
Case Report

Male Infertility

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 10 OCTOBER

Study the Vrushya effect of Bastand Ksheer Basti in Ksheena Shukra with special reference to Male Infertility

Shah TM1*, Dhomse K2

1* Tirth Mihir Shah, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Panchakarma, Ymt Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

2 Kalpana Dhomse, HOD and Professor, Dept of Panchakarma, YMT Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Male infertility which has substantial 76.7% increase in the last decade in India. The affected area of this problem has no bar irrespective of metro cities as well as small town population. Due to dietary and lifestyle changes in modern era, cases of male infertility are rising. Ayurved mentions various causes of Shukradushti which leads to Vandhyatva. This study was an approach for practical application of Samanya-Vishesh Siddhant in male infertility. Testicles of goat were used for preparation of Siddha Ksheer for Yapan Basti. Basti Karma plays a major role in Ksheen Shukrajanya Avastha. This study mainly focuses on Shukrajanan effect; hence all the patients were previously treated by Shodhan Chikitsa for Shukrashuddhi before the administration of Bastand Ksheer Basti. This study was performed on 5 patients with age ranging in between 20-40 years. Sperm count below 15 million/ml with primary infertility with Pratyatmaka Lakshana of Kshinashukra. Patients were given above Basti regimen for 8 days. Bastand Ksheer Basti was prepared and administered.

Findings: All Five patients have shown significant effect on objective pathological parameters of semen analysis. Two patients got successfully treated for infertility and are presently under Gynecological observation for their partner’s ANC. There is a wide scope of using this simple Samanya-Vishesh Siddhant and Shukradushti Chikitsa in male infertility.

Keywords: Male infertility, Bastand Ksheer Basti, sperm count, Panchkarma

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Tirth Mihir Shah, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Panchakarma, Ymt Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Shah TM, Dhomse K, Study the Vrushya effect of Bastand Ksheer Basti in Ksheena Shukra with special reference to Male Infertility. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(10):290-293.
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© 2024by Shah TM, Dhomse Kand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Sushruta (Father of Indian surgery) mentions four important factors essential for fertility in a human being, i.e. Ritu (reproductive period), Kshetram (female reproductive tract), Ambu (nutritional factors), and Beejam (sperm and ovum).[1] Here well-being of all four factors not only essential for fertility but also for Supraja - healthy progeny. But even after so many advancements in medical innovations, one in every four couples in developing countries is affected by infertility and out of the fertile couples also, the delayed fertility or chances of unhealthy progeny are the hidden problems which showcases somewhere due to Beeja Dushti (improper Sperm or ovum).

Amongst these barriers in healthy progeny, Male infertility number is substantially increased in last decade by 76% in India.[2] Reason for the same maybe due to increased availability for testing, documentation and awareness that, Male can also be Infertile. Among this issue, major concern which causes male infertility is oligospermia - which resembles Ksheena-Shukra as per Ayurvedic literature. There are multiple options while searching for treatment of the same, Aahar, Aushadh, Basti Chikitsa.

Basti Chikitsa is a type of Panchkarma (procedure based treatment) which plays very important role in treatment. Basti is a procedure in which medicine prepared in different formulations is given through anal canal and which travels upto Pakvashay and either eliminates Utkleshit Doshas or nourishes the Dhatus which with-holds the Body. In Ksheena-Shukra - Ayurved has Yapana Basti as a treatment. Yapana Basti is mainly indicated for nourishment of components of the body. While thinking about Shukra-Janan (increase in sperm count). Here Samanya Vishesh Siddhant comes to the rescue. Siddhant based on the qualities of substances which either increases or decrease quality and quantity of Dravya, Guna and Karma.[2]

Thus with this understanding, Testicles of Goat (Dravya Samanya) was used for Yapan Basti for Shukrajanan in primary infertility for the present study.


To study the Vrushya effect of Bastand Ksheer Basti.


To study effect of Bastand Ksheer Basti on Sperm count, Sperm motility, Concentration and viability before and after the treatment.

Materials and Methods

Consecutive incidental sampling study (Case Series)

Patients included - Number of patients - 5
Age - 20-35 years, male
Oligospermia (Sperm count below 15 million/ml)
Primary infertility
Intervention - Bastand Ksheer Basti

Materials required

1. For Basti procedure

Tila Taila, Nadiswedan Yantra, syringe or enema pot, rubber catheter

2. For Preparation of Basti Drava

(Ashwagandha + Kronchbeej + Devdar + Bala + Guduchi) for decoction.
Goat testicles - 1 pair (60-70 gms approx.) for each Basti Pranidhan.
Cow milk (Godugdha 150 ml) per administration
Water - around 600 ml.

Method of preparation of Basti Drava

Step 1: Dravya for decoction 30 gms + Bastand (testicles of goat - after cleaning ) added in 600 ml of water and Siddha decoction prepared - 150 ml

Step 2: Ksheer-Kashay method - 150 ml above decoction + 150 ml Cow Milk
Boiled until 150 ml remains = 150 ml dose of each Basti administration

Figure 1: Bastand Siddha Ksheer Kashay (For Basti)

SOP of Basti - Basti administered followed by Sthanik Snehan and Swedan as per routine method. After that, Bastand Ksheer Basti was administered in left lateral position
Total Duration - 8 days

Table 1: Case Report and General Observation

Case ReportPatient 1Patient 2Patient 3Patient 4Patient 5
Age (in years)3132303529
OccupationBusinessTradingLabourChemical engineerIT job
Primary infertility since (in years)4.56383
Mean of Basti Dravya Retention time1.5 hours2 hours40 mins30 mins3 hours
Semen analysis reportsBTATBTATBTATBTATBTAT
Sperm concentration (Millions /ml)8 mil/ml60 mil/ml4 mil/ml12 mil/ml12 mil/ml18 mil/ml8 mil/ml16 mil/ml12
mil/ ml
40 mil/ml
Motility50 %50 %40 %40 %64%50%33%33%40%40%


After administration of Basti, Mean of retention time of Basti Dravya was recorded as per table 1. Time required for each procedure was hardly 15 minutes per day for every patient. Testicles of Goat were available at local vendor and were not much expensive. Basti was administered by dripping method (using gravity) which improved retention time of Basti Drava.

As the dose of Basti was 150ml, any specific precautions were not required during the study duration. None of the five subjects faced any adverse effects during or after administration of Basti.

This study was mainly aimed to see the effect of Bastand Ksheer Basti on Sperm count, Sperm motility, concentration and viability but other factors of semen analysis was also analyzed.

As mentioned in Table 1, sperm count and concentration in all five subjects were significantly improved with lowest of them measuring about 12 million/ml after the trial. Although Motility, viability, pH morphology remains unchanged.


1. Simplified Samanya-Vishesh Siddhant[3] - The specific Gunas and Karmas of Dravyas which either increases or decrease quality and quantity of Dravya, Guna and Karma. Therefore, Dravya (food and medicines, etc.), Guna (small, large, hot, cold and dry, etc. properties of Dravya) and Karma (exercise, mediation, Yoga, swimming, sleeping and massage, etc.) helps to maintain equilibrium of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala and Agni. Previously Gunasamanya (Madhura, Sheeta, Snigdha, Picchila, Guru Guna Dravya e., Gunas which increases Shukradhatu) concept is routinely practiced for Shukrajanan in oligospermia patients. But, here effort was made to implement Dravya-Samanya - testicles of goat for Shukra-Janan.

2. Theory of zinc for spermatogenesis[5] - Zn is assembled in the testis during early spermatogenesis and may play a main role in the adjustment of the spermatogonial reproduction and in the meiosis of germ cells. Mostly, Zn assembles in germ cells and its concentration in testis increments during spermatogenesis. That’s why Zn is not detectable in either interstitial tissue or sterol cells and that a Zn deficiency impedes spermatogenesis.
3. Basti Chikitsa for Shukra-Janan – (Spermatogenesis and Sperm Growth) - Further study has to be carried out to see the further scope of Basti Chikitsa in Shukravaha Strotodushti. From the above case series, it was seen that Basti Chikitsa has Aashukari action which can be beneficial for good quality and quantity of sperm. As we already know the recent technical advancements for fertility practice, Basti Chikitsa should definitely help for tackling Beeja-Dushti and also quantitatively increase the count and concentration.

Declaration of patient consent

The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate patient consent forms. In form, the patient(s) has/ have given his/ her/ their consent for their clinical info. to be reported in journal.

The patients understand that their names and initials will not be published and due efforts will be made to conceal their identity, but anonymity cannot be guaranteed.


1. Sushruta Samhita, Sharira Sthana, Chapter 2, Verse 33. In: Shastri AD, editor. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan; 2012 reprinted edition. p. 20.
2. Shah KM, Dodia RA, Gokani RH, Shah JR. A review on male infertility and its prevalence. Asian Pac J Reprod. 2021;10(5):195-202.
3. https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/115
4. Jatinder Kumar. (2021). Concept of Samanya Vishesha Siddhanta and its utility in treatment. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 6(3), 160 - 163.
5. Hunt CD, Johnson PE, Herbel J, Mullen LK. Effects of dietary zinc depletion on seminal volume and zinc loss, serum testosterone concentrations, and sperm morphology in young men. Am J Clin Nutr. 1992;56(1):148–57