Traditional techniques in Rajata Shodhana: A comprehensive review of classical methods
Introduction: The traditional Ayurvedic process of Rajata Shodhana (silver processing) is essential in preparing silver for therapeutic applications, transforming it from a raw metal into a safe, bio available from known as Bhasma. This review comprehensively examines classical methods of Rajata Shodhana, focusing on techniques that involve various herbal, mineral, and heating processes to detoxify and enhance the metal’s medicinal properties. By analyzing these traditional practices, the review aims to highlight their scientific underpinnings and relevance. Material and Methods: A detailed analysis of the following 14 classical Ayurvedic texts on were undertaken for this study: Anandakanda, Rasendra Chudamani, Rasarnava, Rasa Paddhati, Sharangdhara Samhita, Rasaprakash Sudhakara, Rasa Ratna Samucchaya, Rasendra Chintamani, Rasendra Sara Sangraha, Rasa Manjiri, Ayurveda Prakash, Rasa Jala Nidhi, Rasa Tarangini, and Rasamrita. Results & Discussion: The primary techniques employed in the Shodhana of Rajata include Nirvapa, Dravana, Dhalana, Dhamapana, and Swedana, with Nirvapa being the most frequently used. The quenching process ranges from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 21 repetitions. Various Shodhana media are detailed in Rasashastra classics, with Naga (lead) being the most commonly used, appearing 14 times in the reviewed texts. The processes of Dhmapana or Dravana often incorporate Naga, along with Kharpara and Tankana, as purifying media. Conclusion: These varied media illustrate a comprehensive approach to metal processing, combining chemical reactions, traditional practices, and therapeutic properties to achieve the desired processing of Rajata. The choice of media depends on the specific requirements of the processing of the traditional knowledge embedded in the practice.
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Encyclopaedia Britannica. Silver processing. Encyclopaedia Britannica [Internet]. [cited 2024 Sep 3]. Available from:

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