And difference in mean was 1.1667. Nidra is produced due to Bahudrava Shleshma, Medodushti and Medodhatvagnimandya ( mainly. As drugs of Akulyaabdadi Kashaya are Deepana, Pachana Lekhana, and Rasayana so they help to reduce this symptom.
FBS: The statistical analysis revealed that the mean FBS score before treatment was 184.40 and after treatment 149.23. This is statistically significant with an improvement by 19.07%. And difference in mean was 35.23.
PPBS: The statistical analysis revealed that the mean PPBS score before treatment was 215.43 and after treatment 181.37 with an improvement by 15.81%. And difference in mean was 34.067.
FUS: The statistical analysis revealed that the mean FUS score before treatment was 0.900 and after treatment 0.3333. This is statistically significant with an improvement by 62.96%. And difference in mean was 0.5667.
PPUS: The statistical analysis revealed that the mean PPUS score before treatment was 0.8333 and after treatment 0.4000. This is statistically significant with an improvement by 51.998%. And difference in mean was 0.4333.
Sugar in blood as well as in urine is the result of either deranged metabolism, lowered urinary threshold point, production of Ama Dosha, or due to their cumulative effect. Results indicate that reduction in urine sugar was well managed by Akulyaabdadi Kashaya. FBS, PPBS, FUS & PPUS had a marked reduction after the treatment in both groups. As the Kwatha contains drugs having Pramehagna, Rasayana, Kapha-Medohara effect. The drugs also proved to have hypoglycemic effect in clinical and experimental studies individuals.
Discussion on Akulyaabdadi Kashaya
Probable mode of action of drugs
Akulyaabdadi Kashaya[9] - is mentioned in Prameha Chikitsa, Kashaya Prakaran of Sahasrayog as an effective treatment in Prameha. The formulation Akulyaabdadi Kashaya consists of Akuli[10], Abdha[11], Triphala[12-14], Rajani[15], Daruharidra[16], Jambu[17], Arjuna[18], Vata[19], Udumbara[20], Ashvatha[21], Plaksha[22], Paarish[23], Patha[24], Kataka[25], Agnimantha[26], Khadira[27], Ambastha[28],
Asana[29], Indradrum[30], Varida[31], Kola[32], Kinsuka[33], Madhu[34], and Adrija Tuttha (Shilajatu[35]). Most of drugs like Akuli, Haritaki, Amlaki, Jambu Agnimantha, Asana, Shilajatu, Madhu and Daruharidra were having Pramehara property directly acting on etiopathogenesis of Apathyanimittaja Prameha. Tikta, Katu, Kashaya Rasa, Laghu, Ruksha Guna, Ushna Virya and Katu Vipaka might have corrected Kapha Dushti and Medo Dhatu Dushti. Tikta Rasa and Sheeta Virya Dravyas might have corrected vitiation of Pitta. In this way preparation acted on Kapha-Pitta and Kapha Vargiya Dushya providing significant relief on various parameters. The alleviation of Kapha-Pitta leads to removal of obstruction to path of Vata and Tridosha Shamaka drug also alleviates Vata Dushti, thus cause normal functioning of Dhatus relieves the symptoms of Prameha.
In Akulyaabdadi Kashaya maximum drugs present in the formulation have a act as lekhaniya, Balya, Kaphahara & Medohara Deepaniya - Pachaniya, Rasayana and Pramehaghna property. Amalaki, Musta and Vibhitaki, Haritaki, Asana, Palasha and Shilajatu have Balya, Rasayana and Dhatuvardhaka property, thus helps in rejuvenation of the cells and rectifying the Khavaigunya in the Rogadhisthaana.
Amalaki, Hareetaki, Vibheetaki, Ambastha, Haridra and Patha present in the formulation is Tridoshahara and help in rectifying Dosha Dushti and thus helps in Samprapti Vighatana.
Akuli, Musta, Amlaki, Hareetaki, Vibheetaki, Haridra Daruharidra, Vata Udumbar, Plaksha, Agnimantha, Khadira, Asana and Samudraphena have Ruksha Guna thus is Kapha, Medohara helping in the Samprapti Vightana help in Kaphameda Harana and thus helps in removing Margavarana, thus helps in the Avaranaja variety.
Hareetaki, Vibheetaki, Haridra, Daruharidra, Patha, Kataka, Ambastha, Asana, Indradruma, Palasha and Madhu have Ushna Virya and thus helps in Vata Kaphaharana and reversal of Samprapti.
Daruharidra, Akuli, Abdha, Amlaki, Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Amlaki and Kataka have Chakshushya property. The complications of diabetes like retinopathy, if any present can be helped by the formulation.
Abdha, Haritaki, Samudraphena has a Lekhana property, thus helping in the Srotoshodhana and in turn helpful in Sthula patients.