
Research Article

Charakokta Shonitasthapana

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 4 April

A comprehensive pharmacognostical study of Charakokta Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas

Naveen V1*, Siddalingaiah Veena M2

1* Venkatesaiah Naveen, Phd Scholar, Government Ayurveda Medical College Bengaluru Associate Professor, Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science and Research, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

2 Mullur Siddalingaiah Veena, Professor and Head, Department of Dravyaguna, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas of Charaka consists of Audhbida (Madhuka, Lodhra, Mocharasa, Priyangu, Kunkuma), Jangama (Madhu), Parthiva (Gairika, Mritkapala) and Ahara Dravya (Laja, Sharkara). Potent pharmacological action of the drug depends on proper identification authentication and purity of the drug. Majority of the drugs of Shonitasthapana Varga are subjected to extensive adulteration commercially. Detailed pharmacognostic analysis of the group of drugs is indispensable before its utility in therapeutics. Samples of Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas were collected, procured or purchased from authentic sources and analyzed for their organoleptic, macroscopic, microscopic and physicochemical characteristics. The results of Madhu, Madhuka, Lodhra, Mocharasa, Priyangu, Gairika, Kunkuma and Sharkara were within the limits of Indian Pharmacopieal standards; Laja as per the Indian Council for Medical research guidelines. The Pharmacognostic analysis of Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas helps in standardization and safe use of the drugs clinically on human subjects for its maximum therapeutic effects.

Keywords: Shonitasthapana, Pharmacognosy, Charaka, Analysis, Pharmacopeia

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Venkatesaiah Naveen, Phd Scholar, Government Ayurveda Medical College Bengaluru Associate Professor, Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science and Research, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Naveen V, Siddalingaiah Veena M, A comprehensive pharmacognostical study of Charakokta Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(4):54-63.
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© 2024by Naveen V, Siddalingaiah Veena Mand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Dravya has been given utmost importance to achieve the objective of Ayurveda i.e., Swasthasya Swastha Rakshanam, Aturasya Vikara Prashamanam.[1] Dravyas are classified elaborately in the Samhitas based on different factors and classification of Dravyas based on Karma are one among them. Charaka and Vridda Vagbhata have classified the drugs based on Karma and Shonitasthapana Karma is one such Karma.

Shonitasthapana Varga of Charaka consists of Madhu, Madhuka, Kunkuma, Mocharasa, Mritkapala, Lodhra, Gairika, Priyangu, Sharkara and Laja.[2,3] Shonita Sthapana Karma includes Karmas like Rakta Vardhana, Rakta Prasadhana and Rakta Stambhana and indicated in diseases like Raktapitta, Raktavikaras, Daha, Visha, Vrana etc.

The Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas draws ones attention due to its virtue of diversity of the drugs mentioned which includes Audhbida (Plant origin), Jangama (Animal origin), Parthiva Dravyas (mineral origin) and Ahara Dravya (food product).

The authenticity and purity of the Dravyas play an important role in performing their desired pharmacological actions in different diseases. In this context, it is imperative for a Vaidya to select a standard drug for treatment. The drugs of Shonitasthapana Varga are also most commonly adulterated either intentionally for profit, e.g.: Madhu, Madhuka, Kunkuma, Lodhra, Sharkara, Laja or unintentionally e.g.: Mocharasa, Gairika due to improper collection practices. Hence, a comprehensive pharmacognostical study of Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas becomes the essential component of drug standardization and same was undertaken in the present study

Materials and Methods

Source of samples

The dry drug samples of Yashtimadhu, Lodhra, Mocharasa, Priyangu, Kunkuma and Gairika were purchased from authentic sources; Organic samples of Madhu and Sharkara were procured from FSSAI approved company; Laja and Mritkapala were purchased from local market.

Pharmacognostic analysis

Organoleptic, morphological, microscopic and physicochemical analysis of the drugs Madhuka, Lodhra, Mocharasa, Priyangu, Kunkuma, Gairka were done as per the procedures mentioned in Ayurvedic Pharmacopiea of India.[4] Analysis of Madhu, Sharkara and Laja was conducted as per National Institute of Nutrition Guidelines.[5] Physicochemical analysis of Gairika, Mritkapala and Laja was done using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES)


Table 1: Organoleptic characteristics Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas

Name of the drugPartColourOdourTasteTexture
Madhu (Honey) Apis cerenaHoneyYellowish BrownCharacteristic, PleasantSweet, faintly acidicThick, Slimy, sticky fluid
Madhuka (Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn)Root PowderYellowish brownCharacteristicSweet, slightly bitterSlightly coarse
Rudhira/Kunkuma (Crocus sativus Linn)StigmaDark RedAromaticSlightly bitterFimbriate margin
Mocharasa (Bombax malabaricum DC)Gum resinBlackish brownOdourlessSlightly bitterGranulated, rough
Mritkapala (Pieces of Broken Earthern pot)PowderBlackish brownMuddySlightly sweetFine, slightly rough
Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa Roxb)Bark powderGreyish brownSlightly pungentAstringent, feebly bitterRough
Gairika (Haematite / Ferric oxide)Powder/ BhasmaReddish BrownCharacteristicFeebly sweetClayey, smooth
Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla Vahl)Inflorescence powderBrownCharacteristicBitter, slightly astringentSlightly coarse, slightly oily
Sharkara (Sugar)SugarBrown to yellowish brownPleasantSweetGranulated
Laja (Puffed rice of Oryza sativa Linn)Puffed riceWhite to Whitish brownCharacteristic/ Slightly fragrantFeebly sweetPuffy, soft

Macroscopic analysis of Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas

Madhu: Yellowish brown fluid, thick, syrupy with pleasant odour, soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol, sinks when put in water. (Fig. 1)

Madhuka (Root/stolon): External surface dark brown; longitudinally wrinkled; cut surface

shows a cambium ring about one third of radius from outer surface; coarsely fibrous in bark. (Fig. 2)

Lodhra (Stem Bark): Curved and channelled; outer surface uneven, greyish brown in colour; Internal surface whitish brown, granular and fibrous. (Fig. 3)

Gairika: Reddish brown, earthy, smooth powder. (Fig. 4)

Kunkuma: Stigma - trifid, dark red in colour, cornucopia shape, with fimbriate margin, about 25 mm long. (Fig. 5)

Mocharasa (Gum Resin): Dry resin, blackish brown in colour with impurities like bark of tree, insects’ infestation, soil particles etc; irregular in shape, rough. (Fig. 6)

Priyangu (inflorescence): Cymose, densely clothed with wooly hairs; peduncle cylindrical, densely haired. (Fig. 7)

Sharkara: Yellowish brown in colour; Granulated free from dirt and foreign matter. (Fig. 8)

Laja: Soft, light, whitish to whitish brown in colour prepared by roasting paddy. (Fig. 9)

Mritkapala: Blackish brown powder of earthern pot, rough in nature. (Fig. 10)

Fig. 1: Madhu
Fig. 2: Madhuka
Fig. 3: Lodhra
Fig. 4: Gairika
Fig. 5: Kunkuma
Fig. 6: Mocharasa
Fig. 7: Priyangu
Fig. 8: Sharkara
Fig. 9: Laja
Fig. 10: Mritkapala

Microscopic analysis of Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas
Madhu: Microscopic examination of Madhu shows pollens of different sizes and shapes (Fig. 11)

Fig 11: Microscopy of Honey showing different types of Pollens



Madhuka (Root/stolon): Powder microscopy of Madhuka showed presence of cluster of oval starch cells, pitted vessels, parenchyma cells, bundle of fibres, cork cells and calcium oxalate crystals.(Fig:12)

Kunkuma: Powder microscopy of stigma of Kumkuma showed presence of Pollen grains, anther sac, oil globules, parenchyma cells. Calcium crystals, stone cells, spiral vessels, group of vessels, fragment of trachea, fibres, epithelial cells, companion cells and epidermal cells were observed. (Fig: 13)

Mocharasa (Gum Resin): Powder microscopy of Mocharasa showed the presence of different shapes of calcium oxalate crystals, Starch cells, Stone cells, Pigment cells and calcium oxalate embedded in pigmented cells. (Fig.14)

Fig: 12: Microscopy of Madhuka

a. oval starch
b. Pitted vessels
c. Parenchyma cells
d. Fragment of parenchyma
e. Fibres
f. Cork cell
g. Calcium oxalate
h. Bundle of fibres
jaims_3281_31.JPG style=
i. Clusters of starch

Lodhra (Stem Bark): Microscopy of Lodhra stem bark powder showed the presence of Cork cells; Fragment of trachea; accicular crystals; bundles of fibres; fragment of fibres ; Clusters of starch granules; Scleroids (Stone cells); Pigment cells; fragment of trachea (vessels). (Fig:15)

Figure 13: Microscopy of Kumkuma

a. Pollen grain

b. Anther Sac
c. Calcium oxalate crystals
d. Spiral vessels

e. Companion cell
f. Epidermal cell
g. epithelial cell
h. Fibre
i. fragment of trachea
j. oil globules
k. Parenchyma cells
l. Stone cell

Figure 14: Microscopy of Mocharasa

a. Calcium oxalate

b. Pigment cell
c. Stone cell
d. Starch cells

e. Starch cells

f. Starch cells

g. Starch cells
h. Pigmented cells embedded in calcium oxalate

Figure 15: Microscopy of Lodhra

a. Cork cells

b.Fragment of trachea
c. accicular crystals
d. bundles of fibres
e. fragment of fibres
f. Clusters of starch granules

g. Scleroids (Stone cells)
h. Pigment cells
i. fragment of trachea (vessels)

Priyangu (Inflorescence): Powder microscopy of Priyangu inflorescence showed the presence of pollen grains, stellate hairs, trichomes, starch, vessels, fibers, anther sac, glandular trichomes, parenchyma cells, epidermal cells and pigmented cells. (Fig:16)

Sharkara: Microscopy of powdered Sharkara revealed various types and shapes of sugar crystals. (Fig: 17)

Figure 16: Microscopy of Priyangu

a. Pollen grain
b. Anther sac
c. Starch
d. Stellate hairs
e. Glandular trichome
f. Vessels
g. Parenchyma cells
h. Fibres
i. Pigmented cells
j. fragment of trichome
k. Epidermal cells
l. trichome

Fig 17: Microscopy of Sharkara – Sugar crystals



Laja: Microscopy of powder of puffed rice showed gelatinized starch cells with void spaces and air vacuoles imparting porous and expanded structure. (Fig: 18)

Fig 18: Microscopy of Laja

a. Starch cells
b. Starch cell with vacuoles

Physicochemical analysis of Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas.

Table 1: Physicochemical analysis of Madhuka, Kunkuma, Mocharasa, Lodhra, Priyangu[9-14]

DrugForeign matter (%)Total Ash (%)Acid-insoluble ash (%)Alcohol soluble extractive (%)Water soluble extractive (%)

Table 2: Physicochemical analysis of Sharkara[15]

Foreign matterNILNIL
Total Ash0.36 %NA
Moisture content0.05 %NMT 1.5% by wt.
Acid-insoluble ash0.33 %NMT 0.7 % by wt.
Sucrose67. 5 %NMT 93% by wt.
Sulphur dioxideAbsentAbsent

NMT - Not More Than; NLT - Not Less Than; wt. - Weight

Table 3: Physicochemical analysis of Madhu[8]

Wt. per ml at 250°13.75NLT 1.35 %
Moisture content (LOD)17.5 %NMT 25 % by wt.
Reducing sugars15.85NMT 65 % by wt.
Sucrose1.46NMT 5 % by wt.
Fructose – Glucose ratio2.15NLT 1 % by wt.
Ash0.03NMT 0.50 % by wt.
Acidity (expressed as Formic acid)0.1NMT 0.2 % by wt.
Fiehe’s TestNegativeNegative
Aniline chloride testNegativeNegative
Specific gravity @ 27°C1.0403NLT 1.35

Table 4: Physicochemical analysis of Mritkapala.

Test ParameterUnitTest ResultLimitsTest Method
Iron as Fe%5.2NAICP – OES
Calcium as Ca%0.59NAICP – OES
Phosphorous as P%0.05NAICP – OES
Sulphur as Sppm44NAICP – OES
Magnesium as Mg%0.35NAICP – OES
Potassium as K%0.42NAICP – OES
Aluminum as Al%6.6NAICP – OES
Silicon as Si%0.07NAICP – OES

NA - Not available

Table 5: Physicochemical analysis of Gairika[7]

Test ParameterUnitTest resultLimitsTest Method
Iron as Fe%18.0NLT 16 %ICP - OES
Hematite as Fe2O3%24.2NLT 21 %ICP - OES

Table 6: Physicochemical analysis of Laja[6]

Test ParameterUnitTest ResultTest Method
Sodium as Nappm30ICP – OES
Iron as Feppm43ICP – OES
Calcium as Cappm83ICP – OES
Zinc as Znppm86ICP – OES
Magnesium as Mgppm408ICP – OES
Potassium as Kppm1260ICP – OES
Selenium as Seppm0.6ICP – OES
Moisture%13.0IS: 7874 (P-1):1975
Ash%1.4IS: 7874 (P-1):1975
Protein%8.4IS: 7874 (P-1):1975
Fat%6.9IS: 7874 (P-1):1975
Carbohydrates%67.2By difference
EnergyKcal/100g364By Calculation


Organoleptic characteristics of the group as a whole revealed predominance of sweet and bitter taste,

which is an essential Rasa to act on diseases of Rakta. The odour was characteristic to the individual drugs of the group. The texture of Madhuka root powder and Lodhra stem bark powder was slightly rough due the fibrous nature of the drug. Mochrasa was granulated in nature as the gum resin was the part used. For Mritkapala powder, black pot was taken as Krishna Mrit is considered as best among the soil. The colour of blackish brown might be due the Samskara (heat) the pot has undergone to get the final product. The slight oiliness of Priyangu powder is due to the oil glands present in the drug and coarseness may be as result of pubescent nature of the flowers. Frimbriate margin is the characteristic feature of Kunkuma stigma.

The macroscopic characteristics of the plant origin drugs, Sharkara, Madhu and Gairika of the group were as per the pharmacopeial standards, Laja as per the ICMR guidelines.[6] There are no standardized parameters available for Mritkapala. Gairika was clayey, reddish brown and earthy in lustre.[7]

Microscopic analysis of Madhu showed presence of different sizes and shapes of pollen grains indicating that the honey is of multifloral variety, i.e., honey bees collected the nectar from different sources of the plants. Anther sac, pollen grains and parenchyma cells are characteristic microscopic features in flowers and were present in Priyangu and Kunkuma respectively. Pubescent nature of the inflorescence of Priyangu reveals the presence of stellate hairs and trichomes. The presence of cork cells, fragment of fibers is the common microscopic characteristic of stem bark and root, which was found in Madhuka and Lodhra. Starch cells were present in Madhuka, Mocharasa, Lodhra and Laja. Calcium oxalate crystals were present in Madhuka, Mocharasa and Lodhra.

Results of the Physicochemical analysis of Madhu,[8] Madhuka,[9] Kunkuma,[10] Mocharasa,[11,12] Lodhra,[13] Priyangu,[14] and Sharkara[15] were within the Ayurvedic pharmacopeial standards. Filter paper press test is a physical test conducted to check the presence of Glycerin or fixed oil, indicating adulteration of Kunkuma. Absence of translucent oily spots confirmed the purity of the drug Kunkuma. Sulphur di-oxide is used as bleaching agent in sugar industry to remove the colouring matter from sugar and also as a preservative. Sulphur dioxide can cause

respiratory issues like bronchitis, cough, wheezing, asthma etc. sulphur dioxide free sugar should be ideally used for consumption. Absence of sulphur dioxide is an important test parameter conducted for purity of sugar, and in the present study the sample of sugar/Sharkara was free from the same. Presence of high Reducing sugars and sucrose indicate the adulteration of honey and in the present study they were well within the normal limits, suggestive of pure honey sample. Invert sugar and table sugar (Sucrose) is the most common commercial adulterant added to the honey. Fiehe’s test and aniline chloride test are the test used to check the presence of invert sugar and sucrose respectively and in the present study the absence of the same indicate the purity of the honey. The presence of Hematite (Fe2O2) and iron as Fe is suggestive of purity of Gairika. Different minerals like iron, calcium, sulphur, aluminium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon were present in Mritkapala. Macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fat, potassium and micronutrients like sodium, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and selenium were present in Laja, indicating its utility as a Pathya in Ayurveda formulations specially for Raktapitta.


Shonitasthapana Varga consists of Dravyas of varied origins and these Dravyas are widely adulterated commercially due to their extensive utility as food and medicine in ayurveda practice. A comprehensive pharmacognostical study or analysis of this group of drugs in the above study will help the physician to use the pure and standard drug for therapeutics which in turn plays a critical role in action and effect of the drug on humans.


Dr. B R Lalitha, Former HOD and Professor, Department of Post Graduate Studies in Dravyaguna, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Bangalore.


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15. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. First Edition. Part 1, Vol VI. New Delhi: The controller of Publications Civil Lines, on behalf of Dept. of AYUSH, Government of India; 2008. Sharkara (Sugar); p 218.