Study the Vrushya effect of Bastand Ksheer Basti in Ksheena Shukra with special reference to Male Infertility

  • Tirth Mihir Shah Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Panchakarma, YMT Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
  • Kalpana Dhomse HOD & Professor, Dept. of Panchakarma, YMT Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Keywords: Male infertility, Bastand Ksheer Basti, sperm count, Panchkarma


Male infertility which has substantial 76.7% increase in the last decade in India. The affected area of this problem has no bar irrespective of metro cities as well as small town population. Due to dietary and lifestyle changes in modern era, cases of male infertility are rising. Ayurved mentions various causes of Shukradushti which leads to Vandhyatva. This study was an approach for practical application of Samanya-Vishesh Siddhant in male infertility. Testicles of goat were used for preparation of Siddha Ksheer for Yapan Basti. Basti Karma plays a major role in Ksheen Shukrajanya Avastha. This study mainly focuses on Shukrajanan effect; hence all the patients were previously treated by Shodhan Chikitsa for Shukrashuddhi before the administration of Bastand Ksheer Basti. This study was performed on 5 patients with age ranging in between 20-40 years. Sperm count below 15 million/ml with primary infertility with Pratyatmaka Lakshana of Kshinashukra. Patients were given above Basti regimen for 8 days. Bastand Ksheer Basti was prepared and administered. Findings: All Five patients have shown significant effect on objective pathological parameters of semen analysis. Two patients got successfully treated for infertility and are presently under Gynecological observation for their partner’s ANC. There is a wide scope of using this simple Samanya-Vishesh Siddhant and Shukradushti Chikitsa in male infertility.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.9.10.48
Published: 2025-01-08
How to Cite
Tirth Mihir Shah, & Kalpana Dhomse. (2025). Study the Vrushya effect of Bastand Ksheer Basti in Ksheena Shukra with special reference to Male Infertility. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 9(10), 290 - 293.
Case Report