
Research Article

Rutumati Lakshnas

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 5 May

An observational study to evaluate Rutumati Lakshnas during ovulation period in different Prakruti

Vangi S1*

1* Savita Vangi, Associate Professor, Dept of Kriya Shareer, Dr BNM Ayurvedic Medical College PG RS Centre, Vijayapur, Karnataka, India.

Ovulation period is one of the most important phase which is a course of passing of menstrual period. Rutumati Lakshana’s are conditions of manifestation of physiological & psychological status experienced by women during ovulation period. Current studies identified age group of 18 - 35 yrs. (who is having regular menstrual cycle (at least for past 2 months). Objectives: To evaluate the variation of Rutumati Lakshana’s in different Prakruti during ovulation period. In present study questionnaire was given to assess the Deha Prakruti than it was categorized into 50 Vata, 50 Pitta and 50 Kapha Pradhana Prakruti, thereafter assessment of health status using HSQ - 2.0 and ovulation period using calendar method variation in Rutumati Lakshana’s are observed during period using self prepared questionnaire.

Keywords: Rutumati Lakshana, Prakruti, ovulation period

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Savita Vangi, Associate Professor, Dept of Kriya Shareer, Dr BNM Ayurvedic Medical College PG RS Centre, Vijayapur, Karnataka, India.
Vangi S, An observational study to evaluate Rutumati Lakshnas during ovulation period in different Prakruti. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(5):31-34.
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© 2024by Vangi Sand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ovulation is one of the most important phases of the menstrual cycle in which the ovum & egg cell is released through one of the ovaries. Ovulation is a passing phase that lasts for only 24 to 28hrs, which means 1 to 2 days.

Rutumati lakshna’s that are experienced during ovulation are defined as rapidly changing unpredictable moods. Women experience sudden flow of emotions. These emotions do not last for a long period. Kapha and vata plays important role in ovulation. The levels of female sex hormones like estrogen & progesterone keep on fluctuating throughout the duration of menstrual cycle including ovulation phase.

The rise and fall in the levels of these hormones & especially in the levels of estrogen are mostly responsible for the sudden change in Rutumati Lashana’s during ovulation.

Since ovulation is passing that last for only 24 to 28Hrs. which means 1 to 2 days, specific & targeted treatment is not necessary. Women’s may feel better by maintaining a few good habits like having a healthy diet, taking adequate rest & a good amount of sleep, drinking a lot of water, engaging her mind in things that makes to women happy. These things will definitely help to maintain the normal hormonal balance. The present study focuses on variations in Rutumati Lashana’s in different Prakruti’s during ovulation period.

Review of literature

Prakruti means manifestation of special characteristics due to predominance of Doshas[1] i.e., Body expressions are expressed in terms of external features or morphology of the body, physiology or functional response of various systems of body and mental or psychological response to different stimuli.

Ovulation is one of the most important phases of the menstrual cycle in which the ovum or egg cell is released through one of the ovaries. Ovulation is a passing phase that lasts for only 24 to 28 hrs. which means 1 to 2 days. Rutukal is a period in which ovulation takes place. It is of 12 days,[2] 16 days,[3] is for the whole month[4] or it is present even in the absence of menses.[5]

Female after 7 days of menstruation i.e., in Rutukala is called as Rutumati.

Acharya Charaka says that after the previous (Raja accumulated in previous Rutukala) is gone and new one has settled [one menstrual cycle is over and another has set in] and after taking the bath the woman possessing healthy Yoni, Garbhashaya and Shonita (healthy reproductive system and ovum) is termed as Rutukala.[6]

Acharya Sushruta and others are explained the characteristic features of Rutumati are, she looks bright and healthy, her mouth and teeth are moist, she is anxious to hear love stories and have sexual relation, her flanks, eyes and hair she has twitching over arms, breasts, pelvis, umbilicus, thighs and hips and is happy and excited. Importance of Rutukala is for conception; Acharya Charaka has emphasized on the healthy condition of reproductive system and ovulation, least abnormalities of these hamper fertilization, others have described just psychological changes.[7]

It is mentioned earlier that woman was kept secluded for three days, after that use of bath and adornment on fourth day and permission as anxiety to have sexual relation might be responsible for above mentioned changes.

Materials and Methods

Source of data

Apparently 150 healthy female subjects of age between 40 - 55 years were selected from S.J.G.A.M College and Hospital, Koppal, irrespective of caste, religion etc., who are fulfilling the criteria of inclusion were selected and their Deha Prakruti was assessed with the help of the questionnaire.

Method of collection of data

150 individuals were divided into 3 groups based on the Pradhanata of the Dosha which decides the Prakruti like Vata Pradhana, Pitta Pradhana and Kapha Pradhana. The health status was assessed using a standard questionnaire HSQ – 2.0.

Inclusion criteria

1. Apparently Healthy individuals with age group 18-35yrs

2. Who have regular menstrual cycle (at least past 2 months).

3. Married and Unmarried

Exclusion criteria

1. Who have Irregular menstrual cycle.

2. Who are on contraceptives.

3. Known Diabetics.

4. Hypertensive (uncontrolled)

5. Thyroid disorder

6. Who have conditions of uterine pathology (Uterine disorders)

7. Who have menstrual disorders.

Plan of study

1. Subjects who satisfy the inclusion criteria will be selected.

2. Assessment of Prakruti with the standard questionnaire.

3. Assessment of health status using HSQ-2.0.

4. Assessment of ovulation period with the help of Calendar method.

5. Assessment of Rutumati Lakshanas and characters of mood changes in ovulation period using self-prepared questionnaire.

Study duration

10 days for every individuals i.e., 5 days before and 5 days after the period of ovulation.

Assessment criteria

Subjective parameters

The self-prepared questionnaire consisted of Rutumati Lakshanas and characteristics of mood changes during ovulation period.

Results and Discussion

Table 1: Days of appearance of Peenam Lakshana in 150 different Prakruti individuals

Day of AppearanceVata Pradhana PrakrutiPitta Pradhana PrakrutiKapha Pradhana PrakrutiTotal
15th - 17th270027
12th - 14th024024
14th - 16th003333

Out of 150 individuals, the Peenam Lakshana

was observed in 27 Vata Prakruti subjects, in 24 Pitta Prakruti subjects, in 33 Kapha Prakruti subjects among 50,50,50 respectively.

Table 2: Days of appearance of Prasanna Lakshana in 150 different Prakruti individuals

Day of AppearanceVata Pradhana PrakrutiPitta Pradhana PrakrutiKapha Pradhana PrakrutiTotal
15th - 17th200020
12th - 14th028028
14th - 16th003737

Out of 150 individuals, the Prasanna Lakshana was observed in 20 Vata Prakruti subjects, in 28 Pitta Prakruti subjects, in 37 Kapha Prakruti subjects among 50,50,50 respectively.

Table 3: Days of appearance of Narakama Priyakatham Lakshana in 150 different Prakruti individuals

Day of AppearanceVata Pradhana PrakrutiPitta Pradhana PrakrutiKapha Pradhana PrakrutiTotal
15th - 17th330033
12th - 14th025025
14th - 16th001818

Out of 150 individuals, the Narakama Priyakatham Lakshana was observed in 33 Vata Prakruti subjects, in 25 Pitta Prakruti Subjects, in 18 Kapha Prakruti subjects among 50, 50, 50 respectively.

Table 4: Days of appearance of Harsha Lakshana in different prakruti individuals

Day of AppearanceVata Pradhana PrakrutiPitta Pradhana PrakrutiKapha Pradhana PrakrutiTotal
15th - 17th350035
12th - 14th023023
14th - 16th001212

Out of 150 individuals, the Harsha Lakshana was observed in 35 Vata Prakruti subjects, in 23 Pitta Prakruti subjects, in 12 Kapha Prakruti subjects among 50, 50, 50 respectively.

Table 5: Days of appearance of Utsukya Lakshana in different Prakruti individuals.

Day of AppearanceVata Pradhana PrakrutiPitta Pradhana PrakrutiKapha Pradhana PrakrutiTotal
15th - 17th350035
12th - 14th025025
14th - 16th001010

Out of 150 individuals, the Utsukya Lakshana was observed in 35 Vata Prakruti subjects, in 25 Pitta Prakruti

subjects, in 10 Kapha Prakruti subjects among 50, 50, 50 respectively.

Table 6: Days of appearance of Sphurshroni Payodharams Lakshana in different Prakruti individuals.

Day of AppearanceVata Pradhana PrakrutiPitta Pradhana PrakrutiKapha Pradhana PrakrutiTotal
15th - 17th180018
12th - 14th011011
14th - 16th0055

Out of 150 individuals, the Sphurshroni Payodharams Lakshana was observed in 18 Vata Prakruti subjects, in 11 Pitta Prakruti subjects, in 5 Kapha Prakruti subjects among 50, 50, 50 respectively.


By seeing the results in appearance of Peenam & Prasanna Lakshanas, Kapha Prakruti individuals are having more Peenam & Prasanna Lakshanas during ovulation period as compared to other Prakruti individuals. Because in Kapha Prakruti individuals, Kapha plays an imperative role in Beeja Nirmana. Kapha Prakruti individuals are having predominance of Tama Guna.

Tamo Guna has been considered as Prithvi & Jala Mahabhuta Pradhana & Kapha is also having same properties. Pruthvi & Jala plays important role in Nirman Prakriya. Acharya Charaka has mentioned Upachaya as one of the important Karma of Kapha. All these virtues help in formation of Beeja (Ovum). So, Beeja formation will happen properly so ovulation will also occur properly in Kapha Prakruti individuals. Because of this proper & healthy ovulation Peenam & Prasanna Lakshanas were observed more in Kapha Prakruti individuals as compare to other Prakruti.

By seeing the results in appearance of Narakmam Priyakatham & Harsha Lakshana, Vata Prakruti individuals had more Lakshanas of Narakmam Priyakatham & Harsha, because Vata Prakruti individuals have predominance of Rajasik Guna, because of this Raj Guna they are having more eagerness to hear love stories and they are more greedy about happiness.

By seeing the above results of Utsukya & Sphurahshroni Payodharams Lakshanas were observed more in Vata Prakruti individuals, because Vata Prakruti

individuals have Raja Guna predominance. Raja Guna is predominance of Vayu Mahabhuta. Main function of Vayu is Vibhajan. Ovum is formed in ovary by cell division. This function of cell division completed by Vata also helps in the release of oestrogen & progesterone during ovulation & Vata helps for escape of ovum from ovary & for ovulation. So, ovulation is the process which is initiated by Vata & Rajoguna. Because of its mobility, keeps these attributes in continuous site of activity.


Prakruti plays an important role in women during ovulation. Rutumati Lakhanas were observed in all three Pradhan Prakruti individuals during ovulation. Peenam, Prasannam, Narakam Priyakatham, Harsha, Utsukya and Sphurshron Payodharams were observed in, Vata Pradhana Prakruti individuals - 15th to 17th day. Pitta Pradhan Prakruti individuals - 12th to 14th day. Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individuals - 14th to 16th day.


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