhutagni

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Sahana TN, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Roga Nidana Evam Vikruthi Vignyan, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
Sahana TN, Divya P, Iraj V, Review article on Agni Pareeksha. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(5):223-227.
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© 2024by Sahana TN, Divya P, Iraj Vand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


The term ‘Agni’ is derived from the word Anga which means Gati i.e. an object which is movable in nature.[1] Dehagni is the source of Ayu, Varna, Bala, Prana.[2] Normal functioning of Agni is vital for digesting Ahara and nourishment of Sapta Dhatu. Acharya Charaka classified Agni into 13 types: 1. A. Jataragni B. Dhatvagni: 2) Rasa Dhatvagni 3) Rakta Dhatvagni 4) Mamsa Dhatvagni 5) Meda Dhatvagni 6) Asthi Dhatvagni 7) Majja Dhatvagni 8) Shukra Dhatvagni C. Bhutagni: 9) Pruthvi 10) Aap 11) Teja 12) Vayu 13) Akasha.[3] However, Acharya Vagbhata introduced a different classification: Doshagni Dhatvagni and Malagni.[4] The normal function of the Doshas relies on Agni.[5] Acharya Sushrutha in Sutra Sthana 15th chapter while defining Swasthya considers Samagni as one of the parameters for health.[6] Agni Pareeksha is one of the Sushruthoktha Dwadasha Pareeksha.[7] Acharya Charaka in Matrashitiya Adhyaya quotes that the quantity of food intake differs from person to person due to Agni Bala emphasizing the significance of Agni in health assessment[8]

Review and Discussion

Synonyms of Agni

  • Antaragni [Cha. Sutra Sthana 28/3]

Acharya Chakrapani clarifies that Antragni should be considered as Jataragni

  • Udarastha Agni, Pachakagni [Su.Sutra Sthana 21]
  • Jatharanala [A.Hr.Sutra Sthana 13]
  • Paktru [Cha. Chikitsa Sthana 15]

Agni Pareeksha

Before assessing Jataragni, physician should consider following factors as these can varies Agni Bala physiologically[9]

A. Season

RutuAgni Bala
Sharad Increased
Greeshma Decreased

B. Age

AgeAgni Bala
Yavana More
Vardhakya Less

C. Prakruthi[10]

Vataja Prakruthi - Vishamagni

Pittaja Prakruthi - Teekshnagni

Kapha Prakruthi - Mandagni

Assessment of Jataragni

1. By Anumana Pramana

2. By Lakshana

3. Based on Vyadhi

Anumana Pramana[11]

Acharya Charaka while explaining Ahara Shakthi Pareeksha [one among the Dasha Vidha Pareeksha] quotes that Ahara Shakthi should be assessed by Abhyavarna Shakthi and Jarana Shakthi.[12] Chakrapani explains that Abhyavarna Shakti means the ability to consume more food and Jaranashakti refers to capacity to digest large quantity of food, on basis of both Ahara Shakthi is determined. Person who has the ability to eat more and unable to digest cannot be considered to have good Ahara Shakti. Acharya Charaka in Matrashitiya Adhyaya states, that the quantity of food intake depends entirely on Agni Bala. Additionally, based on the quantity of food intake Ahara Matra can be divided into Utkrsta Matra, Madhya Matra and Alpa Matra corresponding to Utkrsta Agni Bala, Madhyama Agni Bala and Alpa Agni Bala respectively.[13]

Assessment of Jataragni by Lakshana

Acharya Sushrutha while explaining Dwadasha Pareeksha explains that Agni is of four types 1. Samagni [which is not vitiated by Doshas] 2. Visham Agni (due to Vata Prakopa) 3. Teekshnagni (due to Pitta Prakopa) 4. Mandagni (due to Kapha Prakopa)

Similar to Acharya Sushrutha Acharya Charaka in Vimanasthana also classifies Agni into four types based on Bala

Lakshana are enlisted below

AgniDosha predominanceLakshana according to Acharya Sushrutha[14]Lakshana according to Acharya Charaka[15]
SamagniSamadosha Samyak Pachana of AharaAs long as proper diet Agni will be in normal condition but gets impaired even by slight irregularities in diet [Vishma Apachara]
VishamagniVata DoshaSometimes digestion is normal but sometimes causes Adhmana, Shula, Udavartha Atisara, Jatara Gourava, Antrakunjana, Pravahika sometimes Agni is impaired by irregular dietary habits sometime its not
TeekshnagniPitta DoshaEven large quantity foods get digested quicklySarva Apachara Saha
[Can digest all kind of food]
Mandagni Kapha Dosha Takes more duration for digesting even small quantity of food
Udara, Gourava, Sirogourava, Shwasa, Kasa, Praseka, Chardhi Gatra Sadana
Opposite to Teekshna Agni
i.e. unable to tolerate even simple dietary irregularities
AtyagniWhen Teekshnagni is increased its called Atyagni
person take larger quantity of food repeatedly which digests quickly
It causes Gala Talu Sosha, Daha, Santapa.

Based on the Vyadhi[16]

Vataja Vikara - Vishamagni

Pittaja Vikara - Teekshnangni

Kaphaja Vikara - Mandagni

Assessment of Dhatvagni

Direct reference to Dhatvagni assessment is limited in Charaka and Sushrutha Samhitha However, Acharya Vagbhata in Astanga Hrudaya mentions that each of seven Dhatus contains Jataragni Amsha, contributing to their respective Dhatvagni. Dhatu attains Vruddhi and Kshaya due to decrease and increase of respective Dhatvagni.[17] Hence understanding these symptoms helps in assessing the status of Dhatvagni.

DhatvagniVruddhi LakshanaKshaya Lakshana
Rasa DhatvagniRukshatha
Intolerance to sound
Emptiness in the Kapha Sthana
Sandhi Saithilya
Rakta DhatvagniDesire for Amla Rasa and Sheetha Ahara
Suffers from Visarpha, Pleeha,
Kustha, Vatarakta,
Raktapitta, Gulma, Upakushala, Kamala, Vyanga, Agninasha, Samoha
Reddish discolouration of Twak, Netra, Mutra
Mamsa DhatvagniAnga Glani
Loss of muscle bulk in cheeks and buttocks
Sandhi Vedana
Causes Ganda, Arbuda, Granthi
accumulation of Mamsa in Ganda, Uru, Udara Pradesha
Medha DhatvagniNumbness in Kati Pradesha
Develops Swasa even with minimal exertion
sagging of buttocks breast and abdomen
Asthi DhatvagniThoda in Asthi
Falling of Danta, Nakha, Kesha
Adhi Danta [extra dentition]
Adhyasthi [extra ossification]
Majja DhatvagniAsthi Soushirya
Gouravatha in Netra
wound with broad base in the smaller joints which are difficult to treat
Shukra DhatvagniDelayed ejaculation/ ejaculation of Shukra mixed with Shonitha
Thoda in Vrushana
Increased desired for sex


Agni which is present in the Udara is compared with Bhagavan Ishwara due to its supremacy. It’s vital for digestion and overall health but due to its Sukshma Guna it is not visible.[18] It’s very important to a physician to know the status of Agni for understanding Samprathi, Sadhyasadhyata of the Vyadhi, Roga Rogi Bala as well as to plan the treatment. Classical text provides detailed explanations for Jataragni and Dhatvagni assessments but there is limited information on Bhutagni Pareeksha for which standardizing assessment tool is essential. Acharya Vagbhata Emphasises the importance of Agni in Shareera Sthana as the external fire which is in the form of flame with different shapes does not cook food correctly imagine the internal fire in the form of only heat get vitiated easily if

proper dietary regimens is not followed hence it should be protected by all our efforts.[19]


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