subjects, in 10 Kapha Prakruti subjects among 50, 50, 50 respectively.
Table 6: Days of appearance of Sphurshroni Payodharams Lakshana in different Prakruti individuals.
Day of Appearance | Vata Pradhana Prakruti | Pitta Pradhana Prakruti | Kapha Pradhana Prakruti | Total |
15th - 17th | 18 | 0 | 0 | 18 |
12th - 14th | 0 | 11 | 0 | 11 |
14th - 16th | 0 | 0 | 5 | 5 |
Out of 150 individuals, the Sphurshroni Payodharams Lakshana was observed in 18 Vata Prakruti subjects, in 11 Pitta Prakruti subjects, in 5 Kapha Prakruti subjects among 50, 50, 50 respectively.
By seeing the results in appearance of Peenam & Prasanna Lakshanas, Kapha Prakruti individuals are having more Peenam & Prasanna Lakshanas during ovulation period as compared to other Prakruti individuals. Because in Kapha Prakruti individuals, Kapha plays an imperative role in Beeja Nirmana. Kapha Prakruti individuals are having predominance of Tama Guna.
Tamo Guna has been considered as Prithvi & Jala Mahabhuta Pradhana & Kapha is also having same properties. Pruthvi & Jala plays important role in Nirman Prakriya. Acharya Charaka has mentioned Upachaya as one of the important Karma of Kapha. All these virtues help in formation of Beeja (Ovum). So, Beeja formation will happen properly so ovulation will also occur properly in Kapha Prakruti individuals. Because of this proper & healthy ovulation Peenam & Prasanna Lakshanas were observed more in Kapha Prakruti individuals as compare to other Prakruti.
By seeing the results in appearance of Narakmam Priyakatham & Harsha Lakshana, Vata Prakruti individuals had more Lakshanas of Narakmam Priyakatham & Harsha, because Vata Prakruti individuals have predominance of Rajasik Guna, because of this Raj Guna they are having more eagerness to hear love stories and they are more greedy about happiness.
By seeing the above results of Utsukya & Sphurahshroni Payodharams Lakshanas were observed more in Vata Prakruti individuals, because Vata Prakruti
individuals have Raja Guna predominance. Raja Guna is predominance of Vayu Mahabhuta. Main function of Vayu is Vibhajan. Ovum is formed in ovary by cell division. This function of cell division completed by Vata also helps in the release of oestrogen & progesterone during ovulation & Vata helps for escape of ovum from ovary & for ovulation. So, ovulation is the process which is initiated by Vata & Rajoguna. Because of its mobility, keeps these attributes in continuous site of activity.
Prakruti plays an important role in women during ovulation. Rutumati Lakhanas were observed in all three Pradhan Prakruti individuals during ovulation. Peenam, Prasannam, Narakam Priyakatham, Harsha, Utsukya and Sphurshron Payodharams were observed in, Vata Pradhana Prakruti individuals - 15th to 17th day. Pitta Pradhan Prakruti individuals - 12th to 14th day. Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individuals - 14th to 16th day.
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2. Acharya JT Susrutha samhita with Nibandha sangraha commentary of Dalhana. Reprint ed Varanasi (India): Chaukambha Sanskrit sansthan; 2014. P. 351.
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6. Acharya JT Susrutha samhita with Nibandha sangraha commentary of Dalhana. Reprint ed Varanasi (India): Chaukambha Sanskrit sansthan; 2014.
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