body which helps in maintenance of the equilibrium of the body and reduce the symptoms of the disease.
Nasya[10] is potent Vata Shamaka procedure as it directly acts on the Urdhava Jatrugata Vikara. Shira Pradesha is the main Adhishthana of Indriya and, Nasa is considered way to reach it. Drug administered through Nasa, goes to Shiras and causes Dosha Nirharana and Vata Shamana simultaneously. Karpasasthyadi Taila contains Karpasa Asthi which acts as Vata-Kaphahara and Bruhmana. It is a formulation mentioned in Sahasrayoga and is indicated in the form of Nasya in Pakshghata and Ardita like conditions.
Due to diet and lifestyle of the present era, Rakta (blood) gets vitiated and which in turn does the Avarana (covering) of Vata. Vata Prakopa (aggravation) takes place and it gets localized in different parts of the body manifesting the signs and symptoms of aggravated Vata like Toda, Pani-Pada Karmakshaya, Achetana like Lakshanas. Manjishtadi Niruha Basti, In Niruha Basti, Madhu possesses Yogavahi and Sukshma Marga Anusarita Guna, functions as a catalyst, penetrating the Sukshma Srotas. The Laghu and Tridosha Shamaka Gunas were introduced through the Saindhava Lavana. The Snigdha Guna of Sneha Dravya (Ketaki Muladi Taila, Karpasa Asthyadi Taila) combats the Ruksha and Laghu Gunas of Vata, resulting in Vata Shamana. Kalka (Ashwaganda) Balya, Ksharabasti[11] is mentioned by Chakradatta and decoction of Rubia cordifolia (Manjisthadi Kwatha) is mentioned by Sarangadhara. Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) is renowned blood purifier (Rakta Sodhaka), channel cleanser (Sroto-Sodhaka) and the Ksharabasti removes the Avarana of Vata.
Tablet Yogaraja Guggulu[12] contains Guggulu, Ghrita, Triphala, Trikatu are Ushna Virya, Katu Vipaka, Laghu, Srotodushtihara, Deepaniya, Pachaniya, Marghavarodha Hara helps in Pakshaghata.
Shephalika Patra Kashaya[13] here Shephalika refers to Nirgundi Patra acts as Vatahara and it is indicated in Vataroga, Bhaisajya Ratnavali. Katu, Tikta Rasa, Ushna Virya Vata-Kapha Hara.
Tab Unmada Gajakesari Rasa[14] - contains Suta, Gandhaka, Manashila, Datura, Vasa, Rasna indicated in Unmada, to prevent epilepsy, Vata-Kapha Hara.
Kalyanaka Avaleha Churna[15] - contains Haridra, Vacha, Kushta, Ajaji, Ajamoda, Shunti, Pippali, Yashtimadu, Saindava, indicated in Swarabheda Adhikara. It improves memory, makes voice clear, cures hoarseness of voice, Aphasia.
Tab Bruhat-Vata Chintamani[16] with gold-contains Swarna, Roupya, Louha, Abraka Bhasma, Pravala,Mukta,Abraka ,Rasa Sindura, Kumari Swarasa, given once in day along with Ushna Jala acts as Rasayana, Pittasrita Vata Hara, according to Bhaisajya Ratnavali Vataroga Adhikara.
A medicine prepared by combination of Ekangaveera Rasa, Mahavatavidhvamsa Rasa, Sameer Pannaga Rasa and Sutasekhara Rasa, and all these Yogas are directly indicated in Vataja Roga. This specific type of combination was administered to patient to tackle symptoms like weakness and stiffness in the muscle.
Pakshaghata is Akarmanya Vata Pradhana Vyadhi which causes loss of function of one half of body and may be co-related to hemiplegia of any origin. Vata Pradhana Vyadhis are best treated with Basti and Nasya, as main Adhishthana of Dosha is Shiras. Symptomatic relief given by Sthanika Abhyanaga and Swedana. Thus, it can be concluded that Panchakarma procedure are very effective in Pakshaghata Chikitsa and should be given vigorously in the patients suffering from stroke and similar ailments. Pakshaghata is a difficult disease to manage, Acharya Sushruta mentions Pakshaghata associated with Pitta and Kapha is Sadhya, Vataja Pakshaghata is Krichra Sadhya. But by adopting a proper logical Panchakarma treatment protocol, one can get good prognosis in Pakshaghata. Panchakarma helps in muscle restoration and boost motor system and thus, overall relief in impairment occurs in patient of Pakshaghata. The success of this case helped to gain trust of the patients towards Ayurveda and Panchakarma.
1. Charaka Samhita, by Acharya Vidyadhara Shukla hindi translation chikitsa sthana 28 th chapter Vatavyadhichikitsitam adhyaya. P. NO- 687
2. Charaka Samhita, by Acharya Vidyadhara Shukla