
Case Report


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 11 NOVEMBER

Integrative Naturopathic Management of Alcohol-Induced Thrombocytopenia: A Case Report

Suhas B1*, Vineetha AN2*, Nitesh MK3, Shetty V4, Prajwal HM5

1* Suhas B, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Clinical Naturopathy, Alvas College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences Mijar, Moodubidire Mangalore Dk, Karnataka, India.

2* Vineetha AN, Associate Professor, Dept of Clinical Naturopathy, Alvas College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences Mijar, Moodubidire Mangalore DK, Karnataka, India.

3 Nitesh MK, Associate Professor, Dept of Clinical Naturopathy, Alvas College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences Mijar, Moodubidire Mangalore DK, Karnataka, India.

4 Vanitha Shetty, Principal and HOD, Dept of Clinical Naturopathy, Alvas College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences Mijar, Moodubidire Mangalore DK, Karnataka, India.

5 Prajwal HM, Assistant Professor, Dept of Clinical Naturopathy, Alvas College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences Mijar, Moodubidire Mangalore DK, Karnataka, India.

A 40-year-old male presented with thrombocytopenia and chronic alcoholism at Alva’s Anandamaya Arogydhama. The patient had a platelet count of 68,000 cells/mcL, accompanied by general weakness, disturbed sleep, and a long history of alcohol and tobacco use. Upon admission, he discontinued alcohol and tobacco and underwent a 14-day naturopathic inpatient program. Treatment included foot reflexology, hot foot immersion baths, massages, and dietary adjustments emphasizing raw juices, nuts, vegetables, and excluding processed foods, refined sugars, and alcohol. Additionally, daily yoga and pranayama were incorporated. Following the intervention, the patient’s platelet count improved to 160,000 cells/mcL, with reductions in cholesterol, triglycerides, liver enzymes, fasting blood sugar, weight, and BMI. This case demonstrates the effectiveness of an integrated naturopathic approach for thrombocytopenia and highlights the potential benefits of lifestyle modification and detoxification in patients with chronic alcohol use. Findings suggest that comprehensive naturopathic care may support sustainable health improvements in similar cases.

Keywords: Alcoholism, naturopathy, platelet count, thrombocytopenia, treatment outcome, wellness

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Vineetha AN, Associate Professor, Dept of Clinical Naturopathy, Alvas College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences Mijar, Moodubidire Mangalore DK, Karnataka, India.
Suhas B, Vineetha AN, Nitesh MK, Shetty V, Prajwal HM, Integrative Naturopathic Management of Alcohol-Induced Thrombocytopenia: A Case Report. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(11):318-324.
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© 2024by Suhas B, Vineetha AN, Nitesh MK, Shetty V, Prajwal HMand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].

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Thrombocytopenia, a condition marked by a platelet count lower than the normal range of 150,000 to 400,000 cells per microliter, can lead to severe complications, including internal bleeding, when unmanaged.[1] Chronic alcoholism is a known contributing factor,[2] as prolonged alcohol use can damage bone marrow, impairing blood cell production, including platelets.[3]

However, cases of thrombocytopenia associated with both chronic alcoholism and successful recovery through naturopathic treatment are rare. Studies on alcohol-induced thrombocytopenia are limited, with most cases primarily managed through conventional medicine, rather than holistic, naturopathic approaches.

This case is unique because it involves a middle-aged male with a 10-year history of alcohol and tobacco use, presenting with critically low platelets (68,000 cells/mcL). The case illustrates a comprehensive, integrative approach to treating thrombocytopenia with naturopathic methods, including foot reflexology, massage therapies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications, without pharmacological interventions.

Such approaches are rarely documented, particularly in terms of their impact on platelet recovery and overall metabolic health. This report adds to the limited literature on alternative methods for managing alcohol-induced thrombocytopenia and highlights the potential for sustainable recovery through lifestyle changes and natural therapies.

Case History

The patient, a 40-year-old unmarried male, presented to Alva’s Anandamaya Arogydhama with a diagnosis of thrombocytopenia. His condition was first identified on July 20, 2022, when he was found to have a critically low platelet count of 68,000 cells per microliter. The patient reported symptoms of generalized weakness and disturbed sleep, which had persisted for five months. His medical history revealed chronic alcoholism and a 10-year smoking habit, both of which significantly impacted his health and contributed to his thrombocytopenia. There was no significant family history of thrombocytopenia, blood disorders, or chronic conditions like diabetes or hypertension. However, the patient had a history of heavy alcohol consumption, which is known to suppress bone marrow function and lower platelet counts. Smoking was also a factor, contributing to oxidative stress and potentially worsening platelet decline.

Environmental factors were noted as well. The patient reported limited physical activity, a high-stress lifestyle, and a diet lacking in fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole foods, all of which may have compounded his condition. Upon admission on July 22, 2022, he was placed on a strict inpatient program where he ceased alcohol and tobacco use. A naturopathic treatment protocol, including dietary changes, therapeutic massages, foot reflexology, and yoga, was initiated to address his physical, mental, and metabolic health needs. The approach aimed to support his platelet recovery, address metabolic imbalances, and provide a sustainable framework for lifestyle modification.


Table 1: Treatment protocol during the stay in Alva’s Anandamaya Arogydhama

DateMorning TreatmentAfternoon TreatmentNight Treatment
23/07/2022Foot reflexology[4]
Hot foot immersion bath[5]
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
24/07/2022Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
25/07/2022Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
26/07/2022Foot massage[6]
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
27/07/2022Foot massage
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
28/07/2022Foot massage
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath

29/07/2022Foot massage
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
30/07/2022Partial massage to hands and legs[7]Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
31/07/2022Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
No treatmentFoot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
1/08/2022Foot massage
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
Neutral underwater massage[8]Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
2/08/2022Abdominal pack[9]
Eye pack[10]
SSPS (Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda)[11]
Abdominal pack
Eye pack
Neutral spinal spray[12]
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
3/08/2022Abdominal pack
Eye pack
Full body massage[13]
Abdominal pack
Eye pack
Neutral underwater massage
Foot reflexology
Hot foot immersion bath
4/08/2022Abdominal pack
Eye pack
Salt glow massage[14]
No treatmentNo treatment

Table 2: Dietetic regimen followed for 13 days

Days7:00 Am9:00 Am10:30 Am12:00 Pm2:30 Pm4:00 Pm5:00 Pm7:00 Pm9:00 Pm
01Tulasi Kashaya[15]Ragi ganji + little jaggery[18]
+ papaya[19]
Chia seeds[20] + honeyBoiled diet + buttermilk[21]Tender coconut water[22]Dry fruits[26] with pomegranate [27]Kiwi fruit[28]2 chapatis[21] + soup (29) + fruits[30]Apple[31]
02Tulasi KashayaRagi ganji + little jaggeryChia seeds + honeyBoiled diet + buttermilkTender coconut waterDry fruits with pomegranateKiwi fruit2 chapatis + soup + fruitsBanana[32]
03Beetroot juice[16]Ragi ganji + little jaggeryChia seeds + honeyBoiled diet
+ buttermilk
Tender coconut waterDry fruits with pomegranateKiwi fruit2 chapatis + soup + fruitsPapaya[33]
04Tulasi KashayaRagi ganji + little jaggeryChia seeds + honeyBoiled diet + buttermilkTender coconut waterDry fruits with pomegranateKiwi fruit2 chapatis + soup + fruitsapple
05Lemon honey juice[17]Ragi ganji + little jaggeryChia seeds + honeyBoiled diet + buttermilkTender coconut waterDry fruits with pomegranateKiwi fruit2 chapatis + soup + fruitsbanana
06Beetroot juiceRagi ganji + little jaggeryChia seeds + honeyBoiled diet + buttermilkBarley water[23]Dry fruits with pomegranateKiwi fruit2 chapatis
+ soup + fruits
07Tulasi KashayaRagi ganji + little jaggeryChia seeds + honeyBoiled diet
+ buttermilk
Carrot juice[24]Dry fruits with pomegranateKiwi fruit2 chapatis + soup + fruitsapple
Honey juice
Ragi ganji + little jaggeryChia seeds + honeyBoiled diet + buttermilkAsh gourd juice[25]Dry fruits with pomegranateKiwi fruit2 chapatis + soup + fruitsbanana
09Beetroot juiceRagi ganji + little jaggeryChia seeds + honeyBoiled diet + buttermilkTender coconut waterDry fruits with pomegranateKiwi fruit2 chapatis + soup + fruitspapaya
10Tulasi KashayaRagi ganji + little jaggeryChia seeds + honeyBoiled diet + buttermilkBarley waterDry fruits with pomegranateKiwi fruit2 chapatis + soup + fruitsapple
11Lemon honey juiceRagi ganji + little jaggeryChia seeds + honeyBoiled diet + buttermilkCarrot juiceDry fruits with pomegranateKiwi fruit2 chapatis + soup + fruitsbanana
12Beetroot juiceRagi ganji + little jaggeryChia seeds + honeyBoiled diet + buttermilkAsh gourd juiceDry fruits with pomegranateKiwi fruit2 chapatis + soup + fruitspapaya
13Tulasi KashayaRagi ganji + little jaggeryChia seeds + honeyBoiled diet + buttermilk

Table 3: Patients pre and post reports.

ParametersPre - reportsPost - reports
Platelet count68,000cells/cumm (20/07/2022)84,000cells/cumm (24/07/2022)
1,20,000cells/cumm (31/07/2022)
1,60,000cells/cumm (03/08/2022)
Asparate aminotransferase (SGOT/AST)97.0 IU/L (20/07/2022)56 IU/L (03/08/2022)
Alanine aminotransferase (SGPT/ALT)60.0 IU/L (20/07/2022)31 IU/L (03/08/2022)
Total cholesterol249.0 mg/dL (20/07/2022)203 mg/dL (03/08/2022)
Triglycerides266.0 mg/dL (20/07/2022)150 mg/dL (03/08/2022)
LDL Cholesterol - Direct150.0 mg/dL (20/07/2022)135 mg/dL (03/08/2022)
HDL Cholesterol - Direct45.0 mg/dL (20/07/2022)38 mg/dL (03/08/2022)
VLDL Cholesterol53.2 mg/dL (20/07/2022)30 mg/dL (03/08/2022)
TC/HDL5.5 (20/07/2022)5.3 (03/08/2022)

LDL/HDL3.3 (20/07/2022)3.5 (03/08/2022)
Fasting blood sugar128.0 mg/dL (20/07/2022)98 mg/dL (03/08/2022)
General parameters
Weight (kg)85.2 (20/07/2022)80.3 (03/08/2022)
BMI (kg/m2)26.3 (20/07/2022)24.8 (03/08/2022)


This case demonstrates the effective use of an integrative naturopathic approach to improve platelet counts and metabolic health in a patient with alcohol-induced thrombocytopenia. The treatment incorporated specific dietary adjustments, physical therapies, and lifestyle changes known to support haematopoiesis and reduce inflammation. Foods high in vitamin A, along with nutrients like pycnogenol, flavonoids, and omega-3 fatty acids, were included to enhance platelet synthesis while reducing aggregation.[34]

Components like garlic, curcumin, and nigella sativa, known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, were used to protect liver health, which is often compromised by alcoholism.[37]

Physical interventions such as warm water immersion and massage were critical in improving blood flow, reducing stress-induced platelet activation, and promoting metabolic function.[35] Massage therapy, for instance, likely contributed to local platelet increase through enhanced circulation, while yoga and relaxation techniques helped stabilize metabolic parameters by lowering inflammation and improving glucose metabolism.[36]

These interventions align with findings that massage and certain plant compounds improve circulation, support metabolism, and assist in weight management by activating brown adipose tissue and reducing fat accumulation.[38,39]

One area for further investigation is the exact role each individual component played in platelet recovery, as they were used simultaneously. This case contrasts with standard treatments, which focus on abstinence alone, by highlighting the broader potential of holistic therapies. The findings support the principle that an integrative approach, combining diet, physical therapy, and lifestyle modification, can effectively manage thrombocytopenia and may offer a replicable model for patients with similar conditions seeking non-pharmacological treatment.


This case report illustrates the potential of an integrative naturopathic approach for managing alcohol-induced thrombocytopenia, highlighting the effectiveness of combining abstinence from alcohol with targeted dietary, lifestyle, and therapeutic interventions. The patient’s platelet counts significantly improved from 68,000 to 160,000 cells/mcL within two weeks, alongside notable reductions in cholesterol, triglycerides, liver enzyme levels, fasting blood sugar, weight, and BMI. These results underscore the relevance of naturopathic methods in addressing not only platelet recovery but also overall metabolic health in patients with substance use disorders.

The study is important as it contributes to limited literature on alternative treatments for thrombocytopenia, especially those related to alcohol use, and offers a model that is both sustainable and non-pharmacological. Further research could investigate the specific impact of individual therapies, such as massage or specific dietary nutrients, to better understand their roles in platelet synthesis and systemic detoxification. The findings suggest a promising, holistic pathway that may benefit patients seeking long-term health improvements through lifestyle modification and natural therapies, potentially enhancing recovery protocols in wellness centers and rehabilitation settings.


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