Integrative Naturopathic Management of Alcohol-Induced Thrombocytopenia: A Case Report
A 40-year-old male presented with thrombocytopenia and chronic alcoholism at Alva’s Anandamaya Arogydhama. The patient had a platelet count of 68,000 cells/mcL, accompanied by general weakness, disturbed sleep, and a long history of alcohol and tobacco use. Upon admission, he discontinued alcohol and tobacco and underwent a 14-day naturopathic inpatient program. Treatment included foot reflexology, hot foot immersion baths, massages, and dietary adjustments emphasizing raw juices, nuts, vegetables, and excluding processed foods, refined sugars, and alcohol. Additionally, daily yoga and pranayama were incorporated. Following the intervention, the patient’s platelet count improved to 160,000 cells/mcL, with reductions in cholesterol, triglycerides, liver enzymes, fasting blood sugar, weight, and BMI. This case demonstrates the effectiveness of an integrated naturopathic approach for thrombocytopenia and highlights the potential benefits of lifestyle modification and detoxification in patients with chronic alcohol use. Findings suggest that comprehensive naturopathic care may support sustainable health improvements in similar cases.
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