
Review Article

Sneha Murchchhana

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 7 JULY

A Critical Review on Sneha Murchchhana w.s.r. to Quality Control Assessment

Sanchaniya D1*, Umretia B2

1* Darshita Sanchaniya, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurved College, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

2 Bharti Umretia, Reader and Head, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurved College, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

Sneha Kalpana has been widely used dosage form in the treatment of various diseases since ancient times. Later on, the literature introduced the practice of the Sneha Murchchhana process before Snehapaka, which is intended to remove Ama Dosha, Gandha Dosha and also to acquire specific therapeutic properties in Sneha. The parameters such as pH, specific gravity, viscosity, refractive index, saponification values, acid value, iodine value, rancidity and peroxide value are used to evaluate the quality of Sneha. The present review is aimed to explore Sneha Murchchhana process, benefits and consequences on the quality control parameters of Sneha. For that, Ayurvedic literature, dissertation works and research articles available on websites related to Sneha Murchchhana have been reviewed. Based on the review it can be concluded that the physico-chemical characteristics of oil can be improved by using this process. Moreover, this process imparts good colour, odour, and antioxidant properties which are beneficial for heart health and also lower the risk of age-related muscular degeneration. In addition, it can be said that the decreased value of free fatty acid helps in increasing the stability of oil.

Keywords: Ancient oil refining process, Physico-chemical characteristics, Free fatty acid, Stability

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Darshita Sanchaniya, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurved College, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
Sanchaniya D, Umretia B, A Critical Review on Sneha Murchchhana w.s.r. to Quality Control Assessment. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(7):185-198.
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© 2024by Sanchaniya D, Umretia Band Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Sneha Kalpana is a widely used dosage form that has been mentioned in the treatment of various diseases since ancient times. Sneha includes Ghrita, Taila, Vasa and Majja. Among that, mainly Ghrita and Taila are used in many formulations.

The specific pharmaceutical process of Sneha Kalpana leads to the extraction of the active ingredients into oleaginous substances (Sneha like Ghrita, Taila, Vasa and Majja) from the liquid media (milk, curd, decoction and juice of herbal drugs) and Kalka (paste of medicated Dravya).

Heating is to be provided to Sneha till the specific end point parameters are achieved. Sneha Murchchhana is a procedure that is performed prior to Sneha Paka. First reference regarding Sneha Murchchhana was found as Taila Shodhana in Gudhartha Deepika commentary of Sharangdhara Samhita (16th Century). This is in context of Tila Taila.

The references of Tila Taila Murchchhana, Katu Taila Murchchhana and Eranda Taila Murchchhana was found separately in Bhaishajya Ratnavali (19th Century). First reference of Ghrita Murchchhana was also found in Bhaishajya Ratnavali.

The process is intended to remove Gandhadosha (unpleasant odour) from Tila Taila (sesame oil) and achieves good colour and odour.[1] It is carried out to remove Amadosha (Rancidity) from Katu Taila (mustard oil) and Ghrita. Sneha acquires certain therapeutic qualities as a result of this process.

There were various references have been found regarding Sneha Murchchhana in Ayurvedic texts since 16th century. This is most likely due to the fact that in the past, Acharyas prepared medicine specifically for their patients.

Subsequently, large-scale pharmaceutical product manufacturing began and thus to increase the shelf life of medicament this concept came into practice. Certain physico-chemical parameters like specific gravity, viscosity, refractive index, acid value, iodine value, saponification value, peroxide value and rancidity have been mentioned to evaluate the quality and purity of Sneha. Evaluations of these parameters are also necessary for its safety and efficacy on human health.

The specific ingredients used for Murchchhana process may lead to physico-chemical changes of Sneha (According to some contemporary authors, Sneha Murchchhana procedure raises (Medicated oil or Ghee) fraction of high-density lipoproteins, improves therapeutic effectiveness, and decreases rancidity. As a result, Sneha Murchchhana is critically reviewed using available scientific data as well as traditional sources within parameters of quality control. In end, the information gathered is utilized to create a discourse regarding role of Murchchhana process in Snehapaka.

Materials and Methods

Ayurvedic literatures were reviewed in order to obtain information about references for ingredients, proportion, and preparation method of Ghrita and Taila Murchchhana. The published research articles and dissertations pertaining to quality control parameters of Sneha Murchchhana have also been screened.

Result and Discussion

Review from classical texts

Total 21 classical texts have been referred for Sneha Murchchhana. On basis of reviewed texts, it can be conferred that texts titled Yogatarangini (16th Century), Gudhartha Deepika commentary of Sharangadhar Samhita (16th Century), Bhaishajya Ratnavali (19th Century), Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakara (19th Century), Rasatantrasara Evam Siddhaprayoga Samgraha (19th Century), Ayurveda Sara Samgraha (20th century), and Ayurvedic Formulary of India (20th century) contain references to Ghrita and Taila Murchchhana.

Ghrita Murchchhana

First reference of Ghrita Murchchhana was found in Bhaishajya Ratnavali and later it is followed by 4 texts titled Ayurveda Sara Samgraha, Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakara, Rasatantrasara Evam Siddhaprayogasamgraha and Ayurvedic Formulary of India. Details of ingredients for Ghrita Murchchhana according to different authors are tabulated in table 1.

B.R. - Bhaishajya Ratnavali, A.F.I. - Ayurvedic Formulary of India, A.S.S - Ayurveda Sara Sangraha, R.T.S.S.P.S - Rasatnatrasara evam Siddhaprayogasangraha, B.B.R. - Bharat Bheshaja Ratnakara

Table 1: List of ingredients with their Latin name used for GhritaMurchchhana

SNIngredientsLatin name/English nameB.R.[2] A.F.I.,[3] A.S.S.[4] R.T.S.S.P. S[5]B.B.R.[6]
1.  GoghritaGhee++
2.  PathyaTerminalia chebula Retz.++
3.  DhatriEmblica officinalis Gaertn.++
4.  BibhitakaTerminalia belerica Roxb.++
5.  MustaCyperus rotundus Linn.++
6.  RajaniCurcuma longa Linn.++
7.  Matulunga DravaCitrus medica Linn.++
8.  JalaWater+-

Taila Murchchhana

In classics, many oil seeds plants are used for preparation of medicated oil. Among them most commonly used Taila for medicinal purposes Tila, Sarshapa & Eranda. For that reason, Murchchhana process of these Taila mentioned in classics. References regarding Tila Taila Murchchhana were found in Gudhartha Deepika commentary of Sharangdhara Samhita & after that it described in Bhaishajya Ratnavali with slight modification in process.

In viewing usage of Katu Taila and Eranda Taila in many formulations, Acharya Govindadas Sen mention Murchchhana process for these two Taila which are referred by subsequent author. The details of Tila Taila, Eranda Taila and Katu Taila Murchchhana are enumerated in table no. 2, 3 and 4 respectively.

Table 2: List of ingredients with their Latin name for TilaTaila Murchchhana

IngredientsLatin name/ English nameSha.Sa[7]Yo.ta. [8]B.R. [9]A.F.I.[10]B.B.R[11]A.S.S[12]R.T.S.S.P.S[13]
Tila TailaOil of Sesamum indicum Linn.-+++++
ManjishthaRubia Cordifolia Linn.-+++++
HaridraCurcuma longa Linn.-+++++
LodhraSymplocos racemosa Roxb.-+++++
MustaCyperus rotundus Linn.-+++++
NalikaCinnamom tamala Nees-++++
AmalakiEmblica officinalis Gaertn.-++-++
HaritakiTerminalia chebula Retz.-+++++
BibhitakiTerminalia belerica Roxb.-+++++
Suchi PushpaPandanus tectorius Soland ex Parkinson-++-++
VatankuraFicus bengalensis Linn.-++VataJataVataJata+
GheekumaraAloe barbadensis Miller---+--
HriberaPavonia odorata Willd.---++-

Sha.Sa.: Sharangadhar Samhita, Yo.ta: Yoga Tarangini

Table 3: List of ingredients with their Latin name for ErandaTaila Murchchhana

SNIngredientsLatin name/ English nameB.R[14] A.F.I[15]B.B.R[16]A.S.S[17]R.T.S.S.P. S[18]
1.  Eranda TailaOil of Ricinus communis Linn.++++
2.  ManjishthaRubia cordifolia Linn.++++
3.  MustaCyperus rotundus Linn.++++
4.  DhanyakaCoriandrum sativum Linn.++++
5.  AmalakiEmblica officinalis Gaertn.+++-
6.  HaritakiTerminalia chebula Retz.+++-
7.  BibhitakiTerminalia belerica Roxb.+++-
8.  Vaijayantika Clerodendrum phlomidis Linn.+++-
9.  Hribera Pavonia odorata Willd.++++
10.  Vana KharjuraPhoenix dactylifera Linn.++++
11.  Vata ShungaFicus bengalensis Linn.++VatajataVatajata
12.  Haridra Curcuma longa Linn.++++
13.  DaruharidraBerberis aristate DC.+++Jatipatra
14.  NalikaCinnamomum tamala Nees. Eberm+-+-
15.  ShunthiZingiber officinale Roxb.++++
16.  KetakiPandanus tectorius Soland ex Parkinson++--
17.  Krishna JeerakaCarum carvi Linn.++++
18.  Dadhi Curd+-++
19.  KanjiSour gruel++++
20.  JalaWater++++

Table 4: List of ingredients with their Latin name for KatuTaila Murchchhana

SNIngredientsLatin name/ English nameB.R,[19]A.F.I[20]B.B.R[21]A.S.S[22]R.T.S.S.P.S[23]
1.  Katu TailaOil of Brassica campestris Linn.++++
2.  HaritakiTerminalia chebula Retz.+---
3.  RajaniCurcuma longa Linn.++++
4.  MustaCyperus rotundus Linn.++++
5.  BilvaAegle marmelos Corr.++++
6.  DadimaPunica granatum Linn.++++
7.  KesharaMesua ferrea Linn.++++
8.  Krishna JeerakaCarum carvi Linn.++++
9.  HriberaPavonia odorata Willd.++++
10.  NalikaCinnamomum tamala Nees. Eberm+-+-
11.  ManjishthaRubia cordifolia Linn.+--+
12.  BibhitakiTerminalia belerica Roxb.++++
13.  AmalakiEmblica officinalis Gaertn.-+++
14.  PippaliPiper longum Linn.-+--
15.  TwakCinnamomum zeylanicum Blume--++
16.  JalaWater+-++

Dissertation works

Total 6 Dissertation works related to Sneha Murchchhana have been cited for the quality control parameters such as pH, specific gravity, unsaponifiable matter, acid value, iodine value, peroxide value, and saponification value which conducted in the respective works and also its significances on clinical trials have been referred. The details of dissertation work related to Sneha Murchchhana with their findings are enlisted in table no. 5.

Table 5: Showing Dissertation works related to Sneha Murchchhana

SNName of Dissertation workYearAuthorConclusion
1.  A Comparative Pharmaco-Clinical Study of Pancatikta Ghrita Prepared by Different Methods in Ekakustha (Psoriasis)2000Dr. Raju BarvaliaThe saponification value is less in group A in comparison to other groups and there was an increase in unsaponifiable matter in the same group but not much difference was found in other quality control parameters. Panchatikta Ghrita prepared in group A with Ghrita Murchchhana and Triphala Kalka, in group B Panchatikta Ghrita prepared from Murchchhita Ghrita, and in group C Panchatikta Ghrita made without Ghrita Murchchhana. therapeutic effectiveness of all three groups and discovered significant improvements in 55.5% of patients for group A, 35.93% in group B, and 29.31% in group C.[24]
2.  A comparative pharmaceutical-clinical study of different samples of Pancha-Tikta Ghrita with its effect on Eka-Kushtha2004Dr. Zala UpendraIn the quality control parameter, it is noted that there is a comparative increase in acid value, iodine value, and unsaponifiable matter but a decrease in saponification value. After Murchchhana process. Panchatikta Ghrita was prepared in Group A by Ghrita Murchchhana and Triphala Kalka and in Group B by Ghrita Murchchhana. Group C Panchatikta Ghrita (without Triphala Kalka and Amurchchhita Ghrita) group D only Murchchhita Ghrita. Group A was superior to the other groups in results. Significant improvements were observed in Group A at 55.05%, group B at 35.93%, and group C at 29.31%.[25]
3.  Pharmaceutical standardization of Ksheerabala Taila with special reference to the concept of Taila Murchchhana and its shelf-life study2005Arathi TSAn increase in specific gravity, pH, acid value, and free fatty acid but a decrease in unsaponifiable matter and peroxide value revealed that the process of Sneha Murchchhana will help in increasing the chemical stability of oil due to antioxidants present in the Murchchhana Dravya.[26]
4.  Scientific evaluation of Sneha Kalpana with special reference to Pancha Tikta Ghrita (Pharmaceutical, Analytical & Clinical)2016Namrata ShahIn this study difference was found between the analytical parameter of Murchhita Ghrita and Goghrita are as there is decrease in specific gravity, Iodine value, Unsaponifiable matter and increase in refractive index, Acid value, saponification value, peroxide value of Murchhita Ghrita.[27]
5.  A Pharmaceutico analytical and Experimental study of Manjishtadyam Ghrita Murchchitha and Amurchchitha W S R to Its wound Healing2017Indu V LThere is deduction of Acid value, Saponification value, iodine value, peroxide value and induction in Specific gravity and viscosity of Murchhita Manjishtadyam Ghrita. In wound healing activity Murchhita and Amurchhita Manjishtadyam Ghrita provided the same result.[28]
6.  Pharmacetico analytical study of Gunjadya Taila prepared by using Murchchhita and Amurchchhita Tila Taila and evaluation of its antimicrobial activity and sub-acute dermal toxicity study in albino rats2024Dr. Gunja DahikarIncrease in Specific gravity, refractive index, and saponification value of Murchchhita Gunjadya Taila (MGT) while decreasing in acid value, peroxide value. Thus, it may be concluded that due to Murchchhana process the stability of oil can be increased. HPTLC analysis, MGT one extra peak was found from AGT (Amurchchhita Gunjadya Taila) which indicates that, may be some new compound get formed during the Murchchhana process. Microbial contamination was absent in both the sample. MGT and AGT shows significant antimicrobial activity against staphylococcus aureus. Against E. coli and Candida albicans, MGT shows higher zone of inhibition than AGT. Gunjadya Taila found safe in subacute dermal toxicity studies.[29]

Research articles

Total 20 Scientific research publishing in open access journal related to Sneha Murchchhana has been listed in table no. 6 with their results on quality control parameters and therapeutic efficacy.

Table 6: Showing the research articles related to Sneha Murchchhana

SNName of Research ArticleAuthorName of JournalConclusion
1.  Effect of Murchchhana Samskara in the preparation of Hingutriguna Taila- An Analytical Study.Hiremath et al.Biomed & Pharmacol. J, Vol. 6, Issue:2, 2013It was observed that specific gravity is increased in the medicated oil prepared with Murchchhita Eranda Taila where as other analytical values like refractive index, saponification values and acid values are decreased, in comparison to the medicated oil prepared by taking ordinary Eranda Taila from the market.[30]
2.  Ghrita Murchchhana with respect to comparative physico-chemical analysis of Plain Ghrita and Murchchhita GhritaDr. Neelam ChoudharyIJAPR, Vol. 3, Issue: 4, April 2015There was decrease in specific gravity, refractive index, total ash, acid value, ester value, and saponification value, unsaponifiable matter and an increase in loss on drying, and iodine value. When Ghrita is subjected to Murchchhana, it becomes a better medium for the drug's solubility and acquires all the special qualities that can be used to boost the drug's effectiveness.[31]
3.  Role of Murchchhana Samskara in the preparation of medicated Ghrita w.s.r. to Panchtikta GhritaPankaj RaiIAMJ, Vol.3, Issue: 8, August 2015It was found that there are increases in specific gravity and alleviation in refractive index, saponification value, and acid value. It can be inferred that the Murchchhana process lessens the degree of saturation in Ghrita and improves the level of unsaturation which is good for human health.[32]
4.  A study on Taila Murchana with a comparative analysis
of Panchapallava Murchita Tila Taila, Manjishtaadi Yoga
Murchita Tila Taila and Amurchita Tila Taila
Dr. Ebin T U et al.IJARIIE, Vol.2, Issue:1 2016In this study, Specific gravity and refractive index of all three samples of Tila Taila i.e. Panchapallava Murchita Tila Taila (PMT), Manjishtaadi Yoga Murchita Tila Taila (MMT) and Amurchita Tila Taila (AMT) were almost similar. While Acid value of PMT and AMT was nearer and it is decrease in MMT. Very less moisture content is present in MMT in comparison to PMT and AMT. while iodine value was increased and saponification value was decreased after Murchana in PMT and MMT. Therefore, it may be established that Murchana with Panchapallava group of drugs is also effective in optimizing pharmacopeial standard parameters in concern with Sneha Kalpana.[33]
5.  Pharmaceutico - Analytical study of Shrungatakadi Taila using the concept of Taila Murchchhana (Oil Processing)Juhi UbaleJournal of research in traditional medicine, Vol. 3, Issue: 2, Mar-Apr 2017Physicochemical parameters like specific gravity, refractive index, acid value, and saponification value were increased and Unsaponifiable matter, iodine value and peroxide value were decreased. It can be hypothesized that the Murchchhana procedure is highly significant in generating product stability for greater medicinal efficacy.[34]
6.  Assessment of significant role of Murchana Samskara of Ghrita by
Physico-chemical analysis
Vinay R. Kadibagil et. al.IJRAP, Vol.8 (Suppl 2), 2017Analytical values show increase in the specific gravity, saponification value, iodine value and decrease in Acid value and Viscosity of Murchhita Ghrita. Murchana process increasing stability and facilitates better dissolution of bio constituents in Ghrita.[35]
7.  A conceptual review on Taila MurchchhanaSwamy Akshata et al.IJRAPS, Vol.1, Issue:1, July 2017The herbal drug used in the Murchchhana may act as an antioxidant, increasing the chemical stability of oils. Since the Murchchhana Dravya itself has high therapeutic significance, it can be said that this will ultimately contribute to better therapeutic efficacy of the medicated oil than oil prepared without Murchchhana.[36]
8.  Assessment of significance of Samskara in the preparation of Sukumara Ghrita by
Physico-chemical analysis
Vinay R. Kadibagil et. al.International research journal of pharmacy, Vol.9, Issue: 8, Aug. 2018Sukumara Ghrita prepared with Murchita Ghrita has more refractive index, specific gravity, saponification value, Iodine value and less Acid value and viscosity. It can be ascertained that Murchita Ghrita attributes better quality of absorption, distribution, bio-availability, metabolism and therapeutic action.[37]
9.  Comparative physico – chemical analysis of Amurchchhita and Murchchhita samples of Tila Taila, Katu Taila and Eranda Taila w.s.r. to Bhaishajya RatnavaliDr. Shardul ChavanAyurpub, Vol.3, Issue: 5, Sep.-Oct. 2018Quality control parameters indicate that there is significant decrease in viscosity, saponification value and acid value but not much difference in other parameters in Murchchhita Tila Taila, Katu Taila, and Eranda Taila. Also, it can be observed that there was a decrease in specific gravity and density of the Murchchhita Eranda Taila sample in comparison to Murchchhita Tila Taila and Murchchhita Katu Taila.[38]
10.  Bhallatakadi Ghrita: Development and evaluation with reference to Murchchhana and Shata-Dhauta processSandesh R. WayalJAIM, Vol. 11, July 2020It was mentioned that the Murchchhana of ghee modifies the solubility pattern and absorbability of the Ghrita formulation in addition to maintaining the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fats. The herbs utilized in the Murchchhana method, known for their strong antioxidant and anti-lipid peroxidation characteristics, play a key role in preventing oxidative damage to Ghrita. These plants were also known to improve the palatability of Ghrita formulation in terms of colour, odour, and medicinal effect.[39]
11.  Studies on Ashwagandha Ghrita with reference to Murcchana process and storage conditionsNilambari S.Gurav et. al.Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Vol.2, Issue:3
Sep.2020, p.243-249
Acid value, refractive index and specific gravity increase while iodine value and saponification value decrease which indicates Ashwagandha Ghrita prepared with Murcchana process exhibited better antioxidant potential in all in vitro methods.[40]
12.  Hypolipidemic activity of Panchatikta Ghrita prepared by Amurchita
and Murchita Ghrita
Vinay R. KadibagilInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical science and research, Vol. 12, Issue 8, Aug. 2021, p. 4302-4306In this Animal study Panchatikta Ghrita prepared with Murchita Ghrita shows decrease in Total cholesterol, LDL and Triglycerides while increase in HDL which indicates Murchana Samskara attributes Hypolipidemic activity.[41]
13.  Assessment of Effect of Murchana in Ark Taila on the basis of Physicochemical ParametersPurohit et. al.Journal of Ayurveda 15(3): Jul-Sep 2021Decrease in viscosity, Acid value, peroxide value, iodine value and increase in specific gravity, saponification value indicates that Murchana process increases the shelf life and clinical efficacy of Sneha Dravya.[42]

14.  Role of Murchchhana Samskara in the preparation of medicated Ghrita w.s.r. to Panchagavya GhritaVd. Priyanka TamaneIJMHS, Vol. 8, Issue:1, Jan-Mar 2022Analytical values, such as refractive index, saponification value, and acid values are decreased when compared to specific gravity which is increased in Murchchhita Ghrita.[43]
15.  Pharmaceutical and Analytical Study of Gandharva Haritaki Prepared by Murchchhita and Amurchhita Eranda Taila and Comparative Assessment for In Vitro Bio-AccessibilityAnjali S KatoreJournal of systematic review Pharmacy, Vol.14, Issue:3, Feb- Mar 2023.Sneha receives antioxidants from Murchchhana Dravya. Sneha is chemically stable and easily absorbed by the body. When treated with particular medications for particular objectives. Sneha has a strong penetrating power and may dissolve active elements of medicines used for Murchchhana.[44]
16.  Comparative study of physico-chemical analysis of Changeri Ghrita prepared with Murchita and Amurchita GhritaGayatri Nandkumar PatilInternational Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, Vol.11, Issue:2, Feb.2023, pg. 71-77Increase in Specific gravity, refractive index, saponification value, iodine value and decrease in viscosity, Acid value, peroxide value of Murchita Changeri Ghrita indicates that antioxidants were added during Murchana. Ghrita becomes beneficial for health.[45]
17.  An observational study on Sneha Kalpana according to Murchchhita and Amurchchhita Ghrita – a review studyDr. Sweta SahayJETIR, Vol. 10, Issue: 5, May 2023There was an increase in refractive index, loss on drying, total ash, and iodine value, and a decrease in acid value, ester value, saponification value, and unsaponifiable matter. Murchchhana introduces enhancements in analytical criteria to make sure that the risk of medicated Sneha components decomposing and oxidation is reduced to a minimum.[46]
18.  An observational study on Sneha Kalpana based Murchhita and Amurchhita GhritaDr. Munesh YadavJRTDD, Vol. 6, issue: 1, August 2023It is evident that Murchhana modifies the pattern of absorbability and solubility required to produce the best possible medical effects. Decrease in Specific gravity refractive index, Acid value, Saponification value and increase in iodine value.[47]
19.  Spectroscopic evaluation of sesame and mustard oils treated with Murchana methodS Deekshitha et.al.Lasers in medical science, 39:99, April 2024UV–visible absorption spectroscopy indicates decrease in carotenoids (responsible for oxidation) after Murchana process in sesame oil suggests slow oxidation of oil after Murchana. Absorption peak for chlorophyll is lower in the case of Murchitha mustard oil compared to the Amurchitha mustard oil, reduced chlorophyll content indicates a possible delay in the oxidation of the oils which is indicated decrease in the iodine value, peroxide value and acid value of the Murchitha oil. Fluorescence spectroscopy indicates reduction of the components contributing to oil oxidation and rancidity in Murchitha mustard and sesame oil.[48]
20.  Comparative Physico-Chemical Standardization of Kushmanda Ghrita Prepared by Using Murchhita and Amurchhita GhritaSavani AS et. al.IJAHR, Vol.02, Issue:1, 2024In this study Murchita Kushmanda Ghrita shows higher specific gravity and acid value while Lesser saponification value, iodine value and peroxide value.[49]


While reviewing the classical literature on Sneha Murchchhana, it was found that the Aacharya Chakrapani used the term ‘Murchchhita first time as Khaja Murchchhita in the context of Manthana (churning).[50] Subsequently, a thorough explanation on Sneha Murchchhana was found with its procedure and advantages. Murchchhana of Taila and Ghrita, two of Chaturvidha Sneha (i.e., Taila, Ghrita, Vasa and Majja) have been found in classical texts. No references of Vasa and Majja Murchchhana were found in any of the literature. Acharya Govindadas Sen has described three kinds of Taila i.e., Tila Taila (Oil of Sesamum indicum Linn.), Katu Taila (Oil of Brassica campestris Linn.) and Eranda Taila (Oil of Ricinus communis Linn.) because in Taila preparation, these three varieties of Taila are commonly used in internal and external administration. The process to remove Dushtagandhadi Dosha (foul smell) from Taila was found in Gudhartha Deepika Commentary of Sharangadhar Samhita. The method for Taila Shodhana was mentioned in Yogatarangini. The first reference regarding the term Sneha Murchchhana was found in Jvara Chikitsa of Bhaishajya Ratnavali.

The pharmaceutical method of Sneha Murchchhana is similar in almost all the texts; however, two texts, Yogatarangini and Rastantrasaar Evam Siddhaprayog Sangraha have a slight variation in the process. In the text, Yogatarangini, Taila was kept in clay for one day and then it was processed with decoction, milk, and paste of aromatic substance.[51] The text, Rastantrasaar Evam Siddhaprayog Sangraha states to perform Sneha Paka first and after the completion of Paka, it should be kept under sunlight for seven days.[52]

The author of Bhaishajya Ratnavali has cited the method of Ghrita Murchchhana. GhritaMurchchhana is performed to eliminate Aamdosha (rancidity) and it increases the Virya (potency). While Tila Taila Murchchhana is performed to remove Dushtagandhadi Dosha (Bad smell) and it imparts good odour and colour. Katu Taila Murchchhna is also performed to remove Amadosha. Amadosha can be correlated with rancidity. Oxidation and hydrolysis are the two main factors that are responsible for the rancidification of fat. The taste and odor of lipids are disagreeable because of their oxidation or hydrolysis into short-chain aldehydes and peroxides.

That has been reported to be carcinogenic and increases aging, cholesterol level, and body weight while used for a long duration.[53] This Murchchhana process also prevents lipid peroxidation and imparts antioxidant characteristics to enhance the therapeutic effects of the medicated Sneha. There are certain factors like moisture content, free fatty acids, phosphatides and other substances that can change the Physico-chemical characteristics of oil. Removal of these factors is the objective of the refinement of oil. Refining is the process in which alkali is added to neutralize the free fatty acids and is removed in the form of soap stock. Sometimes acid is also used for the refining process and it is intended to remove phosphatides. In one research work, it is mentioned that bleaching clay (clay processed with formic acid or acetic acid) was used for the treatment of waste engine oil[54] which can be compared with the method of Taila Shodhana mentioned in Yogatarangini.

Tila Taila, Katu Taila and Eranda Taila have different physico-chemical parameters. The specific gravity of Amurchchhita Tila Taila, Katu Taila, and Eranda Taila were 0.9170, 0.9110, and 0.9650 respectively, which reduced to 0.9030, 0.9110, and 0.9380 after the Murchchhana process. Specific gravity is dependent on the composition present in the oil. There is an increase in the specific gravity of oil if there are increase in aromatic compounds and a decrease in saturated fatty acids which is good for health.[55] Ash value is the residue remaining after incineration and it increases after the Murchchhana process as there is an increase in the solid content of Sneha. Before Murchchhana process, the values of viscosity were 79.30, 342.17, 93.15 which was increased to 82.81, 354.68, 81.42 respectively after Murchchhana. If the viscosity of any liquid is decreased, it will help in easy absorption in the human body. Thus, the Murchchhana process increases the absorption rate of Sneha Dravya. The values of Refractive index were also increased from 1.4707, 1.4708, and 1.4804 to 14708, 1.4709, 1.4805 respectively. The refractive index is the fundamental physical property of a substance, which is often used to identify a particular substance, confirm its purity, or measure its concentration. The decreased refractive index value suggests that there is a decrease in density, which can be due to the heating process in that molecules of Sneha are spread apart and thus same mass of fat occupies a larger volume.

A significant decrease from 222.66, 109.23, and 247.62 to 155.67, 92.33, and 162.44 respectively in saponification value after Murchchhana process was observed. The saponification value is measure of average molecular weight (or chain length) of all the fatty acids. A decrease in Saponification value indicates that there is an increase in long-chain fatty acids which are beneficial for heart health and also lower risk of age-related muscular degeneration. It was also found in research that long-chain fatty acids play an important role in return of homeostasis process and resolution of inflammation.[56] Acid value of Amurchchhita Tila Taila, Katu Taila and Eranda Taila were 5.83, 3.37 and 1.68 which is decreased after Murchchhana as 5.5, 2.69 and 0.34. The acid value indicates amount of free fatty acids present in fat. A lowered acid value indicates a lower percentage of free fatty acids. Short-chain fatty acids and medium-chain fatty acids are primarily absorbed through portal vein during lipid digestion, whilelong-chain fatty acids are packed into chylomicrons, enter lymphatic capillaries and then transfer to blood at subclavian vein.[57] Iodine value was increased from of 0.050, 0.101 and 0.025 to 0.151, 0.195 and 0.028 subsequently after Murchchhana.[58] The iodine value is used to determine the amount of unsaturated content in fatty acids. It indicates degree of unsaturation in oil components. As iodine value increases also, there is an increase in unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fat improves blood cholesterol levels, stabilizes heart rhythms, and decreases inflammation.[59]


The ingredients used for Sneha Murchchhana process possesses good colour, odour, and antioxidant properties which help to prevent rancidification of oil through inhibition of hydrolysis and peroxidation. Consequently, it aids in prevention of disease that occurs due to intake of rancid oil. Based upon findings of quality control parameters of Murchchhita Sneha, it can be said that decreased value of free fatty acids helps in increasing stability of Sneha. The Murchchhana process increases long-chain fatty acids and unsaturated fat which are beneficial for human health. After considering all things it can be concluded that Sneha Murchchhana process imparts good colour and odour to Sneha with increased therapeutic efficacy and shelf life.


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