A comprehensive pharmacognostical study of Charakokta Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas
Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas of Charaka consists of Audhbida (Madhuka, Lodhra, Mocharasa, Priyangu, Kunkuma), Jangama (Madhu), Parthiva (Gairika, Mritkapala) and Ahara Dravya (Laja, Sharkara). Potent pharmacological action of the drug depends on proper identification authentication and purity of the drug. Majority of the drugs of Shonitasthapana Varga are subjected to extensive adulteration commercially. Detailed pharmacognostic analysis of the group of drugs is indispensable before its utility in therapeutics. Samples of Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas were collected, procured or purchased from authentic sources and analyzed for their organoleptic, macroscopic, microscopic and physicochemical characteristics. The results of Madhu, Madhuka, Lodhra, Mocharasa, Priyangu, Gairika, Kunkuma and Sharkara were within the limits of Indian Pharmacopieal standards; Laja as per the Indian Council for Medical research guidelines. The Pharmacognostic analysis of Shonitasthapana Varga Dravyas helps in standardization and safe use of the drugs clinically on human subjects for its maximum therapeutic effects.
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