An Ayurvedic approach in the management of Vipadika Kushta w.s.r to Plantar Psoriasis - A Case Study
Kushta is the broad term used for most of the diseases related to skin, the reference of Kushta is seen in all Brihat Trayes and Laghutrayes, Vaipadika Kushta is one of the commonest types of Kushta that has similarities with plantar and palmar psoriasis, the seven components involved in the manifestation of Kushta are Tridosha, Twak, Mamsa, Rakta and Ambu, Kushta is said under Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara, Rakthamokshana helps in Rakta Shodhana, and Virechana with Eranda Thaila helps Ama Pachana and Vata Shamana, and the Eladi Keram is Vata Kapha Hara, so the treatment protocol is selected for the management of Vaipadika Kushta.
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