A Critical Review on Sneha Murchchhana w.s.r. to Quality Control Assessment
Sneha Kalpana has been widely used dosage form in the treatment of various diseases since ancient times. Later on, the literature introduced the practice of the Sneha Murchchhana process before Snehapaka, which is intended to remove Ama Dosha, Gandha Dosha and also to acquire specific therapeutic properties in Sneha. The parameters such as pH, specific gravity, viscosity, refractive index, saponification values, acid value, iodine value, rancidity and peroxide value are used to evaluate the quality of Sneha. The present review is aimed to explore Sneha Murchchhana process, benefits and consequences on the quality control parameters of Sneha. For that, Ayurvedic literature, dissertation works and research articles available on websites related to Sneha Murchchhana have been reviewed. Based on the review it can be concluded that the physico-chemical characteristics of oil can be improved by using this process. Moreover, this process imparts good colour, odour, and antioxidant properties which are beneficial for heart health and also lower the risk of age-related muscular degeneration. In addition, it can be said that the decreased value of free fatty acid helps in increasing the stability of oil.
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