A Case Study on Pakshaghata - A Successful Story
Pakshaghata (hemiplegia) is a condition that affects half side of the body. Vata Dosha regulates all the functions of the body. Vata Prakopa acts as a main cause for Pakshaghata. Vata Prakopa happens due to Marghavarodha and Dhatukshaya. According to the contemporary science, all the sensory and motor activities are controlled by the brain. Cerebrovascular accidents are mainly responsible for loss of function in the body and due to its similarity, it can be correlated to Pakshaghata as explained in Ayurveda. Pakshaghata can be treated in Ayurveda, with Panchakarma procedures like Mridu Samshodhana and Basti. In the present case, the patient presented with the weakness in the right side of the body. Patient was bed ridden and treated with Panchakarma therapy for 4 months with Udwartana, Basti, Nasya, Abhayanga. After treatment patient was able to walk without any support and other complaints got relived by 80%.
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