- After 1 month of treatment complete scaling, dryness, bleeding and all other symptoms were reduced.
After treatment symptoms are reduced, and follow-up medicine and proper diet are advised.
Based on the symptoms of Vipadika Kushta it can be correlated to plantar psoriasis. Two sittings of Siravyadha were done over a gap of 7 days. As Kustha is a Raktha Pradhoshaja Vikara, Siravyadha does Raktha Shodhana by removing the Dhushitha Raktha and reducing symptoms like itching etc. Indukantham Kashaya was given for 10 days which has Poothika, and Dharu Dashamoola which corrects Agni and reduces Rooksha, Sputana and Ruja caused due by Vata, Aragwadadi Kashaya was given for 20 days which has a direct indication in Kushta, the drugs of the formulation reduce Kelda in Vaipadika Kushta hence reduce Kandu, and helps in healing of the cracks and along with Vatanulomana. virechana was given on the 10th day of treatment with eranda thaila as it does ama pachana as well as reduces Vata. Eternally Parisheka was done with Kashaya prepared with Aragwadha Twak does Shodhana of the lesion and reduces the symptoms, Eladi Kera was advised to apply externally as it reduces kapha and Vata, does Vrana Prasadana and reduces Kandu.
The present study concludes that Vipadika can be effectively treated with ayurvedic treatments like Sira Vyadha and Virechana.
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