
Review Article

Rajata Shodhana

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 11 NOVEMBER

Traditional techniques in Rajata Shodhana: A comprehensive review of classical methods

Agey KN1*, Mahabdi P2, Prajapati D3, Patgiri BJ4

1* Kirtesh N Agey, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

2 Poorvi Mahabdi, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

3 Dilip Prajapati, Lecturer, Dept of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

4 BJ Patgiri, Professor HOD, Dept of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

Introduction: The traditional Ayurvedic process of Rajata Shodhana (silver processing) is essential in preparing silver for therapeutic applications, transforming it from a raw metal into a safe, bio available from known as Bhasma. This review comprehensively examines classical methods of Rajata Shodhana, focusing on techniques that involve various herbal, mineral, and heating processes to detoxify and enhance the metal’s medicinal properties. By analyzing these traditional practices, the review aims to highlight their scientific underpinnings and relevance.

Material and Methods: A detailed analysis of the following 14 classical Ayurvedic texts on were undertaken for this study: Anandakanda, Rasendra Chudamani, Rasarnava, Rasa Paddhati, Sharangdhara Samhita, Rasaprakash Sudhakara, Rasa Ratna Samucchaya, Rasendra Chintamani, Rasendra Sara Sangraha, Rasa Manjiri, Ayurveda Prakash, Rasa Jala Nidhi, Rasa Tarangini, and Rasamrita.

Results and Discussion: The primary techniques employed in the Shodhana of Rajata include Nirvapa, Dravana, Dhalana, Dhamapana, and Swedana, with Nirvapa being the most frequently used. The quenching process ranges from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 21 repetitions. Various Shodhana media are detailed in Rasashastra classics, with Naga (lead) being the most commonly used, appearing 14 times in the reviewed texts. The processes of Dhmapana or Dravana often incorporate Naga, along with Kharpara and Tankana, as purifying media.

Conclusion: These varied media illustrate a comprehensive approach to metal processing, combining chemical reactions, traditional practices, and therapeutic properties to achieve the desired processing of Rajata. The choice of media depends on the specific requirements of the processing of the traditional knowledge embedded in the practice.

Keywords: Rajata, Silver, Shodhana, Purification, Nirvapa

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Kirtesh N Agey, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.
Agey KN, Mahabdi P, Prajapati D, Patgiri BJ, Traditional techniques in Rajata Shodhana: A comprehensive review of classical methods. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(11):176-180.
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© 2024by Agey KN, Mahabdi P, Prajapati D, Patgiri BJand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].

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Rasashastra is a branch of Ayurveda dedicated to the purification and processing of metals, minerals, and gemstones (Rasadi Dravya) for medicinal use. These substances, categorized as Parthiva Varga, possess potent therapeutic properties surpassing those of herbs. However, their raw form can be harmful, necessitating rigorous processing (Shodhana and Marana) before formulating into safe and effective medicines. Shodhana involves various techniques classified as Samanya (general) and Vishesha (specific), as well as Saagni (involving fire) and Niragni (without fire). Processed substances (Shodhita Rasoushadhis) may undergo further treatments like Marana, Satvapatana, Amrutikarana, or Lohitikarana to enhance their medicinal attributes. These processes are meticulously detailed in ancient texts, specifying durations, ingredients and procedures.

Modern scientific analysis corroborates the efficacy of these traditional purification methods by demonstrating significant alterations in the raw materials composition. This underscores the critical role of Shodhana in realizing the full therapeutic potential of Rasaadi drugs while ensuring patient safety.

Shodhana: Beyond Purification

While literally translated as purification, Shodhana in Ayurvedic alchemy signifies a far more complex process. It's not merely about removing impurities but transforming a substance into a therapeutic agent.

This fundamental distinction sets Shodhana apart from conventional purification methods.

Objectives of Shodhana:[1]

  • Eliminate physical and chemical contaminants.
  • Neutralize toxic properties.
  • Enhance therapeutic qualities.
  • Impart organic properties to inorganic substances.
  • Prepare metals and minerals for medicinal use.
  • Facilitate subsequent processes like Marana, Satvapatana, and Lohitikarana.

Materials and Methods

A detailed analysis of the following classical Ayurvedic texts was undertaken for this study: Anandakanda, Rasendra Chudamani, Rasarnava, Rasa Paddhati, Sharangdara Samhita, Rasaprakash Sudhakara, Rasaratna Samucchaya, Rasendra Chintamani, Rasendrasara Sangraha, Rasa Manjiri, Ayurveda Prakash, Rasa Jala Nidhi, Rasatarangini, and Rasamrita. These texts, representing a broad spectrum of Ayurvedic thought on the subject of mineral-based medicines, were meticulously examined to extract relevant information regarding Shodhana of Rajata.

Observations and Results

To make the complex details of these ancient texts more accessible, the key findings were structured into tables, allowing for easier interpretation and comparison.

Table 1: Methods of Rajata Shodhana.

SNTextReferencePrincipleMediaNumber of processing
(Kriyakarana Vishranti)
(03/11)[2]DravanaNaga & Tankana-
(03/11)[3]NirvapaJyotishmati Taila03
(03/12)[4]NirvapaJatamansi Taila03
(03/13)[5]Dravana & DhalanaNaga07
2.Rasendra Chudamani(14/32-33)[6]DhmapanaNaga (equal) + Kharpara ChurnaNaga Kshaya
3.Rasarnava(7/103-104)[7]Dravana & NirvapaNaga (equal) + Tankana & Jatamansi Taila03
4.Rasa Paddhati(1/49)[8]NirvapaTakra, Kanji, Gomutra, Tila Taila, Kulattha Kwatha21
5.Sharangdhara Samhita(11/2-3)[9]NirvapaTila Taila, Takra, Kanji, Gomutra, Kulattha Kwatha03
6.Rasa Prakash Sudhakara(4/24-26)[10]DhmapanaNaga (6times)Naga Kshaya
7.Rasa Ratna Samucchaya(5/31)[11]Dravana & NirvapaNaga (equal) + Tankana & Jatamansi Taila03
(5/32-33)[12]DhmapanaNaga (equal) + Kharpara ChurnaNaga Kshaya
8.Rasendra Chintamani(6/9) [13]DravanaNaga & Tankana-
(6/9)[14]SwedanaKshara & Amla Rasa-

SNTextReferencePrincipleMediaNumber of processing
9.Rasendra Sara Sangraha(1/261)[15]DravanaNaga & Tankana-
(1/261)[16]SwedanaKshara & Amla Rasa-
10.Rasa Manjiri(5/17)[17]DravanaTankana
11.Ayurveda Prakash(3/93)[18]NirvapaAgastya Patra Swarasa03
(3/94)[19]NirvapaJyotishmati Taila03
(3/95-96)[20]DhmapanaNaga (equal)+ TankanaNaga Kshaya
12.Rasa Jala Nidhi(Vol. II, Ch. IV)[21]NirvapaTaila, Takra, Gomutra, Arnala, Kulattha Kwatha07
(Vol. II, Ch. IV)[22]Dravana & NirvapaNaga (equal) + Tankana & Jatamansi Taila03
(Vol. II, Ch. IV)[23]DhmapanaNaga (equal)+ TankanaNaga Kshaya
(Vol. II, Ch. IV)[24]NirvapaAgastya Patra Swarasa03
(Vol. II, Ch. IV)[25]Dravana & NirvapaNaga & Chincha or Draksha Swarasa-
13.Rasa Tarangini(16/6)[26]NirvapaAgastya Patra Swarasa03
(16/7-9)[27]DhmapanaNaga (equal)+ TankanaNaga Kshaya
(16/10-11)[28]NirvapaNimbu SwarasaMardavata
14.Rasamrita(03/27)[29]NirvapaTaila, Takra, Gomutra, Arnala, Kulattha Kwatha-
(03/27)[30]NirvapaAgastya Patra Swarasa03
(03/28)[31]NirvapaJyotishmati Taila03

Results and Discussion

Rajata Shodhana’s methods were reviewed from the 14 texts, Anandakanda, Rasendra Chudamani, Rasarnava, Rasa Paddhati, Sharangdara Samhita, Rasaprakash Sudhakara, Rasaratna Samucchaya, Rasendra Chintamani, Rasendrasara Sangraha, Rasa Manjiri, Ayurveda Prakash, Rasa Jala Nidhi, Rasatarangini, and Rasamrita. The common techniques used in the Shodhana of Rajata are Nirvapa, Dravana, Dhalana, Dhmapana and Swedana with commonest being Nirvapa. The number of quenching differs from minimum of 03 to maximum of 21 quenching. There are various Shodhana media explained in the Rasashastra classics where Naga (Lead) has been used the most which accounts for 14 times in the texts reviewed. The process of Dhmapana or Dravana has been associated where Naga along with Kharpara and Tankana has been used as a media, this is generally followed by quenching in a liquid media. This phenomenon has been explained in the following paragraph; The processing of metals like silver has industrial analogues that help justify the systematic methods of Rajata Shodhana in Ayurveda. In the metallurgical process, for instance, lead concentrates are roasted and smelted to produce lead bullion, which is then purified by removing impurities like antimony, arsenic, tin, and silver. Silver is specifically separated using the Parkes process, where zinc is added to molten lead, allowing zinc to bond with silver and gold,

forming compounds that are easily skimmed off. Subsequent cupellation - heating the residue under high temperatures and oxidizing conditions - allows noble metals like silver and gold to remain elemental, while lead oxidizes and is removed. The final refined silver is achieved after additional processes, including the Moebius and Wohlwill methods.[32]

This multi-step approach mirrors Rajata Shodhana, where traditional techniques like sequential heating in various herbal decoctions and mineral baths systematically remove impurities, detoxify, and transform the metal for safe medicinal use. Both methods emphasize high temperatures to enable purification and targeted impurity removal. However, Rajata Shodhana diverges with its emphasis on bioavailability, safety, and therapeutic efficacy, as the Ayurvedic process is designed to produce a non-toxic, consumable form of silver, such as Bhasma, that is believed to confer medicinal benefits. Unlike industrial purification, which focuses solely on physical purity, Shodhana also aims for energetic and qualitative transformations, reflecting Ayurveda’s holistic approach to metal purification.[32]

The choice of these media is based on traditional practices and their perceived effectiveness in processing the metal. The use of these substances is rooted in their chemical and physical properties, which assist in removing unwanted materials from the silver and preparing it for further use.


These diverse media exemplify a holistic approach to metal processing, integrating chemical reactions, traditional methods, and therapeutic objectives to achieve the desired purification of Rajata. The selection of media is guided by the specific needs of the process and the traditional knowledge embedded within the practice.


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