
Review Article

Panchmahabhoota Siddhanta

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 10 OCTOBER

Panchmahabhoota Siddhanta and its Importance in Ayurveda

Jugale AD1*

1* Archana Dhanpal Jugale, Professor and HOD, Dept of Samhita Siddhanta and Sanskrit, Acharya Deshabhushan Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bedkihal Shamanewadi Tal Nipani Dist Belgavi, Karnataka, India.

Panchmahabhoota Siddhanta is one of the important Siddhanta of Ayurveda. Panchmahabhoota are Akash, Vayu, Agni, Aap and Prithvi. Panchmahabhoota are structural unit of Body. Ahara Dravyas and Aoushadhi Dravyas are also made by Panchmahabhoota. As per Sankhya Darshana, Panchmahabhootas are originated from Tamasika and Rajasika Ahankara. Ayuraveda states that Panchmahabhootas are originated from five Sukshama Bhoota i.e., Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa and Gandha. Theory of Panchmahabhoota is widely utilized in Ayurveda. On the basis of predominancy of Panchmahabhoota all the Dravyas are categorized as Parthiva, Jaleeya, Agneya, Vayaveeya and Akasheeya. As per Sushruta, Prakruti is five types based on Panchmahabhoota. Doshas are structural unit of Body which are also made up of Panchmahaboota. Shadrasa, Triguna i.e., Satwa, Raja and Tama are also made up of Panchmahaboota. In understanding Marma Vigyana knowledge of Panchmahaboota is important. Role of Panchmahabhoota is very important in Chikitsa.

Keywords: Archana DJ. Panchmahabhoota Siddhanta and its Importance in Ayurveda

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Archana Dhanpal Jugale, Professor and HOD, Dept of Samhita Siddhanta and Sanskrit, Acharya Deshabhushan Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bedkihal Shamanewadi Tal Nipani Dist Belgavi, Karnataka, India.
Jugale AD, Panchmahabhoota Siddhanta and its Importance in Ayurveda. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(10):109-113.
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Panchmahabhoota Siddhanta is one of the important Siddhanta of Ayurveda. Panchmahabhootas are structural unit of the body.[1] All the Dravyas in the universe are also made up from Panchmahabhoota.[2] The word Bhoota means भू सत्तायाम i.e., which is present or which is exist in the universe.

महान्ति भूतानि महाभूतानि I

Gross or Sthula form of Bhutas are called Mahabhoota. Panchmahabhoota are Akash, Vayu, Agni, Jala and Prithvi.

महाभूतानि खं वायूरग्निराप: क्षिति स्तथा[3]

Lakshana of Panchmahabhoota[4]

Lakshana of Akash Mahabhoota

  • शब्दगुणकमाकाशम I तच्चेक विभु नित्यं च I (Tarka Sangraha)
  • सत्वबहुलमाकाशम I (Sushruta)

Lakshana of Vayu Mahabhoota

  • रूपरहित स्पर्शवान वायु: I (Tarka Sangraha)
  • रजोबहुलो वायु:I (Sushruta)

Lakshana of Agni Mahabhoota

  • उष्णस्पर्शवत्तेज:I (Tarka Sangraha)
  • सत्वरजोबहुलो अग्नि: I (Sushruta)

Lakshana of Aap Mahabhoota

  • शीतस्पर्शवत्याप : I (Tarka Sangraha)
  • सत्वतमोबहुला आप: I (Sushruta)

Lakshana of Prithvi Mahabhoota

  • तत्र गंधवती पृथ्वी I (Tarka Sangraha)
  • तमो बहुला पृथ्वी I (Sushruta)

Utpatti (Origin) of Panchmahabhoota[5]

The Utpatti of Panchmahabhootas is explained under Srushti Utpatti, as Mahabhootas are the segment of Srushti Utpatti.

  • As per Taitireeya Upanishad Akash Mahabhoota is originated from Atma. From Akash, Vayu Mahabhoot is formed. From Vayu Mahabhoota Teja Mahabhoota is formed. From Teja, Aap Mahabhoota is formed. From Aap, Prithvi Mahabhoota is originated.
  • As per Nyaya Vaisheshika Darshana Panchmahabhootas are originated from Paramanu.
  • Before creation Paramanus are present in scattered form. By the desire of Ishwar, movement and attraction starts in Paramanu. Two Paramanu combines together and forms Dwayanuka. Three Dwayanuka combines together and forms Trayanuka and then formation of Mahabhoota From Prithvi Paramanu Prithvi Mahabhoota is originated, from Aap Paramanu Aap Mahabhoota is originated, from Agni Paramanu Agni Mahabhoota and from Vayu Paramanu Vayu Mahabhoota is originated.

Akash is Nitya. Like this as per Nyaya Vaisheshika Darshana Panchamahabhootas are originates from Paramanu.

  • As per Sankhya Darshana

Samkhya Darshana states that when Prakriti attracts the attention of the Purusha, it results into hyperactive mode which causes the loss of equilibrium in her Trigunas, qualities of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. This turbulent state is called as Avyakta. This hyperactive Avyakta state develops the first intellect which is termed as Mahat-Buddhi. Self-awareness (Ahamkara) is the first thought acknowledged by the intellect. Since Avyakta has three distinct qualities of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas; Ahamkara too, acquires them. Sattvika and Rajasika Ahamkaras collectively form Ekadash Indriyas i.e., the mind, five sensory senses and five motor senses. Tamasika and Rajasika Ahamkaras collectively form Panchatanmatras i.e., Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa and Gandha. Each Tanmatra further forms corresponding basic element, i.e., Shabda forms Akasha element, Sparsha forms Vayu element, Rupa forms Agni element, Rasa forms Jala element and Gandha forms Prthvi element. These five basic elements combine to form the entire non-living universe (Nirindriya Srushti) and all of them along with Avyakta, Manas (mind), five sensory senses and five motor senses form the entire living universe (Sendriya Srushti).

Ekadash IndriyaPancha Tanmatra
5 Jnanendriya
1. Shrotrendriya
2. Ghranendriya
3. Chakshurendriya
4. Rasanendriya
5. Twagiendriya
5 Karmendriya
1. Vaak
2. Pani
3. Pada
4. Payu
5. Upastha
☆ Manas
1. Shabda
2. Sparsha
3. Rupa
4. Rasa
5. Gandha
1. Akash
2. Vayu
3. Agni
4. Aap
5. Prithvi

4) As per Shankaracharya (Vedanta Darshana) Shankaracharya explains the world or creation and Panchmahabhoota are formed by the combination of Sukshma Panchmahabhoota as per Panchikarana. combination of 5 Sukshma Mahabhoota i.e. Tanmatra in specific proportion is called Panchikarana.

e.g., Prithvi Mahabhoota - It is formed by 1/2 part of Gandha Tanmatra and 1/8 part of Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa and Rasa Tanmatra respectively. Like this other Mahabhootas are formed.

5) As per Ayurveda - From Sukshma Bhoota, Panchmahabhoota are originated.

Vishesha Guna of Panchmahabhoota[6]

Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa and Gandha are Vishesha Guna of Akash, Vayu, Agni, Aap and Prithvi Mahabhoota respectively.

Bhootantara Guna Pravesha or Anonyanupravesha[7]

Mahabhoota Guna

1. Akash - Shabda
2. Vayu - Shabda, Sparsha
3. Agni - Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa
4. Aap - Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa Rasa
5. Prithvi - Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa, Gandha

Asadharana Lakshana of Panchmahabhoota[8]

1. Akash - Apratighata (Non obstruction)
2. Vayu - Chala (Movement)
3. Agni - Ushnatwa (Hotness)
4. Aap - Drava (Liquid)
5. Prithvi - Khara (Roughness)


Every science is based on basic principles. To learn and understand science complete knowledge of basic principles is required. Panchmahabhoota Siddhanta is one of the important Siddhanta of Ayurveda. Every Dravya is Panchbhautika. According to predominancy of Mahabhoota it is called as Parthiva, Jaleeya, Agneya, Vayaveeya and Akashiya. Weight of the Dravya is due to Prithvi Mahabhoota. combination of Particles is because of Aap Mahabhoota. Heat or energy present in Dravya is due to Agni Mahabhoota. Movement of particles is due to Vayu Mahabhoota. Space between particles is due to Akash Mahabhoota.

Body is made up from Panchmahabhoota.

पंचमहाभूत शरीरी समवाय: पुरुष: I

So, in the treatment Dravyas are used which are made up from Panchmahabhoota.

In the formation and development of Garbha

Panchmahabhoota plays important role. Akash Mahabhoota increases the size of Garbha by creating spaces in the tissues. Vayu Mahabhoota initiate the cell division for growth. Transformation, metabolism in the cell is due to Agni Mahabhoota. Aap Mahabhoota is responsible for moisture or liquidity which binds the cell. Prithvi Mahabhoota gives stability to the Garbha to attain particular shape.

Colour of foetus:Predominancy of Jala, Akash and Agni Mahabhoota is responsible for Avadata (fair) Varna of Garbha. Predominancy of Prithvi and Vayu Mahabhoota is responsible for Krushna (black) Varna and predominancy of Panchmahabhoota in same quantity is responsible for Shyama Varna.

Panchmahabhoota and Body parts

Parthiva Bhava - Nakha, Danta, Asthi, Mamsa, Kesha, Kandara, Ghranendriya etc.
Jaleeya Bhava - Rasa, Sweda, Kleda, Vasa, Rakta, Kapha, Pitta, Mutra, Rasanendriya etc.
Agneya Bhava - Rupa, Varna, Santapa, Pakti, Chakshurendriya etc.
Vayaveeya Bhava - Rukshata, Prerana, Ucchvasa, Prashwasa, Akunchana, Prasarana, Sparshnendriya etc.
Akasheeya Bhava - Shabda, Laghutwa, Vishad, Srotas, Shrotrendriya etc.

Tridosha and Panchmahabhoota

Vata - Vayu and Akash
Pitta - Agni and Jala
Kapha - Prithvi and Aap

Relation between Dhatu, Mala and Panchmahabhoota

Rasa - Aap
Rakta - Teja and Jala
Mamsa - Prithvi
Meda - Jala and Prithvi
Asthi - Prithvi and Vayu
Majja - Aap
Shukra - Aap
Mutra - Jala and Agni

Purisha - Prithvi
Sweda - Aap

Panchmahabhoota and Triguna

Akash - Satwa Guna predominant
Vayu - Rajo Guna predominant
Agni - Satwa and Rajo Guna predominant
Jala - Satwa and Tamo Guna predominant
Prithvi - Tamo Guna predominant

Panchmahabhoota have their influence in the formation of Shareera Prakruti.

Mahabhoota Shareera Prakruti

Akash: Akashiya Prakruti
Vayu: Vayaveeya Prakruti
Agni: Agneya Prakruti
Aap: Aapya Prakruti
Prithvi: Parthiva Prakruti

Rasa and Panchmahabhoota

Madhura: Aap and Prithvi
Amla: Prithvi and Agni
Lavana: Aap and Agni
Katu:Vayu and Agni
Tikta: Vayu and Akash
Kashaya: Prithvi and Vayu

Marma and Panchmahabhoota

Sadyah Pranahara Marma: Agni
Kalantara Pranahara Marma: Jala and Agni
Vishalya Pranahara Marma: Vayu
Vaikalyakara Marma: Jala
Rujakara Marma: Agni and Vayu

Treatment and Panchmahabhoota

Vamana Dravya is having predominancy of Agni and Vayu Mahabhoota. Virechana Dravya is having predominancy of Aap and Prithvi Mahabhoota. Bruhana Dravya is having predominancy of Prithvi and Jala Mahabhoota. Deepana Dravya is having predominancy of Agni Mahabhoota. Lekhana Dravya is having predominancy of Vayu and Agni Mahabhoota. Shamana Dravya is having predominancy of Akash Mahabhoota.


Panchmahabhoota Siddhanta is one of the important fundamental principles of Ayurveda, it’s knowledge is useful to maintain the health of healthy person and treat diseases.


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7. Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya Charaka Samhita by Agnivesha with the Ayurvada Dipika commentary of Chakrapani Datta, Varanasi, Chowkhamba surabharati prakashana, Reprint 2017;289pp
8. Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya Charaka Samhita by Agnivesha with the Ayurvada Dipika commentary of Chakrapani Datta, Varanasi, Chowkhamba surabharati prakashana, Reprint 2017;289pp