
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 10 OCTOBER

Jamun: An Alchemy Botanical

Vohra P1*, Redekar K2, Pawar S3, Patil V4

1* Payaam Vohra, B Pharma Scholar, HK College of Pharmacy, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

2 Kundan Redekar, B Pharma Scholar, VIVA Institute of Pharmacy, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

3 Sakshi Pawar, B Pharma Scholar, VIVA Institute of Pharmacy, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

4 Vaishali Patil, B Pharma Scholar, VIVA Institute of Pharmacy, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Plants have provided mankind with herbal cosmetics for many centuries and their utilization has been continuously increasing over the time. Syzygium cumini belonging to the family Myrtaceae commonly known as Eugenia jambolana is rich in phytochemicals. Jamun or Black Plum, is indigenous to the Indian subcontinent including countries such as Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan. The tree flourishes in tropical and subtropical climates, often growing in forests, riverbanks and open fields. The investigations on the cosmetic values of jamun that have been conducted recently are the main topic of this review. These formulations of Jamun are characterized by incorporation of beneficial properties such as anti-aging, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and also reduce photoaging. Key phytoconstituents include tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, phenolic acid and Essential oils. Syzygium cumini exhibits both Pharmacological and Ayurvedic benefits, providing a valuable component in cosmetic formulations. According to literature review and various research studies Syzygium cumini (leaf) and (seed) oils showed anticollagenase, anti-elastase and anti-hyaluronidase activities. Thus S. cumini oils should be considered for cosmetic preparations for the manifestation of healthy skin. Jamun can bring a paradigm shift in the cosmetic as well as cosmeceutical industry.

Keywords: Jamun, Syzygium cumini, Eugenia jambolana

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Payaam Vohra, B Pharma Scholar, , HK College of Pharmacy, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Vohra P, Redekar K, Pawar S, Patil V, Jamun: An Alchemy Botanical. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(10):227-238.
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© 2024by Vohra P, Redekar K, Pawar S, Patil Vand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


In traditional Ayurvedic system, Jamun is mentioned as Fruit of Gods and has been documented in ancient texts over 4000 years. Syzygium cumini has a long history and cultural significance in Indian subcontinent. The species has dispersed over south Asia and other tropical regions, where it’s been integrated into various agro-ecosystems. Its historical significance is evidenced by archaeological and botanical records indicating its longstanding role in both cultural and medicinal contexts. Jamun has been valued for its ability to improve skin health and protect skin from oxidative stress.[1] The fruits are ellipsoid or oblong, Black with pinkish mesocarp with single seed have a total weight of 25% and 75% pulp.[2,4] Botanical Name of Jamun is Syzygium cumini (L.).[3]

The Taxonomical classification of Syzygium cumini is as follows.[5,6

SubkingdomViridiplantae-Vascular plants
SubdivisionSpermatophytina - Seed plant
ClassMangoliopsida - Dicotyledons
FamilyMyrtaceae -Myrtle
Family GenusSyzygium
Speciescumini (L.)Skeels


1. Seed: Wavy outer layer epidermis, 1 to 3 layers of sub epidermis, a discontinuous ring of group of stone cells, tangentially elongated obliterated parenchyma cells with vascular strands.[7]

2. Stem: Mature bark, the cork layer exhibits a broad zone of differentiated cork, which is divided into upper and lower cork zone, collectively forming Rhytidome, the cork comprises tangentially elongated rectangular cells.[3]

3. The upper layer consists of thick cells, stratified and reddish brown in color; this layer contains a group of 2-4 stone cells and crushed phloem. The lower cork zone is thin and colorless. The secondary phloem contains sieve elements and phloem rays.

The phloem parenchyma is thin-walled and polyhedral. The stone cells are oval to angular and elongated, while fibers are aseptate.[8,10]

4. Leaf

Shape: Oblong-oval.
Dimensions: 5 to 18 cm long and 2.5 to 8 cm wide.
Apex: blunt or tapering to a point.
Odour: Turpentine like.
Taste: Slightly astringent[9]

5. Powder microscopy: The powder microscopic characters of testa and seed kernel are reviewed and reported in Fig 1.[10,11]

Figure 1: Characteristic features of Jamun

Adulteration in Jamun Seed Powder

Table 1: Microscopic features of Syzgium cumini[12]

SNMicroscopic CharactersTestaSeed Kernel
1.FibersNumerous, lignified, thick walled striated with blunt end.Absent
2.CrystalsAbsentCalcium oxalate crystals ranging from 15-18 μm
3.Starch GrainAbsentSimple and abundant starch grains, round to oval, faint transverse striations, 5-45 μm in diameter.
4.Vascular elementsPresentPresent
5.Brownish elementsPresentPresent
6.ScleroidsElongated and mostly narrow lumen, larger in size irregular in shape and spindle shapeAbsent

Starch or fillers: Cheaper fillers like starch are sometimes added to Jamun seed powder to increase volume. Syzygium aqueum: (Water Apple): Sometimes mixed with Jamun due to its resemblance.

Geographical Distribution

There are over 1100 species in the genus Syzygium which is native to Madagascar, Africa and the Southern east Asia pacific region. The most diverse areas range from Malaysia to North- eastern Australia. 12 species reported from western ghats.[12-15]

Table 2: Describes the geographical spread of Syzygium cumini.

Syzygium alternifolium (Wight) Walp.Syzygium aqueum (Burm.f.) AlstonSyzygium aromaticum (Linn.) Merrill & Perry.Syzygium bracteatum (Willd.) RaizadaSyzygium malaccense (Linn.) Merrill & Perry.Syzygium samarangense (Blume.) MerrillSyzygium jambos (Linn.) Alston.Syzygium mapрасеитSyzygium arnottianumSyzygium claviflorumSyzygium fruticosum (Roxb.) D.C.Syzygium paniculatum Gaertn.Syzygium javanica Lam.Syzygium densiflorum Wall ex. WightSyzygium uniflora Linn.Syzygium zeylanicum (Linn.) DC.Syzygium guineenseSyzygium travancoricumSyzygium bourdilloniiSyzygium oblatum (Roxb)

Figure 2: Pie Chart for Geographical availability of Jamun[16]

Cultivation and Collection

The genus Syzygium comprises about 1100 species in world wide and 12 species in western ghats. There is no need for agriculture to grow the plant. The tree flourishes in Tropical and Subtropical climates, often growing in forests, riverbanks and openfield.

It grows upto 30 m in height in spring (February – March) and Monsoon (July- August). The immature fruit is in Green in color and changes to Black crimson. The plant starts to flower and fruits are produced, yield about 2kg after four years. The young trees require continuous irrigation (at least 8 to 10 irrigation) per year, but after the trees get established, the irrigation can be reduced. These formulations are characterized by incorporation of beneficial properties such as antiaging, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and also reduce photoaging. Key constituents include Tannins, Flavonoids, Terpenoids, Saponins, Phenolic acid and Essential oils. As per research Syzygium cumini (leaf) and (seed) oils showed superior anti-collagenase, anti-elastase and anti-hyaluronidase activities.[17,18] The process of cultivation and collection is briefly described in Fig.3.

Figure 3: Cultivation and Collection of Syzygium Cumini[19,20]


Pytochemicals are bioactive compounds found in plants which are nonnutritive but exhibit biological activities that can contribute to the prevention of diseases.[15,21] Jamun is a warehouse for phytochemicals useful for cosmetic purpose as depicted in Fig 4.

Phenolic compounds

Phenolic are the hydroxyl group which contains hydroxyl group (-OH) bonded directly to aromatic hydrocarbon group. The important groups of phenolic compounds are flavonoids, phenolic acid and polyphenols.

These are the plant secondary metabolites and have a defense role. It acts as antioxidants, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory agents. Thus these compounds are used for many skin problems such as aging, healing, acne, eczema, etc.[22]


Flavonoids including quercetin, myricetin, and isoquercetin identified in different parts of S. cumini. Flavonoids are renamed for its anti-inflammatory, anticancer and other beneficial effects.


Alkaloids, including Jambosine and Jamboline isolated from the seeds of Jamun. These alkaloids are believed to play a role in the plant's lipid metabolism.


Jamun is a good source of vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B complexes (B1, B2, B5, B6, etc) these give plants antioxidants and nutritional benefits.


Terpenoids are the five carbon isoprene units, Terpenes are found in plants as an essential oil containing Antibacterial and Free Radical Scavenging properties. Ursolic acid, widely diffused in plants and used in cosmetic preparation.[22]

Figure 4: Phytochemicals of Jamun useful as cosmetics[23]

Table 3: Part wise utilization of Jamun in cosmetics[21,23,24]

PartMetabolic ClassIdentified CompoundsUses on Skin
FruitFlavonoidMyricetin Myrecetin deoxyhexosideAnti-Aging, Anti-inflammatory
TanninsHHDP-galloyiglucose, TrigalloylglucosePhotoprotection, Astringent
TerpenesCitronellol, Geraniol, Hotrineol, phenylpropanalAnti-inflammatory, Antioxidant
AnthocyaninsMalvidin, Petunidin, cyanidinAnti-Aging, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory
Phenolic acidsEllagic acid, Gallic acidSkin brightening, Anti-Aging
LeavesFlavonoidsKaempferol, Catechin, MyricetinDepigmentation agent
TanningNilocitin, HHDP-glucose,
Antipruritic/Anti-Rash agent
Terpenesa-pinene, a-cadinol, pinocarvone, myrtenol,Eucarvone, CineoleMoisturizing agent, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-acne
Phenolic acidsFerulic acid, Caffeio acid,
Chlorogenic acid, Ellagic acid, Gallic acid
Skin restoration, Wound healing, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant
RootsFlavonoid glycosidesIsorhamnetin, 3-O-rutinosideAnti-Aging, Antioxidant, Moisturizer
SeedsFlavonoidsQuercetin 3,5,7,4-tetrahydroxy flavanone, RutinPhotoprotective, Antioxidant, Antiinflammatory
Tannins3-galloyIglucose Corilagin, 3.6-
HHDP- glucose
Antioxidant, Cleansing agent
Emulsifying agent
TerpenesA-Terpene Betulinic acid, Eugenol Bpinene, B-TerpineneSkin soothing, Prevent skin irritation and redness
Phenolic acidsFeulic acid, Gallic acid, Ellagic acid, Caffeic acidAntioxidant, Anti-inflammatory
FlowerFlavonoidsIsoquercetin, Quercetin, KaempferolPhotoprotective, Antioxidant
TerpenesOleanolic acid, EugenolPhotoprotective, Reduce dark spots, Antimicrobial
Phenolic acidsEllagic acidAntioxidant
Stem BarkFlavonoidsKaempferol, Myricetin, QuercetinDepigmentation, Wound healing
TerpenesBetulinic acid, B-Sitosterol FriedelinSkin soothing, Antimicrobial
Phenolic acidsEllagic acid, Gallic acid 3.3-di-omethyl, ellagic acidAntioxidant

Figure 5: Mechanism of Jamun as a Cosmetic on skin[25,26,29]

Jamun has various mechanisms for its utilization in Cosmetics majorly showing prominent actions like Anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial and skin brightening effects as specified in Fig 5.

Cosmetic Uses

1. Syzygium cumini fruits have antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties due to the high anthocyanin content.
2. Majority of antioxidant action may be attributed to molecules such as flavonoids, isoflavones, flavones, and anthocyanin rather than the previously recognized vitamins C, E, and B carotene.[27]
3. Flavonoids have antioxidant and anti-aging characteristics.They also protect the skin from UV radiation.[28]
4. Phenolic antioxidant action is owing to their redox potential, which allows them to operate as hydrogen donors, singlet oxygen quenchers, and metal chelators.[29]
5. Blue light is high-energy visible light emitted from phones or screens which cause wrinkles, acne pigmentation via free radical generation induces oxidative stress in live skin which leads to damage DNA, resulting in inflammation and collagen and elastin degradation. To prevent damage caused by blue light use natural antioxidants.[30]
6. Syzygium cumini extract has antioxidant properties that prevent the formation of reactive oxygen species by free Radicals.
7. Syzygium cumini leaf extract in methanol included high levels of phenolic, saponin, flavonoids, and tannin.

8. Syzygium cumini methanol extract and leaf essential oil might be considered effective sources of natural antioxidants.[31]
9. Syzygium cumini oil is used as an antibacterial and scent in cosmetics.
10. Jamun contains thiamine (vitamin B1) which is used as a fragrance ingredient and skin-conditioning agent.[32,33]
11. Vitamin C is beneficial to pale skin complexions. Syzygium cumini may help lighten skin pigmentation.
12. It helps to detoxify your blood while also keeping your skin clean and radiant.
13. It is high in iron and boosts hemoglobin levels in the body.
14. The astringency of the fruit is related to the presence of phenolic chemicals. Its astringent properties allow it to maintain greasy skin clean, smooth, and acne-free because of the presence of oxalic acid, gallic acid, malic acid, tannins, betulinic acid, and other compounds.[34,35]
15. Syzygium cumini's root, bark, flower, and leaves all contain terpenes, the majority of which are volatile compounds. Saponin and triterpene exhibit hydrophilic and lipophilic characteristics.[36]

Adverse Effects

1. Contact dermatitis: Some individuals may develop and allergic reaction when contact with jamun or products containing jamun Symptoms include redness, itching, smelling and rashes at the site of contact.
2. Urticaria: In rare cases, exposure to jamun may cause hives, characterized by itchy, raised welts on the skin.

3. Exacerbation of Pre-existing skin conditions: individuals with sensitive skin or conditions like eczema or rosacea may experience worsening symptoms.
4. Pigmentation Changes/ Hyperpigmentation: In correct or excessive use may lead to uneven skin tone or dark spots in sensitive individual
5. Staining: The deep purple color of Jamun can stain the skin temporarily, specially in products with high anthocyanin content.[37-39]

Marketed Formulation:

Table 3: Marketed Preparations of Jamun in Cosmetics and Cosmeceutical Industry[40,41,64]

Brand NameType of formulationDosePrice
MOTHER SPARSHFace wash100ml149

Table 4: List of Cosmetic Products involving Jamun (Syzygium cumini)

ProductPrimary BenefitsKey IngredientsTarget AudienceReferences
Face CreamAnti-aging, Hydration, NourishmentJamun extract, Hyaluronic acid, Vitamin EAll skin types[42]
Face MaskCleansing, Brightening, RejuvenationJamun extract, Kaolin clay, Aloe VeraOily to Combination skin[43]
Lip BalmHydration, Protection, Natural tintJamun extract, Shea butter, BeeswaxAll skin types[44]
ShampooStrengthening, Dandruff control, Scalp healthJamun extract, Tea tree oil, Vitamin EAll hair types[45]
Body LotionMoisturization, Nourishment, Even skin toneJamun extract, Shea butter, GlycerinDry to Normal skin[42,46]
ScrubExfoliation, Cell regeneration, SmoothingJamun extract, Sugar, Walnut shell powderAll skin types[41,47]
Face SerumDarkspot reduction, Brightness, ElasticityJamun extract, Niacinamide, Vitamin CAll skin types[48]
Hair OilNourishment, Hair growth, ShineJamun extract, Coconut oil, Argan oilAll hair types[45,66]
Under-Eye CreamDark circle reduction, Puffiness control, HydrationJamun extract, Caffeine, Hyaluronic acidAll skin types[47]
TonerpH balancing, Pore tightening, RefreshingJamun extract, Witch hazel, Rose waterOily to Combination skin[48]

Figure 6: Cosmetic formulations of Jamun

Jamun has been incorporated in various formulations like Face creams, Lotions, Shampoo, Lip balms, Hair oils etc. Fig 6 clearly showcases various cosmeceutical formulations of Jamun.

Home Made Remedies

1. Jamun Facial Pack - Mash a few ripe Jamuns and add a tablespoon of yogurt. - After applying the mixture on your face, leave it on for fifteen - twenty minutes, and then rinse it off. - Rinse in lukewarm water. This can help reduce pigmentation and make your skin sparkle.[49]
2. Jamun Juice Toner. - Extract the juice from fresh Jamuns. - Add a few drops of lemon juice. - Apply the mixture to your face with a cotton pad. It can help constrict pores and provide a pleasant sensation.[50]
3. Jamun and Honey Mask. - Mash a few Jamuns and add a spoonful of honey. - After applying the mixture on your face, leave it on for fifteen minutes, and then rinse it off. - Rinse with warm water. This mask can hydrate and improve the texture of the skin.[51]
4. Jamun with aloe vera gel. - Combine Jamun pulp with aloe vera gel. -After applying the mixture on your face, leave it on for fifteen minutes, and then rinse it off. This combination can soothe and moisturize the skin. -Always perform a patch test before using any new medication to ensure you do not experience any allergic reactions.[52]

5. Jamun - Combine mashed Jamun pulp and a tablespoon of crushed oats. - Gently apply this mixture on your face in circular strokes. - Rinse with lukewarm water. This scrub exfoliates dead skin cells and brightens your appearance.
6. Jamun with Turmeric Paste - Mix mashed Jamun with a pinch of turmeric powder to make a paste. -After applying the mixture on your face, leave it on for ten - fifteen minutes, and then rinse it off. - Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory effects that can enhance the advantages of Jamun.[53]
7. Jamun and Green Tea Toner - Make a cup of green tea and allow it to cool. - Mix in a few teaspoons of Jamun - Use a cotton pad to tone and freshen your skin.[54]
8. Jamun with Almond Oil - Combine Jamun pulp and a teaspoon of almond oil. - Apply to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing it off. - Almond oil may provide additional moisturizing advantages.
9. Jamun and Cucumber Extract. - Combine Jamun pulp and cucumber juice. - Apply to the skin and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing. - This combination might aid to soothe and hydrate the skin.
10. Jamun & Milk Mas - Combine ripe Jamun and a tablespoon of milk. - After applying the mixture on your face, leave it on for fifteen - twenty minutes, and then rinse it off. Rinse in lukewarm water. Milk nourishes and hydrates the skin, while Jamun contains antioxidants.[55]
11. Jamun and Sandalwood Powder - Combine mashed Jamun and a teaspoon of sandalwood powder. - Apply it to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. - Rinse with warm water. Sandalwood is noted for its calming and brightening effects.[56]
12. Jamun and Rose Water Toner - Combine Jamun juice and rose water in equal parts. - Apply to your face with a cotton pad. - This toner can assist to balance skin tone and refresh the complexion.[57]
13. Jamun and Avocado Paste. - Mash the Jamun and combine with a little amount of ripe avocados. -After applying the mixture on your face, leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse it off. - Rinse well. Avocado provides hydrating and nourishing effects to the Jamun.[58]
14. Jamun with Coconut Oil - Combine Jamun pulp and a teaspoon of coconut oil. -After applying the mixture on your face, leave it on for 20 minutes, and then rinse it off. -

Rinse with warm water. Coconut oil can assist to deeply hydrate skin and boost benefits of Jamun.
15. Jamun and Baking Soda Scrub - Mix Jamun pulp with a pinch of baking soda to make a paste. - Massage gently into your face, and then rinse with lukewarm water. - This can help exfoliate dead skin cells and brighten the complexion.[59,60]
16. Vitamin E Oil and Jamun - Combine a few drops of vitamin E oil with the mashed Jamun. - After applying the mixture on your face, leave it on for twenty minutes, then rinse it off Vitamin E can offer extra nutrition and aid in skin regeneration.

Table 5: Diseases associated with Jamun plant[61]

DiseaseCausal organismPlant part affectedControl Measure
Diseases Leaf rot and fruit spotGlomerella cingulataLeaf and fruitDithane Z -78 (0.2%).
White flyDialeurijdes eugeniaFruitsMaintain sanitation, Destroy maggots
Leaf eating caterpillarCorea subtilisLeafdimethoate 30 (0.06 %) or malathion (0.05%)
Jamun leaf rollerPolychorosis celliferaLeafDimethoate 30 (0.06%)
Leaf webberArgyroploce aprobola Argyroploce mormopaLeafQuinalphos (0.05%)
Fruit flyBactrocera sppFruitUse traps, Destroy Infested fruits
Seed BorerAnselmella kerrichiSeedLambda Cyhalorthrin 0.6-1ml/l

Recent Advancements

Personalized cosmetics

  • Customized Serums: Formulate serums with concentrated Jamun extract tailored to target specific skin concerns such as hyperpigmentation, acne, or fine lines.
  • Personalized Creams: Create day and night creams that incorporate Jamun for different skin types (e.g., lighter formulations for oily skin, richer ones for dry skin).
  • Tailored Masks and Exfoliants: Develop face masks and exfoliants that provide deep cleansing and rejuvenation, customized for varying skin sensitivities.
  • Bespoke Lip Balms: Offer lip balms with personalized levels of hydration and tint, using Jamun's natural color and emollient properties.

  • Customized Hair Care: Create shampoos and conditioners that address specific hair and scalp concerns, incorporating Jamun for its antimicrobial and antioxidant benefits.
  • Jamun-based personalized skincare kits: Containing a cleanser, toner, serum, and moisturizer customized to individual skin needs.
  • Jamun-infused luxury skincare: Targeting high-end consumers seeking natural and effective products.
  • Jamun-based supplements: For internal support of skin health.[62-64]

Amalgamation of Network Pharmacology into exploration of Jamun as cosmeceutical

  • Compound Identification: Identify the bioactive compounds in Jamun. This includes flavonoids, anthocyanins, and other phytochemicals.
  • Target Prediction: Utilize computational tools and databases to predict potential target proteins for these compounds in the skin. These targets could include enzymes, receptors, and other proteins involved in skin functions.
  • Network Construction: Build a protein-protein interaction network to understand the relationships between the identified target proteins.
  • Pathway Analysis: Analyze the pathways involved in skin-related processes (e.g., inflammation, collagen synthesis, antioxidant defense) to identify potential points of intervention for Jamun
  • Mechanism Elucidation: Based on the network analysis, propose potential mechanisms of action for Jamun in addressing skin concerns.[65-67]

Network Diagram

Jamun Bioactive Compounds

Multiple Biological Targets

Integrated Pathways (Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, etc.)

Cosmetic Benefits (Anti-aging, Skin Brightening, Anti-acne, etc.)

Table 6: List of recent patents associated with Jamun

Patent IdTitleReferences
EP3402462B1A nanobiocomposite formulation for wound healing and a process thereof[68]
US20200323745A1Topical skin care formulations comprising plant extracts[69]
US20070086972A1Hair growth compositions and methods for treating hair loss[70]
US9238153B2Transoral methods and compositions for wrinkle reduction and cosmetic lip[71]


In nutshell Jamun (Syzygium cumini) holds significant potential in the realm of cosmetics due to its rich phytochemical profile and antioxidant properties. The presence of anthocyanins, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds in Jamun contributes to its skin-enhancing abilities, including anti-aging, skin brightening, and anti-inflammatory effects. Incorporation of Jamun in various formulation can aid in alleviating wide range of skin related problems These properties make Jamun a promising natural ingredient for developing skincare formulations that promote skin health. Development of natural and sustainable products Utilization of Jamun into cosmetic formulations offers a novel approach to meet demand of herbal cosmetics while harnessing the benefits of this traditional fruit. Future research and development should focus on optimizing the extraction and stabilization of Jamun's active compounds to fully realize its potential in cosmetic applications. Thus we can conclude that Jamun has high scope in cosmeceutical industry to promote skin aesthetics as well as maintain well-being of dermatological system.


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