
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 10 OCTOBER

Preventive strategies in Ayurveda: A focus on Satvavajaya (promotion of mental health)

Handur SR1*

1* Shantibhushan R Handur, Professor and HOD, Department of Samhita Siddhanta, Guru Gorakhnath Institute of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Ayurveda, Sonabarsa Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Ayurveda being an ancient system of medicine provides a holistic approach to the health in the form of prevention and treatment of illness. Ayurveda gave importance for both physical and mental health. Among preventive strategies of mental health, the concept of Satvavajaya plays a crucial role. This article explores the concept of Satvavajaya principle, its practical application and relevance in contemporary mental health care.

Keywords: Satvavajaya, mental health, emotions, psychological disorders

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Shantibhushan R Handur, Professor and HOD, Department of Samhita Siddhanta, Guru Gorakhnath Institute of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Ayurveda, Sonabarsa Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Handur SR, Preventive strategies in Ayurveda: A focus on Satvavajaya (promotion of mental health). J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(10):40-42.
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© 2024by Handur SRand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Mental health will be influencing the physical health, emotional stability and quality of life. Ayurveda mentioned many key strategies for mental health promotion and prevention from mental disorders. Satvavajaya focuses on maintaining the mental clarity, emotional balance and positive form life.

Concept of Satvavajaya in Ayurveda

Satvavajaya defined as strength of mind or control over mind. It involves the practice and strategies aims at enhancement of mental health and prevention of psychological disorders.[1,2] Ayurveda considered the mental health as an integral part of being well. Satvavajaya helps in managing the emotional disturbances like anxiety, stress, depression thus acts as preventing measures for psychological disorders.[3,4] According to Ayurveda, mental states are influenced by the Trigunas - Sattva (clarity and purity), Rajas (activity and agitation) and Tamas (Inertia and ignorance). Satvavajaya helps to reduce the Rajas and Tamasa and enhances the Sattva Guna.[5,6] Ayurveda emphasizes on interconnectedness between mind and body, if mental states affects then it will influence on physical health also. Satvavajaya supports this connection by providing the mental stability and preventing the physical disorders.[7-8]

Key practices for Satvavajaya

  • Meditation and Mindfulness

Regular practices such as Dhyana (focused meditation) and Vipasana (insight meditation) are the techniques help to improve the concentration of mind and reducing the stress.[9,10] Presence of mind at present moment, which involves observing ones thought and emotions without judgement, which helps in managing stress and improving the mental health.[11,12]

  • Diet and Lifestyle

Ayurveda recommended a diet which promotes mental clarity and emotional balance. Foods which are easily digestible and rich with Sattvic qualities (Fresh fruits, Vegetables and whole grains) support the Mental Health.[13,14] Daily routine like waking up early morning, regular exercises and engaging in clam activities helps to boost physical and mental health.[15,16] Cultivating the Positive thinking will be the fundamental practice of Satvavajaya.

Affirmation and Gratitude practices helps in development of positive mind set and reduces the negative emotions.[17,18] Stress management techniques such as relaxation exercises, meditation and time management strategies are integral part of Mental Health. Balancing work and leisure to avoid the burnout helps to reduce the stress.[19,20]

Engaging in spiritual practices, such as devotional activities and ethical living, contributes for the mental wellbeing. These practices help for inner peace.[21,22] Always building and maintain the good relationships and engaged in community activities support and resilience.[23,24]

Contemporary relevance and evidence based scientific validation

Contemporary studies validated several Ayurveda practices related to the Satvavajaya. Researches indicate that meditation, mindfulness and balanced diet will contribute for the preservation of Mental Health.[25,26] Combing the Ayurveda practices with modern psychological techniques can enhance the mental health approach. Evidence based therapies in collaboration with Ayurveda principles will have the comprehensive approach to Mental Health promotion.[27,28]

Implementing the Satvavajaya practices in public health programmes can address the increased mental issues globally. By promoting these practices help in early detection and prevention of mental health disorders.[29,30] Mental Health policies and practices can provide the mental health care a holistic approach through the Ayurveda.


Satvavajaya practices will be the vital preventive strategy for the promotion of Mental health. Practices focuses on mental clarity, emotional balance and overall wellbeing offers valuable insights for contemporary mental health care. Integrating Ayurveda principles with modern techniques can improve the Mental Health outcomes and promote for mental wellbeing.


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