An observational study to evaluate Rutumati Lakshnas during ovulation period in different Prakruti
Ovulation period is one of the most important phase which is a course of passing of menstrual period. Rutumati Lakshana’s are conditions of manifestation of physiological & psychological status experienced by women during ovulation period. Current studies identified age group of 18 - 35 yrs. (who is having regular menstrual cycle (at least for past 2 months). Objectives: To evaluate the variation of Rutumati Lakshana’s in different Prakruti during ovulation period. In present study questionnaire was given to assess the Deha Prakruti than it was categorized into 50 Vata, 50 Pitta and 50 Kapha Pradhana Prakruti, thereafter assessment of health status using HSQ - 2.0 and ovulation period using calendar method variation in Rutumati Lakshana’s are observed during period using self prepared questionnaire.
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